Couples share the rom ance Observer Section C DON’T BLAME THE CARRIER FOR LATE DELIVERY Today s late delivery is not the fault of your Observer carrier Due to techn cal difficulties we were unable to get the newspaper PLYMOUTH Robotic sur­ out on time gery could cut recovery February 8,2004 time in half 75 cents Health, C6 V o l u m e 118 N u m b e r 4 8 www.hometownlife.com © 2 0 0 4 H o m e t o w n Communications N e t w o r k 7 — 1 Pipeline Officials question water rate increases BYTONYBRUSCATO approved by the Detroit City Council increases he’s not completely satisfied “Our rate increase, this year, is for capi­ Do you believe? STAFF WRITER In Plym outh’s case, th e proposed rate “There have been some intensive stud­ tal improvement programs mandated by If you believe in your­ increase o f 7 p ercent is m uch low er, but ies on how Detroit sets rates, and some the EPA (Environmental Protection self, anything (like the When Plymouth commissioners voted still under scrutiny by city officials recommendations for further studies,” Agency) &nd Safe Drinking Water Act ” Plymouth Whalers taking m th e la te 1960s to sh u t down city w ells “We’re obligated, given our financial said Mann “So far, Detroit is hesitant to The operating budget and capital $2 off game tic ke ts in and begin receiving water supplies from constraints, to q uestion it,” said Mayor take up those recommendations ” \ improvement budget are about $500 February) can happen1 the Detroit Water Department, one of Stella Greene “Although Detroit has The Detroit water system pumps an million each per year That's right, It's a mira­ the major concerns was losing local con­ taken some due diligence to address average 500 million gallons a day to its Mercado said factors involved in cle (OK, a miracle might trol accountability it’s their responsibility \ custom ers, m aking it th e third largest determ ining th e costs for w ater include be stretching it a b it) but A t th e tim e, m any thought m oving to to give us sufficient information that the system in the country Director Victor the elevation of a community, the dis­ you can take $2 off any the Detroit water system would mean increases are warranted v Mercado, who took over the department tance from the pumping station, and Plymouth Whaler home we’d be at the mercy of Detroit,” said 1 still have some significant ques­ nearly 18 months ago, said hes added a water usage during peak time periods game ticket during City Manager Paul Smcock. ‘And, here tions,” she said “I haven’t been con­ number of efficiencies to the water sys­ Canton Township has a proposed 12 4 February when you bring we are, m 2004 “ vinced ” tem percent water rate increase from the in your ticket stub from Today, many of the 125 communities Plymouth Township Supervisor Steve “For th e third year in a row w e have Detroit Water Department John Walt Disney s movie supplied by the Detroit Water Mann, whose community is expected to not increased our operational and main­ Spencer, budget and water billing man­ Miracle The deal applies Department feel they’re being held receive one of the lower water rate tenance budget, we’ve absorbed pay ager, said he’s been to a number of engi- to V IP ($12) o r executive hostage as water rate increases - some as increases at 2 3 percent, said that increases increases in benefits and reserved ($9) tickets high as 45 percent—are expected to be despite two consecutive years of low rate administrative costs,’ said Mercado PLEASE SEE WATER, A4 Fixup expo The Canton Home Improvement Expo is Saturday, March 6, from 9 a m to 5 p m and Cham ber Sunday, March 7, from 11 am. to 5 pm at the Sum m it on th e P ark The chief likes Expo will showcase dis­ play booths from local businesses, including several from Plymouth challenge and Plymouth Township, T that will give homeown­ BY BRAD KADRICH ers tips and information STAFF WRITER on a wide range of home improvement and repair It s on ly been th e la st six years projects Several thou­ or so Fran Toney has stopped sand attended last year introducing herself as “the new The Parade of Homes chamber director” also is returning this year The thing is she s actually after a popular debut at been the Plymouth Community last years event Local Chamber of Commerces execu buiiders will open their tive directoi for 14 year» It just model homes to run con­ seems like shes still new, thats currently with the Home how much fun she says she’s Improvement Expo having with it A special appearance “Time flies,” she says, her will be made both after­ trademark smile flashing “I noons by Murray Gula, can’t believe how much fun they host of the radio call-in let me have with this job ” show Home Improvement Toney is credited by her sup­ on W JR 7 60 AM The porters for turning the chamber Expo is being hosted by around, particularly financially Canton s Budding and She h a s introduced n ew ideas, Inspection Services made going concerns of tradi­ Division, the Chamber of tional programs and established Commerce and the herself as one of the most recog­ Canton Observer For nized ambassadors for the more information, call Plymouth community Brenda Katulski of PAUL HUFSCHMANNI STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER N o t b ad for som eon e w h o had Canton's Building and Plymouth Community Chamber of Commerce Executive Director Fran Toney (center) is surrounded by her staff, Operations Director Claudia Flattery (from left), n o clu e w h at sh e w as d oin g m Inspection Services Administrative Assistant Jennifer Clifton and secretary Kasey Kohn Division at 394-5200 PLEASE SEE CHAMBER, A5 The Plymouth Historical Museum will present Dr Martin Am erican Blind files Google suit Hershock discussing "The Crucible of th e BY TONY BRUSCATO has filed a federal trademark or ‘decorate today* isn’t right Republican Party," at STAFF WRITER infringement lawsuit against the Rammelt said American Blind 7 30«p m Thursday as a Internet search engine Google, negotiated with Google to stop the special program honoring When consumers mention the and five other Internet companies infringement, “but those negotia­ Abraham Lincoln's birth­ words ‘American Blind” or the — America Online, Netscape, tio n s w ere fru itless ” day and the 150th phrase “decorate today,” they’re CompuServe, Ask Jeeves and Before American Blind filed its anniversary of the found­ m ost lik ely referring to the Earthlink — which are given Web lawsuit in Manhattan, Rammelt ing of the Republican Plymouth-based American Blind search support from Google said Google filed a pre-emptive Park Players Party, on July 6,1854 and Wallpaper Factory on Sheldon American Blind alleges Google lawsuit m San Francisco against director Kristen Hershock, assistant pro­ Road manipulates results when con­ American Blind, seeking the right Ouesada leads a fessor of history at the However, if window treatment sumers search for American Blind, to use keyword advertising crowd of student University of Michigan- shoppers p u t th ose sam e words bringing up ads for competitors Google spokeswoman Cmdy hoofers at an Dearborn, will discuss into a search engine on the “Google can sell certain key * M cCaffery said, “W e don’t have early audition for the rise of the Internet, looking for the compa­ words like blinds, wallpaper and any comment /We’ve only recently '42ndStreet/ the Republican Party ny’s Web site (decoratetodaycom), window treatments to anyone, seen th e com plaint ” Players' annual The museum is located the result may be ads for that’s capitalism at its best,” said American Blind CEO Steve spring produc­ at 155 S Main American Blind’s competitors attorney David Rammelt, who Katzman said his company spends tion For more on That isn’t sitting w ell with the represents American Blind big dollars annually to build brand the production, Fish Fry nation’s largest custom window “However, selling a brand name or awareness, and Google is allowing see page A6 The Knights of treatment manufacturer, which trademark, like ‘American Blind’ competitors to gam an edge Columbus, 150 Fair St, Plymouth will welcome the public to Friday Fish Fries during the Lenten season The Fish Fries MRS FIELDS COOKIES r * --------- i r Hiring for full and part time help CONTACT US INDEX LOOKING AHEAD run 5-7 p.m each Friday, Must be able to work days nights : > v ^ 'Feb 20,27, March 5,12, Newsroom (734)459 2700 Apartments E4 Jobs E6 Newsroom fax (734)459 4224 Untied knot? 19,26 and April 2. An Automotive F3 Obituaries C5 Great Response' We hired 2 people j Classifieds 1800 579 SELL Filter s Valentine s issue on next outdoor Stations of the Home delivery i 866 88 PAPER Classified Index D2 Observer Life Cl rig ht away! K Livonia Thursday is dedicated to the Cross will take place Crossword Puzzle D3 New Homes C8 1-800-579-SELL J world of singles i n A p ril 9 For The Record A4 Service Guide F3 I in PUT OUR CLASSIFIEDS TO WORK FOR YOU' j to m e io w n COMMUNICATIONS NETWORK Health C6 Sports B1 Washington Mutual The Powei* Of Y e s ^ HOME LOANS We!re your new neighbor17909 Haggerty Road • Northville • 248-374-4501 j A2 (p> Observers Eccentric | Sunday February 8 2004 LOCAL NEWS www iwmetownUfe^om Donation means a Church changes name, lot off the top focus in wake of 9/11 A bby Phillips w ent to som e Abby said she’s told sch ool­ BY BRAD KADRICH Barbara Yoder of Shekmah lengths - about 14 inches - to m ates about her plans to STAFF WRITER Christian Church m Ann help a child cope with hair loss donate h er m uch-adm ired Arbor Abby, an 11-year-old from hair ‘They said it was cool,” The terrorist attacks of Sept
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