THE JOURNAL OF ROMAN STUDIES WITH ACKNOWLEDGMENTS TO THE BRITISH ACADEMY THE CAMBRIDGE H. A. THOMAS FUND AND THE OXFORD CRAVEN COMMITTEE All rights reserved THE JOURNAL OF ROMAN STUDIES VOLUME LVIII PUBLISHED BY THE SOCIETY FOR THE PROMOTION OF ROMAN STUDIES AT THE OFFICE OF THE SOCIETY, 31-34 GORDON SQUARE, LONDON, W.C.I 1968 Printed in Great Britain by Stephen Austin & Sons, Ltd., Oriental & General Printers, Caxton Hill, Ware Road, Hertford, Herts. The Society for the Promotion of Roman Studies CONTENTS PAGE T. D. BARNES, Legislation against the Christians ........ 32 PETER BROWN, Christianity and Local Culture in Late Roman Africa ..... 85 ALAN CAMERON, Gratian's repudiation of the Pontifical Robe ...... 96 STERLING DOW, Latin Calligraphy at Hawara : P. Hawara 24 . .60 PETER GARNSEY, The Criminal Jurisdiction of Governors . 51 F. R. D. GOODYEAR, Development of Language and Style in the Annals of Tacitus . 22 N. G. L. HAMMOND, Illyris, Rome and Macedon in 229-205 B.C. ..... i SHELAGH JAMESON, Chronology of the Campaigns of Aelius Gallus and C. Petronius . 71 A. J. MARSHALL, Pompey's Organization of Bithynia-Pontus : two neglected Texts . -103 FERGUS MILLAR, Local Cultures in the Roman Empire: Libyan, Punic and Latin in Roman Africa • 126 R. F. PAGET, The ancient ports of Cumae . .152 BED6ICH SVOBODA, The Silver Lanx as means of propaganda of a Roman Family . .124 RONALD SYME, People in Pliny 135 MARIO TORELLI, The Cursus Honorum of M. Hirrius Fronto Neratius Pansa . 170 P. R. C. WEAVER, Family Dating Criteria, Proximi and ' Provincia ' in the Familia Caesaris . no Roman Britain in 1967. 1. Sites explored (by D. R. Wilson) ...... 176 11. Inscriptions (by R. P. Wright) ...... 206 REVIEWS AND DISCUSSIONS A. Degrassi, ed., Corpus Inscrtptionum Latinarum. Auctarium. Inscriptiones Latinae Liberae Ret Publicae : Imagines (by E. Badian) ......... 240 A. Demandt, Zeitkritik und Geschichtsbild im Werk Ammians (by Ronald Syme) . -215 Par Goran Gierow, The Iron Age Culture of Latium, vols. 1 and 11, 1 (by David Ridgway) . 235 Einar Gjerstad, Early Rome, vol. iv, 1-2 (by David Ridgway) ...... 235 Christian Meier, Res Publica amissa, eine Studie zu Verfassung und Geschichte der spdten romischen Republic (by P. A. Brunt) 229 E. T. Salmon, Samnium and the Samnites (by M. W. Frederiksen) ..... 224 A. N. Sherwin-White, The Letters of Pliny : a historical and social Commentary and Fifty Letters of Pliny (by Fergus Millar) 218 F. W. Walbank, A historical Commentary on Polybius, vol. n (by A. H. McDonald) . 232 REVIEWS AND NOTICES OF PUBLICATIONS REVIEWS A. H. Armstrong, ed., The Cambridge History of Later Greek and Early Medieval Philosophy (by John J. O'Meara) 276 A. E. Astin, Scipio Aemilianus (by H. H. Scullard) 256 J. P. V. D. Balsdon, Julius Caesar and Rome (by Robin Seager) ..... 259 Hermann Bengtson, Grundriss der romischen Geschichte, vol. 1 (by H. H. Scullard) . 250 E. J. Bickerman, Chronology of the Ancient World (by F. W. Walbank) . -251 A. Birley, Marcus Aurelius (by J. F. Matthews) ........ 262 P. M. Bruun, The Roman Imperial Coinage, vol. VII (by P. Bastien) 280 W. A. Camps, ed., Propertius, Elegies Book II (by W. Morel) 302 VI PAGE Maria Capozza, Movimenti servili nel mondo Romano in eta repubblicana, vol. i (by A. B. Bosworth) .............. 272 A. Chastagnol, Le Se'nat romain sous le regne d'Odoacre (by J. F. Matthews) . 265 R. Combes, Imperator : recherches sur Vemphi et la signification du titre d'imperator dans la Rome republicaine (by Robin Seager) 260 P. V. Cova, La critica letteraria di Plinio il giovane (by M. Winterbottom) .... 303 G. Daltrop, U. Hausmann, M. Wegner, Das romische Herrscherbild, vol. 11, 1 (by J. M. C. Toynbee) 291 A. Donati, Aemilia Tribuiim Discripta. I documenti delle assegnazioni tribali romane nella regione Romagnola e Cispadana (by E. Badian) ........ 274 M. Durand-Lefebvre, Marques de potters gallo-romains trouvees a Paris (by K. Hartley) . 284 Victor Ehrenberg, Society and Civilization in Greece and Rome (by F. E. Adcock) . 271 Ennius, The Tragedies : the fragments, ed. H. D. Jocelyn (by W. Morel) .... 301 Joan M. Fagerlie, Late Roman and Byzantine Solidi found in Sweden and Denmark (by Philip Grierson) 281 Festus, The Breviarium, ed. J. W. Eadie (by Timothy D. Barnes) ..... 263 P.-A. Fevrier, Fouilles de Se'tif, les basiliques chretiennes du quartier nord-ouest (by R. M. Harrison) .............. 286 R. Fleischer, Antike Bronzestatuetten aus Carnuntum (by K. S. Painter) .... 298 R. Fleischer, Die romischen Bronzen aus Osterreich (by K. S. Painter) ..... 298 A. Giuliano, La cultura artistica delle province della Grecia in eta romana (by J. M. C. Toynbee) . 287 H. Heinen, Rom und Agypten von 51 bis 4y v. Chr. (by E. Badian) 258 J. Inan and E. Rosenbaum, Roman and Early Byzantine Portrait Sculpture in Asia Minor (by Malcolm A. R. Colledge) ........... 300 A. N. Zadoks-Josephus Jitta, W. J. T. Peters and W. A. Van Es, Roman bronze statuettes from the Netherlands, vol. 1 (by K. S. Painter) 298 A. H. M. Jones, The Decline of the Ancient World (by J. A. Crook) 251 B. Kapossy, Romische Wandmalereien aus Miinsingen und Hb'lstein (by J. M. C. Toynbee) . 289 Max Kaser, Das romische Zivilprozessrecht (by J. A. C. Thomas) ..... 267 Dietmar Kienast, Untersuchungen zu den Kriegsflotten der romischen Kaiserzeit (by Eric Birley) . 274 T. Klauser, Friihchristliche Sarkophage in Bild und Wort (by J. M. C. Toynbee) . .294 W. Kunkel, An Introduction to Roman Legal and Constitutional History, trans. J. M. Kelly (by W. M. Gordon) 266 U. Laffi, Adtributio e contributio (by A. N. Sherwin-White) ...... 270 Marcel Leglay, Saturne africain : histoire (by W. H. C. Frend) ..... 275 G. A. Lehmann, Untersuchungen zur historischen Glaubwurdigkeit des Polybios (by F. W. Walbank) .............. 253 Henrica Malcovati, Oratorum Romanorum Fragmenta Liberae Rei Publicae, ed. 3, vol. 1 (by E. Badian) .............. 256 M. Mazza, Storia e ideologia in Tito Livio (by R. M. Ogilvie) ...... 255 S. Mazzarino, The End of the Ancient World, trans. G. Holmes (by J. A. Crook) . -251 J.-P. Morel, Ceramique a vernis noir, du Forum romain et du Palatin (by K. Hartley) . 285 M. Moretti, Nuovi monumenti della pittura Etrusca (by D. E. Strong) 288 D. Norr, Imperium und Polis in der hohen Prinzipatszeit (by G. W. Bowersock) . .261 H. P. L'Orange and P. J. Nordhagen, Mosaics, trans. A. E. Keep (by D. J. Smith) . 289 F. P. Porten Palange, La ceramica arretina a rilievo nell'Antiquarium del Museo Nazionale in Roma (by A. C. Brown) ........... 284 J. M. Rist, Plotinus : the Road to Reality (by A. H. Armstrong) ..... 277 A. L. F. Rivet, ed., The Iron Age in Northern Britain (by A. R. Birley) . .283 I. S. Ryberg, Panel reliefs of Marcus Aurelius (by J. M. C. Toynbee) ..... 293 PAGE J. W. Salomonson, La Mosdique aux chevaux de VAntiquarium de Carthage (by D. J. Smith) . 290 C. Saumagne, Le Droit latin et les cites romaines sous Vempire (by A. N. Sherwin-White) . 269 Peter Stein, Regulae luris : from Juristic Rules to Legal Maxims (by Barry Nicholas) . 269 C. H. V. Sutherland, The Roman Imperial Coinage, vol. vi (by V. R. Desborough) . 278 C. H. V. Sutherland and R. A. G. Carson, edd., The Roman Imperial Coinage, vol. vi, by C. H. V. Sutherland (by V. R. Desborough) 278 C. H. V. Sutherland and R. A. G. Carson, edd., The Roman Imperial Coinage, vol. vn, by P. M. Bruun (by P. Bastien) 280 Robert Turcan, Les Sarcophages romains a representations Dionysiaques (by J. M. C. Toynbee) 296 A. Watson, The Law of Persons in the later Roman Republic (by Robin Seager) . 268 NOTICES L'Annee epigraphique, ig66 (by R. P. Wright) ........ 305 George C. Boon and Colin Williams, Plan of Caerleon : discoveries to December ig66 (by D. R. Wilson) 305 H. HafFter, Romische Politik und romische Politiker (by Robin Seager) ..... 303 Ivan D. Margary, Roman Roads in Britain, 2nd ed. (by A. L. F. Rivet) .... 305 R. J. Smutny, Greek and Latin inscriptions at Berkeley (by G. D. B. Jones) .... 304 D. R. Wilson, Roman Frontiers of Britain (by A. L. F. Rivet) 304 List of Members of the Society xi List of Works Received ............ 307 Proceedings of the Society, 1967-68 . .314 Report of the Council for 1967 . 315 Balance Sheet as at 31st December, 1967 ......... 318 Income and Expenditure Account for the year ended 31st December, 1967 . 319 Joint Library Account for the year ended 31st December, 1967 ..... 320 Indexes:— (i) Names and subjects ............ 322 (ii) Literary Authorities ............ 334 (iii) Inscriptions ............. 335 (iv) Coins 335 (v) Papyri 335 Vlll LIST OF PLATES Sterling Dow, Latin Calligraphy at Hawara. Plate I. P. Hawara 24, Verso. 11. P. Hawara 24, Recto. Bedrich Svoboda, The Silver Lanx. Plate in. The Strdze Lanx. iv. The Strdze Lanx : central roundel. v. The Strdze Lanx : scenes from the flange. 1. Execution scene. 2. Messenger scene. vi. 1. The Straze Lanx : expulsion scene from the flange. 2. Denarius of Ti. Veturius Barrus. 3. Denarius of Q. Caepio Brutus. R. F. Paget, The ancient ports of Cumae. Plate VII. Cumae : general view of the harbour area. VIII. 1. Cumae: air-photograph of the harbour area. 2. Key to air-photograph. IX. 1. Entry channel to Roman harbour of Cumae. 2. The entry gut. x. 1. Entry into inner basin of the Roman harbour. 2. Edge of raised quay area. xi. 1. The Pharos from SE. 2. Detail of the Pharos, showing opus reticulatum. XII. 1. The tunnel at Torregaveta : landward entrance. 2. Recesses for sluices near seaward end. XIII. 1. Desilting tunnel at Cosa, looking NE. 2. The same, looking S. Mario Torelli, M. Hirrius Fronto Neratius Pansa. Plate xiv. 1, 2, 3, 4.
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