Howard University Digital Howard @ Howard University The iH lltop: 1950-60 The iH lltop Digital Archive 5-8-1954 The iH lltop 5-8-1954 Hilltop Staff Follow this and additional works at: http://dh.howard.edu/hilltop_195060 Recommended Citation Staff, Hilltop, "The iH lltop 5-8-1954" (1954). The Hilltop: 1950-60. 28. http://dh.howard.edu/hilltop_195060/28 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the The iH lltop Digital Archive at Digital Howard @ Howard University. It has been accepted for inclusion in The iH lltop: 1950-60 by an authorized administrator of Digital Howard @ Howard University. For more information, please contact [email protected]. • • .. • • TBUIGOOD 'MARSBALfi· TO BE HONORED AT· COMMENCEMENT -- • Page 5 • - - I .. - - . ' ' . , __ 1 • VOTE! I• VOTE! • • • . .. • • ..J VOL 36, NO. 7 HOW ARD UNIVERSITY, WASHINGTON, D. C. ~IAY 8, 1954 ' • ' ' - , • After 30 Y ear1: • .. • Student Leaders Endorse Increase In Ancient Student Activity Fee ~ . The long-awaited rise in student al:tivity fees could be just a.round the corner, if recent actions and discussions are any indica­ tions. Several groups are now studying the plan to have the pre.~o~ fee of $1.60 in~reased to $5.00. For years, now, student activities have been facing s lo~w strangulation, for want of adequate operating funds. (The $1.50 per semester fee was set almost ao years ago.) Lucien Cox, president o! the 24 Years Service: Student Council, expressed the sentiment of the council recently , when he told HILLTOP editors Dean Price Among " With each student paying just $1.50 per semester for student Four to Retire activit~es , there aren't going to Dr. J. St. Clair Price, dean of be manf activities. The amount collected from such a low rate, the College of Liberal Arts. is cannot e v e n decently finance Uord John.,.. Gflw1e Davi among four staff members who will retire on June 30th. Dr. freahman week and the Annual Homecoming dance. I think if P1 ice, who is a native of .Bar­ we raise, the 30-year-old fee, we bauoa, B. W. I., joined the facul­ would merely be catching up with ; Fulbright Award to ty at Howard in 1930. He was the times." Cox also pointed out 2,lh Annual May FesflYal appointed acting dean of the that it was actually the Student Ronald D. Palmer College in 1942, and dean in 1943. Council's task to sponsor the Dr. Price holds A. B. degrees school marching band and cheer­ Is kheduled for Friday ~ Ronald OeWayne- Palmer, a from Lincoln University :md the leader squad. In addition, funds • eenior in the l:ollege of Liberal University of Michi1an, and the for the publication of the HILL­ The Oepaibuent of Physical Education for Women wiU present Arts, was the recipient of a J-;d. M. and Ed. D. degrees from TOP, student exchanges and Harvard University. the twenty-fourth Annual May Festival,' Friday, May 14th, 1954 Fulbright Award. Palmer, a na­ sending delegates to various con­ at 4:30 in the court of the Women'• Quadrangle. ~fiss Alida P. Banks, household ! erences are available only from tive of Uniontown, Pennsylvania, JY1anager of the five on-campus student activity fees. The occasion ia dedicated to Mrs. Ethelyn Johnson, the wife of now living in Detroit, will study \\omen's dormitories and former Lloyd J obnson, president of the president, Dean Sadie Yancy, her staff, and Howard women. Political Science and Ru1sian at acting dean of women,wil 1 also the Men's Dormitory Council, The theme of the featival is "Beauty in Ne,10 Women". The Bordeaux, France in the next n?tire next month. A native of favors the rise, too. Says John­ Sui ry, Va., she joined the staff cla.uea in Expression Gymnastics take the major lead in this academic year. son, "we've had so Jittle money in 1931 and served as acting dean lately, we have had severe diffi­ ·iX>rtrayal because it ii a baaic part of their course, and all other The versatile Palmer has a frum 1938 tO 19•0. Miu Banka culty in getting a program going acti'Vities in the department make clet.r their contribution to the double major concentration in l.<'ld1 the A. B. degree from anywhere near what we would development of a well rounded girl. Economics and French. His \V.nston-S' alem Teachers College have liked. When compared to minor coneentrations are Educa­ and the ~. A. degree from the activity fees payed at other The festival opens with the · ---~--__,..._ __..;____ _ schools, our looks ridiculous." ' . tion and Government. This year, Columbia University. virtun of a Howard woman The entertainment for the Others retiring in June include (Jn many schools of compar­ msde clear pictorially in livtnc Alma Mater and Queen will be he is the holder of the Sidney l'tmus Q. Hill, foreman of cam­ able size, the fee for student ac­ ricturea and dance, of a Boward by the Howard University Modern Hillman award, a grant that goes pw construction, and Mrs. tivities, while sometimes is in>­ girl at her window and her mac- Dance Group under the direction to outstanding students in the Natalie B. Day, University corporated into a lump fee cov­ ' l ' of Mis1 Erika Thimey. The 'social 1ciences. Palmer views l1ostess. Mr. Hill is a native of ering many other things, ranges r o ia tree. from about 10 to. 50 dollars.) The Alma Mater who is chosen dances the group rendered at thla as an excellent opportunity !\l<'ntgomery County, Md. and Con1titution Hall aa rueat artist to get additional grounding in }las been employed at the Uni­ George Davis, president of by :the Ho,vard Women'• Club, Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, · will enter with her court repre­ of the N at i on a 1 Symphony versity since 1911. Mrs. Day, a Orchestra wil be a part of the preparat1on for a possible career native of Charleston, S. C., hu heartily endorsed the proposed in­ ccntinc the virtuea of the uni­ program. Other clu1e1 in the in labor relations. He is also crease. Davis opined, ' We can't vc.:r1ity, Truth, Service for God l·een a member of the ataff since d(:partment will be a part of the seriously weighing a career in l!JJl. She will reaide in New continue to ask for activities in and one'• country, and this wiU • the aame bracket with other be followed by tlie queen who ia p ::-ogram. the United States Foreirn Serv- York City followin1 her retire­ n1<'nt. schools of similar enrollment, if elected by the entire under­ \..The afternoon will draw to a ice. Jn addi.tion his acad<'mic we don't do something practical graduate 1tudent body, lier maids c:o1e With a reception in honor skills, Palmer has several other in the way of raising sufficient of honor and her attendants. of the Alma Mater and her court Though quite an athlete in auJ the queen and her court. activities that take up quite a high school, hia sport. activities funds.'' He contlnucd,"lt ia very Alma Mater crowns the queen of bit of his time. He is included here have been limited to inter­ clear that the inevitable 11olution May, after. which a tribute ia in the current edition of Who's fraternal play. At Eastern to this problem ia to raise our paid to the most outatandinc ancient student activity fee to a \Vho in American Univeraities High School, he won 12 lettera­ v omen students in all depart­ four in football ; four in basket­ point where it will do some good m~ntl and colJeces of the univer­ and Colleges;" Fine Arts 0,1. ball and two each in track and somewhere." sity. Student CouncD umnlit for the HILLTOP ; mem­ baseball. He was once on the (Continued on Pa1f' 4) 'Ihere wilJ be three rueet ber of the Howard Players; mem­ "All-,City'' football team. He'• artist., Mn. Judith Jaffee of ber of the Student Council; ac­ six feet five and weights 195. Sara LaW1t!nce Collese, Mr. ELECTIONS tive in the French Club and be· Accordin&' to Palmer, he got Benjamin Smythe, a rractuate of out of high school by the "skin of Bring Your ltowwd Uninr1it1 and teecher Thursday longs to Kappa Alpha Psi f'ra ­ my teeth." lu the Olatrict Public School'f ternity. Despite all this, he f\nda Mn. Erta Williford Frank1, a tmie to write excellent poetry, Student• Card graduate of Howard Unl•enlty, See The May May 13 some of which have been printed Thursday a.nJ MiM Edna Weir, dance in the HILLTOP from time to matraetor and paduate of Bow­ Festival May 14 ard Ualftniq. time. • • • • ., • ..,., , • 0 ,.. .n. n , . ••••• . ,,. - - \ .. ",, • -· • • • • •• ; •• ,.. ... 2 ·HILLTOP . • • unu.MAN ON CAMPUS ~ ...... ,. 1 • . ;l\ ' . ~ • EOITOll•t •. • l .. ' ... ~ ' 0 • '· I I . Honey Ha! fn:eller. Tbt. •·· liap_pa; eel dor- ms W pstt Pl° • ti::Jte J<e:&f L Ti Dr;~ Fu • ieaie B~a an al it H e'f'er., a• 1c1e tnis, the ....e.... 1•1JtTOP l , l!Tay a:;-eU of warm. •ntJz I .Ur~ be• A awza ,.,,.,,. 51 {Ul iri • i;.•·-p · · et:ei p:re12us por:ipa of to· H arc a 1 wirrrt body an- ~en.. ~·n all for it. How- rnpa ed ~ - .-ar;k aDa .ome ~ a;- · ·~ I J tJ.> .eit &rJ1 ~ ftf })e0: of ~ I CiC ~ acrnsittJQ ff'at0ft I 9 ... · • k tldn' or Der ~e Uie :UDOn. ~ may be con- • • • • • a!~ w~ umpa1tare .-oea &Gfted a n is con.
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