WEATHER IOND GEN 5720/2 VATER Cloudy + C harlie 01 WeZ Rt fft U. S. NAVAL BASE, GUANTANAMO BAY, CUBA Phone 9-5247 Monday Date November 21, 1966 WGBY Radio (1340) TV (Ch. 8) US. To State Position Haiti Invaded': CBS On Communist China NE YORK (AP) A CBS news broadcast last night quoted I TED iVATIONS, N.V. (AP) Haitian underground sources as saying opponents of President The United States faced a Francois Duvalier have invaded Haiti. There was no confirma- new factor as it prepared to tion of the CBS report. state its position today on Andre Theard, Haitian Ambassador to the United States, said whether to seat Communist in ' 'ashington he had no word China in the United Nations: ag invasionand a spokes- a proposal was being floated Rof to study the question and said the same thi ng. He sound out Peking on it. Hleet inMeeting Pnerto PertoRicoadded RicoSte that the U.S. Ambassa- Ambassador Arthur J. Gold- WASHINGTON (AP) Michigan dor in Port Au Prince, Ben- berg, U.S. chief delegate, Governor George Romney,bols- son E. L. Timmons 111, had was scheduled to make a 20- tered by a poll in which he been asked to look into the minute speech to the General outran President Johnson, is report. Assembly on the issue of expected to meet with New CBS said itscorrespondent China's U.N. representation, York Governor Nelson A. in the Haitian capital was starting about 11 a.m. EST' Rockefeller today in Puerto told that the invaders land- Before that, Italy, Bel- * Rico to discuss strengthen- ed on the northern coast gium,3razil and others plan- ing the Republican Party. near Cap-Haitien, the coun- ned to submit a resolution Romney arrived in San Juan try's second city. by which the Assembly would yesterday for a two-week va- The underground sources name a committee to explore cation. He said in a state- said Haiti's Army, based the issue until next session ment that recently elected around Duvalier's palace in and recommend a fair solu- Republican governors will be the capital, had been put on tion with the head of 'all in a position to have more the alert, CBS reported. governments concerned." influence in national af- Reports reaching Was:ing- It would put the Assembly fairs and in the GOP. ton from the Carribdbean on record as "believing that Rockefeller met Friday in country last April indicated a solution of the (China) the Virgin Islands with Re- internal troubles but were question.which accords publican Gov.-elect Raymond not clear whether an uris- with the principles of the P. Shafer of Pennsylvania. ing had been attempted or a charter and the aim of uni- All Republican governors and purge of Duvalier's oppo- versality would further the governors-elect are expected nets had occurred. purposes of the United :a- to meet in December in Colo- tions and strengthen its rado Springs, Colo. Johnson had nipped Romney ability to maintain inter- Romney, who won a third 51 to 49 percent in a Harris national peace." term November says he e,October poll. In this After that preliminary hasn't decided whether to month's poll, said Harris, statement, the resolution seek the 1960 GOP presiden- 43 percent of persons call- would have the Assembly: tial nomination. But Romney ing themselves Republicans (1) Decide to appoint a aides already are setting up favored Romney as the GOP committee of member coun- Washinaton headquarters for nominee. tries "with the mandate of a presidential drive. Richard M.ilixon ,as second exploring and studying the Pollster Louis Harris re- at 20 percent and Rocke- situation in all its as- ported yesterday that voters feller----wo said prior to pects." So as to make re- questioned after the Nov. 3 winning a third term that he commendations to the 1367 election preferred Romney was not interested in run- Assembly "for an equitable over President Johnson 54 ning again for president ---- and practical solution.in percent to 46 percent. was the choice ofe percent. keeping with the. .charter." Johnson outdistanced other Six percent favored Sen. - (2) Appeal to all govern- 1potential Republican presi- elect Charles H. Percy of ments concer:ed( to give as- dental contenders and Har- Illinois and 5 percent Gov.- sistance to e oormie'-'e in ris concluded:Romney "stands elect Ronald Reagan of Cali- its search for a o ion. a better chance of winning fornia. The resolLtio ,!, the White House than any started with Iwal cir- other Republican since SAsDY KOUFAX ?UITS BASEBALL! culated privtIel- u - Dwight Eisenhower."L. SEE PAGE 5 lomats (Continweel) n PE ce GITMO GAZETTE PAGE 2 NOVEMBER 20, 1966 PASADENA, CALIF. (AP) Lunar Orbiter 2 has UNITED NATIONS (Continued from page 1) be- photographed six potential astronaut landing was handed in. Some dared not guess fore it sites on the moon and has seven more places what would become of it. Others forecast proposals came to a to scout, scientist report. that when all pending of the moon the spacecraft has the United States would In 67 orbits vote next Monday, of a planned 211-frame picture pass over the opposi- exposed 87 support it and it would Some pictures show details on the Nationalist China and the hard-line series. tion of surface as small as three feet across, of Communist China. moon's backers scientists at Jet Propulsion Laboratory said yesterday. shows a crater in the western part of BONN, WEST GERMANY (AP) Leaders of 'West One Mare Tranquilitatis (Sea of Tranquility)about Germany's dominant Christian Democratic Party under Kurt Kiesinger, their candi- 570 feet across. met today other, of a 1,200-by-),500-'foot arealin for Chancellor, to consider what to do The date same dry lunar sea, shows rocks, some 30 about the new upsurge of right wing extrem- the feet in diameter. ists. The National Democrats, called neo-Nazi de- the spite their denials, won 7.4 per cent of east Sun- TEL AVIV, ISRAEL (AP) Syrian positions vote for the Bavarian state legislature opened fire five knocking of the Upper Jordan Valley day. They took 15 of the 204 seats, :srail terettpry last of the legislature one of the three par- timesetoard'targtsi.n out night, it was officially announced today. represented in the Bonn Bundestag--the ties casualties were reported. The announce- Free Democrats. No said the Israelies returned the fire. The Christian Democrats were in a strong ment I position. Their Bavarian wing, under ex- Minister Josef Strauss, kept its ab- Defense SALISBURY, RHODESIA (AP) Six Africans ac- solute majority in the legislature and even cussed of throwing a hand grenade into a slightly increased its percentage of the white family's flat in downtown Salisbury votes. His place in a new cabinet seemed were trained in the use of Russian hand gre- secure. by lecturers at the University College did not attend today's meeting. nades Strauss Rhodesia and Nyasaland in Salisbury, the Kiesinger's own position was less certain. of prosecution claimed in the High Court here He has been attacked because he was once a of the Nazi Party, a criticism to today. member The six pleaded not guilty to a charge of which his party is more sensitive after the throwing a grenade into the flat and of at- vote. Bavarian tempting to throw a grenade at a car just outside Salisbury. Treacy said in his open- Insurgents were reported to Prosecutor Brendan PARIS (AP) would show there had Togo national radio station ing address evidence have seized the group which included former but President Nicolas Grunitzky been a subversive early today lecturers who were responsible for later announced that "energetic measures have university violence in Salisbury and'distti-ctS taken to put an end to the disorder." organizing been that this group had supplied grenades Grunitzky's broadcast, heard in Abidjan, and that Grunitzky has used by the accused. Ivory Coast, indicated are charged under the upper hand in the civil The six Africans probably regained the "hanging clause" of Law and Order (Mainten- disturbances during which his resignation was ance) Act which provides for a mandatory it demanded. It was not clear who was leading sentence. The case continues. the opposition. death An earlier<:-repott from :the -French:.news travelers arriving at Cotonou, agency quoted IRELAND (AP) Capt. Ter- as saying that thousands of demon- BELFAST, NORTHERN Dahomey, 52-year-old Northern Ireland the Presidential Palace. The ence O'Neill, strators ringed was reported in satisfactory was being protected by troops under Prime Minister, palace today after an operation for a her- Chief of Staff Lt. Col. Etienne Guassingbe condition reportedly clashed with nia. Eyadema, who has during surgery on the military budget. There were no complications Grunitzky recently which was located in the reports of the uprising came from for the rupture, First O'Neill is expected to be in the An unidentified speaker on the radio left groin. London. for about 10 days. at Lome, the capital, said a revolution had hospital in the tiny West African republic. broken out KEEP GITMO CLEAN regulations for ship and station newspapers as GAZETTE is published in accordance with the rules and The GITMO Public Affairs Officer. The GITMO and under the direction of LCDR W.D. Collins, USN, outlined in NAVEXOS P-35 a week. The opinions government expense on government equipment five days GAZZTTE is a daily paper, printed at views of not to be construed as official or as reflecting the or statements in news items appearing herein are is a member of the Armed Forces Press Service.
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