A WATCHUNG COMMUNICATIONS, INC. PUBLICATION The Westfield Leader and The Scotch Plains – Fanwood TIMES Thursday, February 7, 2019 Page 17 POPCORN Serenity It’s all Just a Big….. 2 popcorns One Popcorn, Poor — Two Popcorns, Fair — Three Popcorns, Good — Four Popcorns, Excellent By Michael S. Goldberger Still, all of this pompously es- film critic poused, week #12 of the Crandall & Viewing director Steven Knight’s Erickson Film Critic Correspondence Serenity, a film consumed with the Course that secured me the position I notion that things aren’t what they now enjoy, aptly instructs, “Make sure appear to be, I was uncomfortably you say at least something about the reminded that I don’t like to figure film you’re reviewing.” Furthermore, things out. I don’t do puzzles, don’t acknowledging the wisdom of H.L. do fancy mystery yarns unless they’re Mencken’s thought that no one ever old classics or approach the inven- went broke underestimating the intel- tiveness of The Usual Suspects ligence of the American public, there MAGIC OF POETRY..The Fanwood Arts Council and the Carriage House (1995), and if you ask me when train is hardly a movie ever made that Poetry Series will host a book launch, reception and poetry reading for award- B will pass Train A if both leave their didn’t have at least one person attest- winning poet Charlie Bondhus and his recently published book, “Divining Bones” original locations at so and so time, ing to its profound, life-changing in- on Sunday, February 10, from 3 to 5 p.m. at the Patricia Kuran Arts Center. I’ll excuse myself, lie that I’ll be right fluence. back, and head for the veranda for Therefore, lest the short shrift I’ve something less complicated, like a heretofore afforded Serenity stunts Fanwood Arts Council will cocktail and maybe a few of those the intellectual progress of some good little hot dog hors d’ oeuvres. citizen who might otherwise see the So, if you’re looking for someone film and one day save our democracy Host Poet Charlie Bondhus who might prove useful in determin- from the current gang of polluting FANWOOD – The Fanwood Arts Branchburg. He grew up in Connecti- ing just where the blackbird turned up opportunists who have all but backed Council and the Carriage House Po- cut and earned his Master of Fine Arts after Sam “sends over” Brigid up their trucks to Fort Knox, I patri- etry Series will host a book launch, from Goddard College and his Ph.D. THE JOY OF ART...Untitled work from the new Art from the HEART exhibit, O’Shaughnessy in The Maltese otically redress my dilly-dallying as reception and poetry reading for award- from the University of Massachusetts now on display through Thursday, February 14, at the Freeholders Gallery in the Falcon’s (1941) final scene, I’m not follows. winning poet Charlie Bondhus and his Amherst. Mr. Bondhus was poetry edi- Union County Administration Building. your boy. However, if you’re in the Once upon a time, a screenwriter recently published book, “Divining tor at The Good Men Project from market for a moderately foppish film penning a fantasy that painted him Bones” on Sunday, February 10, from 2013 to 2018, and he received the critic who obscures the subject and into a corner could flee the strictures 3 to 5 p.m. Thom Gunn Award for Gay Poetry in Art from the HEART Exhibit traditionally avoids the issue when of his premise and weave a magical The celebration and reading will 2014. saddled with reviewing a movie that ending by suddenly having his pro- take place at the Patricia Kuran Arts In a review of his writing, the novel- he feels is underserving of serious tagonist awake from a dream, i.e., Center (“The Carriage House”) adja- ist Anne Rice said, “I don’t have words At Freeholders Gallery scrutiny, you’ve landed on the right The Wizard of Oz (1939). Now, as cent to Fanwood Borough Hall (GPS to praise enough the words I read COUNTY — The Art from the mit. Art from the HEART is celebrating square. employed in Serenity, the Brave New use 75 N. Martine Ave., Fanwood NJ here…this is the soaring achievement HEART fine arts program is on display its 18th year, led by art therapist Janice I did the same sort of thing a few Cyber World has created a newfangled 07023). The event is free and open to of an extraordinarily gifted poet with at the Freeholders Gallery now until Patrignani. The program encourages decades back when I also wrote a escape clause for fiction writers need- the public. an extraordinary heart.” Thursday, February 14. The public is self-expression, increases self-esteem, restaurant review column. Hesitant ing to explain away flights of fancy “Divining Bones,” published last For more information, visit http:// invited to visit the Freeholders Gallery and helps keep participants’ minds to hurt the prospects of a local eatery, for which there is no logical fall by Sundress Publications, is the charliebondhus.com. any time during regular business hours sharp. especially after just one visit, when- explanation…at least not in our old, fifth collection of poems by Mr. All are invited to attend this free weekdays from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. on the The Art from the HEART exhibition ever experiencing a less than impres- plain, three-dimensional world. Bondhus, who is an associate profes- celebration and reading. Copies of “Di- 6th floor of the Union County Admin- is made possible in part by the 2018 sive meal I found solace in tangential To tell what that latest bit of literary sor of English and creative writing at vining Bones” will be available for istration Building, located at 10 HEART (History, Education, Arts gossip and jibber jabber. Y’know, gimmickry is would divulge Serenity’s Raritan Valley Community College in purchase. Elizabethtown Plaza in Elizabeth. Reaching Thousands) Grant from the things like, “Saw the Rabinowitzes surprise ending. So suffice it to note, “The Art from the HEART program Union County Board of Chosen Free- chowing down during my visit to it isn’t until the film’s midway point is an opportunity for seniors to express holders. Additional funding is provided Henri’s Pretention Chophouse. Their that we realize things aren’t what we themselves creatively and freely, and by individual donors. son Trent, the little shaver, made honor thought they were, and that we’ve the exhibit provides members of the For further information about this roll for the 6th marking cycle in a been shanghaied into a suspense yarn. public with a window into a unique and and other programs and services re- row….says he hopes to one day at- Becoming hip to the jive at about the colorful world,” said Freeholder Chair- lated to the arts and history in Union tend Cornell and study ornithology. same time, Matthew McConaughey’s man Bette Jane Kowalski. County, visit online at ucnj.org/cultural, Never can have enough ornitholo- Baker Dill, a commercial fisherman The Exhibition is a partnership be- call (908) 558-2550, or e-mail gists, I always say.” who’s an amalgam of Captain Ahab tween the Visual Arts Center of New [email protected]. NJ relay users But while I’d like to think there was and the title character in “The Old Jersey and SAGE Eldercare, in Sum- dial 711. an altruistic bent to my essentially Man and The Sea” (1958), begins to accidental restaurant reviewing, in question his very own identity. the case of films deemed unworthy, Mix in a subplot about former wife, my declination is more about not wish- Karen Zariakas (Anne Hathaway), Free Concert Offered by the ing to grant such celluloid the right beseeching the already rather tortured time of day. It arrogantly suggests soul to kill her abusive, megaloma- that said fare should only be ingested niac husband (Jason Clarke) for $10 Musical Club of Westfield under one circumstance: Your much million and add hints that Dill might WESTFIELD — The public is in- Pianist Sophia Agranovich will anticipated, secret hideaway vacation be suffering from PTSD, which could vited to attend a free concert given by close the program with two selec- reservations got screwed up and explain everything. Not! But these The Musical Club of Westfield on tions: Beethoven’s Sonata No. 14 in you’re relegated to a dreadful cabin and a few other drifts of story impli- Wednesday, February 13, at 1:30 p.m. C# minor, Op. 27, No 2, popularly containing only Nancy Drew books, cation are only meant to set you up for This is the first concert of 2019 of- known as the Moonlight Sonata, and all of which you’ve read. You’ve al- the deus ex machina conclusion cyni- fered in a year-long series of events Scherzo No. 4 in E major, Op. 54 by ready manicured your nails, shined cally informing that everything you’ve sponsored by the Musical Club and Frédéric Chopin. your shoes, and, because you’re so witnessed thus far was a ruse, and will be held at the First Baptist Church There will be a reception with light disappointed in the foul-up, can’t get therefore a waste of your time. of Westfield located at 170 Elm Street. refreshments immediately after the to sleep. P.S.—There’s crumbs in the …. Pianist and composer Dan Crisci, a concert where audience members will bed. Looks like from Graham crack- Serenity. rated R, is an Aviron Pic- guest artist, will open the concert with have the opportunity to meet the per- ers.
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