hot Can't Pass White House- • u • ~ Part of Route OK oil Serulng the Uniuenily Iowa Iowan Iring 0/ and the People qf 10'" elly attempt and return to the nd shi p In moon orbit. I For D.C. Protest EstabUshed in 1068 10 cents a copy Associated Press l.eased Wire and Wirephoto Iowa City, Iowa 52240--Wednesday. ml •• lon rul.. .tlil WASHINGTON IA'! - The government property and would be used in a peace· it to th. pilot," Conr. agreed Tuesday to compromise and al­ keeping mission only after a president· "If I WI. three fttI low antiwar protesters to use part of ial proclamatlon 01 emergency, author· the ground Ind $inkil19 f Pennsylvania Avenue for a massive de­ ities said. foot and a hllf per SIC· monstration this Saturday. Howev,r, fed.ral troops could be uMd end I'd run out of tim., The agreement was announced by to guerd fed.rll buildings without such not going to get out of Building Date Set for Center • formal proclamation. t can k•• p right on It· Mayor Walter E. Washington and Dep- " uty Atty . Gen . Richard G. Kleindienst, Meanwhile, the New Mobilization Committee appealed to President Nixon if [ was 100 feet in the who had declared last Thursday that to meet personally with its spokesman and I wasn't happy with "under no circumstances," could the Research Group Agrees I was, then I'm going Pennsylvania Avenue route be used. to discuss the Justice Department's reo out of there. That's the II The agreem.nt followed sev.rll d.y. fusal to permit a mass march on Satur- the rule Is. You've of virtually continuous negotiation, with , day down Pennsylvania Avenue and got to decide that you're sponsors of the march. It provide. for around the White House . To Rezoning Changes to land within the next the procession to procHCI down t h • The department has refused the per­ of seconds or you've tr.ditional parade avenue from the CIP' mit on grounds that it would be diffi· By DICK TAFFE ing Into the K-Mart shopping center, it out of there. It's Itol .s far as 15th Str.el and from th.r. cult to control any v!olent outbreaks An educational research corporation was okayed. of national prominence has agreed to oeclslon," he explained. to the grounds of the Washl",ton Mon· near the business area of Pennsylvania A preliminary plan for the proposed Cisewhe:re at the moon port ument for • rally climlXing thr" d.y. Avenue. Instead the department has a zoning change that will enable it to Center rescue per· of aritlwar activiti ... offered to let the marchers go from the begin construction of a research center Mason Shopping at the northeast battling This route makes no provision for a Capitol down Constitution Avenue to the here sometime this pring. corner of the intersection of Highway 6 fuel fires that could swing by the White House - one point mall area behind the White House. Actual building is expected to begin and RiversIde Drive WI con idered by on launch day after that the New Mobilization Committee The committee, which argues that the on the center in Mayor June, ·",th a the commi. Ion , but wa sent back 10 Bean and the third ~ ' to End the War in Vietnam had demand· symboll.m of Pennsylvania Avenu. is tentative completion date of September a Irarfic tudip.s u\).commllt unW astronaut - Richard ed. important to the demonstralion, .aid in or October, 1970. further tudy concern;ng the number of Jr. - are sealed in· r Kleindienst and Washington also said I t.legram to Nixon: The Wlltinghou.. L.earning Corpor.· hopping center entrances to Riverside moonship. the government agreed to the route af· "Because we view this matter as one tlon, which also .ubsidizes the Musur.· Drive could be made. spent time in crew ter the New Mobilization promised to m.nt Research C.nt.r, WII told by the Monday reviewing lu· of considerable importance to both the I provide enough parade marshals to en· ·character of our proposed demonstra­ Iowa City Planning ,nd Zoning Commis· features he is ex· sure order during the mammoth march, slon Tuesday Ihat the proposed build· to see while orbiting the tion and the tremendous obligation we which is expected to attract about 200,- ing sit. - a 52·.cr. Iract northwest .f Senate Accepts then crawled into a have to the thousands of American cit· 000 in what could be the biggest antiwar of nd ship trainer to reo izens who will gather in the nation's thl int.rsection Int.rtt.t. 10 Ind , 1 protest in history . several procedures. Lat· capital, we respectfully request a meet­ Hwy. I - will be r.1OIIed from a sin­ Navy Cmdrs. Conrad, Gor· Under terms o( the agreement the ing with you, tbis date, at your earliest gl. Flmily Resldenc. Zone to a High. Black Seat Bill and Bean studied moon committee will provide 2,000 parade convenience. " w.y Commercill Zone. ' tnarsmn. taken by previous marshals to keep demonstrators on the The committee's spokesman told According to Philip A. Leff, a local south side of Pennsylvania Avenue and newsmen the group has assurances lawyer representing Westinghou e, the For (onstitution another 500 marshals to keep crowds from every group participating t hat building will compare architecturally away from government buildings on the "they will respect our concern for a with the American College Testing The tudent Senate Tue. day passed an other side of the thoroughfare. nonviolent discipline." building, located across Interstate 80 amendment creating R at for a black arding Meanwhil., a small .dvlnc. party Ther. was no imm.diate comment or from the proposed Westlnghouse site. tuden! TIle bill now becom s part of from the 62nd Airborne Division fl. w response tD th, telegram from the Whit. Westinghouse has already purchased th Student A. oclallon Constitution. here from Pt. 8rlgg, N.C., to pr.part Hous •. the vacant farm land, on the condition The seat will be nlled in an election held by the Afro-American Student Asso­ "r possible movement of paratroopers Press Secretary Ronald L. Ziegler Ronald Young, proj.ct dlr • .:tor for that the zoning change be made. The , to the capitol in connection with t h • lold reporters there were no plans to ciation No election d:lte ha yet been lanned SJlurday's Moralorlum mar chin area was recently annexed to the city. revealed. w"kend demonstrations. close the White House during the nor­ Washington, D.C .• disculitl the N.w Leff said that the center would be contracts for pav· mal visiting hours from 10 a.m . to noon Preceeding Ihe black senator bill in Pentagon officials said no final de· Mobilization Committee's appe.1 to hllll! ha kallv on an office-oriented de· control and sign on Thursday, Friday or Saturday. the pa a~ was an am ndment cre tlng a cision has been made, but they indio Pr.sldent Nixon on the parade route. sign but would be used for a variety of new memberEhlp category called "Other will be awarded cated a light brigade 01 between 1,500 three days of the March Against Appeals to Pres:dent The Committee wants the rout. to PI" non-oCflce purposes, Including the print. II • nn.nrn;n" to Commission Constituencies. and 2,000 paratroopers may be brought Death" and the mass demonstration . the Whitt Hc.uSl; th. Justice Depart. ing and scoring of national educatlon The cost for this up before the weekend. The White House was open on Oct. 15 ment has denl.d permlulon for thl •. "Other Constituencies" Is defined as of the project will be te Is, and the production of electronic "any numoor or stu<!ents who can be The 25·man advance party from the during the Moratorium Day demonstra­ - AP Wirephoto prototype educational machines . million in Johnson County 82nd , equipped with three small scout tion. Identified as having unique problems, $3 million in Linn County. , cars, arrived at Andrews Air Force The commluion had qu.,tioned t h • concerns and interests in common which Highway Commission Base and moved out to check commu· quantity of "acc.ssory UllqtS" t h • are germane to member hlp and /or par· expect construction of nications, billeting and other details. c.nter would be involv.d in because ticipation in the State Univer Ity of Iowa freeway to be completed by the amount of "Industri.llzed" use and whose membership In uch a consti· The Defense Department called this Staff, Faculty Council Heads Glad end of 1971. Van R. Snyder, I" d.termines thl 10ning of an tuency can be peclficd. Spc~ir/(tally ex· engineer for the 0lm· Ha normal part of the precaution.ry .rta. L..H essured the commlulon thlt clud d are organizations. Academic or in Cedar Rapids, said measures we have been a.ktd to th' .Itctronics mlnuflcturing would be administrative units and housing com­ depends on progress by the Justice Department." mlnlmll. munities." Financial Probe 'Sent to Executive Botb bills were passed at 13 t week's aca,uisiUon and weather .. A spOkesman stressed that "in no Let( explained that WestinJ!hou e does By CAROL SIRD to turn th~ budgetary part of its inves· "The Legi lature has an over·abun· Senate meeting. However, to become con­ event would federal unils be moved not want to be considered an industry, into the area unless and until requested University Staff Council Pres.
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