Journal of Poetry, Science, and Statecraft Spring/Summer 2006 $10.00 (a) The Non-Infinite, Self-Bounded Universe n locating the conical functions— Gauss both underscored, without the Icircular. elliptical, parabolic, and assumption of the parallel postulate, hyperbolic—from the standpoint of a there are no similar triangles, and (b) unified conception of the physical, without similar triangles, the entire biological, and cognitive domains of edifice of Euclidean geometry astronomy, Johannes Kepler was crumbles. Gauss went further than advancing the process, begun by Kästner, emphasizing that the Nicolaus Cusa, of returning science parallel postulate could only be true to the higher conceptions of the ante- if one assumed that the curvature Euclidean Greeks, and presaging of physical space were zero—a fact the later achievements of Abraham which could only be determined Kästner, C.F. Gauss, and Bernhard by physical measurement, not by Riemann. This meant purging the mathematical formalism of science of the pernicious effects of Euclidean geometry. the slavish acceptance of Euclidean From a subjective standpoint, (c) geometry. the belief in a physical reality for A crucial point of attack for Euclidean geometry requires the Cusa and Kepler was to demolish acceptance of Kant’s axiom that the the false and arbitrary Aristotelean human mind must be virtually hard- concept of the mathematical infinite wired to think of the universe in enshrined in Euclid’s Elements. Euclidean terms. However, such If space were, as Euclid claimed, ancient demonstrations as Archytas’s infinitely extended in three proof that doubling the ‘Euclidean’ rectilinear directions, only uniform cube depends on a higher conical circular or rectilinear motion function, already demonstrates that would be intrinsically possible. Kant’s reverence for Euclidean In such a fantasy world, the geometry is false. Kepler’s projective (d) experimentally determined non- construction of the conical sections, uniform elliptical orbits could only provides a further demonstration exist as arbitrary aberrations in a that such a Kantian view is world that was assumed not to completely illusory. change. In Kepler’s construction, the infinite appears, not as an unreach- Curvature of Space able, indefinite magnitude, but as As Kästner later stated, the formal a point of change—a transition validity of Euclidean geometry rises between the elliptical and hyperbolic or falls on the acceptance of the domains of action joined by a single parallel postulate. Euclid was so conical function. Thus, from Kepler’s aware of this vulnerability, that he standpoint, the infinite is in the middle, When Kepler’s conical function is projected did not directly mention infinity in not at the end, of a non-infinite, self- onto the Riemannian sphere, the apparently its statement, and he cited the bounded manifold. discontinuous conical function becomes parallel postulate only sparingly in continuous. (a) Circle. (b) Ellipse. the proofs of the theorems that [SEE ‘On the 375th Anniversary of (c) Parabola. (d) Hyperbola. follow. Nevertheless, as Kästner and Kepler’s Passing’] “It is through beauty that one proceeds to freedom.” —Friedrich Schiller Vol. XV, No. 1-2 4 Spring/Summer 2006 Of British Fools and Post Reviewers EDITOR-IN-CHIEF William F. Wertz, Jr. Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr. EDITOR Kenneth Kronberg 44 SYMPOSIUM: ART DIRECTOR EDGAR ALLAN POE AND THE SPIRIT Alan Yue OF THE AMERICAN REPUBLIC BOOKS The Purloined Life of Katherine Notley Edgar Allan Poe Fidelio (ISSN 1059-9126) is Jeffrey Steinberg published by the Schiller Institute, Inc., P.O. Box 20244, 45 Washington, D.C. 20041-0244. Editorial services are provided Edgar Allan Poe: The Lost by KMW Publishing Company, Inc. © Schiller Soul of America Institute, Inc. Allen Salisbury Fidelio is dedicated to the 59 promotion of a new Golden Renaissance based upon the Edgar Allan Poe’s concept of agap¯e or charity, as that is reflected in the creation of ‘Nemesis’ Stories artistic beauty, the scientific Lewis Whilden mastery of the laws of the physical universe, and the 79 practice of republican statecraft for the benefit of our fellow man. A Note on the New England Subscriptions by mail are Transcendentalists $20.00 for 4 issues in the U.S. Gerald Belsky and Canada. Airmail subscriptions to other countries 90 are $40.00 for 4 issues. Payment must be made in U.S. Editorial 2 Edgar Allan Poe and Felix Rohatyn currency. Make check or money order payable to News 92 LaRouche Webcast: Recovery in the Post-Cheney Era Schiller Institute, Inc. 93 Berlin Seminar: ‘Global War Must Be Stopped!’ 95 Mexico City: ‘Globalization Is the New Imperialism’ On the Cover Pedagogical 98 On the 375th Anniversary of Kepler’s Passing Samuel F.B. Morse, The Art 114 How to Look at Painting: Icarus, Daedalus, and Science Gallery of the Louvre (1831-33) (detail) (Terra Foundation Reviews 120 Devil’s Game for American Art, Chicago/ 121 Incompleteness Art Resource, NY). See note, 123 Prussia and the U.S.A. page 122. Cover 122 Samuel F.B. Morse’s The Gallery of the Louvre FIDPD-15-01 Edgar Allan Poe and Felix Rohatyn his issue of Fidelio is devoted to reviving the and then Bush, is none other than the Synarchist Platonic method of active intelligence banker Felix Rohatyn, whose control over the Treflected in the detective work of that great Democratic Party is preventing it from exhibiting the American artist and intelligence operative, Edgar unified fighting spirit under Lyndon LaRouche’s Allan Poe. Poe, as Lyndon LaRouche has long leadership which is needed. emphasized, understood that Poetry supersedes As the LaRouche Youth Movement began to deploy Mathematics, that Creativity is superior to the to break Rohatyn’s death-grip on the leadership of the mentality of a mere accountant. Democratic Party, and as a group of prominent Today, we are faced with a dilemma. The world Democrats led by former U.S. Treasury Secretary Robert financial and economic system is in the process of Rubin formed a group called the “Hamilton Project” accelerated collapse. We have an Executive branch of to advocate infrastructure development based on the government under Bush and extension of government Cheney which is so manifestly credit, Rohatyn reacted clinically insane that it is EDITORIAL through his friends in the preparing to launch a press with a series of slanders preemptive nuclear attack against LaRouche, in response against Iran. On April 18, Bush himself said that all to which he wrote the following on April 16, 2006: options are on the table against Iran, in response to a question as to whether that includes the possibility Felix & Fascism of a nuclear strike. Such an attack, as LaRouche has stressed, will by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr. bring down the world financial system. It will also rankly, if you do not think of Felix Rohatyn as a unleash a “Clash of Civilizations” backlash of Ffascist, you do him a grave injustice. Both Felix asymmetrical warfare, which will be used by Cheney and the wildly libelous attacks on me which have and Bush to eliminate the institution of the surfaced in the aftermath of the Senate confirmation sovereign nation-state and impose a supranational of the Supreme Court appointment of Justice Samuel global dictatorship. Alito, put the essence of filthy Felix on today’s global The question is: Can Cheney, and then Bush, be display. By all rational standards, Felix is a fascist who removed from office quickly enough to prevent the considers me a prominent threat to his currently commission of this crime? larcenous schemes. As we go to press, several high-level retired So, in keeping with Felix’s fears on that account, generals have called for the resignation of Donald the Alito confirmation has been followed by an Rumsfeld as Secretary of Defense. As useful as such accumulation of various lunatic libels recently a call is, it is clearly a case of psychological featured against me in prominent mass media and “displacement.” Removing Rumsfeld, without comparable other locations, not only in a bankers’ addressing the problem of the leaker-in-chief, Boston, Massachusetts, but also in a featured hoax President Bush, and his controller, the shooter-in- published in the Neue Zuercher Zeitung, in prominent chief, Dick Cheney, will not solve the problem. Leipzig, Germany pro-fascist and related circles, in a But the real problem is: Why has the leadership leading France TV channel, and other relevant places. of the Democratic Party effectively collapsed since As noted by one person close to me, what is the end of 2005? intended by those outlets as attempted defamation of To answer that question requires the kind of detective me, relies heavily on the precedent set by the notebooks work which characterizes Edgar Allan Poe’s stories. of E.T.A. Hoffmann and the archives of Charenton. The main obstacle to the impeachment of Cheney, Felix’s credentials as a fascist are clearly established. 2 The Greatness of the World Through the hovering world which the creating Mind, Out of chaos once form’d flew I on wings of wind, ’Til on the strand The best-known career connections of that sort, are Of its billows I land, traced from his association with the U.S.A. extension Anchor cast, where no breeze blows more of Lazard Frères of the Hitler period’s Banque Worms At creation’s far bound’ry shore. operations. Felix is notable from the history of the Stars beheld I already youthfully arise, 1970’s for his role in “Big MAC,” but also has a much Spinning thousands of years ’round through the starry uglier prominence as a key banker in the operation skies, backed by such as George P. Shultz and Henry Saw them playing Kissinger which brought the neo-Nazi General After goals so enchanting; Augusto Pinochet to power in Chile, and unleashed Wand’ring search’d all around my gaze, the neo-Nazi mass-murder campaign in the Americas’ Saw the starless spaces—devoid of blaze.
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