trw. ,w ?? ,'i . ., i 9 EVENI OTBLIO iDBD&iBIPHIIiEIiP&CA,- - SALiAX APltlll 17 1920 Howard K. Mathews, of 6410 Race NO 'QPflRXlKlfi SPflfiPi - evening at 7 and expects to 'return homo In a- few MISS DENCKLA WEDS street, will taH place this GOSSIP ABOUT PEOPLE unys. BRIDE OF TODAY o'clock nt tho Calvary Methodist Episco- t7ST Forty-eight- pal Church, h Btrcct and IN BOARDING Mr. and Mrs.' Walter 8. ITumnbrcTS. YORK brldo will bo HOOI of MAN FROM NEW Bnltlmoro avenue. The Beacon lono, Merlon, who have been given in marriage by her father, nnd tho Nancy Wynne Tallcs of the Cannon-Denckl- a Wedding staying at tho Marlhoroueh-Blenhcl- ceremony will bo performed by tho Rev. Atlantic City, will return home next Dr. Elmer. Helms. A small reception Y. W. C. A. Survoy Shows iliie WCCK. Le Grand immediately the cere- N4& Today She Tells of Plans for Devon Becomes Bride of will follow after - - - Hi '1 ".(.'I mony ot the homo of tho bride's parents. Wltn par- - ." Jrf, will attend for $300,000 Hotel I Horse Show Cannon In Holy Trinity Mrs. Charles Harlan, 4 GERMANTOWN riM rVnlir no mnfrnn of honor nnd lors for Entortainmont f Mrs. Nelson Sailer. 310 Wlnonn Church Miss Mny Orunlnger will bo her mold nvenue, will entertain nt cards on April of honor. Tho bridesmaids will include --L. the strlko will not Interfere man, Miss Peairr Hammond. Miss Mathews, n sister of the : 20 at her home, Miss Sara part ot fcitV M ITtOPB York.Phllnde1pMa.U;rnnrrs Medlar. Miss Elizabeth MIsb Mildred Livingstone, FOR KENT-- In the cfnlrftl the Large. Mary Pauline Denckla, bridegroom; nil rt room, under gsmm borrow and Monday-t- hnt WrtAt Miss Sarah Miss Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Tomltnson, The wedding of Miss Mia. Mnv TInvwnrd and Miss Hilda 1..I.O rw.f nt rarn.1 nn kV. llllt (lOAf. Maud Howell, Miss Keen, Miss A. liy patent titair nnl nail with guests ; Hilda nnd their eons, Master William Fclcon daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hermann Mr. Robert Newell will net ns fnAtennl locktffl t, the kci"" " May Clauss. nrlcn 12.50. to ho mined to 13 when the rootiJ;- tho bridegroom of today emi d Betty Jones, Miss Thcrese Tomllnson dnd Master Earl Whitakcr nvenue, Chestnut and tho ushers will bo Mr. Miss Allco Denckla, of 208 Rex best man U SS7 motor to get here, nnd probably droves, Prince Llpplncott, Tomllnsou, formerly of East Washing- nn.t Mr. Tw. flrsnd It. Cannon, Charles Harlan, Jr., Mr. miunm nd. Miss Miss inn l .1 f -- . w ms-- a m n I n M Mnski Sm. the bridegroom of Monday Is Elizabeth Remington. ton lnnc. are occupying their new hpme Now son Mrs. Theodore Koehler, Mr. Henry Bnssett. Jr., Mr. ,. ui uu .,., - jc and Phyllis Boycr. Miss . Lee Edwards, of York, of oilier cuuuiuuus uiiiu.mt nt C50 East Mayland street. Frcllnghuyscn, of Tuxedo. took N. Pennington Way, Mr. Rodger, Oat nctcr were discovered by tho . U. 5 Thursday night, so Miss Frances McClary, Miss Charlotte tiie bridegroom, Mr. 1. SiheV dinner on place this nftcrnoon at 8:30 o'clock in nnd n brother of completed a Uorrance, Miss . Virginia Freeman, Episcopal A., which has Just tnrecn they'll be there. Kath-erln- c Holy Trinity Protestant Joseph Mnthcws. nm referring Miss Kntherino Rollu, Miss NORTH PHILADELPHIA streets. will leave mnndi.' Biirrev nf rnomlnir conditions In 'm weddings to which I Ken-drlc- Church, Nineteenth and Walnut nnd Mrs. Mnthcws " The Sullivan,' Miss Christine k, Mr. Philadelphia. J l'Aullne Dcnckla's, to Lo Orand The bride hnd her sister, Mrs. J. tnr nn rinlvt wedding trip imme thr centrnl tiart of ,re Miss Peggie Fitter. Miss. Mr. and Mrs. George Stcrr, of 2350 - (I do so want to say "Can-in- n North Sixteenth street, the Francis 11. Packard, as matron of diately after the ceremony. They will be In n group of thirty houses In tho- 3j will tnke nlare Florence Carpenter, Miss Mnrjorlo announce Miss Pntty " don't you?) That Bnldcrston, Miss Emily Loomls, Miss engagement of their dnughter. Miss honor, and her other slater, ot Home nc siwo oprutu unt. central part of the city north ot Mar- - at the Church of the Holy T. Denckla was the flower girl. The May 1. ui &i tWaftcrnoon streets, Nnncy Prltchctt, Miss Elnlno Groves, Helen Stcrr, to Mr. Alfred F. Ilcnkcls, kct street, the Investigntors rounu tnni . Trinity. Nineteenth and Walnut bridesmaids were Mrs. G. Dawson Roddy Miss Ann May Rolln, Miss Louisa Jr., of Germantown. flyo nnd the other wedding that of Coleman. Mrs. Joseph Bailey, Jr., Mrs. McClelland only four rooms could bo had nt $3t Charlemagne Towers, Grayson nnd Miss Frcdcrlca Lewis. Tho snrlnir meeting of tho Delta Elizabeth ford " son of the -- O. Eaton Cromwell. Miss rrun ,lrltnfr nt MIrb Snrnh A. Mc $4 upr Cx"t ; Tower, ' ?- nt $3.50 nnd others from city, nnd Klorn Wliltnoydniigh. Mr. nnd Mrs. Paul Denckla Mills Chnpter of tho PI Sigma sorority wns mi'--w:'- ,;:-:- .. , i m Gushing Norrls, Miss Rebecca. O. street, nnd of this m& Clelland, of 3818 Parrlsh ccpting the smnll room on the top floor , jjj of Harry Payne Whltncys of nnd their family, who have been spend- held at the home of Miss Mildred Wag- m. Thomson and Miss Edith Wnllach, of t .TnniM n. Tord. of noil Lnnsdowne New York, whtch marriage will tnko ing tho winter In the South, have re- ner. Miss Wagner's guests Included Warrcnton, Va. The bride wore n nvenue, took place nt St. Agatha's under the leaky roof. if Miss Mnrgarct MeCarnbrldge, Miss lace - - on Monday nt St. Hnrtholomcw's turned to their home, Woodcrcst Lodge, gown of white lace with a veil of Thlrty-chzht- h and Sprin looks ns though there Is a leak nlnce Rosannc O'Hnrn, Miss Betty Rclneckc, Church, "It fch.irch. In New York. St. Davids. nnd tulle, and carried calla lilies. sinrriim streets. Thursday nt 4 :3 over the bed," protested the Inycstl- - S will be a great many New Miss Clara Graham, Miss Grace Pres- The matron of honor wore a gold-color- Rev. John There M . nnd Mrs. C. Sewcll' Clark and Mar- o'clock. The Father gator. ' Yorkers here today for the nenekla ton, Miss Betty Biundln, Miss chiffon dress, trimmed with gold officiated. A reception fol Jl Miss Mnry Frances Edcy, daughter of Had-cllff- c. I-- e Ornnd Is the son of Mrs. garet Held and Miss Mnrgnret wns a toque of parents Dry Spot "Somewhere" , vMine. nncF of New lace, nnd her hat lowed nt tho home of the bride's Kreyllngheysen. His father, Mr. Mrs. Charles Edcy, SIIss Denckla, tho 5 Theodore engagement uold tulle. Pntty Immediately after tho ceremony. "Well, anyway, you can push yqur Lo Orand Cannon, died York, whose to Mr. Edwnrd girl, wore n cream-ne- t frock who was II. Tho members of tho Galax Club of flower The maid of honor wns Miss Cath- bed nround If there Is," replied the land- - , ) vcars ago, nnd his mother married Wlnslow Tnylor, Jr., son of Dr. Edward with n gold sash and gold tulle nine years Wlnslow Taylor, of Indian Queen inue, this city will be entertained on Mon soring erine McClelland, n sister of the bride. lady. guess you can find a placo Mr frcjllngheygen some Inter. day nftcrnoon by Mrs. John Coulbourn tnniifi. nnd carried flowers. Ford, a nrotner or me "I back-groun- d Germantown, wns recently announced, Mr. Michael ' ' Pauline, with her Philadelphia nnd Mrs. M. B. Dcvine at the lipmc while the brldesmnlds' gowns wero of bridegroom, wns best man .where It don't leak." old and lending families, will will bo the ciicsts of honor nt n dinner chiffon, trimmed with silver lace. of given of Mrs. Coulhorn. ln Overbrook. silver nnd Ford left for nn ex- No lock was on the room door, which to New ork, I'll say. dance to be by Mrs. Frederick W. They wore silver tulle toques Mr. Mrs. by string be an actiiilsltlon Bexley, on Their guests will Include Mrs. Henry tensive wedding trip. They will be nt was precariously held shut a mother was one of the five benutlful Tnylor, of Chestnut Hill, trimmed, with little ostrich feathers, door- - nnd ' Her May Doctor Taylor will Lnmlis Nhelp, Mrs. A. W. Atkinson, home at 3,107 Wnllnce street after tied to the handle of the Tyson girls, whose mother In turn was Saturday, 22. Chnrlcs Mrs. and carried spring flowers. Mr. a nnll In the wall. give In of Miss Edcy on Mrs. Edward Hnllowcll. Mny 15. wrapped around MIm Htitnrt. n sister of the Into Mrs. n ten honor Harry Earl Campbell, Mrs. William Rodger Bcujamln. of New York, nctcd Only three of the thirty houses pro- Patterson. Mrs. Denckla's eld-e- st iinturdny nfte noon, April 24, from 4 Mrs. Oarrlgucs, as best man. nnd the following men entcrtnlument ot Stuart 0 o'clock. The wedding of Miss Webber, Frederick HOFMANN NICHOLS vided parlors for the sister married Mr. Percy Drayton. until George M. Mrs. Bcr-sc- r. were the ushers: Mr. Frederick T. wns enlarged Mrs. Bner, Carl Rhine-Innde- guests. Ouo of these the .J' Anl..r nUter Is the widow of Mr. Kilcy nnd Mr. Taylor will tnke place in Caroline Mrs. Al Frellnghuyscn, Mr. William r Tho wedding of Miss Christine M. second nn Inside room A' Dr. Comstock. M. Mr. nnd Mrs. end of n hall, the Brentwood Smith.
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