University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository Albuquerque Morning Journal 1908-1921 New Mexico Historical Newspapers 7-31-1907 Albuquerque Morning Journal, 07-31-1907 Journal Publishing Company Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/abq_mj_news Recommended Citation Journal Publishing Company. "Albuquerque Morning Journal, 07-31-1907." (1907). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/ abq_mj_news/4604 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Albuquerque Morning Journal 1908-1921 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. c MMBUQUEBQWE f MOENING" JOTOSsÓ 0 i . ArJ" TWENTY-NINT- H YEAR ALBUQUERQUE, NEW. MEXICO, WEDNESDAY, JULY By M.ll. S.M .Veer. K PCMTO 31, 1907. Br terrier. We. a Mualh. PDfr to have appeared as to a witness tell western Washington today, the maxi- what he knew of his friend's tragic-en- this afternoon. Rumbaugh mum temperature being reported In TRAGIC DEATH claimed to be hut a chance acquaint- Portland where the mercury register- LAND DEALS IN t) ance of the girl, but it develops that COM PLETE LIST ed almost dgrees and practically TAFT ASSURED he knew her in Chicago and also knew equalled the hottest day In the' record C. A. Coey, the wealthy Chlcagoan COini of the weather bureau. Through the and Dr. H. N. Thomas, of "101 ranch western parts of the states the tem- He was frequently a memher of peratures ranged above 90. Because parties at which Miss Matthews and of the low humidity there was no suf- OF WITNESS other men referred to were members. APPOINTSTO NEW fering and little inconvenience. He was the only one who accom- MICO OFCOLUIIA OF SUPPORT panied Nurse Green to the livery (.ta- ble about 5 o'clock Mondin- - morning LANDSLIDE INCANAL to see If the actress' horse had re- turned. He waa the first to apnear ZONE HAMPERS WORK its her friend when her death was re E ported, and it was he who sent the telegram to Coey demanding that "he OFFICE INTERESTING VICTIMS Colon, July 30. The land arounJ III tlo the right thing by the girl," while Lion Hill, ten miles from Colon, is KOI still more, it was to him that Mlfjs to have sunk this afternoon. Matthews left a letter in which was It Is stated also that through trains inclosed another letter to Coey. are unable to pass, so extensive Is the The nuthorlties are now wondering damage in that region and no train what testimony it was that Rumbach SCHMITZ NAMES FULL SEVENTY-SEVE- N DEAD are running this evening. Efforis CASE had that he preferred suicide rather PRESIDENT are now being made to resume pas- STATE than give. There is now a serious Im- BOARD OF SUPERVISORS IN STEAMER DISASTER senger service tomorrow. pression that he was in some way con- nected with the girl's death. ;lfl to Lord Cromer. Qwlng to the unsettled slate of af- fairs, the confusion attendant upon the Prisoner Complains Bitterly Sixty-si- x Passengers and London, July SO. Both houses to- . Young Man in Colorado Springs young day approved the grant of $2"0,0ii to death of the man so soon after Mr, Roosevelt Counts on A- Republican En- the death of the girl and at the pecul- That His Successor Opens Eleven Members of Crew Lord Cromer who recently resigned Committee Blows Out His Brains While iar time that it occurred,' the officers ssistance of Captain Curry in the post of British agent and consul have not had time to examine his pa- Mail While He general in Egypt. dorses War Secretary's Can- pers Languishes Among the Missing; Bodies ' Coroner's Jury Awaits His and effects. The coroner has had Probing Disposition of Vari- everything placed In the dying man's in Durance Vile. Beyond Recovery, Ileal Fleclions In purls. didacy for White House De- - trunk and has had the mom locked. Coining, . Paris, July SO. from tl" If Rumbaugh did not destroy let- ous Grants to Territory, ileturns the local elections of members to the gen- spite Vigorous Opposition, . ter left him by Miss Matthews, to- ir.y Morning Jnumnl Kperlol leaned Wire.) By Morning Journal Special leased Wire eral council are now complete, and gether with th letter to Coey, It is show SECOND believed they will San Francisco, July 30. Eugene E. Kan Francisco. July 30. The San that the governmental parties SUICIDE ADDS show startling facts NEW GOVERNOR gained a eighty-fou- r that may entangle many people of Schmitz, the convicted mayor, today EXPECTED Francisco and Portland company's have total of RESOLUTION ALSO LAUDS made appointments to fill vacan- corrected list, furnished to the Asso- seats. TO GREWSOME MYSTERY prominence. the AT . The telegram sent by Rumbaugh to cies created by the forced resignations SAGAMORE HILL TODAY ciated Press this evening shows that F0RAKER AND DICK Coey Monday morning, taken in the of thirteen members of the board of of the ISC passengers carried by ih; light of his suicide, has more meaning supervisors, Schmitz claiming the steamer Columbia, sixty-si- x are mis.i-In- g Letters of Dead Man May In- than before. It was as follows: right to appoint on the ground Assistant Attorney General to and in all probability were ENGINE BLOWS IIP that Fifty-nin- e were Services of Distin "Laura committed suicide on ac- he is the rightful mayor of San Fran- drowned. of these Senators volve count of you. Letters left behind. I cabin passengers and seven hud taker Prominent Persons In cisco. Participate nj Conference steerage Send $300 at once for expenses." The berths. guished by Ability and It appointees are as follows: Only eleven of the fifty-nin- e mem- Scandal, Is Belief of shows that Rumbaugh knew Coey William Cole, carpenter, the well enough to speak to him of building Frought With Interest to bers of the crew are now missing 4 10 Patriotism, Declares Clause "Laura" and to threaten him. But trades council. This revision brings the total number DEI Police, T. - lili now the oflleers want to know If it J. Ticrney, cement worker,- build- Many People Here, of missing, passengers and crew, lo Opposing Their Retirement. was a threat or simply a bluff. Rum- ing trades council. seventy-seve- n. There were 248 souls baugh was about 28 years old and was Thomas Maxwell, carpenter, amal- on the Columbia when she collided (By Morning Journal SihiHhI By Morning Wire-- Jnrd Wire.J a son of a wealthy Washington, D. C, gamated carpenters. Journal Pperlal Jimeil with the San Pedro at 12:22 o'clock By Morning JoarnU Special Wire. Colorado Sunday morning. July 21. Two Freight Trains on Illinois Lmm4 Springs, Colo., July 30 family. A service medal of honor Henry Sheehan, painter, building Washington, July 30. Captain Columbus, O., July shows he served governor Following is the corrected list, fur- 30. The candi- Deep mystery still surrounds the that with distinction trades council. George Curry, formerly of Ex- dacy of William H. Ta ft, aecretary of In the Tenth Pennsylvania Infantry In P. D. Hawthorne, mem- the province of Samar in the Philip- nished by the steamship company. Ill Central Demolished by death of Miss Laura Matthews, ac- stevedore, war, waa endorsed by the republican the the Philippines. ber city front federation. pines and recently appointed governor not everv case is the place of resílleme why of the missing passengers known. In of Boiler, state committee today. The endorse tress is supposed to have com- J. A. Keagh, musician, labor coun- of New Mexico, arrived In Washington plosion Locomotive ment carried with It a uMj MXECTEIi II Kit COFFIN from the west today. Captain Curry such cases the name is given of the declaration that mitted suicide near Broadmoor Sun- HKFOKE SEEKING cil. place where was purchased the rail-- i the republicans of Onio arc opposed day morning, DEATH J. F. Leonard, called at the interior department on to the "ellmlnafion from public life and the later utterry ted Colorarlo Springs, Col., July 30. electrician, labor important business matters and leaves road ticket on which the steamer By Morning Journal Special I.iuiard Wire.) of At re- council. transportation on Columbia Senators Foraker and Dick." of Amos R. Rumbaugh, giving the coroner's lnouest over the at once for Oyster Bay, where he has the from Milan. Tenn., July 30. Four per- Although by mains of Laura Matthews, whose J. J. Williams, master plumber. been San Francisco to Portland was Issued. beaten a decisive vote his address as Washington, D. C. summoned to consult with Presi- sons were killed outright and another In all tne preliminary contests, the ad- dead body was discovered yesterday J. J. Heney, steam fitter, labor dent Roosevelt before assuming the It Is believed that the errors caused was fatally Injured and ten others Late rumors are to the morning, Miss Green, the, nurse ami council. in the early lists of missing and survi- herents of Senator Foraker in the effect that duties of his office. This conference were seriously hurt at a late hour to- committee refused accept olive Miss Im- vors by the giving of incorrect names tj the Itumbaugh is responsible for the Matthews' companion, admitted John McCracker, department store is understood to be of the highest night when the holler of an engine blanch by sup- writing to of gov- when passage was engaged, have been extended the Taft, of several letters friends clerk.
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