Ithaca College Digital Commons @ IC The thI acan, 2001-02 The thI acan: 2000/01 to 2009/2010 4-4-2002 The thI acan, 2002-04-04 Ithaca College Follow this and additional works at: http://digitalcommons.ithaca.edu/ithacan_2001-02 Recommended Citation Ithaca College, "The thI acan, 2002-04-04" (2002). The Ithacan, 2001-02. 25. http://digitalcommons.ithaca.edu/ithacan_2001-02/25 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the The thI acan: 2000/01 to 2009/2010 at Digital Commons @ IC. It has been accepted for inclusion in The thI acan, 2001-02 by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ IC. VOL 69, No. 24 THURSDAY ITHACA, N. Y. APRIL 4, 2002 28 PAGES, FREE ,, www.ithaca:edu/ithacan _The Newsp_ape_rfor.th_e ltha~a College C<;>mmunity -- - - - ,.-.... .Disc·ussions Firefighters burn calOries 'ori :qjversity College holds move ahead BY EMILY PAULSEN fitness training Staff Writer The college's administration is focusing with rescuers new attention on diversity, one of the nine BY NICOLE GEARING priorities outlined in the institutional plan Staff Writer adopted a year ago. Michael McGreevey, executive assistant People walking through the Center for to the president, said President Peggy R. Health Sciences may be startled to see a Williams asked the Administrative Assem­ man dressed in a navy blue sweat suit and bly, made up of 75 department directors, covered with soot, lying motionless on the deans and other administrators, spend its Jan­ third floor hallway. uary and March meetings discussing the jm­ They need not be alarmed, however, portance, progress and status of diversity is­ because the 185-pound dummy is- being sues at the institution. used as part of a physical fitness test in "I think every college has trouble with di­ the new Firefighter Training Program versity," McGreevey said. "You can never sponsored by the Wellness Center. say you've reached your goal because it's The Wellness Center, part of the never good enough. So it's something that School of Health Sciences and Human we continue to make a priority." Performance, is offering the physical fit­ McGreevey said the assembly heard ness tests to members of the Ithaca Fire presentations regarding admissions, hiring, Department as an educational experience affirmative action, multicultural affairs and for students and as a community service other diversity issues at the college. for the City of Ithaca. Following the presentations, the assembly Betsy Keller, associate professor broke up into small groups to discuss why di­ and acting chairwoman of the Depart­ versity is important to specific department~ and ment of Exercise and Sport Sciences; to the college as a whole, he said. They also Frank Micale, Clinical Assistant Pro­ discussed more specific questions and then fessor and Wellness Clinic Director; and shared their answers with the entire assembly. graduate student Kelly Brady are Nancy Pringle, vice president and college working together to evaluate firefight­ counsel, said the college needs to address many ers' physical endurance, strength and diversity issues, in addition to recruiting more lung capacity while performing simula­ diverse faculty, staff and students. tion tasks. "Diversity is really about culture of your Keller, who has been planning the pro­ institution," she said. "You can recruit people gram for two years, said it functions as a to your institution, but if you don't have a cul­ lab for exercise and sport science students ture or a climate at the institution that's wel­ as well as provides firefighters with CORINNE JACOBY/THE ITHACAN coming, then you can recruit all the people you MIKE HAGIN OF the Ithaca Fire Department carries a dummy as part of a physi­ want, but they're probably not going to stay See PROGRAM, Page 4 cal training test for strengthTuesday afternoon at the Wellness Clinic. for very long. You can't, in my mind, sepa­ rate the recruitment from the retention." Brian McAree, vice president for student affairs and campus life, said the meetings were intended to bring a common understanding of where the college stands on diversity, not to Students announce campaigns outline specific actions to be taken. "This was more brainstorming and gath­ BY BROOKE BENNETT If elected, Langley would take the title "We were already extremely involved on ering information about what people's Staff Writer of student body spokesperson with the par­ campus," Palmero said. "We realized we thoughts are, what they feel the challenges are," ty Solidaridad. Other candidates are: could have a bigger impact by joining SGA" he said. "It was excellent discussion. Some Junior Lisa Palmero and sophomore Joy sophomore Eric Lieb, spokesperson of Last year Palmero ran unsuccessfully good ideas came up. What we're going to do Langley have announced their intentions to academics; freshman Brett Miller, for the post of vice president of campus now is take the next step and follow up on those run for the presidency of the Student Gov­ spokesperson of communications; sopho­ affairs. discussions and try to get more specific." ernment Association Executive Board for the more Maria Stojanova, spokesperson of Candidates for seniOi class officers also Prif!gle said the institutional plan, which 2002-2003 academic year. campus affairs; and junior Mary Rogers, kicked off their campaigns Tuesday night. was adopted last spring, outlines specific im­ Palmero is running for student body spokesperson of business and finance. Junior Elizabeth Tramontozzi is running for plementation strategies for achieving diver­ president with the Solidaridad hopes senior class president with the Fusion Par­ sity goals but does not limit departments to party Cynosure. to change SGA's con- ty, which includes juniors Abigail Holley, those few suggested strategies. Other party mem­ stitution to add Michael Yager and Jessica Gould. She said the college's commitment to di­ bers are: sophomore sophomore Selena Junior Maureen Devine is heading the versity is important because it applies to all Danielle D' Abate, Musuta as the House Party, which includes Juniors departments and aspects of the institution. vice president of spokesperson of di­ Russell Wagner, Dwayne Brown and "It's the one priority in the institutional plan academics; sopho­ versity affairs, in­ Kara Pangburn. that is almost an umbrella over the entire in­ more Melissa Fer­ creasing the number of Junior Jocelyn Salzano is runmng for stitution," she said. "It affects the academic side raro, vice president of exec·utive board president with the Universal Party, which of the institution. It impacts the work force here communications; ju­ members to six. inc_Iudes juniors Gregg Goldstein, Brian at the institution. It impacts students and stu­ nior Jennifer Ad- : Solidaridad's plat- Bicher and Amanda Strauss. dent life outside the classroom." donizio, vice presi- _ PALMERO form calls for a focus LANGLEY . A fourth party was disbanded because Travaena Potter-Hall, director of affir­ dent of campus af- on reforming the way _- Sasha Lotfi, the presidential candidate, did mative action and equal opportunity, said the fairs; and sophomore' Adam Aurand, vice Congress operates to-increase student input. not meet academic eligibility requirements. recent discussions demonstrate that the col­ president of business and .finance. ' "Our party is about creating a unified stu­ Lotti appealed to the SGA Elections Com­ lege values diversity and is actively work­ Langley is· president of the Ithaca _Col~ dent bcxly to privilege the student voice on mittee to make an exception, but the appeal ing to make progress. lege Deoiocrats and aformer Student-Gov­ the Ithaca College campt.1:s.," Langley said. was denied. Lotti then appealed to Congress "A lot of institutions don't necessarily ernment-Association rep~entative. She.said Cynosure's plat:fatm centers around di­ to. grant his appeal but was de_nied again. make diversity one of their guiding princi­ her party would .no~ ~~-. the traditj_~nal_ ti- ve"i:sify;.issues, including trying to add a di­ - All candidates for both executive board ples or primary objectives, but here at IC, di­ -ties of pre.5,i~nt and vice president because versity requirement to the curriculum, im­ · and ~ior class will participate in a debate versity is one of the nine priorities," she said. they'wanttocreate more unity within Con-: proving communication between SGA and and tq:wn meeting ·on Sunday at 6 p.in. in "What we're trying to do now is go from gress an~ to eliminate barriers between the the student body and _providing ethical Textor.102. words to action, implementing that ppority ,execuJive·-ooard and the representatives. leadership. ElectiQns will be held April 17. and making it a reality." INSIDE ..\CCENTi ••• 13 CLASSIFIED ... 2 l _·COMICS· •.• ~ 20 OPINION •••. 10 SPORTS ••• 28 ~2--THE ITHACAN - NEWS THURSDAY, APRIL 4; 2002 National . and International News 0 Israeli troops moved into Bethlehem early Tuesday after attacking Palestinian security headquarters near Ramallah. PREPARATIONS CONTINUE Numbers show rise of women in college While women have been the majority of college stu­ dents for about two decades, recent Census figures show that, nationally, their numbers have risen to 56 percent. In addition, women today earn the majority percentage of all degrees except doctorates. In the past few years, more women than men received bachelor degrees in science-related fields. Even in tradi­ tionally male-dominated fields such as engineering, ar­ chitecture and mathematics, women cut the gap by as much as 20 percent from a decade ago. - The reasons for the phenomenon are many, said Lynn Appleton, a sociologist at Florida Atlantic University in Boca Raton, Fla. But the fundamental reasons, she said, focus on the changing family. For example, she said because many contemporary fam­ ilies feel the need for two incomes, "many women who inay not have prepared themselves for the workforce 30 years ago now assume they will have to hold a job." Texas university remembers victims Abilene Christian University was grieving Sunday night for five Nigerian students killed Easter morning when their sport utility vehicle veered off Interstate 20 and crashed onto a concrete embankment in Parker County, Texas.
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