ANNUAL STATEMENT OF AFFAIRS SUMMARY FOR FISCAL YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 2018 The summary must be published in the local newspaper. Copies of the detailed Annual Statement of Affairs for the Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2018 will be available for public inspection in the school district/joint agreement administrative office by December 1, annually. Individuals wanting to review this Annual Statement of Affairs should contact: Aurora East School District 131 417 Fifth Street Aurora IL 60505 630.299.5545 8 am to 4:30 pm School District/Joint Agreement Name Address Telephone Office Hours Also by January 15, annually the detailed Annual Statement of Affairs for the Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2018, will be posted on the Illinois State Board of Education's website@ www.isbe.net. SUMMARY: The following is the Annual Statement of Affairs Summary that is required to be published by the school district/joint agreement for the past fiscal year. Statement of Operations as of June 30, 2018 Municipal Operations & Fire Prevention & Educational Debt Services Transportation Retirement/Social Capital Projects Working Cash Tort Maintenance Safety Security Local Sources 1000 24,171,642 4,643,331 8,315,857 2,124,837 4,570,004 736,854 121,943 0 24,759 Flow-Through Receipts/Revenues from One 2000 District to Another District 0 0 0 0 State Sources 3000 96,415,935 13,200,000 150,000 6,991,261 555,000 17,568,000 0 0 0 Federal Sources 4000 27,438,614 0 2,462,012 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total Direct Receipts/Revenues 148,026,191 17,843,331 10,927,869 9,116,098 5,125,004 18,304,854 121,943 0 24,759 Total Direct Disbursements/Expenditures 143,256,797 19,984,626 11,754,342 11,328,855 4,489,697 26,759,215 0 0 Other Sources/Uses of Funds 0 0 0 0 0 123,879 0 0 0 Beginning Fund Balances - July 1, 2017 36,511,896 9,338,054 4,687,283 1,091,408 (188,892) 15,295,525 21,594,032 3,687 100,089 Other Changes in Fund Balances 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Ending Fund Balances June 30, 2018 41,281,290 7,196,759 3,860,810 (1,121,349) 446,415 6,965,043 21,715,975 3,687 124,848 SALARY SCHEDULE OF GROSS PAYMENTS FOR CERTIFICATED PERSONNEL AN This listing must be published in the local newspaper, sent to ISBE, and retained within your district/joint agreement administrative office for public inspection. 0 0--- GROSS PAYMENT FOR CERTIFICATED PERSONNEL Salary Range: Less Than $25,000 Salary Range: $25,000 - $39,999 Salary Range: $40,000 - $59,999 Aguirre, Michelle Abner‐Wallace, Samantha Adam, Audrey R Allen, George Jr Amoah, John A Adams, Kendall M Amoah, Grace A Avallone, Jennifer M Adler, Geoffrey M Amoah, Rachel E Baginski, Katherine A Aguilar, David Anderson, Carol M Boese, Megan K Alcala, Maria D Anderson, Kitty S Bullo, Jill M Alonso, Anthony J Anguiano, Norma Curtis, Alethea F Alvarez, Lucia Armstrong, Sheila M Delatorre, Brenda E Andres, Caroline G Arnold, Timothy J Forgwe, Elizabeth L Anhalt, Debra L Atwell, Linda Garcia, Nestor L Anteliz, Sarah R Backes, Diane L Harrell, Jabari A Appleberg, Jeffrey A Bailey, Mariam R Hill, Rebecca L Arana, Rosario Baker, Samantha N Hoyda, Marion Archibald, Sandra A Ballard, David R Kowallis, Tod A Arjona Herrero, Juan J Ballesteros, Agustin R Linares, Elias J Armbruster, Ana L Barnes, Veronica L Lynch, Valerie E Armstrong, Shannon A Bass, Cindy M McGoldrick, Debra L Arnold, Joan E Bear, Emily F Meeks, Angela Avendano, Juan C Beaupre, Mary E Meneses, Laurie A Aye, Michael R Bednar, Michael J Moreno‐Salmeron, Claudia Babyar, David J Beeson, Karen M Narofsky, Virginia M Badillo, Iokin Belford, Barbara Nunez, Daniel Baeza, Anahi Bell, Jeremy A Parsons, Amanda A Ball, Karen A Berrios, Marisol Perri, Jenna M Balsano, Maxwell A Bilbruck, Kristen L Risley, Tiffany J Banach, Brian S Bluemke, Alexa A Rivera, Edith O Banks, Carleen A Bochnak, Robert J Rodriguez, Yvette R Barclay, Camille A Bolanz, Shari D Ruopp, Marquie M Barenie, Krista S Boldrey, Susan M Schindlbeck, Caryn E Barilla, Mary Pat Boros, Megan Sinclair, Christin E Barnak, Mariah A Boyles, Christina M Stellman, Theresa M Barnes, Lindsey A Brinkman, Jennifer M Tasker, Susan F Barreto, Ana Maria Brolley, Margaret M Wade, Victoria M Beager, Chad Brooker, Heidi L Wagner, Peggy J Becker, Danielle M Brosius, Melissa A Wintczak, Eric D Bednarik, Patrick D Brouch, Edward W Bedwell, Melissa A Burroughs, Anthony C Benson, Leonor A Byrne, Heather A Bentley, Jennifer M Cahill, Cathy S Bergeson, Hannah J Calderon, Orfelinda Besteiro Vallejo, Marta Campbell, Lori A Birdsall, Sarah Cantarero, Jessica L Blackburn, Sean S Caragher, Stacey L Blakely, Nicole R Carrillo, Nitza J Bloem, Tracy Carter, Diana Boeger, Justyna A Cerny, Caitlyn M Boehning, Heidi B Chasteen, Susan M Bortnik, Blake D Chavoya, Adriana G Boston, Jean E Chesney, Susan M Bown, Kara A Chiluka, Anasuya Brandl, Shannon R Chmielewski, Theresa Braunshausen, Leslie Citro, Cynthia M Brazier, Sanura Clark, Donna Brown, Jenna K Clausen, Janet L Brown, Jeremy E Collins, Shaun Brown, Patricia L Contreras, Kimberley J Brown, Todd R Craff‐Bedoya, Elizabeth M Brunette, Stephanie G Crump, Taveras J Bundra, Jessica P Dalrymple, Jennifer Burge, Tristan P Damato, Veronica Bussman, Amanda G Dart, Scott M Calderon‐Ramos, Marisol De Los Santos, Francisco Callahan, Susan Degen, Elyse C Campbell Saenz, Lizbeth E DeRenzis, Christine R Campos, Adam Dix, Kevin Caputo, Brianna M Driscoll, Catherine J Carrillo, Ada Dudley, Linda K Carson, Lucille M Dunn, Laura P Carver, Mary R Eguia, Jose M Casanova, Francisco Ek, Paula Case, Lisa M Elliott, Apryll M Castro, Jorge Evak, Mary A Charniauskaya, Zhanna V Fernandez, Michael Chatman, Kristin M Ferrer, Maricruz Chaussey, Amanda L Fickers‐Braun, Jennifer R Chavoya, Gustavo A Fisher, Jessica K Cherwin, Joseph J Franklin‐Cole, Cierra M Chiros, David J Frauenhoff, John E Cholewa, Joseph J Fredell Higgins, Jo Cholewa, Megan M Gabrys, Rebecca C Clabough, Hailey A Garcia, Anthony J Clow, Stephanie Garcia, Caridad Clucas, Mara A Garcia, Georgina F Coleman, Tricia D Garza, Twila D Colton, Alma R Gerhard, Mary Connolly, Nicole A Gibbs, Victoria I Contreras, Antonio Gibson, Jacqueline Contreras, Mayra A Grant, Athalia Cooper, Kaitlin R Grief, Susan L Cortez, Stephen J Griffin, Brian A Cowger, Nicholas B Gutierrez, Cipriana Cozzens, Samuel J Guzman, Rita Cramer, Sarah L Hannapel, Alan J Cudebec, Jacquelyn R Hard, Sara J Cunningham, Susan Hardy, Elizabeth Curtis, Eric S Heath, Christopher M Czaja, Lauren A Hedrich, Kathryn S Dakan, Michele A Henning, Brittany E Damm, Courtney A Hernandez, Vanessa Damore, John O Hill, Anke B Dankowski, Melissa J Hills, Kelly M Del Fiacco, Kari L Ho, Stephanie P Demont, Stefanie S Holbrook O'Neil, Zachary C DeSantiago, Ivan Holland, Lauren P DeWitt, Tara J Hollingsworth, Yvonne S Difabio, Vincent C Hornsby, Mary K Dioro, Lisa T Hoyne, Gary R Ditmar, Amy M Hurrell, Julia J Dominguez, Alberto Jefko, Allura L Donovan, Courtney L Jeliazkova, Vania G Drahos, Olivia C Johnson, Ann M Eadens, Beth R Johnson, Lillie B Elsbree, Elizabeth A Jordan, Leila M Enders, Colette E Kale, Christina M Enders, Terence J Kaufmann, Susan L Ensminger, Candy K Kelly, Sandy Fair, Garett J Kersten, Jayne E Felgenhauer, Sarah Kersten, Robert A Fernandez Alonso, Jesus M Kettell, Mary Ann Figueroa, Nancy Kincaid, Heather A Fishleigh, Amanda L King, Katlyn A Fitzsimmons, Nichole A Kinton, Beth‐Ann Flores, Margarita Klancnik, Anne K Flores, Rosario Kneisel, Christine R Formas, Cindy Elsie Koch, Tracy A Fosen, Laurie Koeppen, Christopher J Fowler, Ninette K Kordalewski, Adam M Frederick, Jamie M Kosak, Marina F Fredres, Julia Krause, Sandra M Freese, Airen L Kulakowski, Kathryn E Fromm, James M Lacny, Chelsie Furr, Elizabeth A Lamonica, Kelly K Gadbois, Parker Larson, Luke D Galdamez, Reyna I Laury, Joni Galow, Brittany A Ledbetter, Tyler T Garcia Diaz, Juan L Lee, Linda C Garcia Esquivel, Raquel Leiva Ferrer, Claudia M Garcia, Marisela S Leporini, Elisa L Garwood, Nancy A L'Esperance‐Skrypek, Michelle A Gasso, Michael J LeSure, Sierra M Gatz, Jennifer A Linares, Esteban N Gentry, Patricia C Little, Noah R Gerhard, Luke D Loftus, Kriss A Gerhard, Matthew E Lopez, Norma A Glass, Taylor D Lopez, Rosa M Goebel, Elizabeth J Lopez‐Argueta, Diane Goldsborough, Barbara A Los, James P Golike, Stephanie L Lowe, Yolanda M Gonzalez Cruz, Beatriz Luchs, Hans J Gonzalez, Kaitlyn M Luxion, Linda L Gossett, Emily D Maldonado, Avlin Greenberg Lombardi, Kimberly A Mangialardi, Cheryl L Greene, Vicky Manzo Vides, Nancy Guerra, Yesenia Marotz, Kelly C Guerrero, Maribel G Marshall, James A Gundy, Lana M Martinez, Isaias Haas, Krystina V Masten, Sean A Hagedorn, Samantha M Maxey, Pamela J Halleran, Elaine Denise McCallum, Marcia M Hamilton, Ashley R McMahon, Annette R Hancock, Yolanda M Megazzini, Steven A Hapner, Elissa W Meyer, Kathy V Harding, Christy R Mickelson, Mary B Harness, Susan C Miguez, Crystal L Harris, Brianna J Miller, Avis P Harris, Katherine M Miller, Pamela E Hasselberg, Julie K Mobin‐Uddin, Atriya Hawke, Lucy A Mohapatra, Meghkanta Hayes, Christopher A Montanez, Celeste M Hayes, Kathleen R Morales, Wilson Hearon, Jacqueline L Morrisey, Tracy Hekhuis, Carol C Moses, Miranda E Henderson, Robert R Moyer, Edward J Jr Herbert, Kathryn E Murillo, Martha E Herlihy, Ryan O Naster, Jennifer L Herrmann, Andrew K Nasti, Kimberly M Hickey, Natalie A Nerovich, Sandra S Higgins, Kyle E Newbill, Marilyn J Hill, Chardon L Nicasio, Juana Hill, Katherine B Nicholas, Jennifer N Hodgson, Kathryn M Nieto, Fernando J Hogg, Jenna M Nightingale, Gary E Holterhaus, Michelle L Norrell, Jennifer L Honn, Kayla R Nunez, Sophia K Houpis, Georgia Nunez, Teresa Hovious, Paige K O'Bannon,
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