Whitewood Inn Restaurant, Bar & Grill Open - In Town Deleivery Available j33199;!8ধ2+!;¤Wj,32'f¤ff¤ $150 PER COPY (GST included) www.heraldsun.ca Publications Mail Agreement No. 40006725 -YPKH`6J[VILY Serving Whitewood, Grenfell, Broadview and surrounding areas • Publishing since 1893 =VS0ZZ\L Saskatchewan election called for October 26 Municipal elections to follow on Nov. 9 By Chris Ashfield Grasslands News Saskatchewan residents will head to the polls for a provincial election on Monday, October 26th. At the request of Premier Scott Moe, Lieutenant Governor Russ Mirasty dissolved the Legislative As- sembly on Sept. 29 and issued a proclamation directing the issuance of the Writs of Election commencing Sas- katchewan’s 29th General Election. There are currently six registered political parties in Saskatchewan across 61 constituencies throughout the province, including the Buffalo Party, the New Democratic Party (NDP), the Progressive Conserva- tive Party of Saskatchewan, the Saskatchewan Green Party, the Saskatchewan Liberal Party and the Sas- katchewan Party. CHRIS ASHFIELD | GRASSLANDS NEWS In the Moosomin constituency, there are two can- Heavy Rescue didates currently registered with Elections Saskatch- 0HPEHUVRI:KLWHZRRG)LUH'HSDUWPHQWPHWXSZLWKÀUHÀJKWHUVIURPWKURXJKRXW6DVNDWFKHZDQ ewan, that being incumbent MLA Steven Bonk of the DWDKHDY\UHVFXHWUDLQLQJFRXUVHKHOGDW7UDQV&DUH5HVFXHLQ/DQJKDPQRUWKZHVWRI6DVNDWRRQ Sask. Party and NDP candidate Ken Burton. In the RQ6HSWWR6HHVWRU\DQGSKRWRVRQSDJH 2016 election, Bonk was one of six candidates on the ballot and he won the seat with 72 per cent of the vote. The Melville-Saltcoats constituency’s current Sask. Party MLA Warren Kaeding is hoping voters return him for another term while Bonnie Galenzoski will challenge him as an NDP candidate. Kaeding’s popu- Flu shots beginning Oct. 19 larity during the last election earned him 72.5 per cent of the vote of the five candidates who were running. traditional influenza is nothing to ple healthy and prevent illness as Last Mountain-Touchwood has three candidates By Emily Jane Fulford sniff at, killing, on average, about well as save lives. registered to date. Travis Keisig will be the new Sask. Grasslands News 50,000 people per year. To keep If you are new to the province Party candidate following the retirement of outgoing on top of the threat, clinics, care and are still waiting for your MLA Glen Hart. Running against Keisig will be NDP It’s that time of year again; flu centres and pharmacies across the health card to arrive, you can ob- candidate Thera Nordal and PC Party candidate Victor shot season is upon us. Above province are gearing up to take on tain a free flu vaccine by going Teece. During the 2016 election, the Sask. Party won and beyond the lingering threat the 2020 flu season. to a walk-in clinic, public health this seat with 62 per cent of the vote. of COVID-19, the regular old flu is The Saskatchewan Health Au- centre or family physician. Those Don McMorris is hoping to be returned as the Sask. back for its annual punt and to co- thority (SHA) announced that this who have a valid Saskatchewan Party MLA in the constituency of Indian Head Mile- incide, another round of vaccines. year’s flu shot will be available at health card may also get a flu shot stone and is being challenged by Jared Clarke of the The 2020 flu season is especially clinics throughout the province through many local pharmacies. NDP. The last election saw five people on the ballot important as a surge in regular flu beginning as early as October 19th Obtaining a flu shot is especially for this constituency with McMorris winning the seat cases could result in Coronavirus and that a full list of locations of- important for individuals who have with 67 per cent of the vote. testing sites being overrun with fering the vaccine will be posted a high risk of influenza complica- Municipal elections non-Covid related influenza pa- near the first of the month to the tions such as pregnant women, The provincial election isn’t the only election cur- tients. site: www.4flu.ca young children, seniors, people rently under way in the province. Just three weeks Although strict sanitization Watch for further announce- with underlying health conditions, after voters cast a ballot – on Nov. 9 – people will head rules, social distancing and masks ments of flu shot clinics in your caregivers and those who are im- back to the polls for municipal elections. Up for elec- may play a role in reducing the areas showing date, place and time mune-compromised. Although it tion this year are the positions of mayor and council- spread of both illnesses, only time that the flu shots are available. should be noted that even though lors in urban municipalities (cities, towns, villages) will tell what impact COVID-19 Getting the vaccination early en- children over the age of six months and reeves and councillors representing odd-number related protocols might have on sures better protection against the are able to safely receive the flu divisions in rural municipalities. regular influenza statistics. While flu. The SHA would like to remind vaccine, any children five years of The call for nominations for municipal elections are many may be more concerned over people that the flu vaccine is a safe age and under must be vaccinated currently underway and close on Oct. 7. the bigger fish that is Coronavirus, and effective way to help keep peo- at a public health clinic. ShineS a spotlight on you and your business! w '$!<9'138';,!2'='8T#<@-2+£3$!£-9!1<9;R 28'$3+2-ধ323(3<8£3$!£#<9-2'99'9!2&'2;8'68'2'<89T 8!99£!2&9'>9>-££6<#£-9,!96'$-!£('!;<8' '£=-££'&=!2$'T 38;<Z66'££'-1'9 Friday, October 23 | !2&,-;'>33& 8'2('££ '8!£&<2 'Z8'$8'!ধ2+!£3$!£36638;<2-;@;368313;'@3<8683&<$;9c9'8=-$'9!9>'££!9'&<$!;'6'36£'!#3<;@3<8#<9-2'99 !2&;,'6'36£'>,3>380(38@3<W3,'£6&3;,!;!;!1-2-1!£68-$'T>'!8'3ø'8-2+;,'(3££3>-2+8!;'9V c¥6!+'Tc6!+'Tc6!+'{ <££6!+'¤f'?;8!$,!8+'9!66£@(38$3£3<8 AD DEADLINE: 12 Noon, Tuesday, October 20, 2020 Email: [email protected] to book your ad space today! 2 October 2, 2020 0HOYLOOH$GYDQFH:KLWHZRRG*UHQIHOO+HUDOG6XQ)RUW4X·$SSHOOH7LPHV Grasslands News FN artist creations named neo-aboriginal style By Alan Hustak to missing and murdered indigenous Grasslands News women. The acrylic he finished while at the Hansen-Ross house, Every Child Matters, is a reflection on abuse. Christopher Lightening is a First A native of Maskwacis, Alberta, Nations’ artist who signs his bold, syn- Lightening Day One grew up on the thetic canvases with the name Day One. Samson First Nation, but now lives in Nominated in the best artist category for this year’s Aboriginal Art and Fashion Yorkton. He is the product from a some- Awards, the self taught painter works times turbulent childhood. He was in el- in what he calls “a neo-aboriginal style” ementary school when a social worker rooted in street art and infused with an recognized his talent and put him in intense energy. an art class. As a teenager he dabbled “I’m an activist. I speak through my in making graffiti. A car accident at art,” he said during in an interview in 22 took away his career as a carpenter Fort Qu’Appelle where he was demon- and as a firefighter, so he turned to art strating his technique at the Han- again. “I started off with very little to sen-Ross House during the fifth annual work with, minimal art supplies. I’ve Saskatchewan fine art fair. taken my graffiti name, Day One, from Much of his work with strokes of ground level and put it up in the gal- black, white and gray, often disrupted leries.” by a streak of red, makes “some sort of His goal he says is to learn his native statement.” One, entitled, Modern Matri- language and to take people along with arch is a portrait of model and actress, him on his journey. “I watch the news Ashley Callingbull from the Enoch Cree and listen to what’s happening. As an Modern Matriarch $/$1+867$._*5$66/$1'61(:6 Nation who works with community artist I use real life experience, what is &KULVWRSKHU/LJKWHQLQJLVD)LUVW1DWLRQ·VDUWLVWZKRVLJQVKLVEROGFDQYDVHV elders and youth. Another one, called happening in my community. I use that Day One like this one called “Modern Matriarch”. Our Strongest Warriors, pays homage in my art.” Wahpossywan paints the beauty seen in his world By Sarah Pacio is a similar painting of teepees, with The artist from Sakimay First Nation school children, occasionally teaching Grasslands News an early morning fog rising behind six has been drawing sketches of animals classes in Grenfell or Sakimay schools horses grazing in a green field. Sunrays and scenery since he was a young boy, or simply encouraging youth to nurture burst from behind clouds in a vibrant but developed a love for painting about their abilities. “I tell them ‘Keep at it, An oblong canvas depicts a snowy sky. These and other scenes hanging in 20 years ago. “It’s like therapy, listening keep practicing,’” he said. “I can tell clearing under a moonlit sky. Smoke The Gallery in Wolseley were painted to music and painting – there’s nothing they’re happy painting.” rises from four teepees with people sil- by one of the guild’s newest members, better. I love doing it,” he commented. Wahpossywan has now joined The houetted inside. Across the room, there Orval Wahpossywan.
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