Safe roads, Reliable journeys, Informed travellers England’s strategic road network Motorways " Trunk Roads Newcastle (major A roads) upon Tyne " " . Sunderland Carlisle . " . " Middlesbrough " . . " " " . Leeds Kingston " . upon Hull . " . . Liverpool . " . . Manchester Sheffield . Nottingham . " " Norwich . " . Leicester .5PMM . Birmingham . Peterborough . " . " . " . " . Cambridge Northampton " . " " . " . " Oxford . " . " . . London . Bristol . " . " . " " . Southampton " . " . . " . Brighton " " Portsmouth Plymouth " This map is based upon Ordnance Survey material with the permission of Ordnance Survey on behalf of the Controller of Her Majesty’s Stationery Office © Crown copyright. Unauthorised reproduction infringes Crown copyright and may lead to prosecution or civil proceedings. Highways Agency 100018928 2008 5IF)JHIXBZT"HFODZ "OOVBM3FQPSUBOE"DDPVOUT Presented to Parliament pursuant to Section 7 of the Government Resources and Accounts Act 2000 Ordered by the House of Commons to be printed 17 July 2008 ¥$SPXO$PQZSJHIU The text in this document (excluding the Royal Arms and other departmental or agency logos) may be reproduced free of charge in any format or medium providing it is reproduced accurately and not used in a misleading context. The material must be acknowledged as Crown copyright and the title of the document specified. Where we have identified any third party copyright material you will need to obtain permission from the copyright holders concerned. For any other use of this material please write to Office of Public Sector Information, Information Policy Team, Kew, Richmond, Surrey TW9 4DU or e-mail: MJDFOTJOH!PQTJHPWVL Further copies of this report are available through The Stationary Office at the price shown below. An electronic copy is available on our websiteXXXIJHIXBZTHPWVL. If you, or if you are aware of anyone else who has difficulty in reading this document, through size of type, language or terminology, please contact Mr Ian Farrand at: Highways Agency, 123 Buckingham Palace Road, London SW1W 9HA. Telephone number: or e-mail: JBOGBSSBOE!IJHIXBZTHTJHPWVL and we will do our best to meet your needs. ISBN:978 010 295727 3 London: The Stationery Office £25.75 Contents *OUSPEVDUJPO )JHIMJHIUT Award winning projects $IJFG&YFDVUJWFTJOUSPEVDUJPO "CPVUVT Who we are and what we do How we fit in with Department for Transport objectives How we link with other parts of government "OOVBM1FSGPSNBODF3FQPSU r"OPWFSWJFXPGPVSQFSGPSNBODF r*NQSPWFNFOUTUPUIFOFUXPSL r.BOBHJOHUSBGGJD r.BLJOHJOGPSNBUJPOBWBJMBCMF r4BGFUZJNQSPWFNFOUT r.BJOUBJOJOHUIFOFUXPSL r3FTFBSDIBOETUSBUFHJDESJWFST r3FTQFDUJOHUIFFOWJSPONFOU r'FFECBDLGSPNPVSDVTUPNFST r*NQSPWFEFGGJDJFODZ r$PSQPSBUFTPDJBMSFTQPOTJCJMJUZ r-PPLJOHGPSXBSE -FBEFSTIJQBOEDPSQPSBUFHPWFSOBODF )PXXFQFSGPSNFEBHBJOTU.JOJTUFSJBMUBSHFUT 'JOBODJBM3FWJFX • Management commentary • Remuneration Report • Statement of Highways Agency and Accounting Officer’s responsibilities • Statement on the System of Internal Control within the Highways Agency • Certificate and report of Comptroller and Auditor General to the House of Commons • Financial statements Operating cost statement Statement of recognised gains and losses Balance sheet Cash flow statement Notes to the accounts Highways Agency Annual Report and Accounts Highlights Award winning The Highways Agency’s Historic Landscape projects Character Guide launched The Highways Agency strives at the Institution of Civil for excellence in delivery of Engineers in September, won services to customers. We a DPNNFOEBUJPOGSPNUIF continue to demonstrate the -BOETDBQF*OTUJUVUF citing quality of our work in areas as the Agency as an organisation diverse as cultural heritage, whose vision leads the way public consultation, active in creating innovative and traffic management and litter dynamic landscape. campaigning: Our partner Carillion Roads The team in our Major Projects was awarded Contractor directorate working on the of the Year in the 2007 widening of the .CFUXFFO )JHIXBZT.BHB[JOF KVODUJPOTBOE in &YDFMMFODF"XBSET for the conjunction with Arup were flagship .(VBSET.JMM awarded the 2007 Association 1SPKFDU upgrading the A74 to of (FPHSBQIJDBM*OGPSNBUJPO motorway standard between "(* "XBSE for Innovation Carlisle and the Scottish and Best Practice in the border. Central Government Category for its use of new interactive screens and other technology used at the scheme’s public consultations. Judges praised the Highways Agency Team for its approach targeted directly on real democracy and the views of the citizen. • • • 2 Highways Agency Annual Report and Accounts ""%BSUGPSE*NQSPWFNFOU .(VBSET.JMM .8JEFOJOH 12th November 2007 saw the The £174 million M6 extension 66 CCTV cameras monitor the opening of both the link road from scheme is taking shape on the M1 junctions 25-28, 24 hours a day. A282 to A2 coast bound and the A74 between Carlisle and Guards widening of A2 between M25 Mill, and is planned to completed junction 2 and Bean. by the end of the year. Strategic roads Eight major new schemes opened in the year. The £120 million improvement scheme for programme the A2/A282 at Dartford opened five months ahead of schedule. Reliability Approval to extend Active Traffic Management, successfully trialled on the M42. Environment Targets met on air quality, biodiversity, landscape, noise and water quality. Information Three new driver services introduced including our digital Traffic Radio service. Safety Numbers of deaths and serious injuries on our network have been further reduced. An £800 million maintenance programme kept our roads safe and serviceable, and we Maintenance met our road condition target again. Road user satisfaction Targeted satisfaction levels for motorways and trunk roads exceeded. Finance We utilised over 99% of our £6 billion budget. In November the Highways The Highways Agency’s ‘Just a stones Agency’s ‘Bag it, Bin it ‘ roadworks on England’s throw’, our campaign won a Gold Award motorways are better overall teaching from the Chartered Institute of than the rest of Europe pack Public Relations in their PRide according to an independent specifically Awards 2007 for the best survey by the AA Motoring designed public sector campaign in Trust and its European for use by schools, scooped the south east. Free specially partners. Particular strengths the Highways Agency a third designed car litter bags were lay in managing traffic and prestigious Prince Michael made available in service safety. Road Safety Award. The stations across the South East M25 campaign aims to help of England, and road shows children understand the held across the region to dangers of dropping objects support the campaign, which from bridges onto roads. was subsequently launched nationally in August 2007. +VTUBTUPOFTUISPX Felicity Drewett (Highways Agency) and Mark Nightingale (Mouchel) with Prince Michael (above). 3 • • • Highways Agency Annual Report and Accounts Chief executive’s introduction "TUIFOFXMZBQQPJOUFE The speed of implementing $IJFG&YFDVUJWFPGUIF the recommendations of )JHIXBZT"HFODZ*BN Nichols and the National EFMJHIUFEUPQSPWJEFB Audit Office on control of Delivery to our customers GFXXPSETJOUSPEVDJOH our major projects through has become the Highways UIJTSFQPSU the introduction of our Agency’s main focus, being Projects Control Framework That the formalised in the Customers Highways has been exemplary, and First corporate plan in 2005 we look forward to making Agency met and more recently, set out in or exceeded progress with our capital build simple, easily understandable programme. The future will be most of its key terms in our Customer targets this year equally challenging for us and Promise. We have made a amongst all the developments is an immense really positive impact with credit to all the staff who we will undertake, the placing our customers this year; the of a M25 contract which have achieved this. I must continued presence of the single out the contribution includes adding capacity Traffic Officer Service, the to around 63 miles of the of my predecessor, Archie reassuring new journey time Robertson, who during his five motorway, the largest ever PFI signs, the successful M42 road contract undertaken in years at the helm sought to Active Traffic Management grow the Highways Agency, this country, is surely going to trial, new pre-trip planning have the highest profile. driving through changes to tools and our handling of the enhance its effectiveness, summer floods have been capability and resilience, much welcomed. And our such that it could justly claim workshops in the autumn to be a customer focused showed that we still have network operator. Archie can plenty of ideas in the box to be confident that he leaves an continue delivering against organisation performing that our Customer Promise. extended role, every hour of every day. • • • 4 Highways Agency Annual Report and Accounts $BS4IBSF-BOF "DUJWF5SBGGJD.BOBHFNFOU "5. .POJUPSJOHPVSOFUXPSL Ruth Kelly attends the opening of the We have trialled the controlled use Control Room Operators are new car share lane in March 2007. of the hard shoulder as a running responsible for answering The 1.7 mile lane links the southbound lane during busy periods between emergency roadside telephones, M606 to the eastbound M62, junctions 3a and 7 of the M42. setting overhead message boards bypassing the congested section on motorways and despatching where the two motorways merge. patrols to incidents. We are now entering a new My thanks go to all those phase as we
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