RICHARD NIXON PRESIDENTIAL LIBRARY DOCUMENT WITHDRAWAL RECORD DOCUMENT DOCUMENT SUBJECT/TITLE OR CORRESPONDENTS DATE RESTRICTION NUMBER TYPE 1 Agenda Dr. Ernest Nixon Funeral 3/6/1969 A 2 Manifest Presidential Helicopter Flights 3/7/1969 A 3 Manifest Presidential Helicopter Flights 3/10/1969 A 4 Agenda Visit to the Central Intelligence Agency, p. 3/7/1969 A 2 COLLECTION TITLE BOX NUMBER WHCF: SMOF: Office of Presidential Papers and Archives RC-2 FOLDER TITLE President Richard Nixon’s Daily Diary March 1, 1969 – March 15, 1969 PRMPA RESTRICTION CODES: A. Release would violate a Federal statute or Agency Policy. E. Release would disclose trade secrets or confidential commercial or B. National security classified information. financial information. C. Pending or approved claim that release would violate an individual’s F. Release would disclose investigatory information compiled for law rights. enforcement purposes. D. Release would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of privacy G. Withdrawn and return private and personal material. or a libel of a living person. H. Withdrawn and returned non-historical material. DEED OF GIFT RESTRICTION CODES: D-DOG Personal privacy under deed of gift -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NATIONAL ARCHIVES AND RECORDS ADMINISTRATION *U.S. GPO; 1989-235-084/00024 NA 14021 (4-85) I THE WHITE HOUSE PRESIDENT RICHARD NIXON'S DAILY DIARY P!.A~E· BE~AN (See Travel Record for Travel Activity) I 0AY DATE (Mo.• Day. Yr.) March I, 1969 TIME DAY PARIS, FRANCE 9:39 a.m. Saturday PHONE TIME P=Placed R=Received ACTIVITY In Out Lo LD 9:39 10:03 The President and his official party motored from the Quai d Orsay to the Trianon at Versailles. 10:03 The President and President Charles de Gaulle met in private and then joined in expanded talks with: William P. Rogers, Sec. of State Couve de Murville, Prime Minister Henry A. Kissinger, Asst. for NSA MartinJ. Hillenbrand, Asst. Sec. of State and others. Following the talks the President attended a luncheon hosted by President Charles DeGaulle. Among those present were: William P. Rogers, Sec. of State Henry A. Kissinger, Asst. for NSA Martin J. Hillenbrand, Asst. See. of State Michael Debre, Minister of Foreign Affairs Sargent Shrive r, US Amb. to France and others. I 4:31 Following the luncheon, the President and President Charles de Gaulle took a walk in the garden and then returned to I resum e talks between officials of both countries. 4:31 4:58 The President and his official party motored from the Trianon at Versailles to the American Embassy in Paris. 4:58 6:20 The President met with leading French citizens at the Embassy For a list of those present, see APPENDIX "A". 6:20 6:27 The President and his official party motored from the America Embassy to the Quai d'Orsay. 6:27 7:42 The President met with members of his staff. 6:38 6:52 R The President talked with Spec. Asst. Ronald L. Ziegler. 7:42 7 :45 The President and his official party motored from the Quai d'Orsay to the residence of Amb. Sargent Shriver. 7 :45 11:38 The President and his official party attended a black tie dinner hosted by the President in honor of the President and Madame de Gaulle. For a list of those present, see APPENDIX liB". THE WHITE HOUSE PRESIDENT RICHARD NIXON'S DAILY DIARY (See Travel Record for Travel Activity) PLAn. DAY BEGAN DATE (Mo.• Day. Yr.) March I, 1969 TIME DAY PARIS, FRANCE 11:38 p.m. Saturday PHONE TIME P=Placed R=Received ACTIVITY In Out Lo LD 11 :38 11:42 The President and his official party motored from the residence of the US Ambassador Sargent Shriver to the Quai d'Orsay. ApPENDIX "A'f PARIS, FRANCE - MEETING WITH LEADING FRENCH CITIZENS. THOSE PRESENT WERE: -'­, MARCH 1, 1969 Pierre Aigrain, General Delegate to the Scientific and Technical Research Raymond Aron, Editorialist for the French newspaper, Le Figaro General Andre Beaufre, Director of the Institute of Strategic Studies Andrew Bergeron, Secretary General of the Force Ouvriere Bernard Cazes, representative of the Commission of the Plan Jean Daniel, Writer from the French Newspaper, Le Nouvel Observateur Eugene Descampss, Secrectary General of the C. F. D. T. Jacques Duhamel, Dep:uty and President of the P. D. M. group Dr. Claudine Escoffier-Lambiotte, Medical Writer for the French Newspaper, Le Monde Andre Fontaine, Writer for the French Newspaper, Le Monde Marius-Francois Guyard, Rector of the University of Montpellier Pierre Hassner, Professor of Political Science Paul Huvelin, President of the Counseil National du Patronat Francais Mme Helene-Gordon Lazareff, Founder and Director of the Journal, Elle Jacques Mayoux, General Director of the Credit Agricole Alain Peyrefitte, President of the Commission of Education and Social Affairs of the National Assembly Andre Safir, law student at the University of Nanterre ~( Roland Sadoun, Director of the French Institute of Public Opinion r-- Paul Vincent, Director General of the Rothschild Banks -_. - r-'~'------------- -. -------- ----­ THE WHITE HOUSE PRESIDENT RICHARD NIXON'S DAILY DIARY (See Travel Record for Travel Activity) PLACE :(1,\'J:' BEGAN DATE (Mo., bay, Yr.) March 2, 1969 TIME . DAY PARIS, FRANCE 8:36 a. m. Sunday PHONE TIME P=Placed R=Received ACTIVITY In Out Lo LD 8:36 8 :38 The President and his official party motored from the Q'uai d'Orsay to the American Embassy. 8 :38 The President met in private for approximately 15 minutes with Henry C. Lodge, the chief US negotiator at the Vietnam peace talks. They we re then joined by othe r officials including: William P. Roge rs, Sec. of State Henry A. Kissinger, Asst. for NSA Lawrence E. Walsh, Deputy US Negotiator Marshall Green, Amb. Philip C. Habib, US Specialist for Vietnam The President and chief negotiator Henry C. Lodge then met with South Vietnam's Vice President, Nguyen Cao Ky for approximately 15 minutes. Pham Dang Lam, chief negotiator for South Vietnam, and I, additional American officials then joined the meeting. 12 :39 The President then visited with members of the American Embassy staff and their families. 12 :39 12:41 The President and his official party motored from the America Embassy to the Elysee Palace. 12:41 1:49 The President and his official party met with President Charles de Gaulle and officials of the French government. For a list of those present, see APPENDIX "A". 1:49 2:06 The President and President Charles de Gaulle motored from the Elysee Palace to Orly Airport. 2:06 2 :20 The President and President Charles de Gaulle participated in departure ceremonies. 2 :20 3 :58 The President and his official party flew on Air Force One from Orly Airport to Fiumiciano Airport in Rome. For a list of passengers, see APPENDIX liB". 3:58 4:05 The President and his official party upon arriving at the Fiumiciano Airport, transferred from Air Force One to Army 1. I THE WHITE HOUSE PRESIDENT RICHARD NIXON'S DAILY DIARY I (s.. Travel Record for Travel Activity) PLACE DAY B~GAN DATE (Mo.• Day. Yr.) March 2, 1969 TIME DAY THE VATICAN 4:05 P. m. Sunday PHONE TIME P=Placed R=Received ACTIVITY In Out Lo LD 4:05 4 :15 The President flew by helicopter to the helioport at Propagation of the Faith Field, near the Vatican. For a list of passengers, see APPENDIX "G". 4:20 4:23 The President and his official party motored from the helioport to the Vatican. 4:23 The President was greeted by Pope Paul VI and eScorted into the Papal Salon and then to the Pope's Study for a private meeting. Other officials joined the meeting after approxi­ mately an hour and a quarter. 5:32 Following the meeting with Pope Paul VI, the President went to the Salla Clementine to greet US priests and students. 5:32 5:43 The President flew by helicopter from the Vatican to the Fiumiciano Airport. For a passenger list, see APPENDIX II "D" . 5:43 7:00 Available information throws no light on the President's activities during this period. 7:00 The President and his official party flew by Air Force One from Fiumiciano Airport to Andrews Air Force Base, America. For a list of passengers, see APPENDIX "E" ALL FOLLOWING TIMES ARE EASTERN STANDARD TIME. 9:54 The President and his official party arrived at Andrews Air Force Base on Air Force One and participated in the welcoming ceremonies. 10:26 10:33 The President flew by helicopter from Andrews Air Force BaSE to the South Grounds of the White House. For list of passengers, see APPENDIX "E'''. THE WHITE HOUSE PRESIDENT RICHARD NIXON'S DAILY DIARY (See Travel Record for Travel Activity) PLA':E DAY flEGAN DATE (Mo., Day, Yr.) March 2, 1969 TIME DAY THE WHITE HOUSE - WASHINGTON, D. C. 10:33 p.m. Sunday PHONE TIME P=Placed R=Received ACTIVITY In Out Lo LD 10:33 10:38 The President went to the Residence accompanied by: The First Lady Patricia Nixon Helen Drown 10 :56 11:00 The President met with his physician Walter R. Tkach, Col. , USAF, MC 11:25 11:2.'i P The President talked with Vice President Spiro T. Agnew. 12: 15 The President retired. APPENDIX "':6' ( PASSENGER MANIFEST FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY AlE FORCE ONE PARIS, FRANCE to ROME, ITALY 2 MAR 1969 - Depart: 2:21 pm Arrive: 3:58pm 1+37 720 8M I. The President 2. Honorable William Rogers 3· Honorable John B. Ehrlichman 4. Honorable H. A. Haldeman 5· Honorable Henry Kissinger 6.. Honorable Emil Mosbacher 7· Miss Rose Mary Woods 8.
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