11, 1935 - - ters Law,on Little r Crayne', Punting l nefeatH T,,'U More OpponentA In F~"~ ~d Day of Un vl't8lt)' Of 10"'8 Football J>ra('tketI leers National Amallmr Oolf Tourney See Page G Sloe Pa.ce 4 es Many , o ID a i M 0 r n i n ID • G ~roblebl8, C t y '. , N e P per Ision '1.1....... 00.1 N_. lie".... ..... ~ .... FIVE CENTS Ceotnl _ ,"'~.I'" lOW A CITY, IOWA THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 1935 TM .... II" .,... VOLUME XXXV NUMBER 85 lor-announeer '0 mm It tecmon al A 6SOCIation 'Qstprs at thl/ ~-day Convpn_ II here. projects were 'atlves of ed. n many see. 0. are: }T. B. F. R. Remakes ~ , University NY A Will Furnish Employment for Graduate Students of Iowa Parade Bears t; W . 1. Crt!_ Works Project ,Iden t; and B, to Scene ty ot South • Body asurer. JNvll Students Must Rumors 0/ "Zero No "Honla" to Be Of Activities With Arguing !O nallled. IT ALY'S "IRON CAY ALRY" ~ by Prot. H, Hour" lor Alrican II. Heord if Latelt ~ 8peech de­ 'Apply at Once War Still Afloat I--~========================================================~ ProgralnSucceedi BATON, ROUGE, Ln.., Sept. 11 Three Leaders Ited out that (,d')-Senator HU~y P . Long's bQd)' ! closer, rela_ 10)' In state tonight In the massive ROME, Sept. II (A P)-ll:aJy tlghl­ h depart1lltnt For NYAJohs CHICACO, Sept. J1 (AP)-Sleepers skyscraper 8tatehouse symbolical of Ickes Arrives at Hyde 'broadcasting ened the ties ljetween her land and a.'i! getung BOme "breu.ks." his reign as "dictatOr." lPeraUve." sea forces In the near East Atrlca For the movement to hush auto Back to the seat of his political Park for Showdown tonight as hints were heard In dlplo. horne LA ~preadlng all a world-wide power and the acene of his assaaaln­ ,urSi', tlrst or Employment Includes In Di pute Between universities, )nntleo circles tha t Oct. 10 might bEj baals. atlon, the body Wlla borne In II. pro- Research Work Of ,the "1.ero hour" tor hostilities with flome, Paris, Berlin, London, Flor- eS810n led by notional guardllmen Three Works Head~ EthIopia. of tho Child AU Different Ki~8 ence, Naples arO among European and followed b), high and low oC hi. Ion dlacu8Sed Provisions were announced for cities that have taken RtPR to followerll. HYDE PARK, Sept. 11 (AP) -' , Chilo. Study close coll aboratiOn between the fleet dampen the ardor of auto horn toot.. Convinced ot Plol Pr sldent Rooaevelt refaHhloned hili Part-tlm~ employment for gro.du • .In the Hed sea, t he Gulf of Aden and If Iowa. el's. I n Madrid a bull may bellow As the period ot lying In Bta.te be. ~orkB rell f prOllram tonlllht wltN ~to sludents In serious l1eed of fl- .the Indinn ocean, and Gen. Emilio nes explained hili heo.li's content, but 80 much WI gan, the sloln dl~tl\tO" 'H secretary, tht> wranglln. Irlumvlrntp which I. nnncia l aid, has been made ava.l l(lble do Bono, who Is high commissioner Its audiences a "peep-peep" rrom /I motorist may Earl Chrlsl nberry, declared he wns ~lr('Ctlng It to m I't exlsllnr npedB. (or the coming Achool year by the of Eritrea and Somailiand Hnd com­ nt) "!lml·clas_ mean troubles. "c~vlnced" In his own mind lotll H~ n.rrnngE'a for 0. g~neral 110rley National Youth Admlnlstrallon, It mander of II Duce'~ troops there, New york 18 In the midst of an were drawn In a plot leudlng to thA Itomorrow to smooth out (undamen .. '111M announcPd yesterday by Dean 'lnti.nolse drive. Ohlcago authorl- n88aMlnation. tnl dlfft'rpnc('JI among tilt Ulo. Cnrl E. Sen shore of the graduatd college. ties today liWunl\' 1nto aellon under "r believe they (Ire'" RlraW8 and TrkMl AM'tvt a new Jlllnl08 IBow which glve& po- Weiss 108t," ho IIOld. llarchl l ok p 8, lW'cI·('tnry or the In .. ~ill it Is believed thot ahotlt 125· \lnl­ Britain Pledges lI~emen tbe rlgbt to judge whether Long WIUJ mortally wounded Sun- tprlor and admlnlatrnlor pulJlto City verslly or Towa "Iudents will be ald. or )f a motorist Is making an undue dlB- works, who hUB been In dlsagre~ment I'd by) this pla.l. day nlghi In Ihe 8t1.tphoull(> by a: tUI'bance. Building MUlit Apply Soun League Aid bullet [Ired by Dr. Carl A. WelllB, 30 (With another of the works IJrogram Irlum"lr t~, llarry L. ll"pkln_, Ihei Students who Wish to receive con­ years old, who Immedilltely WIUJ kll- wOI'kA prog."l'II.. athnlnlA(raIOr, cnm~ ~onstr u ctlo n pldpJ-athm must makp application 1m. In All Policies led by the 8enator'. bodyjtltlards. hpl'e tonight wIth an advertised no~ 'mrdlotely to the gra.duate schOOl thel' I., will start Small Supplies The I!Cno.tor dIed early ycstprduy. t10p for II. "showdown." plnn to enter or III which they deSire City ]lOIlt or. Follow DeCree8 :\11', ROO8I'velt showed no advance 10 continue their studies. week, acrord. Tens e Feeling Growing Even tl& he loy dead, new IXlwers oncern over th quarr I b •• tw nI Employment under I his plan shall Excitement At that he sought for himself were lckE'" and Hopkins over wheth r the lesterday by Inclu de acLlvllles and reseuch of all Between Two Powers decreed by his docile legIslature-but fOllr billion dollar funt! 9houl(1 no A., Bowtnal\ tYIleR whiC h take advantage or tlte After Hoare's Talk to be administered by others, 8PI'l1t tor permlln~nt Blru tur~ •. a8 I"rtmcnt ot ~pec l al tra.lning and abilllie~ of grad­ Ouster Hearing High and low walked slowly pnet uate stud"ntH. SuperVision will bd atlvoeal~d by IckeA, or for ternlJnr .. the bl r !l8 hundreds flied Into Ih& by faculty memberI\', Illy work 118 Insist (\ UI)On by 11011" US In tbe en· rotunda of the tow rln. bulldln., pafl\tcd and !\fay Get Funds powerful voice o( Great Britain de- ! Court Chides Attorneys klnll. The dead pOlitiCal I ader WILa dres d Ufled all Ne~led .dvertlsed tOr Flrst year i:'raduo.te students ar& Jmanded peace today and pledged Its eligible to receive average stipend .. up port or the League ot Nations" During ,Wordy Battle In a. tux.edo, II SIlld the money would be u.M Guard of Honor all ()('Ca810 .. d~ma}lded and rNnarkl'd or '15 per month and a maximum of covenant "In Its entirety." In Sioux City Trial $20 for nine months. Supplemen. A grOWing tenSenC.98 between Italy Surrounding the XP nslv bronze th whole situation depend. Bom .., halt-sl$ters, tary aId to the extent of not more ,and BritaIn wag apparent arter Sir casket, standing at rigid IIltenllon, ~vhat on how rMt bUBlnes. plck~ up Illn or Iowa Ihnn $10 may be granted. ,Samuel Hoare, foreign secretary, out- SIOUX CITY, SepL 11 (AP)-The was a guard or honor of nallonal In lh~ r~envery h hnll drc1arrtl drr~ Yavorsky or Advanced graduate .stUdents, In- :lIned London's policy. most excltem~nt so far In the hear- guardllmen and (our cad ts from Inllely here. dudlng post.doctorates, are eligible Friendly Warning Ing ot the ouster action against Loul81nna Stllte university, an In. All signs polnled tontrht 10 IIJl =- for on average not to exceed $SO per HI~ speech wns Interpreted as a l\!o.yor W. D, Hayes was furnIshed , stltullon which Long referred to af- unMrslllndlng befon> thf> two tlU .VB or 41" " parlrys are ov r. Mr. RooHMelt h II month and a maximum of $40 per \friendly warning 10 Mussot1nl t() go Wednesday wh!'n Chllrles I. Small, fe c tlonat~ y as my own. ,nantb fo.· nine months. slow, an Indication BrItain would not Slmpl funer I rvlces were ar- previously (lel'lored thp pI'lmp nllN'lI_ - city commissioner of ",treete, heraJd­ Rl'Ri(1ents G~t Preference shun sanctions If she felt them neces- I'anged tur 4 p.m., (Centrnl .tondard aUy Just now 18 811eed In making jllb" At the Unlvcn;lty t)i r........ and lIaty a nd a warning thllt It a settle­ ed lUI the "ace" witness ror the time) tomorrolV beneath giant, mORJ'I and Il'(t no doubt that he hrliel,pti low", 'Btate college preference will be Iment Is not reached the " main pr<lllCCutton, lOok the WUne81f tand. covered oak~ 01\ tht' 20 acr caPltollhls eould bto,.t be obtaIned by HOI)" given to relJldenls of Iowa, bridge" binding England to the Eur_ Time a.tter time acrid remark8 by grounds, acro88 th concrete drIve- klnB temporary work" prtort . This allotment of [Ulloa for grad- opean continent will have collapsed, -:-Interliatio.lO~ News PIIOio. I!'red :k'ree, chief counsel ror the de· rrontlnl' the capitol. uale students Is In nddltlon t~ the Ethiopia proclnlmed Its "trust In WASHINGTON, , Pllt. \I (AP) Bo1zano, Italy - 'l'his lon~ line of baby tanks gives an idea of the modernization of Ilaly's tense, anltwered wllll militant. re­ Lies In Sunken Garden ~onru8Io,\ grip)) d th(l wOI'k .·,,11 r earlier allotment of federal funds OOd" aCter Hoare had addressed th plleij hy tne wltne80l while H . M. The 84'nator will II In a 8unken army. They figured importantly in the great army maneuvers, supef\'i cd by :Ml1~solinj, fit Bol· program today IUt chleflalns paralll'd tor college students. assembly. Havner, .peclal prosecutor, on hl8 garden In the s(lltl'hou.e park, 100 zano, Italy, 'l'ankl sllch as thl'se mny be llsed in tIL!' cxpC'clitionnry campaign in Ethiopia.
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