RECORDS Page 17—The Robesonian, Lumber ton. N.C., Thursday, Sept. 8.1977 SpintS, NoteS 'Cuckoo's Nest' Winters Signed For Dual Roles In IHsney Spec HOLLYWOOD — Jonathan watchman at Disney Studios Disney animated "thrillers" as By, MARY CAMPBELL says he and Ghattaway, his Winters has been signed by AP.I«Iewsfeatures Writer record producer,\write well to- who discovers a smart-talking "Lonesome Ghosts" (1937), . :Ma'ySa£d-.;Ferguson radiates gether. He, playihg a single- Gets New Airing Walt Disney Productions to pumpkin in the prop "Trick or Treat" (1952) and so much;.erithusiasm when his note instrument, spins out ro- star in dual roles on warehouse. The comedian will "Legend of Sleepy Hollow" band is playing that one won- mantic melodies. Chattaway's "Halloween Hall O'Fame," a also appear as the pumpkin in (1949). ders if it's;-all real or partly : contributions, on piano, are vi- special set for airing Oct. 30 on special make-up created by Filming on the live action shbw business. tally important but hard to de- NBC's "The Wonderful World Bob Schiffer, who aged Burt sequence starts Sept. 8 at So one meets Maynard Fer- fine, Ferguson says. They work* of Disney," according to Lancaster 55 years for "The guson to find that out. And in in one room, playing, trading On Public TV Disnfey Studios in Burbank. conversations he has enough ideas, with a tape recorder run- Executive Producer Ron Bird Man of Alcatraz." additional>! verve and good ning. By JAY SHARBUTT show how it differs from the Miller. Included in the special are Ethiopia is nearly twice the cheer., to .cause his listener to Performing used to be fun AP Television Writer make-believe of the movie. Winters will play a night scenes from such classic size of Texas. walk .around with a brighter but making a record was too LOS ANGELES (AP) - If The program starts slowly, spiritiall day. much like taking an exam- A New'York Times review of ination in school, Ferguson you saw "One Flew Over the with various comments by sev- fAiRlANE UTCHflElD'HeATRfS a Newport Jazz Festival con- says. But now that he knows Cuckoo's Nest" and wondered eral supporting actors in the cert: this-summer began, "The more about recording, he en- if the movie accurately depict- movie about their experiences bra'ssy,:glpry of Maynard Fer- joys that too. He records with ed life in a mental hospital, making the film. Miss Start**s* TOMORROW! j 7ST2« gusoti}is orchestra shone his own band instead of with a you'll definitely want to see Fletcher, who won an Oscar for brilliantly." And about the studio band, Ferguson says, be- public TV's "'Inside the Cuck- her portrayal of stern, leader it continued, "He height- cause they're so good. Every- oo's Nest.". ens anything he plays, even body has been with him two authoritarian Nurse Hatched, SHE SERVED HER COUNTRY... when it ;ls/not inherently dra- years and some for five or six. You might be relieved after also discusses her role briefly. ma tic* i fry ( seeming to almost But the most important thing, seeing this 90-minute docu- Bear with all this, because < THE OHIY WAY SHE KKE W HOW! I kiss the last note as he leaps he says, is "the fact the band is mentary, produced by KQED the show immediately back holding his trumpet MAYNARD FERGUSON not married to any one sound. in San Francisco for airing improves as it juxtaposes key triumphantly in the air." soundtrack and had the biggest A new sound is a thrill to ev- tonight over public TV's scenes from "Cuckoo's Nest" "I'm a'performer and I open- hit with the tune in the United erybody. Being involved in a to- national hookup (some stations with what KQED's film crew ly know that and enjoy it and States. day thing is pleasure and fun may televise it later). shot at the hospital. JOEY think that is part of my art," Ferguson's new single, "Star and creative as opposed to say- Ferguson says. "I'm a great ing we should do the same old Filmed at Oregon State Hos- Example: The movie showed Wars," is selling well. So are pital, where the 1975 movie patients docilely lined up for lover of audiences and I really versions by the London.Sym- things. HEflTHERTON enjoy what I do. phony and Meco. "Our band is based on ex- starring Jack Nicholson and their daily medication. They AS XAVIERA HOLLANDER "Wlien I teach in the schools, citement and feeling young and Louise Fletcher was made, the weren't told what it was, but it I try to teach them to enjoy as About his playing, Ferguson being today. Not all wine that show's aim is to study if what says, "I'm probably stronger clearly was dispensed to con- they; leairii:;;r get some very gets old gets better and that's we saw in the movie was the trol them, not help them. serious young people, getting than ever before." Asked what the way I feel about music." ', too serious.:I think of music as is the highest note he can hit on A new album, to be released MCoy or merely good drama. The "Inside" view: Patients mostly;'hooked into joy and the trumpet — and nobody even in October, his ninth for Colum- Aiding the study with occa- know what they're getting, why pleasure?'' •; asks anymore whether anybody bia, something like his 50th to- sional narration and ex- and discuss it with a hospital Ferguson, born in 1928, has else can play as high — Fergu- tal, will include 'Airegin.' Fer- planation is Dr. Dean Brooks, "treatment team" of experts. son says, "It's limitless, reaUy. THE silver hair framing a face with guson says, "That's Nigeria who played the ;head of the One of the strongest, most muscles kept boyishly plump It depends on the day, the heed spelled backwards. It's a Sonny and the inspiration.'In the last movie's mental hospital and in terrifying scenes of "Cuckoo's by blowing his trumpet. In a Rollins composition. It's basic- real life is superintendent of the short talk, one finds out that year and a half, trumpeter-Don ally the Mike Abene arrange- Nest" showed Nicholson HflPPY he's delighted about all sorts of Ellis says I've added another ment from the 'Color Him Wild' Oregon State Hospital in receiving electro-shock things, small and great. octave." .... ....... ., ..- album in the early 1960s. We Salem. treatments. But Ferguson,, who also is a now play it about twice as fast. I suspect some in his field Strong drama, but HOOKER Frank Sinatra's lawyer has family man, does not "live" his "I consider that a vintage ar- phoned his manager and asked, will view his participation in technically wrong, Dr. Brooks trumpet. '-'There are people, if rangement within my book." tonight's show as a belated ef- GOES TO "How much for the kid?" and you take the horn away from says. The patients don't get the Ferguson, nearing 50, is tickled them, they'd be lost. For me, FILM RATING GUIDE fort to counter whatever bad treatment cold, as in the movie, to be called the kid. that horn stays in .the case un- image of mental hospitals but are first anesthetized and Ferguson was on camera less I'm involved in writing... For Parents and Nicholson's powerful movie given drugs to reduce WASHINGTON two-and-a-half minutes as the "I do not practice three hours Their Children caused. convulsions. flag lowered and flame was ex- a day. I do a lot of swimming But I'd call it a valuable ef- An ensuing scene of such a tinguished at the Olympics in and keep myself in good physi- GENEBAlAUPIENCtS fort to help lay viewers under- treatment is an extremely dis- Montreal. He, a Canadian, cal shape. On the road I drink All Age* Admitted played music written by a Ca- only good wine, and not too G stand the actual treatmment of turbing sight, but infinitely nadian and the whole thing was much good wine. I do breathing mental illness, at least in his more humane than what folks televised and sent by satellite exercises." '^,.- PMtKTAl GUIDlrICi hospital, and in the process saw in "Cuckoo's Nest. to an enormous audience. Ferguson and Jay Chattaway PG SIWGKTID His last two LPs and last two wrote "Conquistador," which is Some Material MoT Not Be singles have been the biggest longer when done on stage than Suitable lor Pre-Teenagen hits of his career. "Primal on the album. ''Four trumpet Cast Is Announced Scream" hit the pop charts and solos by four different guys in HKTIICIiD "Conquistador, "which followed the band aren't nearly as effec- R Umiti II r,,iu«t oicamponrini it, has sold more than 400,000 tive on an album; it sounds like Parent) or Adult Guardian copies and is the best-selling one trumpet solo. In person, For Comedy At PSU GEORGE HAMILTON big album in years. "Gonna you have the realization of the Fly Now," the theme from the identities changing and differ- NO ONI UNDER 17 ADMITTED PEMBROKE — The cast has to see the error of her way. movie, "Rocky," was a single ent approaches." (Age limit may »a>r been selected for the Pembroke The cast is as follows: LAST DAY: "THUNDER & LIGHTNING" 7:00 & 9:00 hit for Ferguson. In Italy, it "Conquistador" has a feel of ® in certain or Ml) Players first production of the Charlie, Elise Broadhead; was a bigger hit than the ver- romantic old Spain and it's season, "Goodbye Charlie." George Tracy, Larry Mat- sion by Bill Conti, the Italian definitely a showcase for the -MPAA thews; Rusty Mayerling, Ferguson trumpet.
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