PAGE TWfeNTY L. Parker, Norwich, department oiDcers of Temple Chapter, OES, ai^tant; Francis Garris of West About Town will meet tonight at 7 o’clock Police Arrests PiiFtell Guest Hartford, Flnt District oominan- for rehearsal at the MaMnic der; Mrs, Marion Oox of E a ^ Templa tlM Rev, Bjiur RMk, putor of Marjorie K LaVoie of 26 N. At Legion Fete Hartford, First District adjutant; Park F^REE Cotvwnant Congregetlonal Church, Mrs. Kathleen Mulkiutn will Fairfield St. was arrested by Dog Omdr, John E, Stewart, Auxiliary will be'In cherge of broadcaats, ive Irish step dance lessons at the Warden Lee Fracchla and charged President Mre. Joseph WaUebt, AtthaRoar aponaored by the Mancheater Min- with allowing her dog to roam. The American Legion will cele­ and Mrs, Henri Peaelni, ebainnan ithuanlan hall, Golway S t, to­ of the Auxiliary pest preeidenta. laterlai Aaan., over atatlon WINF gmorrow at 2:80 p.m. She la sdieduled to appear in court brate the 36th anniversary Of the Of Our Stora! Sunday at 6:35 p.m. and week­ tomorrow. founding of the post at a dinner- days next week at 7:15 p.m. Nolan K. Perkins, JH3, of Knoll- Members 6f the. Manchester dance Saturitoy a t 6:30 p.m, at the Tour money will be Coon and Fox Club will meet to­ wood Dr., Coventry, was arrested Ladies Night Set Screen Actors Mias Eleanor Pandera, daugh­ night at 7:30 in front of the Wat- this noon and was charged with Legrlon Home. refunded at ter of Mrs. Ernest Panoiera, 226 Intoxication. He is at present William A. Purtell of West Hart­ stamp counter. East, West Agree klna-West Funeral Home, 142 E. ford, foroer U.S. Senator, will be By Center Qiib Pwker St, haa been named'to the Center St:, to pay respects to Wil­ beliLg held in custody at the po­ Sign Contract, honor roll at University of Con­ liam R. Tinker. lice station. guest speaker. A former depart- necticut. She la a senior in the Ladies' Night wlU be held by school of home economics. Mr. and Mts. Donald Conrad, the Washington Social Club on To Recess Stalled End Walkout 14 Harvard Rd., will be hoot and Saturday, April 23, at 7:30 p.m. 25 Expected hostess at the Lutz Junior MU' at Orange Hall. seum Sunday from 2 to 6 p.m. Hollywood, April 9 — William Forbes, president, le The actors’ strike is over and In Road-e-o general chairman. Othef members Geneva Arms Talk Wc Stock the back-to-work call is out Daniel F. Renn, 74 Cooper St., pf the committee are William J. and Richard D. Avery. Vernon, Twertty-five young drivers are Brennan, reception; William D. for Bing Crosby and Marilyn have been named to the dean's list expected to compete in the Safe Turklngton, tickets; Robert A. By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS f In- a formal statament to the Monroe, along with other HALLMARK at Vlllanova University, ViUanova, TOe deadlocked 10-nation press, Eaton said “any indication stars and about 6,000 mem­ Pa. Driving Road-e'o tomorrow at the Haugh, gl7t*: John McDowell, dec­ that (the recess) resulted from Manchester Parkade, according to orations; and Herbert Keefe, mu­ disarmament conference will Soviet urging could only have come bers of the production crews. CARDS A work day will be hisld at the Manriiester Junior Chamber of sic and dinner. reebss at the end of this from a misunderstanding.’’ After several suspenseful pe­ Camp Merrie Wood tomorrow to Commerce,- sponsor of the event. 6 Reservations should be made month until June by agree­ The conference opened March riods when agreement had seemed complete grounds cleanup, weath­ With 26 contestants, the Road- before April 20. Tickets for mem­ 15 but soon bogged down fiver near, Hollywood’s first strike by MILLER e-o will be the biggest of the con­ bers and friends may be obtained ment of the West and Com­ State News er permitting. munist blocs, the U.S. dele- Soviet and Western plans for a actors finally ended yesterday in V erwoerd PHARMACY tests so far. ^t will be the seventh from any committee member or worid diaarmament treaty. its 33rd day. Negotiators for ths In as .many years. - ' at-"thr club;------------- ' ......... ...... “'^ tlo n sjnroiniced today in' The Russians had called for to­ Screen Actors Guild and the Assn, i.KMA KM \l) The event begins tomorrow at Geneva. tal diseJrmiunent wHhln four years. of Motion Picture Producers an­ Roundup I'hiini' Ml I- 111 Bowers PTA Sets 11 a.m. with a written examina­ r This means that the negoUatioos The wedtem powers urged dlsamn- nounced they had coipe to terms* Wounded tion. The driving events wlU begin will be suspended during the time ament by stages with strict con­ on a new S-year contract. Milford, April 9 (/P)—Mil­ Vote on Officers at 1 p.m. in the Parkade parking of the East-Weat summit talks trols St every stage. The eagerly awaited news lot. CEMENT opening in Paris M ^ IS. Herter himself authorised the ford Police have charged two Automobiles for the Road-e-o brought smiles to sun-tanned faces Hie Bowers PTA will elect offi­ W. H. Ekigland Lumber Co. U.S. Delegate Frederick M. U.S. delegation to correct what he of the famous, moat of whom had operators of k bingo game By White cers at a meeting Monday at 8 will be donated by four Manches- Eaton stressed that the recess had “ter'auto dealers:" Dilion-Saies-and .„540„Hiddle,.TurBpike,.Ea8t_ beeh *‘discused lMtween both sides said was his own misundefstend- spent thr month’s "rest at on#' fir with”trying-to bribe A police pTm.'lh the School auditorium; The WUUam A. PorteU MI 9-6201 Ing that the Soviet Union had another of southern California’s captain and aergeant for nominating committee will present Service, Moriarty Bros., Roy Mo­ and had been mutually acceptable By AJWIAN P<»TB^x Open All Day Saturday and agreed." pressed for a long reoeas, it was resort communities. $1,000 a mdnth. NOTICE its slate, and other nominations tors Inc., and Carter Chevrolet ment chaplain, Purtell -will disc-usa Spring Jackets reported rellaMy. Johannesburg, South Ank, w E W ltL BE CLOSED may be offered from the floor. Co. Inc. Eaton contradicted a statement But it was an uneasy peace Detective Capt. Robert Dixon the role and accomplishments of A Soviet spokesman declined'Jo which settled on Hollywood. Next ca, April 9 (VP)— Prime Minis­ THURSDAir, APRIL 7 Miss Mary Thompsoh of the Norman Wilcox, director of the American L^on. He served made by Secretary of Stsite Chris­ cornsnent either on Hertfir’s orig. aald three weeks ago John Biondi TO THUB8DAT, APRIL 21 driver eduOation at Manchester Fully lined, some with cordurtQ' collars and trim on tian A. Herter in Washington yes- to be negotiated: A contract with of Milford and Frederick Scarvelea ter Hendrik Verwoerd, an un­ Glastonbury school system will dis­ with the A. E. F. in Woi-ld War I. Inal statement or E a to ^ rMnarka the town's television actors, and a of West Haven, operators of a cuss "Foreign Lati^agea in the High School and coordinator of pockets and others in solid poplin. Be prepared for , terday that the Russians had He said, however, Uiat the United compromising architect of the - Road-e-o for the Jaycees, said Theodore Fairbanks, president asked for the recess. Hertec had “lywood writers’ strike is still bingo game at a former movie Elementary School’” at 8:30 after of the - Past Commanders' Assn., the warm days ahead. Colors: Beige and O f t told newsmen the Russians appar­ States took the telflativc for s re­ tiled. theater in Milford, contacted Sgt. South Africa’s white suprem­ SAM YULYES the business session. She will also the, contest is set up for competi­ cess until alter the Paris "SHOE REPAIRING will he general chairman, assleted willow green. Preteen sizes 8 to 14. # elrO ently wanted a recess so Soviet The contract agreed on yester­ John Zientek with an offer. acy policies, was shoC- Rod conduct a question and answer pe­ tion by both boys and girls. All by past commanders.-Tlckeits may Premier Nikita S. Khrushchev mtt meet: wounded today by a middle- OF THE BETTER KIND” riod. entrants should have no difficulty^ PINE * TEEN DEPARTMENT day will give motion picture actors Dixon said they were willing to be obtained from past commanders could come Into the summit meet­ their first'pension plan — plus a put up Il.ODO a month if Zientek aged white man. Blood 23 OAK STREET First grade mothers will assist in mastering either the written or Take'Elevator to Second-Floor. ing with a new disarmament plan. iiMMd an Page Three) Same Side as Watkins memhers of the hospitality com­ practical tests, he said. or at the L«gion Home. PHARMACY share in proceeds from aale to and he would keep police away streamed from his head. mittee during the social hour In Eiitiy is limited to Manchester Guests -will Include Mayor ,Eu- television of films made after last from the bingo operation, which The husky blond prime minis­ gene Kelly; General Manager 664 CENTER STREET Jan. 31. was offering cash prizes in viola­ the cafeteria. teenageia 16 years old throujCi COR. OF ADAMS ter, 58, became a target, appar­ those who will not have reached Richard Martin; Arthur St. John' ' 1 Tbe actofs accepted pie pension tion' of the state gaming laws.
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