Public Document Pack YOUNG PEOPLE POLICY ADVISORY COMMITTEE Date : Tuesday, 30th June, 2015 Time : 10.00 am Venue : Trelawny Room, Cornwall Council, County Hall, Truro TR1 3AY Agenda 1. Apologies for Absence 2. Election of Chairman 3. Election of Vice-Chairman 4. Declarations of Interest 5. Minutes of the Meeting Held on 12 May 2015 (Pages 1 - 7) 6. Questions from the Public to the Portfolio Holder An opportunity for Members of the public to ask a question to the Portfolio Holder. (A period of fifteen minutes is allocated for this purpose). Questions to be received by the Monitoring Officer by 12 noon on 25 June 2015. 7. Questions from Members to the Portfolio Holder An opportunity for Members of the Council to ask a question of the Portfolio Holder. (A period of fifteen minutes is allocated for this purpose). 8. Children's Community Health Services Commissioning Arrangements (Pages 8 - 23) 9. Committee Work Plan (Pages 24 - 33) 10. HeadStart Kernow Update (Pages 34 - 42) Cornwall Council, County Hall, Truro, Cornwall, TR1 3AY Tel: 0300 1234 100 www.cornwall.gov.uk 11. Education Impact Assessment on proposal for new Tertiary / FE Provision in North / North East Cornwall (Pages 43 - 83) 12. Oral Update from the Portfolio Holder An opportunity for the Portfolio Holder to brief the Policy Advisory Committee on major issues they are working on and the content of their section of the Cabinet Work Programme. 13. Any Other Business that the Chairman Considers to be of Urgency The Local Government (Access to Information) Act 1985 prohibits the consideration of any items which have not appeared on the agenda for the meeting unless the Chairman is prepared to certify that a proposed item is ‘urgent’. An urgent item dictates that a decision must be made and, if this is the case, it must be as a result of a formal written report. If urgent, the special circumstances which make it so must be spelled out to the meeting. Richard Williams Monitoring Officer Enquiries on this agenda to Vickie Hacking, Democratic and Governance Officer or email at [email protected] Committee Membership Liberal Independent Conservative Labour UKIP Mebyon Unaligned Democrat ( 3) ( 3) ( 1) ( 0) Kernow ( 0) ( 0) ( 3) Councillors: Councillors: Councillors: Councillors: Councillors: Councillors: Councillors: P Rogerson Hawken J Bastin H Toms (None) (None) (None) Batters Burden Evans Frank Heyward J Mustoe Substitutes Liberal Independent Conservative Labour UKIP Mebyon Unaligned Democrat ( 3) ( 2) ( 3) ( 0) Kernow ( 0) ( 0) ( 4) Councillors: Councillors: Councillors: Councillors: Councillors: Councillors: Councillors: Ekinsmyth May Dyer Atherton (None) (None) (None) Parsons Penny Gorman Kirk Sleeman J Thomas M Moyle Taylor Where a Member of a Committee is unable to attend a meeting he may arrange for a substitute to attend from his Party Group, drawn from the list of substitutes approved by the Council. The Democratic Services Officer nominated by the Democratic Services Manager to service a committee must be notified, normally by the Member of a committee to be substituted, orally or in writing of the substitution before the commencement of the meeting. If this requirement is not met, the substitute shall not be permitted to participate in the meeting. We want to ensure that your needs are met. If you would like this information in another format or language please contact:- Vickie Hacking, Democratic and Governance Officer, on 01209 614385 or e-mail [email protected] Agenda No. 5 CORNWALL COUNCIL YOUNG PEOPLE POLICY ADVISORY COMMITTEE MINUTES of a Meeting of the Young People Policy Advisory Committee held in the Trelawny Room, Cornwall Council, County Hall, Truro TR1 3AY on Tuesday 12 May 2015 commencing at 2.00 pm. Present:- Councillors: P Rogerson (Chairman) Hawken (Vice-Chairman) Batters, Evans, Frank, Heyward and Penny (for Burden). Also in Councillors: Ekinsmyth and Wallis. attendance:- Apologies for Councillors: Burden, S Mann, H Toms and Williams. absence:- DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST (Agenda No. 2) There were no declarations of interest. MINUTES OF THE MEETING HELD ON 2 APRIL 2015 (Agenda No. 3) It was moved by Councillor Evans, seconded by Councillor Batters and RESOLVED that the Minutes of the Young People Policy Advisory Committee meeting held on 2 April 2015 were correctly recorded and that they be signed by the Chairman. QUESTIONS FROM THE PUBLIC TO THE PORTFOLIO HOLDER (Agenda No. 4) There were no Public Questions or Statements received. QUESTIONS FROM MEMBERS TO THE PORTFOLIO HOLDER (Agenda No. 5) Two questions had been received from Members and they were noted as follows:- Councillor Heyward questioned whether it was normal practice for a temporary building within a school to be purchased by the Council and planning permission to be applied for without the school being informed. The Portfolio Holder for Young People advised that the situation referred to was complex and he confirmed that he would meet with her and the relevant officer outside the meeting to discuss the issue. 1 Page 1 Young People Policy Advisory Committee 12 May 2015 The Access and Infrastructure Manager advised that the temporary building had been previously rented and due to the costs involved, the Council had purchased the building. It is usual in these circumstances to apply for change of planning permission, i.e. from temporary to permanent. The Access & Infrastructure Manager stressed that the building is still intended to be a temporary fixture on the school site and in the future will be able to be used for other school expansion schemes. The Council is meeting with the Headteacher and Chair of Governors to clarify of the school in relation to the purchase of the building and the change to planning permission. Councillor Batters raised concerns in relation to the construction of the new classroom at Lanivet School and requested an update on the current position. The Access and Infrastructure Manager responded on behalf of the Portfolio Holder for Young People and advised that the original building had been identified as needing a large amount of refurbishment and was included as part of the Council’s Schools’ Backlog Maintenance Programme. The school put forward a proposal to add their own funds to the Council’s funding to allow a new build rather than refurbishment. The contractor appointed by the school to undertake the building work had gone bankrupt and had left the site without completing the required works, prior the bankruptcy the contractor was significantly behind schedule for completion of the works. The Council has had to step in to ensure that the building can be completed so that children can return to the Lanivet School site for education as currently some are being taught in the village hall. The Council has had to provide significant additional financial and project management support to ensure the building is completed for the start of September 2015. The Access & Infrastructure manager advised that any future proposals from maintained schools to undertake their own building works would only be approved if the works were deemed urgent and identified within the Schools Backlog Maintenance Programme and subject to the school appointing an approved contractor from the Council’s Framework. SPECIAL EDUCATIONAL NEEDS (SEN) STRATEGY 2014-2016 (Agenda No. 6) The School Improvement Officer – SEN outlined the report and highlighted the key points as being:- i The Multi-Agency Board had been established and had been working well. The Terms of Reference were going to be amended to allow a representative from the Young Peoples Board to sit on the Multi-Agency Board; 2 Page 2 Young People Policy Advisory Committee 12 May 2015 ii There were six work streams, each of which had their work monitored by the Board and there were clear details of how each if the work streams contributed to the strategic picture; iii The Strategy had been reviewed in Autumn 2014 following a change in legislation and would be reviewed on an annual basis. The Portfolio Holder for Young People commented that there had been a huge amount of work completed in a very short period of time and the Council had been a Pathfinder and a Champion for the work completed prior to the schemes coming to an end. It was moved by Councillor Frank, seconded by Councillor Evans and RESOLVED that:- The refreshed Special Educational Needs (SEN) Strategy 2014 – 2016 as attached as appendix 1, and the processes for the strategy’s ongoing monitoring and development be endorsed. PROPOSALS TO INTEGRATE THE DELIVERY OF FRONT LINE COMMUNITY BASED CHILDREN'S HEALTH AND SOCIAL CARE SERVICES - EARLY HELP HUB (Agenda No. 7) The Head of Service (Children's Early Help, Psychology and Social Care Services) outlined the context of the integration and advised that Members had endorsed the three strands of integration. Details in relation to the Early Help Hub and Services for Disabled and Young People where being considered by the Committee at the meeting, the third strand of integration for Children and Mental Health Services (CAMS) would be presented at a later date following the adoption of the CAMS Strategy by the Council. The Senior Manager for Early Help presented the report and outlined the following key points:- i The project had been developed in collaboration with partners in the health sector, project support from the Communities and Organisational Design Directorate and Children’s Services; ii The Hub would be based in New County Hall and the staff were currently attending their induction in preparation
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