Neighbouring Holotype 6 , Paratype and Other Specimens: Ar

Neighbouring Holotype 6 , Paratype and Other Specimens: Ar

OdonatologicalAbstracts 1978 flights of Sympetrum danae, S. flaveolum and S. occurred 5-8 vulgatum onAug. (alsoon open (9190) HIGASHI, food — K., 1978. Daily consumption sea, against the wind!). The subsequent re- of Sympetrum frequens Selys (Odonala: Libel- ports were published by the same Author as JIBP 18: 199-207. - lulidae). Synthesis (Dept follows; 1982, Libellen, in: K.E. Heers & V. Biol., Coll. Liberal Arts, Saga Univ., I Honjio, Kullik, Mellumbericht 1982, 19-21 pp. [given Saga, 840, JA). the first record of Lestes viridis for the island]: An is made — attempt to estimate the food con- 1984. Odonata, in: U. Riither, J. Figgener& at Minamata, sumption Japan,by meansofcom- B. Tiemann, Mellumbericht 1984, pp. 166- puter simulation, using the frequency of feeding -167 [record of Sympetrum fonscolombei]. and of flights the mean weight prey insects as wellas by the dailychange in dragonflystomach 1983 contents. (9193) LEMPERT, J„ 1983. Beobachlungen an Libel- 1980 len, In: D. Grote,Jahresbericht ftir Wangerooge- -Ost, pp. 220-223, Mellumrat, Oldenburg. — (9191) DREESEN, J., 1980. Die Tienvell an vier Sand- (Vereinsstr. 41, D-20357 Hamburg). im Landkreis Wittlich. gruben Dendrocopos 7: An annotated and commented list is given of 60-61. — (Forsthaus, D(W)-552I Seinsfeld). 17 spp. evidenced in July and Aug., 1983 at the 13 odon. spp. are listed from 4 sand pits in the Northsea island of Wangerooge, Germany, district of Wittlich, W. Germany. Diurnal behaviour and dormitories of Sympe- trum flaveolum are described in considerable 1981 detail. (9192) LEMPERT, J„ 1981. Libellen. In: J. Figgener 1986 Mellumbericht & F. von Berger, 1981, pp. 16- -19, Mellumrat, Oldenburg. — (Vereinsstr. 41, (9194) WHALLEY, P., 1986. Insects from the Italian D-20357 Trias. Riv. Mus. Hamburg). Upper civ. Sci. not. "Enrico This is thfe listed in — a sequel to report OA 876, Caffi" 10: 51-60. (With Ital.s.). (Author reti- with the 1981 dealing (June,Aug.)observations. red from BMNH, his current address unknown). — The Ischnura evi- large pumilio population, The paper deals almost exclusively with the denced in the and all the previous year, was now greatly odon., specimens are probably refer- reduced. The abundance of Lestes able the i.e. immigrant to same sp., Italophlebiagervasuttii barbarus, L. and L. into dryas sponsa was higher gen.n., sp.n., placed Italophlebiidaefam.n. than the basis of the expected on neighbouring Holotype 6 , paratype and other specimens: Ar- continental populations.Appreciablemigratory gillitidiRivadi Soltofermation,Lower Rhaelic, 78 Odonatological Abstracts 20 km off Bergamo, Italy; deposited in Mus. djin Resen’ation. Inst. Zoo!., Ukrain. Acad. Sci. Civ. Stor. Nat., The is descri- Kiev. Bergamo. new sp. [Preprint No. 89.15], 60 pp. (Russ., with bed and illustrated in great detail,and the syste- Engl.s.). — (Second Author: Dept Pop, Ecol., matic of the fam. within the He- position new Schmalhausen Inst. Zoo!., Ukrain. Acad. Sci., miphlebioideais discussed. B. ChmelnickogoSir. 15, UKR-252601 Kiev). odon. 6 taxa (some identified to the genus only) 1988 mentioned in number of bird are as prey a spp. from the Kurgaldjin Nature Reserve, Kazakh- (9195) BROCKHAUS,T. & J. HUBL, 1988. Bcobach- stan. im tungen am Waldsôllen Kreis Strasburg. Nat- 46-48. - SchutzArb. Mecklenburg 31(1): (First (9198) VON BALLMOOS, €., 1989. Contribution a Author: Mark! 20/21, D-09111 Chemnitz). !'etude des odonales des tourhieres ombrogi>- Record of 7 odon. spp., from 3 localities: Stras- nes:peuplemenld'un haut-marais du Jura neu- burg distr., eastern Germany. chdlelois (vallee de la Brevine). Trav. Licence. Univ. Neuchâtel. 162 pp. — (Lab. Ecol. anim. (9196) PARK, W.-H., J.-W. LEE, D.-H. KIM & Y.-J. & Ent., Inst. Zool., Univ. Neuchâlel, Chantc- SHIN, A offive merle CH-2000 1988. cytotaxonomic study spe- 22, Neuchâtel). cies of the Korean Libellulidae (Odonata). J. The work deals with the odon. fauna of a marsh nal. Sci. Yeungnam Univ. 8: 175-184. (Korean, in the Jura Mts, canton Neuchâtel, Switzerland, & tab. — with Engl.s. & fig. captions). Dept but it is not available for abstracting. Biol., Coll. Sci„ Yeungnam Univ., Gyongsan, Cyongbuk, Korea). (9199) WATERSTON, A.R. & A.R. PITTAWAY. 1989. On the basis of abstract in Insecta The Odonata of and an published or dragonflies Oman neigh- koreana 3( 1993), this is listed in territories. (Suppl.) paper bouring J. Oman Stud. 10: 131-168. OA 8926, but it from the — Author: 9 Place, as appears original (First Moray Edinburgh, publication the authorship there is wrong and EH3 6DS, Scotland, UK; - Second Author: 2 - The studied Orthetrum Meadow incomplete. spp. are Close, Moulsford nr Wallingford, albistylum speciosum, O. triangulare melania, Oxon, 0X10 9JL. UK). Rhyothemis fuliginosa(alln S = !3),Crocothe- A comprehensive account is presented of the mis and eroticum collections the United s. servilia Sympetrum e. (both from Oman, Arab Emira- have — Note: Bahrain and the said to n â = 12). (Abstracter’s tes, Qatar, Island. Kuwait Hasa, is several This a poor paper, containing inpreci- which arc compared with those made in Saudi sions and contradictions. For example, it is said Arabia and in Yemen. Enallagma somalicum Crocothemis s. servilia has monocentric chro- amitinum Waterston ssp.n. is described and il- while in the other 4 these lustrated 6 & 3 <3 Oman. mosomes, spp. are (holotype paratypes: holocentric! In the it is stated C. Dhofar alt. 620 8- Engl, text s. prov., Ayun pools, ca m. servilia of n=!2 would 9 Wadi has a haploidset (which -X-1977; allotype : same prov.. Sha'ath, correspond to the Japanese C. s. mariannael), 5-X-I979; all in RMS, Edinburgh). The distri- but in the (which is bution of is and "karyogram” apparently most spp. mapped, a biogeogra- based I of the fauna is on very poor metaphase micrographs) phic analysis provided. 13 elements shown. All are clearly spp. were 1990 studied previously, and the paper brings no new information of any kind.) (9200) NARAOKA, H., 1990. Studies on the ecology 1989 ofthe damselfly Cercion sieboldi Selys (Coena- grionidae: Odonata) in Aomori prefecture, (9197) MEDVEDEV, S.I., A.A. PETRUSENKO, J.V northern Japan. 3. Ovipositing behavior. New BELKIN & I.A. KRYVICKI, 1989. Osnovnye Enlomol. 39(1/2): 6-12. (Jap., with Engl.s.). - ekologicheskie osohennosti pitaniya ptic Kur- (36-71, Aza Motoizumi. Oaza Fukunoda. Itaya- gaTdzhinskogo zapovednika. — The main tro- nagi-machi, Kita-gun. Aomori, 038-36, JA). birds — phocoenoticpeculiarities of from Kurgal- For pts 1 & 2 cf. OA 6096. At Tsuruda, Odonalological Abstracts 79 Aomori occurred be- Tierarten. pref., oviposition mainly Erganzung zur Artenliste von 1988], tween 10:00-15:00 h. 3 modes could be distin- Libellen (Odonata). In: F. Ebel & R. Schbn- guished, viz. aerial (1.5%), water surface brodt, Pflanzen- und Tierarten der Natur- (71.1%) and submerged oviposition im Saalkreis. 17, (26.4%). schutzobjekte 1. Erganzung, p, The total time required for the performance of Landratsamt des Saalkreises & Bot. Garten all from seizure reproductive activities, to sepa- Martin-Luther-Univ. & Landesamt fiir Umwelt- ration, varied between 38 min to 3 h 30 min. schutz Sachsen-Anhalt, Halle. — (First Author: In Engl, summary (and Engl, tabs) the descrip- Kopemikusstr. 11, D(0)-4050 Halle). tion is presented in considerable detail. A checklist of 20 recorded in spp. nature reser- ves ofthe Saal distr., Sachsen-Anhalt,Germany; (9201 ) VAN MARTEN, A., 1990. The inventory of the without comments. insect fauna ofthe Cape Verde Islands. Courier Forsch.-lnst. Senckenherg 129: 103-108. (With (9205) MEYER, R., 1991. [Arteninventar der einzel- — Luta Germ.s.). (Projecto Integrada GTZ, nen NSG und END des Saalkreises. Erganzung Inst. Nae, dos Or- den Investig. Agraria, Sao Jorge zu Artenlisten von 1988], NSG Franzig- Verde gaos, Cape Islands). mark. Libellen. /«: F. Ebel & R. Schdnbrodt, So far 13 odon. spp. are known from the Cape Pflanzen- und Tierarten der Naturschutzobjekte Verde Islands, and 3 A list im more are expected. Saalkreis. 1. Erganzung, p. 26, Landratsamt is not given. des Saalkreises & Hot. Garten Martin-Luther- -Univ. & Landesamt für Umweltschutz Sach- 1991 sen-Anhalt, Halle. — (Schulamt, Magistrat d. Stadt Halle, Schulumweltzentrum, D(0)-4020 (9202) GRETZKE, R. & J. LIESENDAHL, 1991.Lim- Halle). nologisch-faunistische 18 Untersuchungen an A checklist of spp. recorded in the Franzig- Fliessgewassem im Grossraum Wuppertal. I. mark Nature Reserve, Saal distr., Sachsen-An- Das in Gelpe-System Wuppertal und Rem- halt, Germany; without comments. scheid. Jher. nalurw. Vet: Wuppertal 44: 71-83. - (First Author: Winklerstr. 40. D(W)-5600 MOLA, 1991. el (9206) L.M., Variacion cariotipica en contenido Wuppertal-2). de ADN en très especies de Aeshna 2 From ponds in the Gelpe R. system 4 odon. (Odonata), Resum. 22 Congr anual Soc. Arenl. are recorded; Northrhine-Westfalia, Ger- Genet. Catamarca, 10. — (Bulnes 761 spp. p. many. Detailed chemical data are given for the 10°'A”, AR-1176 Buenos Aires). The DNA streams, but not for the neighbouring ponds. values were identified in A. confusa (n=14). A, bonariensis (n=13) and A. comigera (9203) HOEBEL. W.-D., 1991. |Arteninventarderein- planaltica (n=8). These are not significantly dif- zelnen NSG und FND des Saalkreises. the chromosome Ergiin- ferent, irrespective of num- FND bers. zung zu den Artenlisten von 1988]. Heyersloch bei Beidersee. Libellen. In: F. Ebel & R. Schbnbrodt, Pflanzen- und Tierarten der (9207) TSUBUKI, T, 1991. Diurnal activity of the Naturschutzobjekte im Saalkreis. 1. Erganzung, libellulid dragonfly,Sympetrum frequens Selys des Saalkreises p. 51, Landratsamt & Bot. Gar- (Odonata). New Enlomol. 40(3/4): 24-30. (Jap., & Landesamt fiir — ten Martin-Luther-Univ. Um- with Engl.s., tabs & fig. captions). (Author’s weltschutzSachsen-Anhalt, Halle. — (Koperni- address not transliterated). The observations kusstr. II, D(0)-4050 Halle). were carried out in a meadow A checklist of 5 from the bei spp. "Heyersloch on the Yunomaru Heights (alt. 1750 m), nr the Beidersee” Nature Monument,Saal distr.,Sadi- city ofTobu.

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