ICONDOMIMUMS FOR RENT MANCHESTER. Luxury UP to 1310 square feet Sbcdroom Townhouse. available on Main Air, pool, fireplace, Street. Warren E. How- tennis, g o lf. SHOO per lond. Inc. 643-1100. month. Southfield MANCHESTER Office Green. 647-3014. building tor rent. Ideal location. Ample park­ STORE AND ing. Good exposure. R.D. Murdock. 643- LICENSED South Wlnd- OFFICE SPACE 3693. tor mother hat NionuHiMkHEg* 96 Chevy Van *15,486 summer and oil yeor FURNISHED Offices with RtEMiBllEg SQrvkQ 99 Honda C M o *0995 VACATION ftpenlnot In her home 94 Chev Camero *5195 phone, receptionist, for children aoet 3 and NS Jsb Tee Ole er Tee tmell copy, tax and secre­ RENTALS ie% SeWer OtUee OWceunt 94 Honda Aooord *7995 up. 644-8331 o ffer 4pm . MiiiWer ef Ihe letireWliiiel tary support. 647-4000. MISQUAMICUT. A 'h ■9 Honda Aooord H/B *6996 91 Chovy Monlo Carlo i *4995 EAST Center Street. 1,000 rooms, cable, heated. Reg. Ins. Ref. Oeu78S-07B1 Anytime. Walking distance to 94 O ld i Cutloso *6995 square feet office Develee yeeeg leeretog skills spoce. Excellent vlso- beach. Available: July ee«. U siesiS 4ey eers ksnw. •9 Ply. Horizon *2995 blllty. 649-0533. 9-16, August 6-30, Au­ M A tilV i Sn MMn i 4 pbms 99 Honda C M o *5495 gust 37-September. DEUVERING w i Rich, dean, otone-free •4 Comare Cpo. *4995 LIQUOR PRRMIT Families preferred. if NulnKlBi Tiii Nut. EliCTffiCM. H youVe slek of eonheelan not loom. 5 yerdo. •SOPIueTex. 99 Dodgo Lanoor *7495 NOTICH OP APPLICATION Call 643-0491. 5 6 8 -8 5 8 9 returning your oaHs, osN ue. Alto, tend, grovel, ttone Caupe, 6 cylinders, 97 HorWa Lxl Aooord *12,995 This Is to Give notice that I, NOTICE TO CREDITORS A i*r msureSl Mmy RslWeMss end horee manure. 100,000 miles. Very Frederick S. Martin of 319 E S T A T E O F CLEANINe ELECTMCM. WORK deed, engine needs S3 Honda C M o 4 dr. *4995 Abbey Rd., Enfield, CT 04M3 A B R A H A M P O D R O V E , OkO MAR CwMtrueliM Need a new Service with wark. 8600. Call 383- 83 Bulok Skylark 4 dr. *3495 hove filed on oppllcatlen plo- 8ERVIGE8 M MiiNlMlir.lRf.64S.l7tO 6 4 3 - 9 5 0 4 ABRAHAM M. PODROVE circuit breekero? 6039. 99 Honda CMo SI corded June 14,19M with the The Hon. Wllllom E. Flti- M ote etp downi Check ue out In *8495 Deportment of Liquor Con­ Oerold, Judoe, of the Court ttio M on^Milof yoHow pOQOo. 92 Chov. CHMIon *2995 trol a restaurant liquor for SOUTH BOUQN of Probate, District of Mon­ Tag SaH tcraaBsA Laaai 88 Bulok Bomaraal 2 dr. *6995 the....................................... sole of alcoholic:llq liquor on chester at o heorina held on CLEANMC JOSEPH DUMAS Any emouni deRvsrsdi Also, fin, Thursday, June 23, 1988 Manchester, Conn. — A City of Village Charm the premises 300West Middle June 9, 1900 ordered that oil PMNTIN6/ grevel, elone end beik. mulch. LIPMAN #1 83 Mazda RX7 *6195 30 C e n ts Turnpike, Monchester, CT S46-B2S3 claims must be presented to HomoB and Condos BobceL beckhoe 6 leader lenlel. VOLKSWAGEN 04040. The business will be the fiduciary at the address IPAPERHIfi "Ths Asto PrsfsfsiBBals” owned by Frederick S. Mor- 86 Suzuki Semurl Conv. below. Failure to promptly C a ll DAVIS COHSIRUenON 24 A49M9 8t., ■iBchester tln of 300 West Middle Turn­ present any such claim may NAME your own price. HEATMO/ 5100 ml..............................*9996 pike, Monchester, CT 04040 result In the loss of rights to 647-154S Father Sr Son Pointing 872-1400/659-988S 97 Vugo 3 dr.. 18K ..............*2996 ond will be conducted by Fre­ recover such claim. PLUMRINfl 6 4 6 - 3 5 1 5 derick S. Mortin os per­ and Papering. Remo­ 96 VW QoH DIeeel................tgSGS Utilities m ittee. Johanna Bruder Roy, val. 391-8567. 99VW8olrooeo.AT, AC, Assistant Clerk FREDERICK S. MARTIN LAWN CARE p a i n t i n 6 Inferior and AM/FM Ceeo.. PMIr.... June 17,1900 The fiduciary Is: exterior. Qualify and A W a S S " " * EJ landscapinr 89 CuMose Clorm bm ......... *6399 Tow n halts William B. Olotzer Bollert, pumps, hot water 88 Jeep Pioneer MORIARTY 05S-04 E xecutor LAWNS Mowed. Reaso­ professional work­ surviving 100 Constitution Plozo manship. Free esti­ tanks, new and 2 Or, 4x4 ................... NOTICE TO CREDITORS nable prices, free estl- repleoements. TXNDsexronr S3 Jeep Wigoneer. H a rtfo rd , C T 04103 mates. Coll Crolp w o M T O o e e s u BROTHERS E S T A T E OF 041-04 mofee. Please fele- FREE ESTIM ATES Loaded........................ KATHERINE D. ROTH, Oka phone John 647-1907. Mund. 74^8173 or 743- LDWA DDDOklQ MUO HNllllDIIDflODk U S E D C A R S KATHERINA ROTH 9383. 843-0648 / 228-0818 82 VW Rabbll DIeeel........... *2896 heat wave The Hon. William E. Htz- NOTICE TO CREDITORS CM FREE ESTIMATES 82 Bulok Skylark.................. *2998 86 Merkur 8«o>eio *10,405 E S T A T E O F ROOXKaPINfi/ Gerold, Judoe, of the Court PsrSBBBliSBi law s 86 Camero IROC-Z ......... *19496 87 Mere. G. Marquis *13,805 sewer work, of Probote, District of Man­ LEONARDS PUKINSKIS INCORIETAX RDHDvatiDn^Pliis chester at a heorina held on The Hon. William E. Fitz­ Custom Interior 6 Exterior IMIRCELLAREOUS Cars D LsBiscsplBf 81 Mereedee 389SU AT, 97 Mero. Topaz *6705 By Andrew J. Davis June 17,1900 ordered that oil Gerald, Judge, of the Court Pelnllng ■ CoWng Repair 6 SERVICES 742-8224 im Sliver, 49K.................... *29,696 97Mero. Cougar *11,005 and The Associated Press claims must be presented to Of P robate,», DOlsl is tric t o f M a n ­ BARBARA RAY Renew ■ Fewer Washing 77 Camero. VS. AT...............*2496 the fiduciary at the address chester at o heorino held on 97 Ford Tompo *DW 0 below. FOIIure to promptly June 14,1900 ordered that oil BOOKKEEPING Free Esf fmefee ■ DDD lobs. Trucking. 24 ToHbrA Tflpk, Rtt. S3 87 Lincoln T.C. *16,206 The hot and humid weather present any such claim may claims must be presented to SERVICES Inaurtd • Stnhr Oheountt Home repairs. You VsmoR, CT • 64D-263S *11,305 which has suffocated residents result In the loss of riahts to the fiduciary at the address 87 Mete. O. Marquis below. Failure to promptly 646-2253 name It, we do It. Free over the last few days and caused recover such claim. estimates. Insured. 643- CONCRETE 87 Lincoln MK7 *21,005 Nate helps present any such claims may water supply problems in some Johanna Bruder Roy, result In the lost of rights to 0304. 87 Ford Cr. Wo. *11,605 Assistant Clerk recover such claim. D A B PAINTING CONCRETE WORK 87 More. Cougar *11,006 parts of the state has been The fiduciary Is: 6 4 9 - 3 8 8 1 20 Yeart Expsr/enoe CLYDE replaced by a forecast of cooler By Andrew Yurkovskv William J. Roth Johanna Bruder Roy, CHEVROLET-BUICK, INC. 87 Mazda RX-7 *17,405 That “ stabilization” would in­ Asslttant Clerk HANDYMAN Foundation, addlllon. days to come, the National Manchester Herald volve making the site safe during Administrator ICARPENTRY/ Dependable end expetlenoed, Heme Improvement-. Pclntlne ROUTE 83, VERNON 89 Toyota Camry *0406 200 T a y lo r Street The fiduciary It: - aeMnwnli FInItlicd • Ttllne - cxoavallon, polio, oMowalks. Weather Service reported today. Mlldo Pukinskis Low Pilose end Fully Insured. 84 Century LTD 4 dr. *6995 89 Mazda 629 Turbo *0605 the time work is stopped. Vernon, C T 04044 IREIRODEUNfi LIsM Carpentry - ODD JOBS - Fully Iniund. Fn» Etflmefet. Temperatures today are only E xecutrix RIohard Caron 88 Cavalier CS 4 e, *5995 86 More. Lynx •3006 The town of Manche.ster ha.<! Werbner said. He did not know 0S9O4 c/o Ronald Jacobs, Esq. iN Suneo 88 Monte Carlo *8995 96 Dodgo Lenoer *7006 expected to reach the mid-80s, received a cease-and-desist order how long such work would take. 140 M a in Street CAHPIHTiYO' NEIL - 640-^136 BARRY SCANLON 875-3827 NOTICE TO CREDITORS M anchester, CT 04040 88 Chovy C-16FAI •8995 89 Mero. Marquie *5005 which is in marked contrast to the from the U.S. Army Corps of The Board of Directors met E S TA TE OF 646-2411 free eitlmcfet 88 Old! Delta 4 er. •9995 last three days when they were Engineers and will stop work on Wednesday evening in the Lin­ JOHNS. WILKS 04A04 -----— «««- Mme lepalri endsr re- 86 Mero. Mirqule *5005 The Hon. William E. ntz- fiiooonn9> wWe o speeGtae In CALUHAN’S 99 Mero. Lynx *3005 about 10 degrees higher, the the secondary part of the sewage coln Center hearing room to Gerold, Judge, of the Court NOTICE TO CREDITORS kUdSenerBrnen W INDOW S SPECIAL BUY oo^nmerplel wo^k. ^tegletered. In- UNE PAM IHM SERVICE 89 Mero. Marquis *5006 weather service reported. Fri­ treatment plant today. Assistant discuss the dispute with the Corps of Probate, District of Man­ E S T A T E OF ASPHALT MAIHTEHAHCE 1986 CHEVY CAVAILIER chester at o hearing held on LUCILLE CAVAGANARO, iufwdy fofoPOCMOO* ehwRUshaaW ehriiilib Drivewaye 6 Parking Lola AND DOORS day, temperatures should only Town Manager Steven R. of Engineers and the administra­ 4 Or., 4 Cyl.. 4 Spd-. 86 Mero. Marquie *5005 June 9, 1900 ordered that oil Oka LUCILLE K. • Hot nuMertzed Creek SeWne climb into the 70s, while iSaturday Werbner said. tion’s response.
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