Pittsburgh , • D A D s D A y Saturday November 6, 1954 Ml/TN PITTSBURGH - OHIO STATE WILBUR E. SNYPP, Ediior Wiliiam A . Woodruff _____ Advertising Manager Joho F. Hummet ___ __ _ ___ Circulatioo Manager National Advenising Representative Don Spencer Co., 271 Madison Ave., New York 16, N. Y. The ni ersity Pre iilents -------------------------4 The Athletic Directors _________________________ __5 Ohio State Coaches -----------------------------6 Pittsburgh Coache -------------------------------7 tudents Welcome Dads --------------------------8 Football at Pittsburgh -----------------------------9 Personnel of the Marching Band ________________ 10-11 Another first for Sinclair! From Sinclair Research comes a new Panther Personalitie __________________________ __ 12 Pitt burgh Player - - --------------------14, 18, 27, 32 super gasoline power-primed with ROCKET FUEL-the same mighty Ohfo late Players ____ __________ 16, 28, 30, 34, 38, 41 Pittsburgh Roste,· ---- ---------------------------29 fuel used in V-2 rockets! Command rocket power at the touch of The Marching Band Program ____________________ 33 Ohio State Roster ______________________________ _38 your toe . super getaway ... high anti-knock ... Power up with Ohio tate's Won-Lo t Record ___________________ 39 tadium Information ____________________________ _39 POWER-X and feel the difference! In POWER-X, you also get ANTI­ l'oday's Cover -------------------- ---------------42 STALLING, PRE-IG ITION CONTROL and ANTI-RUST PROTECTION. SINCLAIR POlllrER·~ The New Super Fuel 3 The University Presidents The Athletic Directors DR. HOWARD L. BEVIS RICHARD C. LARKINS Ohio State University Ohio State University CAPT. THOMAS J . HAMILTON DR. RUFUS H. FITZGERALD (Also Acting Head Coach) University of Pittsburgh University of Pittsb'urgh 4 5 The Buckeye Coaching Staff The Panther Coaching Staff Head Coach Head Coach LOWELL P. (Red) DAWSON (Tulane) (At right) W. W. HAYES, Denison, '35 (At le-ft) Backfield Coach JOHN MICHELOSEN, (Pitt$burgh) Defensive Line Coach LYAL CLARK, Western Maryland, '29 Head Line Coach WILLIAM BEVAN (Minnesota) Guard and Center Coach End Coach HARRY L. STROBEL, Miami, '32 ROBERT TIMMONS (Pittsburgh) End Coach Asst. Line Coach ESCO SARKKINEN, Ohio State, '40 ERNIE HEFFERLE (Duquesne) Backfield Coach Asst. Line Coach DOYT L. PERRY, Bowling Green, '32 BOB FRIEDLUND (Michigan State) Freshman Coach Guard Coach STEVE PETRO (Pittsburgh) WILLIAM R. HESS, Ohio University, '47 Asst. Freshman Coach Asst. Backfield Coach CARL DaPASQUA (Pittsburgh) EUGENE FEKETE, Ohio State, '47 Asst. Freshman Coach Head Freshman Coach WALTER CUMMINS (Pittsburgh) E. R. GODFREY, Ohio State, ' 15 OHIO STATE COACHING STAFF : (front row, left to right)-Doyt Perry, backs; William Hess, tackles; Gene Fekete, bocks; bock KNEELING, LEFT TO RIGHT: Walt Cummins, assistant freshman coach· Steve Petro, freshman coach; Bob Friedland line· row- Harry Strobel, guards and centers; Ernie Godfrey, freshmen; Woody Hayes, head coach; Esco Sarkkinen, ends; Lyol Clark, de- Corl De Pasqua, assistant freshman. Standing, left lo right: Ernie Heffe rle, : nds; Bob Timmons, utility coach; " Red" Dowson '. head fensive line. coach; John Michelosen, backs; Bill Bevan, head line coach. 6 7 Students Welcome Ohio StQte DQds Football At Pittsburgh l TT football began ll'hen the L.; ni\'ersity 1rns center. joined the list of All-Americans. and Han·ey Pknown as the \Vestern univer'ity o f Pennsyl­ Harmon played a lot of tackle. Ya nia in 1890, but the Panthers did not begin their In 1924 \rVarner left, and Jock Sutherland beg·a n 111arch into the front line po 11·ers for another decade. a 15 year regime, 11·hich started sloll'ly but ended with the Panthers fi rmly ensconced among the [n 1904 the \Vestern l..' niversity of Pennsylvania eleYen, broke into its first winning streak. parking miuhty. this team wa J oe Thompson. later Colonel Joe Only 20 game· were lost during thi period. and Thompson of \Vorld \Var l fame. another 11 \\'ere ti ed. Ea tern t itles came in 1925. Thomp on took over as coach after his graduation. 1927. 1929. 193 1. 1932, 193..J. and 1937. F our times and in 19 10 turned out an undefeated, untied. and the Panthers sho\\'ecl in the R o ·e Bowl. 1Yinnina the unscored on eleven. By no,Y football 11·as fi rmly final game in 1937 against \\'ashington. establi shed in Pittsburgh. All- mericans during the period 11·e re Ralph hase in 1925 at tackle, Gibby \\Telch at halfback in In 19 14 under J oe Duff, brother of the pre-ent 1927. Mike Getto at tackle in 192 , Ray M ontgom­ Senator Duff, the Panthers were prepared for the ery at gua rel and Joe D nche.-s at encl i 11 1929. Jess e\'ent of Pop \i\Tarner. the next eason by losing Q uatse at tackle in 1931 , \\' arren H eller at halfback nn ly on game. in 1932, Joe kladany at encl in 1933, Doc Hart11·ig :(ot until mid-19 19 did the Blue and Gold ho11· 111 at guard and George S hotwell at center in 1934. in tercollegiate competition. Thirty-t\\'O consecutiYe A.verell Daniell at tackl e in 1936, ~Iarshall Goldberg Yictories were recorded. at halfback and Tony T\Iatisi at tackle in 1937. and oldberg and Bill Daddio at encl in 1938. JOHN VAN FOSSEN rt wa the 19 16 Pitt team that turned up 11·ich an Dad's Day Chairman inno\'ation. fo r ,Yhich millions of football ian: ha\'e utherlancl left in 1938 and the I itt po1Yer fell off ,-,ince given thanks. In addition to bein g undefeated. fo r the next ten years. Charley Ho11·ser ll'as succeed­ the Panthers. under \\'arner. ll'ere the first to 11·ea r ed by Clark Shaughnessy \\'ho held s1rny dttrin<Y I DAD! Today we salute you. One day in the of 20,000 students to be in the stadium today­ number -. \\'orlcl ·war Ir. \\Tes Fesler brightened the picture nor can those present be invited on the fteld for in 19..J.6, and ll'as fo l1 01\·ecl by :\Iike :\(illigan ll'ho .year we openly express what we always feel I H the applause they deserve. We've done the next )uring this period the first Pitt A ll -American ap­ turned in the first \\'inning teams of a decade in both in our hearts. All the love, esteem and gratitude peared. Bob P ck in 1915 and 1916. and 'till rated best thing. 19..J.8 and 19..J.9. we have for you comes to the fore. We take this as one of the great All-Time 11 -Ameri cans at c n­ occasion to let you know that we appreciate all Here to represent all of you is the " Dad of ter. Tom DaYies. at halfback. and Leonard Hilty at \\'hen :\filligan resigned in 1950, Len CasanoYa you have done and are doing for us. Dads," selected by the Dad's Day Committee. He tackl e in 19 1~ 11·e re some of the stars of the era. came in to take over for that year. but left the fo l­ is Mr. Homer D. Helser of Jacksontown, Ohio. His lo,,·ing summer. In 1951 .Athletic Director Tom It is my honor to welcome all of you on behalf son, Jerry, is a freshman in the College of Arts Famou then. a nd more famous later, player ­ Hamilton took over as head coach in the interim. of the student body. We' re happy you are here. ll'ere a big Scotch guard by the name of ] ock , uther­ and then in J anua ry of 1952 Lo1Ye ll Da11·son was All the festivities, the band salute, luncheon in the and Sciences. land: the 19 17 captain and encl. 11011· Dr. H . C. named. Ohio Union and half-time ceremonies are our out­ We want you to enjoy your day. May you re­ Carl ·on, fo r 31 year· head coach of ba -ketball at Da11·son got away to a fast start. 11·in11ing six in­ ward e xpressions of our feelings for you. member it with pleasure and may it show you his alma mater: and Tiny Thornhill. 11·ho 11·ent on to cluding ~otre Dame, Army. Ohio State. Indiana We' re particularly happy to have the Dads of at least a part of our thanks. coach Stanfo rd's lfo -e BO\l'I teams. and To11·a among the victims. and losing three. H a 111 - members of the football squad on the fteld today. Sincerely, l erfect ea ons ll'ere out after 19 19 fo r a ,\·hile, ilto 11 has been acting as head coach during the past They especially deserve those seats behind their hut they still 11·ere 11·inn ing years. H erb Stein. a month. clue to Da\1·son's illness. sons and the introductions at halftime. JOHN YAN FOSSEN Unfortunately, it is impossible for every father Chairman, 1954 Dad's Day 8 9 Marching Band Robert Kluter Solon Personnel of James Porter Cohocton Fred Vaughan Parkersburg, \V. Va. Baritone Don Ave Columbu , Mentor Don Barr London Koste Belcheff Iansfield Richard Bethel t. Clairsville James Busbee Lanca ter Don Carr Mary ville John Cox, Jr. Timonium, Maryland-Mc- Donogh Tom Davis Columbus, Linden :vfcKinley Paul Droste Fairview Park Marshall Glickman Bexley Charles Magill Circleville John Minton Columbu , University Tom O trander Lakewood William Rogge Bryan Laurence Roush Columbu , North Al Schafer Urbana City James Strou e t. Marys. Memorial Al Szabo Elyria, Wellington Robert Wells Green Hills JACK 0 . EVANS Director Bb Basse Jame Allen Kenton James Burns Richmond. Jefferson Union Ross Carle Youngstown, Boardman Calme1· Clifford Wad worth George Strahler Waterford Allen Hoerner Piqua Ray Thomen Columbus, West Carl Morgan helby, hrichsville Donn Vickers Columbus, East .Va111c High School Sousaphone Cleveland, Garfield Hts.
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