GAUTENG PROVINCE OFFICE OF THE PREMIER REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA PR361/2019 | ISBN: 978-0-621-47786-3 C O N T E N T S GENERAL INFORMATION 1 A 1. DEPARTMENT GENERAL INFORMATION 2 2. LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS/ACRONYMS 3 3. FOREWORD BY THE PREMIER 6 4. OVERVIEW BY THE ACCOUNTING OFFICER 8 5. STATEMENT OF RESPONSIBILITY AND CONFIRMATION OF ACCURACY FOR THE ANNUAL REPORT 11 6. STRATEGIC OVERVIEW 12 6.1. Vision 13 6.2. Mission 13 6.3. Values 13 6.4. Strategic Goals 14 7. LEGISLATIVE AND OTHER MANDATES 14 8. ORGANISATIONAL STRUCTURE 15 9. ENTITIES REPORTING TO THE OFFICE OF THE PREMIER 16 HIGH LEVEL ORGANISATIONAL STRUCTURE 17 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION 19 B 10. STATEMENT OF RESPONSIBILITY FOR PERFORMANCE INFORMATION 20 11. AUDITOR-GENERAL’S REPORT – PREDETERMINED OBJECTIVES 21 12. OVERVIEW OF DEPARTMENTAL PERFORMANCE 21 12.1. Service Delivery Environment 21 12.2. Service Delivery Improvement Plan 22 12.3. Organisational Environment 26 12.4. Key Policy Developments and Legislative Changes 27 13. STRATEGIC OUTCOME-ORIENTED GOALS 28 14. PERFORMANCE INFORMATION BY PROGRAMME 31 14.1. Programme 1: Administration 31 14.1.1. Sub-Programme: Executive Council Support 32 14.1.2. Sub-Programme: Director-General Support 35 14.1.3. Sub-Programme: Financial Management 38 14.2. Programme 2: Institutional Development 40 14.2.1. Sub-Programme: Strategic Human Resources 41 14.2.2. Sub-Programme: Information and Communication Technology 45 14.2.3. Sub-Programme: Legal Services 47 14.2.4. Sub-Programme: Communication Services 49 14.2.5. Sub-Programme: Service Delivery Interventions 51 14.3. Programme 3: Policy and Governance 53 14.3.1a. Sub-Programme: GEYODI and MVO, including Tshepo 1 Million 54 14.3.1b. Tshepo 1 Million 56 14.3.2a. Sub-Programme: Service Delivery and Integrity Management 58 14.3.2b. Sub-Programme: Intergovernmental Relations 61 14.3.3. Sub-Programme: Cluster Management 64 14.3.4. Sub-programme: Planning, Performance Monitoring and Evaluation 66 14.3.4a. Sub-Sub-programme: Gauteng Development Planning (GCR Planning Division) 66 14.3.4b. Sub-Sub-programme: Deliverology Support Unit (GCR Planning Division) 69 14.3.4c. Sub-Sub-programme: Performance Monitoring and Evaluation 72 14.3.5. Programme and Sub-programme Expenditure 76 15. TRANSFER PAYMENTS, EXCLUDING PUBLIC ENTITIES 76 16. CONDITIONAL GRANTS AND EARMARKED FUNDS PAID 77 17. DONOR FUNDS 77 18. CAPITAL INVESTMENT 77 Annual Report 2018/2019 | Vote 1: Office of the Premier | Gauteng Provincial Government • iii C GOVERNANCE 79 19. INTRODUCTION 80 20. REPORT ON COMPLIANCE TO THE PROMOTION OF ACCESS TO INFORMATION ACT, 2000 83 21. RISK MANAGEMENT 83 22. FRAUD AND CORRUPTION 85 23. MINIMISING CONFLICT OF INTEREST 86 24. CODE OF CONDUCT 86 25. HEALTH, SAFETY AND ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES 87 26. GOVERNANCE OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 87 27. PORTFOLIO COMMITTEES 87 28. SCOPA RESOLUTIONS 88 29. PRIOR MODIFICATIONS TO AUDIT REPORTS 88 30. INTERNAL CONTROL 88 31. INTERNAL AUDIT AND AUDIT COMMITTEES 88 32. AUDIT COMMITTEE REPORT 90 HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT 93 D 33. LEGISLATION THAT GOVERNS HR MANAGEMENT 94 34. INTRODUCTION 94 35. HUMAN RESOURCE OVERSIGHT STATISTICS 95 FINANCIAL INFORMATION 113 E 36. REPORT OF THE ACCOUNTING OFFICER 114 37. REPORT OF THE AUDITOR-GENERAL 122 38. ANNUAL FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 127 Appropriation Statement 127 Notes to the Appropriation Statement 154 Statement of Financial Performance 155 Statement of Financial Position 156 Statement of Changes in Net Assets 157 Cash Flow Statement 158 Accounting policies 159 Notes to the Annual Financial Statements 164 Unaudited Supplementary Schedules 185 iv •Gauteng Provincial Government | Vote 1: Office of the Premier | Annual Report 2018/2019 GENERAL INFORMATION A 1. DEPARTMENT GENERAL INFORMATION PHYSICAL ADDRESS: 30 Simmonds Street Corner Fox Street Johannesburg 2001 POSTAL ADDRESS: Private Bag X 61 Marshalltown 2107 TELEPHONE NUMBER: 011 355 6000 HOTLINE: 08600 11000 FAX NUMBER: 011 834 9177 EMAIL ADDRESS: [email protected] WEBSITE ADDRESS: www.gauteng.gov.za 2 • Gauteng Provincial Government | Vote 1: Office of the Premier | Annual Report 2018/2019 2. LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS/ACRONYMS AfDB African Development Bank AGSA Auditor-General of South Africa AIF Africa Investment Forum APP Annual Performance Plan B-BBEE Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment BEPP Built Environment Performance Plan / Planning BMT Broad Management Team BoL Bank of Lisbon CEO Chief Executive Officer CGICT Corporate Governance of Information and Communication Technology CIC Central Information Centre CIPC Companies and Intellectual Property Commission COGTA Department of Co-operative Governance and Traditional Affairs CoJ City of Johannesburg CSIR Council for Scientific and Industrial Research DDG Deputy Director-General DED Department of Economic Development DG Director-General DHS Department of Human Settlements DID Department of Infrastructure Development DoH Department of Health DPME Department of Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation DPSA Department of Public Service and Administration DRDLR Department of Rural Development and Land Reform DRT Department of Roads and Transport DSD Department of Social Development DSU Delivery Support Unit ECD Early Childhood Development EE Employment Equity EHWP Employee Health and Wellness Programme EMT Executive Management Team Exco Executive Committee / Executive Council FAM Forum of African Metropolises FDI Foreign Direct Investment FMDC Fully Managed Data Centre FOSAD Forum of South African Directors-General FSDM Frontline Service Delivery Monitoring FSPAPP Framework for Strategic Planning and Annual Performance Plans FY Financial Year GCR Gauteng City Region GCRA Gauteng City Region Academy GCR IIMP Gauteng City Region Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan GCRO Gauteng City Region Observatory GEAC Gauteng Ethics Advisory Council GEYODI Gender, Youth and People with Disabilities GIFA Gauteng Infrastructure Financing Agency GIIMP Gauteng Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Annual Report 2018/2019 | Vote 1: Office of the Premier | Gauteng Provincial Government • 3 GIS Geographic Information System GPD Gauteng Planning Division GPG Gauteng Provincial Government GPT Gauteng Provincial Treasury GRV Goods Received Voucher GSDF Gauteng Spatial Development Framework HCT HIV Counselling and Testing HDI Historically Disadvantaged Individual HoD Head of Department HR Human Resources HRD Human Resource Development I-AMP Infrastructure Asset Management Plan ICT Information and Communication Technology IDP Integrated Development Plan / Planning IGR Intergovernmental Relations IGRF Intergovernmental Relations Framework Act ILERA International Labour and Employment Relations Association IR Intergovernmental Relations IT Information Technology IUDF Integrated Urban Development Framework IVLP International Visitors and Leadership Programme KPA Key Performance Area LAN Local Area Network MAM Metropolis Annual Meeting MEC Member of the Executive Council Metro Metropolitan MINMEC Ministers and Members of Executive Council MoA/U Memorandum of Agreement/Understanding MPAT Management Performance Assessment Tool MPSA Minister for Public Service and Administration MSDF Municipal Spatial Development Framework MTEC Medium-Term Expenditure Committee MTEF Medium-Term Expenditure Framework MTSF Medium Term Strategic Framework MVO Military Veterans Organisations NACH National Anti-Corruption Hotline NDP National Development Plan NPAC National Programme of Action for Children NSG National School of Government OCPOL Oversight Committee on the Office of the Premier and Legislature OHS Occupational Health and Safety OoP Office of the Premier PAIA Promotion of Access to Information Act PFMA Public Finance Management Act PMBOK Project Management Body of Knowledge PMDS Performance Management and Development System PME Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation PME-GPD Performance Monitoring and Evaluation – Gauteng Planning Division 4 • Gauteng Provincial Government | Vote 1: Office of the Premier | Annual Report 2018/2019 PMO Project Management Office PoA Programme of Action PPP Public-Private Partnership PSA Public Service Act PSC Public Service Commission PSR Public Service Regulations Q Quarter QoL Quality of Life RSDF Regional Spatial Development Framework SA South Africa SAPS South African Police Service SCM Supply Chain Management SCOPA Standing Committee on Public Accounts SDBIP Service Delivery and Budget Implementation Plan SHERQ Safety Health Environment Risk and Quality SIU Special Investigating Unit SLA Service Level Agreement SMART Specific, Measureable, Achievable, Realistic and Time-bound SMME Small, Medium and Micro Enterprise SMS Senior Management Services SPAT Spatial Planning Alignment Tool SPLUMA Spatial Planning and Land Use Management Act SPPME Strategic Planning, Performance Monitoring and Evaluation TCC Tax Clearance Certificate TID Technical Indicator Description ToR Terms of Reference TMR Transformation, Modernisation and Re-industrialisation TSC(s) Thusong Service Centre(s) UCLG United Cities and Local Governments of Africa UN United Nations US/USA United States of America WAN Wide Area Network WFER World Forum on Energy Regulation YES Youth Employment Service Annual Report 2018/2019 | Vote 1: Office of the Premier | Gauteng Provincial Government • 5 3. FOREWORD BY THE PREMIER It is a distinct honour and privilege to present to the people of Gauteng the 2018/19 Annual Report of the Office of the Premier. The financial year 2018/19 is the final year of the term of office of the 5th administration. The task of leading this administration
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