Edward Hasted The history and topographical survey of the county of Kent, second edition, volume 8 Canterbury 1799 <i> THE HISTORY AND TOPOGRAPHICAL SURVEY OF THE COUNTY OF KENT. CONTAINING THE ANTIENT AND PRESENT STATE OF IT, CIVIL AND ECCLESIASTICAL; COLLECTED FROM PUBLIC RECORDS, AND OTHER AUTHORITIES: ILLUSTRATED WITH MAPS, VIEWS, ANTIQUITIES, &c. THE SECOND EDITION, IMPROVED, CORRECTED, AND CONTINUED TO THE PRESENT TIME. By EDWARD HASTED, Esq F. R. S. and S. A. LATE OF CANTERBURY. Ex his omnibus, longe sunt humanissimi qui Cantium incolunt. Fortes creantur fortibus et bonis, Nec imbellem feroces progenerant. VOLUME VIII. CANTERBURY PRINTED BY W. BRISTOW, ON THE PARADE. M.DCC.XCIX. <ii> <blank> <iii> TO WILLIAM BOYS, ESQ. F. S. A. OF WALMER. SIR, IT is with much pleasure that I seize this oppor= tunity of acknowledging your kind and liberal friend= ship to me, upon every occasion, especially in the continued assistance you have afforded me towards my publication of the HISTORY OF KENT, from the earliest period of it. Such assistance, from a iv gentleman of your established literary character, cannot but stamp additional credit on the History, and contribute both pleasure and satisfaction to the Readers of it. Please, Sir, to accept my most grateful thanks for these constant marks of your favor and regard, and believe me to be, with the greatest esteem and respect, Your much obliged and faithful humble servant, EDWARD HASTED. LONDON, JUNE 24, 1799. <v> INDEX. The letter A refers to the Appendix of additions and corrections to the seventh and eighth volumes, added at the end of this volume. A. ABBOTS, alias Cliffe lands, in Capel, 146. ABBOT’S COURT, in Burmarsh, 260. Abdy’s, of Surry, account of, 428. ACKHANGER MANOR, in Che= riton, 164, 195. ACRISE, parish of, 111. Acton, in Wittersham, 490, 491; in Charing, A. 547. Adams, Thomas, A. 540. Adams’s, 104. Adelyn, Thomas, 85. Adye’s, 395. Afterpoole. See Otterpoole. AGHNE-COURT MANOR, in Old Romney, 410, 441. Air, unwholesome, in Romney Marsh, 469. Albeni, family of, 346, 351. Albermarle, Baldwin de Betun, earl of, 17. Albini, William de, 97. Albrincis, William de, 143, 170, 176, 180; Simon de, 131. Albrincis family, account of, 156, 157, 164, 202. Aldersey, Thomas, 402, 403. ALDGLOSE MANOR, in Has= tingliegh, 29. ALDINGTON, parish of, 314, A. 550, 554; MANOR OF, 3, 47, 282, 288, 297, 338, 399, 360, 361, 401, 423, 424, 425, 472, 481, 486, 494; church of, 9. ALOESBRIDGE, hundred of, 375. Aldon, Thomas de, 48. Aldridge’s, 443. Alford, John, 488. Alien priories, account of, 457. ALKHAM, parish of, 133; MA= NOR OF, 179. Alkham, Peter, 193; Alkham’s, 134, 139. Allard’s MANOR, in Biddenden, A. 541. Allard’s, 376. Allen’s, 85, 86. Allen’s, and others, possess Craw= thorne, in Hope, 418. Altar, Roman, at Stone, 479. Ambry, alias Amery-court, in Bleane, 524. Amherst, Col. William, 244; John, 418; Amherst’s, 237. Amherst, John, and others, possess Crawthorne. in Hope, 418; John possesses Lower Pagehurst, in Staplehurst, A. 541. Angley, Little, in Cranbrooke, A. 540. Andrews, Phineas, 242; Ed= ward, 355. Andrews, Dr. James, the heirs of, lessees of Rucking MANOR, 354. Ansell’s 51, 86. ANTIQUITIES found, 47, 199. vi Antoninus’s Itinerary, 441. Anvill’s. See Handville’s APDALE MANOR, in Stone, in Oxney, 481. Apledore, MANOR OF, 376, 382; town of, 466; church of, 497. Apledore, family of, 391. Apulderfield, Sir William de, 308. Apuldre, 468. Archdeacon’s house, at Limne, 283, 285, 286. Acris, William de, Arden, lands so called, in Che= riton, 195. Ardern, Thomas, 502. Arpinge hamlet, in Newington, 197. Arundel farm, in Elmsted, 34. Arundel, Sir John, 213. Arundel, Albini’s, earls of, 97, 346; —- Fitzalans, earls of, 213, 347, 349. Ashburnham’s, 308, 431. Ashbye, John, possesses a house at Dowle-street, A. 547, 548. Ashenden SEAT, in Tenterden, A. 543. ASHFORD, parish of, A. 549. Athelstane, king, 154. Athol, Straholgie’s, earls of, 18, 19, 509. Athulf, king, 494. At-Lese, 530. Avant, John, and others, possess the Place-house, in Wood= church, A. 543; Midley MA= NOR, A. 555. Auberville’s, 69, 71, 131, 289, 291. Aucher, Sir Anthony, 124, 126, 149, 186; Aucher’s, 101, 195; of Bishopsborne, 84, 88; of Otterden, 214. Audley, James de, 213. Audintune, Stephen de, 448. Avennes, John de, 18. Averenches, barony of, 122, 134, 137, 148, 149; account of, 157, 164, 190, 191, 202. Averenches, family of, 143, 156; account of, 157, 170, 202. Averenches, tower of, in Dover castle, 157. Averlinges, William de, 150. Austen, lady Rachel, 397, 418; Austen’s, barts. 397, 418, 455, 496. Austen, Edward, of Godmer= sham, 490; possesses Bower, alias Flemmings MANOR, in Molash, A. 544; Edward, A. 545. Austen, John, possesses Boking= fold MANOR, in Goudhurst, A. 539; Buckhurst and Great Swifts, in Cranbrooke, A. 540. Awkeridge. See Acrise. Ayerst, Rev. Robert Gunsley, possesses a third part of Mal= maines MANOR and FARM, in Alkham, 135, 136; and of Sotmere MANOR, in Capel, 146. Ayerst, Jane, possesses a third part of Malmaines MANOR and FARM, in Alkham, 135, 136; and of Sotmere MA= NOR, in Capel, 146. B. Bachelor’s, of Romney, 461. Badlesmere’s, 86, 444, 509, 526. Bagnal, Henry, clerk, 300; —- Anne and Elizabeth, and others, possess the advowson of Frittenden RECTORY, A. 541. Baieux, Odo, bishop of, 21, 28, 92, 97, 112, 120, 129, 154, 200, 346, 369, 410, 425, 488, 521. Baker, Hercules, 244, 250; John, 323; Sir John, 279. vii Baker’s, of Sissinghurst, 31; of Caldham, 136, 144, 166, 185; Baker’s, of Romney, 458, 460, 461. Balderston, Mr. possesses Brook FARM, in Westwell, A. 546. Baldock, William, 128, 403, 501, A. 543. Baliol, Hugh, 18; Baliol’s, 5. Baliol college, in Oxford, 5. Ball, David, present rector of Al= dington, 327. Barnfield’s, 429. Banke, lands, in Cheriton, 195. Banks, Sir Joseph, and others, possess Merrud, 316. Baptists, meetings of, 172. Barbes, Robert de, 129. BARDINDEN MANOR, in Ruck= ing, 356. Bargrave, Dr. Isaac, 438. Bargrave, hamlet of, in Newing= ton, 198. Barling, Clement, clerk, 435. Barnes, Miles, clerk, 90, 188. Barnham’s, 348, 351, 520. BARONS, returned to parliament for Hythe, 240. Barnsley, Rev. George, 228. Barrett, Tho. 138; Paul, 453; Barrett’s, of Aveley, 201. Barrett, Thomas, alias Bassett, 181. Barrow, Maurice, 340. Barton MANOR, in Canterbury, 36. Barton, Elizabeth, the Holy Maid of Kent, story of, 296. Barton’s, 137. Basant, Peter, 334. Basing’s, 489. Bassett’s, of Romney, 461. Batchelor, Isaac, 300. Bate, Thomas, 429; Bate’s, 436. Bathe, Henry de, ordinances of, 470, 475. Bathurst, Rev. Richard, possesses Brickwall house, in Goud= hurst, A. 539; Rev. Thomas, ibid. Benjamin, 454. Battell, abbey of, 432. Battely, Nicholas. 405; —- Dr. his Antiq. Rutup. 423. Bayley’s, 166. Beake’s, 335. Beale’s, 403. Bean, Robinson, 251. Beane’s, 104, 166. Bearcroft, Philip, clerk, 110. Beauchamp’s, 306. Beauvoir, Rev. Osmund, ac= count of, 529. Beckingham, Rev. James- Charles, possesses a fourth part of Stelling MANOR, 93. Beconfield, alias Tangreton MA= NOR, in Whitstaple, 514. Bedeford, Richard de, 367. Bedlestone, hamlet of, in Bra= borne, 15. Bedingfield, Timothy, 8, 267, 268; Thomas, 87; Beding= field’s, 292. BEECHBOROUGH SEAT, in Newington, 198, 202. BEKEHURST, alias SHORNE- COURT MANOR, 67. BELGAR MANOR, in Lid, 427. Belhouse, family of, 200, 201. Beling’s, 30. Belknap’s, 356, 442, 426. BELLAVIEW, in Limne, 291. Benenden, parish of, A. 542. Benson, John, clerk, 359. Bere, Nicholas de, 442. Beregrave, John de, 198. Beresford, Michael, 502; Be= resford’s, 436. BEREWICK, alias BERWICK MANOR, in Limne, 288. Bergavenny, Nevills, lords, 48, 49. Berkeley, Sir Charles, 453. Bernys, Richard, 291; John, 312. BERRY-COURT MANOR, in Old Romney, 442. viii Bertie, Hon. Peregrine, 128. BERTRAMS MANOR, in New= ington, 202. Berworth, William, 442. Besborough house, in Hernhill, A. 538. Best’s, 7, 8, 41, 531. Betun, Baldwin de, 17. Bexhill, John, possesses Capells court, in Ivechurch, 402. Bickerstaff, Sir Charles, 488. BIDDENDEN, parish of, A. 541. Bigg, Egelred, 40, 47. BILSINGTON, parish of, 344, A. 554. BILSINGTON INFERIOR, MA= NOR OF, 347; SUPERIOR, alias PRIORY, MANOR OF, 349, 351. Bilsington, MANOR OF, 361, 376, 382, 424, 472; PRIORY, 345, 349, 428. Bilcherst MANOR, in Hawking, 149. Billerika, in Limne, 292. Birch, Stephen, possesses South= ligh MANOR, in Elmsted, A. 551. BIRCHOLT FRANCHISE, hun= dred of, 1, A. 550. BIRCHOLT BARONY, hundred of, 10, A. 550. BIRCHOLT, parish of, 10, A. 551. Bird, William, 402, 403; Tho= mas, 516. BISHOPS ENBROOKE MANOR, in Cheriton, 193. Bishop’s, of Sussex, 487. Blackburn, John, possesses Sil= verden, in Hawkhurst, A. 542. BLACKMANSTONE, parish of, 272, A. 553. BLACKMANSTONE, MANOR OF, 406, 407, 472. Blackmore, James, possesses the scite of Cobbes-place, in Newchurch, 342; Thomas, possesses Little Cheney-court in Ivechurch, 403; Witter= sham college MANOR, 488; Ebeney priory MANOR, 495; and the parsonage, 497; Blackburne’s, of Tenterden, 488, 497. BLACKWOSE, alias CANONS- COURT, in Newington, 205. BLADBEAN, alias JACOBS- COURT MANOR, in Eleham, 101, 102, A. 552. Blake, Patrick, 397. Blaxland, Mrs. resides at Grave= ney-court, A. 538. BLEANE, parish of, 524. Blechenden, Mr. tenant of Bil= sington priory, 345; Peter, 408; Blechenden’s, of Al= dington, 321, 322, 324, 325. Blehem. See Bleame. Blen, Sir Hamo de, 526, 532. Bletching-court. See Scotney. Blount’s, 411, 429. Blythe, Richard, 495. Bocking, Edward, D. D. 297. Bocton, Stephen de, 128. Bodesham. See Botisham. Bokingfold MANOR, in Goud= hurst, A. 539. Bolingbrooke, George St. John, viscount, 127, 502, 511. Bolingbrooke, St. John’s, vis= counts, 128, 130. Bologne, earl of, 54. Bond, James, present curate of Bilsington, 352.
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