State Legislative Scorecard 2010 Maryland PIRG, a non-profit, non-partisan advocate for the public interest, monitors the voting records of Maryland’s state legislators. Do your legislators support the public interest? Their votes on key public interest issues are shown below. PUBLIC INTEREST VOTES IN THE STATE SENATE MARYLAND STATE SENATE 1) Bisphenol-A (SB 213) — Restricts the use of the chemical Floor Cmte 2010 Lifetime Bisphenol-A (BPA) in baby bottles and cups designed for children Senator Dist 1 2 3 4 5 Score Total Score Score under the age of 4, starting in 2012. John Astle 30 + - + + - 60% 0/2 43% 61% David Brinkley 4 + - - + - 40% 0/1 33% 34% 2) Foreclosure due to delinquent municipal bills (SB 158) — Jim Brochin 42 + + + A + 80% 0/1 67% 80% Would have prohibited the forced sale or foreclosure of a property Richard Colburn 37 + - - + A 40% 1/2 43% 25% due to unpaid water, sewer, or other sanitary system bills totaling Joan Carter Conway 43 + - + + + 80% 2/2 86% 89% less than $750. Ulysses Currie 25 + - + + + 80% 0/1 67% 74% James Ed DeGrange 32 + - + + - 60% 0/1 50% 58% George Della 46 + + + + + 100% 2/2 100% 82% 3) Transportation criteria (SB 760) — Ensures that planners evaluate proposed state-funded projects against existing state transportation Roy Dyson 29 + - + + - 60% 2/2 71% 75% goals, which include safety and security, environmental stewardship, George Edwards 1 + - + + - 60% 0/1 50% 29% and repairing existing infrastructure. Nathaniel Exum 24 + + + A + 80% 2/2 86% 84% Jennie Forehand 17 + + + + + 100% 0/1 83% 85% Brian Frosh 16 + + + + + 100% 1/1 100% 99% 4) False health claims (SB 279) — Rewards whistleblowers of Rob Garagiola 15 + + + + - 80% 1/2 71% 76% Medicaid fraud by giving them a share of the damages and allows the state to more aggressively pursue fraudulent claims. Lisa Gladden 41 E - + + + 75% 1/1 80% 87% Barry Glassman 35 + - - + - 40% 0/2 29% 25% Larry E. Haines 5 + - + - - 40% 0/1 33% 22% 5) Lead dust testing (SB 504) — Would have ensured that a rental David Harrington 47 + + + + + 100% 2/2 100% 89% property underwent lead dust testing before a new tenant moved Andrew Harris 7 + - A - - 20% 1/2 29% 24% in to the property. Nancy Jacobs 34 + - - - - 20% 1/1 33% 25% Verna Jones 44 + + + + + 100% 0/1 83% 83% Edward Kasemeyer 12 + - + + - 60% 0/1 50% 69% Delores Kelley 10 + + + + + 100% 1/2 86% 82% PUBLIC INTEREST VOTES IN THE HOUSE OF DELEGATES Nancy King 39 + + + + - 80% 0/1 67% 58% Allan Kittleman 9 + - - - - 20% 0/2 14% 13% 1) Bisphenol-A (HB 33) — Restricts the use of the chemical Katherine Klausmeier 8 + + + + - 80% 0/2 57% 68% Bisphenol-A (BPA) in baby bottles and cups designed for children Rona Kramer 14 + - + + - 60% 0/1 50% 65% under the age of 4, starting in 2012. Mike Lenett 19 + + + + + 100% 2/2 100% 93% Richard Madaleno 18 + + + + + 100% 0/1 83% 80% Nathaniel McFadden 45 + - + + + 80% 0/1 67% 74% 2) Pay day lending (HB 79) — Closes loopholes that have allowed pay day lenders to impose interest rates up to 600 percent. Thomas McLain Middleton 28 + - + + - 60% 2/2 71% 76% Thomas V. Mike Miller 27 + - + + - 60% n/a 60% 78% Alex Mooney 3 + + + - - 60% 0/1 50% 31% 3) Foreclosure mediation (HB 472) — Gives homeowners tools Donald Munson 2 + - - - - 20% 0/1 17% 32% to help avoid foreclosure, including a new measure to permit C. Anthony Muse 26 + + + + A 80% 1/1 83% 75% homeowners to request third party mediation. Douglas J. J. Peters 23 + + + + + 100% 0/1 83% 85% Paul Pinsky 22 + + + + + 100% 2/2 100% 99% 4) Credit card blacklisting (SB 523) — Prevents credit card E. J. Pipkin 36 + - - - - 20% 0/2 14% 33% companies from adjusting customers’ credit card terms based on Catherine Pugh 40 + + + + + 100% 2/2 100% 83% the stores at which they shop. Jamie Raskin 20 + + + + + 100% 1/1 100% 100% Edward Reilly 33 + - - - - 20% 1/2 29% 29% 5) Transparency in consumer arbitration (HB 379) — Some James Robey 13 + - + + + 80% 0/1 67% 70% contracts now require that consumers waive their right to sue in Jim Rosapepe 21 + + + + + 100% 2/2 100% 93% court. This bill would have increased the likelihood of receiving a Bryan Simonaire 31 + + + + - 80% 0/1 67% 38% fair hearing from third party arbitrators. J. Lowell Stoltzfus 38 + - - + - 40% 0/1 33% 25% Norman Stone 6 + + + + + 100% 0/1 83% 77% Bobby Zirkin 11 + + + + + 100% 0/1 83% 74% KEY (+) = Vote for the public interest (E) = Excused from vote (-) = Vote against the public interest (A) = Unexcused absence Visit our website, www.marylandpirg.org, to see how scores are calculated, including committee votes. Committee votes are scored equally to floor votes. Advocate For The Public Interest When consumers are cheated, or the voices of ordinary citizens are drowned out by special interest lobbyists, Maryland PIRG speaks up and takes action. We uncover threats to public health and well-being and fight to end them, using the time-tested tools of investigative research, media exposés, grassroots organizing, advocacy and litigation. Maryland PIRG’s mission is to deliver persistent, result- oriented public interest activism that encourages a fair, sustainable economy, and fosters responsive, democratic government. 3121 Saint Paul St. #26, Baltimore, MD 21218 · (410) 467-9389 · [email protected] · www.marylandpirg.org State Legislative Scorecard 2010 Maryland PIRG, a non-profit, non-partisan advocate for the public interest, monitors the voting records of Maryland’s state legislators. Do your legislators support the public interest? Their votes on key public interest issues are shown below. MARYLAND HOUSE OF DELEGATES Cmte 2010 Lifetime Cmte 2010 Lifetime Delegate Dist 1 2 3 4 5 Score Score Score Delegate Dist 1 2 3 4 5 Score Score Score Saqib Ali 39 + A + + + 2/2 86% 96% James King 33A + + - - + 0/3 38% 36% Curt Anderson 43 + + + + + 1/1 100% 93% Nicholaus Kipke 31 + + + + + 0/0 100% 58% Susan Aumann 42 + - - - - 0/2 14% 47% Ruth Kirk 44 + + + + + 0/3 63% 80% Charles Barkley 39 + + + + + 0/3 63% 90% Benjamin F. Kramer 19 + + + + + 1/1 100% 91% Ben Barnes 21 + + + + + 1/1 100% 94% Susan Krebs 9B + - + - - 0/0 40% 48% Joseph Bartlett 4A + - - - - 0/1 17% 32% Carolyn Krysiak 46 + + + + + 2/3 88% 83% Kumar Barve 17 + + + + + 1/1 100% 91% Sue Kullen 27B + + + + + 0/0 100% 91% Gail Bates 9A + - - - + 0/2 29% 29% Stephen Lafferty 42 + + + + + 1/2 86% 93% Pamela Beidle 32 + + + + + 1/2 86% 89% Susan Lee 16 + + + + + 1/1 100% 96% Wendell Beitzel 1A + - + - + 1/2 57% 39% Gerron Levi 23A + + + + + 1/1 100% 88% Joanne Benson 24 + + + + + 0/0 100% 94% Murray Levy 28 + + + + + 1/2 86% 77% Elizabeth Bobo 12B + + + + + 2/2 100% 100% Mary Ann Love 32 + + + + + 0/3 63% 78% John Bohanan 29B + + + + + 1/2 86% 73% James Malone 12A + E + + + 1/2 83% 82% Joseph Boteler 8 + - - - - 0/1 17% 21% Roger Manno 19 + + + + + 3/3 100% 88% Talmadge Branch 45 + + + + + 1/2 86% 77% Jim Mathias 38B + + + + + 0/3 63% 70% Aisha Braveboy 25 + + + + + 1/3 75% 81% Susan McComas 35B + - - + - 0/1 33% 43% Eric Bromwell 8 + E + E E 0/0 100% 77% Tony McConkey 33A + + - + + 0/1 67% 41% William Bronrott 16 + + + + + 1/2 86% 89% Pat McDonough 7 + - + - - 0/0 40% 30% Emmett Burns 10 + + + + + 1/2 86% 75% Brian McHale 46 + + + + + 2/3 88% 80% Michael Busch 30 + + + + + 0/0 100% 93% Maggie McIntosh 43 + + + + + 2/2 100% 87% Rudolph Cane 37A + + + + + 1/2 86% 82% Warren Miller 9A + - - - - 0/3 13% 14% Jon Cardin 11 + + + + + 1/1 100% 97% Joseph "Sonny" Minnick 6 + + + + + 0/1 83% 58% Alfred Carr 18 + + + + + 2/2 100% 100% Heather Mizeur 20 + + + + + 2/2 100% 96% Jill Carter 41 + + + + + 0/0 100% 84% Karen Montgomery 14 + + + + + 0/0 100% 99% Galen Clagett 3A E + + + + 1/2 83% 92% Dan Morhaim 11 + + + + + 0/0 100% 97% Virginia Clagett 30 + + + + + 1/2 86% 89% Peter Murphy 28 + + + + + 1/1 100% 93% Frank Conaway 40 + + + + + 1/1 100% 94% LeRoy Myers 1C + E - - - 0/1 20% 33% Norman Conway 38B + + + + + 1/2 86% 77% Shirley Nathan-Pulliam 10 + + + + + 0/0 100% 99% Bob Costa 33B + + + - + 0/0 80% 58% Doyle Niemann 47 A + + + + 1/2 71% 86% Dereck Davis 25 + + + + + 0/1 83% 83% H. Wayne Norman 35A + - - - - 1/2 29% 37% Steven DeBoy 12A + + + + + 1/2 86% 77% Nathaniel T. Oaks 41 + + - + + 0/0 80% 81% John Donoghue 2C + + + + + 0/0 100% 76% Anthony O'Donnell 29C + - - - - 1/2 29% 27% Ann Marie Doory 43 + + + + + 1/1 100% 90% John Olszewski 6 + + + + + 1/1 100% 89% Kathleen Dumais 15 + + + + + 1/1 100% 92% Joseline Pena-Melnyk 21 + + + + + 0/0 100% 96% Don Dwyer 31 + - - - - 0/1 17% 22% Shane Pendergrass 13 + + + + + 0/0 100% 93% Adelaide Eckardt 37B + - + + - 1/2 57% 45% James Proctor 27A + + + + + 1/2 86% 83% Donald Elliott 4B + - + - + 0/0 60% 41% Victor Ramirez 47 + + + + + 1/1 100% 92% Page Elmore 38A + + E + + 0/1 80% 67% Kirill Reznik 39 + + + + + 0/0 100% 94% Brian Feldman 15 + + + + + 2/3 88% 80% Craig Rice 15 + + + + + 1/1 100% 93% William Frank 42 + - - - - 0/1 17% 31% B. Daniel Riley 34A + + + + + 0/0 100% 83% Bill Frick 16 + + + + + 1/1 100% 95% Barbara Robinson 40 + + + + + 1/2 86% 89% Barbara Frush 21 + + + + + 1/2 86% 92% Sandy Rosenberg 41 + + + + + 1/1 100% 96% Tawanna Gaines 22 + + + + + 1/2 86% 88% Justin Ross 22 + + + + + 1/1 100% 92% Ron George 30 + - + - - 0/1 33% 47% David Rudolph 34B + + + + + 1/3 75% 84% Jim Gilchrist 17 + + + + + 1/1 100% 93% Steve Schuh 31 + + + - - 0/2 43% 63% Cheryl Glenn 45 + + + + + 2/2 100% 97% Todd Schuler 8 + + + + + 1/1 100% 89% Melony Griffith 25 + + + + + 1/2 86% 84% Andrew Serafini 2A + - - - - 1/2 29% 30% Ana Sol Gutierrez 18 + + + + + 1/2 86% 96% Christopher Shank 2B + - - - - 0/1 17% 39% Guy Guzzone 13 + + + + + 1/2 86% 85% Tanya Shewell 5A + - + - + 1/2 57% 41% Jeannie Haddaway-Riccio 37B + - + + - 1/3 50% 49% Luiz Simmons 17 + + + + + 1/1 100% 94% Peter Hammen 46 + + + + + 0/0 100% 94% Michael Smigiel 36 + - - - + 1/1 50% 53% Hattie Harrison 45 + + + + + 1/2 86% 82% Theodore Sophocleus 32 + + + + + 1/2 86% 73% Keith Haynes 44 + + + + + 1/2 86% 91% Richard Sossi 36 + - + + - 1/2 57% 39% Anne Healey 22 + + + + + 1/2 86% 89% Dana Stein 11 + + + + + 1/2 86% 90% Sue Hecht 3A E + + + + 3/3 100% 91% Donna Stifler 35A + - - - - 1/3 25% 39% Henry B.
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