![EHI CNV OIDD])Iuof {O ECY EHJ ,T](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
eu8olog'aFuorzeN e)eloleurd 'uvJo tunesnw uelqodorpw eqJ l]oÀ ^{eN uot8u«lser§ !:y3o d:a1eg puoueg SSIUNJNI] HJNgATNIIASS CNV HJNAAJXISrffvttvl gHJ JO CNIJNIVd NYI'IIW!I EHI CNV OIDD])IUOf {O ECY EHJ ,t Domenichino (Domenico Zarnpieri) Bologna r58r-Naples 164r Although hntorically he was one of ideas gcrmanc to his Tiedtite or Paiù- bc lis most lucrarivc commiss;on the most famous and iniìuentiaì of irg, an carly starement of classic-ideiìlist Therclorc hc left Romc in 1617. s(r:- all Bolognese :rrtists. Domelichino pnrg in tsolognr for some mondr : - had surprisingly lttle direct eflect on As Annibale's healtlì failed. Albani fore settling in F]no in r6riJ. Thor!:l the courec of seventeenth-ccntury emerged as hcad of thc shop, though he returned to Bologna the follor:;:: Imilian painting. (His indirecr n1lìu- it mst havc been evident that the year and worked brielìy on scvcnì::: - ence, through Guercino, is a separatc youngcr Domenìchino real1y rvas joraltarpieces. hc agah lefr for Ror:- Annibalc's favoritc. Albani sarv ro it r62r upon the electioD ofAicssrnd: Born in Bologna h rj8r, Domeni that DomeDichino pariicipatcd in dcc- Ludovìsl as Pope Gregory xv, but ,: ' chino iDitially studìed rhe hum:ìnities orating thc Palazzo Mattci (r606-07) beaore bcgtunnrg thrcc na.jor alr.ù (see Spear r982 for aurrher djscussion rn.l the Vìì1, Ode\.il.hi rr Brss:no .li pìeces for churchcs ln En1ilir rDd oathe.rtisCs lifc and work). Hc brielly Sutri (I6oe). Reni, rvho mcanivhilc Rom:ìgnà Gce crt. r jr). joined Dcnys Calveerr s studio bclorc had successlully struck out on hìs Domenichino s riv:rìry rvrth ransaerring to tlìc Accademia degli own, shared rvith Doncnichino thc Lanaranco must hiìvc iriseD at lcr\r .. Incamminrti of thc Carracci c. r195, Borghese comnission in the Oratorìo eàrly as 1608. \\hcD AnDibalc feror, : where Ludovico aDd Agosrìno were di S:ìnt' Andrea at San Gregorio hìm over Lanfranco for work rr lìis principiìl mentors. Thus hc rcpcar- Masno. Rome (r6oe). Grottafcrrxta: tbcìr sfif. int.nsifi rJ .d thc educationll patterD sct by hìs Thus from 1602 uDtil 1610, l)o- during thc I6:os. rvhen thcy corr scnior colleiìgues and lifclong friends. menichino's Ronrìn career wrs closcly peted for thc coveted comDiissioD ( Rcni and AlbiìDi. He followcd rhem to tied to the activitics of his Bolognese paint thc choìr, dome. and pcndcn Ronc, too, joining ADnibalc's shop colleagues. Thcir circlc brokc up iftcr tivcs in Sanf Andrcà della Viììle Annìbale s death in r6oe, when L:ìn- (Doncnichino won drc lìon s shìrc r: Annìbale iìnd Albani lookcd.rtcr franco, Sisto Badalocchio. and Aitonio thcjob). On that occasion Lanfi,D.! Domcnichino's :ìrrisdc wcllarc durìng Canaccì all lcft Rome for varytug pe- brought tìgiìjDst Domcnichino r ch,ìrj- the ncxt few ycrrs, findnrg him sup- riods. Two of Domenichino s most ofplrgiìr;m conceming rhc Ldn C,, port from thc Frrncse, and fronr important. independent commlssioDs ,ruio, of S,?rxJ./o,L, (cat. ralJ). Tl):: Girolamo and Giovrìnni Battista follorvcd soon rhercaarer. thc ldt seems to hrv. hrrmed Dom.nì.hln, Agucchi. From thc outset, Domcn Connu ioi of saiùJùott (cat. ta8), little. siDce he contiDued to panÌ rÌr.:- ichino was foremost a Èescoist. For his fìrst altarpiecc, and thc cyclc of pìcccs for various Romrn churchcs. example, lor thc Farnese he :ìssisted frescoes in the Polet Chapel of San including onc for Saint Petcr's (the.\Lr'. iD completing the Galleria FarDese Luigi dei Franccsi (16r:-15). One of Iyrdo,, q/ Sdi,, S.ldrrirr. r62j-ro. n. (.- I6o4-oJ), p:ìinted three mytholog- hjs most berutiful easel paintjDgs of in Sanrà MariÀ degli Angeli, Rosr. ical landscapes in their Loggia del rhe peÀod. Alexa lù d|ti Tinadcd aDd lrcscocs for San Sjlvcsrro rl Qu: Giardino (r6or-o+). and decoratcd (Louvre, l'rrn; c. 1615), tomed pan r ale (r6i:E), San Càrlo ai CrtlDrri rhe Cippcllà dci SÀnrissìmi Fond:ìrori ofa cyclc thiìt hc, Lanfr]nco, AlbaDi, (r628-30), SaDm Maria irr Tlìstev.rr at Grottaferrarà (r608-ro), whcre Sisto Badalocchio, Antonio Crrrrcci, (1628 30), and Santa MÀr dcllr \ir Odorrdo Famcsc was abore connaùa- and others p:rinted for Cardìnal torir (r62e 30). rd,'io. Ihrnks to Cardinaì Girolamo Montiìlto. Thc liìtter threc projccrs lvcrc xlì l.:: Agucchi, Domcnìchino rvon his 6rst UDdoubtedly through GioviìDni uDfiDished when Domenichiio n,o\.-: public comDrìssion nr Rome: rhree B:ìttisra Agucchl's influence. thc ro Naplcs in 16l r to dccoratc rhc nr(,:: frescoes jn the church of Sànf Onofrio Aldobrandini hired Domenichino to important chrpcl iD the ciry. thc (r6o4-oJ). GiovaDni tsattisra Agucchì, design a serics of landscapc frescoes ]ìcàsury Chapel of Srn Ccnnaro (tl thc cardin:ìÌ's brother, played a more for thcir Villa at Fràscati (16I6-r8). ìs attached to the c]thedral. bùt was decisive rolc jn DomeDichino s forma- Much of thcjob rvas lcft in thc hands administered by indcpcDdeDt deputi.,. tìon, by promoting hit11 with thc Aldo- of his assistants. including thc Bolog- lvho had tried to engage ReDi for thc brandini. whom he servcd as secretary, ncsc landscapìst GiovÀnni Battìrta job a dccade earlie$. The pressures oi and by being something ofaD intcilecnul Viola, bccausc mcanwhilc Domcni- that commìssion. whi.h ir.hrd.d.:\ godfather to the artist. ln particular chino had agrced to work for Guido tensive frcscocs and six alhrpieces, lcti Asucchi discussed with Domeni.hnlo Nolfr in Fano, on what promìscd to ìittle timc for other §,ork (thc lrrl- 430 rfi .SuEursd -puer8 srq u sìr ao8selC rqr ollJtrorl :rsou .qr .ll.ls .^Drrrru uI adl)trspuBl uuriu. qrra .{ru?rrru s,ourq]u.utoc parrD.rddE.^at ol -fJ siourqtrruruoc or .{tlrJlp §rurod surJrs rrtssrw or:,nt trorrErrùi? rarrrEJ i(er .ou .tt6r qrrq^\ r.uornEr r),p,,jros rqr.lo srrrurrd Suoutv .pnrrD! suErJ -rss€lJ s.ourqrru.Luo(I or It]u.qrDur uorrpronb Irnur^ R sr uorl.ql (trz ou st'.^\ rsrtrqro tùolur i(rrrng pùt urof '6L6r uqqog €rzrr3 eC),!ro,f r,IrS 'iùoP:^r:) Jo ìro1\ :qr ur ùris sr Jo Eur^ùBu. ir"t s.ouuso8v lo ,(8.\\ ulurs ,{tr.rurd .qr '.rùiùb.sùor r sV plEu[rrissrp .q Ilrpra pur doqs rtrrEr serq uruoù sioùrqrrururoc r rrSr -rr:) ..p ù p.a.IllÌìdod rd.{r sra rBqr Prrq Pàltnd sJrrù.pùo àùbsiisrro:) P rrrsr.rtrpreqr Jo rrr.ruorelruEs o.u PUr uru.ùi -Ptrrqluol ,{rmu.tr Jo s.rn]..J ì]Iqr Pur .rnr?lnrsnu q]Ùiinri^.s .qr NoqSnorqr :sàPnru I^req rqJ .{\otaq Eurrou?d pEorq r rr orrrrl qrio« qrlr piìlut qrra nsBllùo) ,(tirtrurur]pJntq ù s.a rrì: urrrru:I 'i)^o.rol/^t ^l.solr..uoìl .ar^nol IIEr .rrqA .qr ur r,, q J:o {t.',DS ur prlroa sri^\o[o] sioùrqrru uo(r s,.Fqruuv s3 qrns §ìroa uo p.srq lsr]]ùotr l.g lur8ord u&rltu3 .ou ."s6r Jo lt" $ rprs rj.taÌ{r (l.t r!.ds) u^\o rraqr pJrràtrr .rojàrlìr pur àruorl IIDeJrad sql s.rJrrduixa ,rxr.irf rt sorPùts .^urr Prqsrrqsrsr oùrr.rrn! ri],,s sùruProurd ryrrl d,rr/rr7.qJ Pue Ìu.ìI rroofrndr s..rurredx. ,tPrnreu rùrunxnt s.,trqruuv uEqr .r0 pr,roprqsra^o,{tqur^iùr qrrq^\ ssal arojer.r{r puù ,P3rtrn]lsuor ,(tFuoll '(ur s,ourqrNIuoc Jo sr:rrup! Lr..ì -€r ùolu .q or Pu:r s.ouqrtr'ruoc s.,\tasuJqr.tr:a,{aqr.usotog u.rul qBnoqr sarrnos qsru.tj-ulurn. -§.rd s.ouDr.n3 pur s.ru.d sr4. ruip rr.qr Pue §iarquùv or P.rqaPu II -r^. rsou rqf ?uuuEd urqruE Lro -diep ais sadrrspu€t s.ouqIu.ruoc iruinuur Irrpiluurr s.ouqtrru]tuocr '(61. :286r ltJds) ioor .srorrìrj LFrt,{rnrual PaurdurP r.qlo -q1uaùu.^is .(F€a ln PI.q IIos us '(EuEotos uI qrnol srq ùo]J Sur ld8rspuq rql snrErs IJ.^n€l.r rqr -nrrd p.UIluipr IIùo.qr sr ouEquotof u5^r8 ^\ot Sursudrns rou .rE sapnnnr qrns uts rt uorrdrrx: .q, rarùrEd otrs.r-l '(fi-zi?:z ' pi rì8r :81.9r tlsp^tBw) .ùoìt ur pà.ruar se^\ r sr ourqruauoc p.ru.srrdrr ùtrul Stnsstd lII uaql Jo oal ,(Iuo srsrt .sl^\.ì!l (qursri^ rsoru aql rnq strd u Hurqrou 'rJ^o.row .auoH or tùr iq rPql ltrEJ luou lBpnlor lql lseal ls -nd s.l]tr€rttr.qr Jo IBtrù.ro.qr pùe 1:^rI] ,(q IIuo ìro^1 srq uaouì r^rq uI p.lsir.rul .ruurrÌ 'sadptrspuE[.qr ss.t ur^r ItnD.ll.lu lsoù .qr ,4luo lou sùe .q) Plnoa rr.rqrf3 pùr 'auopa^r) s?a rrsr^Fw ,&hrD€ IauaPDur u€ s€ tralrqrrr u€ sr .(rr^or! s,ourqrrur(oc Jo uooer.u.B rqr Io nsDre 'srBrd .^rl u..s r eq rs4u osle r.ruEd rqr qrq^\ 'EqruE ur u€ql rJqrrr .uou m prdotà^ -euroj trr.q] Suunc sozgr aqr ojrq .rùauodx. !.urr srqJo rldst srqr ol uoDuaur -rp sra i(tFnrrr iurpDl r rrluf u u.is ui.q r^Ert ptnor s8uDu.d qrnu.^EB siqdHSorq aqrlo iuou s€^\ ourqrr.ruoc rìrrqaJo llf adsrs ]u€uodu sq Jo .uou lrpj ut .rrqr qBnoql tadÉspurt s.ourqrruatuoC -puRI asiuSotog s" ,tjrssetr .^\ riqa u^\oul rFlrt sr.\\ u! §rq srìqr pm triurq uo .ùas Paru.ruuor ostr uotias PUE rEqr PaìrÌlu.Ì .q ptnoqs r '!IltBurl rprslno r. .r srq rsoLu ru.ds iauorr8BE .rrer .lo Jo -s€d (tlz:r rurueti{) s.ldrrùrd rDsurr s.ouqtrIu.uoC 'ouDlinS ro ruiu aìqùn ioùqrruiur ..uonr.Jl.d Pus urrqr r€ar:,, u.qr Jo,{u€u uo{ p.tpsp JrE,rro,'r p.uu -oc serrrrpùr àùrrrnoJruq sqr sv uI 8ùIPuy \rralqns.rù.3 qiu asoql -.r rsoqa urqrs.rurrl oruoruerrfhl rrrr ur uosrod ltlrtntrruEd,ra?,s,d s.ourqtrruauoC :rarrt prrr.dde rraq urrrma ruetrrJru trq .JII slq sderlrad rnq uorr !rz9r .r ìool P.uoI]ùauI lultru€w sr IIrr.
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