THE LONDON GAZETTE, 14™ AUGUST 1962 6425 follows Forty Foot or Venmuden's Drain to Sixteen Western Boundary Foot Bridge and the road alongside Sixteen Foot Commencinig at Downham Market, the boundary Drain past Mount Pleasant Bridge, Honey Bridge, Mloiws the lanUway (Mine northwards to Hardwick Boot's Bridge and Poole's Bridige to Stonea Station. Bridlge at King's Lynn, through King's Lynn to (the An area of op(prox4niately 19i5 square miles in the River 'Ouse and along .the east bank of ithe 'River Counties of Cambridge, Lincoln and Norfolk. Ouse to tihe ferry. An area of approximately 192 square miles in the Northern Boundary Country of NoDfolk. Commending where the River Nene enters The Wash the boundary follows the High. Water Mark Northern Boundary of Ordinary Tides eastwards' to the Lynn Channel Commencing at Shepherd's Pont on the Wash the and along die west bank of the Rliver Ouse to King's boundary follows the road eastwardls past the Holiday Lynn. Camp, Locke Hill Farm and Snettiehiam Staitnon; through Snettilsham, Great BDrcham, Buroham Tofts Eastern Boundary and Syderstone, past Cnanmer Park, unund the north Commencing at King's Lynn the boundary follows of Fakeniham, and throuigh Stibbard ito tihe junction the road to the raillway at Hardiwiilck Bridge and1 of Holly Hill and the B-lllllfl near Wood Norton. then follows the railway line southward® through Downlham. Market and' aoroisis Ouse Bridge to Black- Eastern Boundary hovse Drove Sidfing. From Holly Hit the boundary foflloiws the B-lll'lO southwards thirough Guist, Broom Green and North Southern Boundary Elmham and across Spon<g Bridge to the junction 'From. Blalckhorse Drove Siding the boundary folllowis with Sorrel Lane near Tanm Fairm. the county boundary westwards to Old! Croft River, Southern Boundary along Old Croft Rliver to tihe SuspensEon Bridge across New Bedford' Rliver or Hundred Foot Drain, From Tarn) Farm the boundary proceeds westwards 1 1 along Sorrel Lane, Chapel Lane and Stony Lane along the road through Welney and T%>p'e Endi to to Biitterinig and along Saiker's Lane and Huilver Hill HoCe in the Wai-ll Farm, along Dancy Lode to the to L&tdham. It then follows the B. 11145 westwards railway line and) along the railway line to Stonea through Gaytoni and Gayiwood to| the east bank of the River Ouse near itihe ferry ait King's1 Lynn. Western Boundary Western Boundary [From Stonea Station the boundary follows the From King's Lynn the boundary folllloiws the east railway line northwards through March' to Ring's 1 1 bank of the IRiver Ouse northwaidis: aind then the End! and along the easlt bank df the River Nene High Water Mark 'of Ordinaiy Tides along the east •through Wished! and past Sutton Bridge to The of The Walsh as Ifar as .Shepherd's: Port near Wash. Snettiisham. lAni area df ajpjproxlilmiately 1195 square mi'es in the An area of approximately Ii97 square miles in the Counties of Cambridge, Norfolk and Suffolk. CouiKty of Norfolk. Northern Boundary Northern Boundary ICommenicdng at the railway station in D'ownhaim From Hunsftamlton the boundary follows ithe High Market tihe boundiary follows the A.112'2' eastwardls Water Mairk of Ordaniary Tidesi eastwaTds along tihe through Bexwell, Sitradsett andi Firndhlain to the junc- 1 coast of Norfolk as far as .the remains of Biakeney tion by Marham Airfield' whenice it follows the road Chapel ait the mouth of the River Glaven. paist Beechamiwell Hallfl, Shingham Heath, Cockleycley Brand! and' Drymere PJH. to the A.llO'65 near the Eastern Boundary cemeitery at Swafflhiam. From Biakeney Chapel the (boundauy follows the west ibank of ithe River Gkven southwairds thrO'Ugh Eastern Boundary Cley-next-the-Sea to Gliamdfiordl, thence it follows (From iSwaffham the bounidiary follows the B.10i77 in the road through 'Letheringsett, TThornage and a soiuith-easiterly direction through ISouith Pickenham, 1 Briningham (to the junction' wliith Holly Hal near Aslhill and! Saham Toney to Watton. It then con- Wood Norton.. tinues in a south-westerly direction past Clermont Starifordi, West Tots, Lynford Cottages and through Southern Boundary Snakes Wood and Emily Wood to the railway line From thdis junction: the boundary proceeds up Holly at Brandon. Hill eastwards to Stibbardi, follows the road round the month of Fakemham, passes Cranmer Park and Southern Boundary continues thirough Syderstonie. Bircham Toifts, Great From Brandon the boundary follows the railway Biroham. and Snettisham to the coast at Shepherd's Hine westwards to Mile End. Port. Western Boundary Western Boundary From Mile End1 the boundary proceeds nortihwardb From Shepherd's Pont the boundary proceeds along Mile End' Road, MiiUdenhiaM Road and Wha,te nontihwardis along the High Water Mark of Ordinary House Drove to Feltwell Anchor, dlong .the L/ittle Tides ito Hunsfiamtton. Ouse River to Brandon Creek land' along the county boundary to BiLadkhorse Drove Sidling. It then fol- lows the rafflway line to Dowriham! Market. An area of approximately 1.92 square miles in the County of Norfolk. MINISTRY OF HOUSING Northern Boundary AND LOCAL GOVERNMENT 'Commencing at the iferry in King's Lynn the boundary follows the B;lil'45 eastward's through Gay- woiod and Gayitari to Litdhaim and then by Hulver Whitehall, London S.W.I. HM too Biltitering and along .Stony Lane, Chapel Lane IBthi August 1962. and Sorrel 'Lane to the B.,ll!10 near Tarn Farm. COlABT PRlOmElCmilOIN AICT, 1949 Eastern Boundary Qjmmenofng at Tarn Farm the boundary follows Urban District of Swanage the B. 1.110 southwards through Easlt Dereham, ShKlpd- No'tice is hereby given1 that the Minister of Housing ham and Neaton to W'atton. and' Locali Government, in exercise of his powers under section & (S) df .the Coast Protection Act, Southern Boundary 194J9, has made an Order entitled' the Swianage (North From Waittion the boundary proceeds in a norltih.- Beach) Works Scheme Confirmationi Order, 1962, con- westerly dErection along B.I077 itihrougfh Sahan Tomey, firming with 'modifications a works scheme prepared /Ashill and South Pickenham ito 'die cemetery at by the urban district counicSl of ISwiamage for the Swaffham and then westwards {past Daymere P.H., carrying out of coast protection works at North Beach Cockleycley Brand, Shinigham Heath and Beecham- in the said unban district. well Halil to Marham Airfield and! along the A4I122 IA copy of the Order and df. the works scheme through Findruam, Sitradsettt land Bexwel: to ithe lailway confirmed thereby may be inspected at the offices of staltnlon at Downham Mairket. the said' Council at a'lH reasonable hours. A 2.
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