48 Facts about the 48 Olympic Steps Construction Const ruction 1. TheThe Olympic Olympic Steps Steps will will be be completed completed by by 10 10 June June 2021 2021 2. Quintain, the owner and developer of Wembley Park, is delivering the Olympic Steps, as part of theits Londonmasterplan Borough that of Brent delivers Area the Action London Plan Borough of Brent’s Area Action Plan 3.. There There are are 48 48 steps steps in in total total (4 (4 flights flights of of 12) 12) 4. EachThe projec step is 40m wide 5. TheBy removing Summer Olympicthe pedway, Games The after Olympic which Steps Olympic have Way liberated was namedover 12,150 was sqm held of in new1948; public the Steps space have at ground alsolevel taken – anthis area name bigger than The SSE Arena, Wembley 6. 8The new Summer along Olympic Olympic Way Games, are aafter variety which of speciesOlympic selected Way was from named, the temperatewere held in zones 1948; aroundthe Steps the have world also andtaken benefit this from Olympic specialist name root containers providing the environment for them to thrive. A 7. The48 new total trees cost have of the been steps, planted which in includes pairs along the Olympic demolition Way of the Pedway and the construction of the 8. DixonThe treesJones are were a variety also the of architects species selected behind Somersetfrom the temperate House’s master zones plan, around the the redesign world of and the benefit Royal from Collegespecialist of Music root and containers The East providing Wing Project the environment at the National for Gallerythem to thrive 9. ItA hassite-wide been antree ambition planting of strategy the Council has heldbeen for in placeover a at decade Wembley to replace Park since the 2005.pedway In 2017,with ita setwon of the steps Trees andand the Developmentproject was given Award planning at the permissionLondon Tree by and Brent Woodland Council inAwards 2018 at City Hall 10. TheThroughout total cost the of project the steps, Quintain which has includes worked the in demolition collaboration of the with Pedway Brent Council and the and construction the FA, owners of the of new Wembleysteps, Stadiumis £39m. The project is co-funded by Quintain and Brent 11. TheDixon Pedway Jones, was the a architects monolithic for 1970’s the Stepsconcrete and ramp Olympic that Way, predated were alsothe 2007the architects Nati It was behind the final Somerset remnantHouse’s of themasterplan, old Wembley the redesign Stadium of which the Royal was reconstructed College of Music in 2007and The to become East Wing the Project iconic Nationalat the National StadiumGallery we know today 12. 6,000The project Tonnes was of pedway given planning concrete permission were removed by Brent and Council recycled in during2018 the demolition process 13. TheThroughout Olympic theSteps project are due Quintain for completion has worked in June in collaboration 2021, which meanswith Brent they Council will be readyand the for FA, the owners UEFA of EuroWembley 2020 Championships Stadium 14. QuintainThe Pedway received was a unanimous monolithic planning 1970’s concrete consent ramp for the that removal predated of the the Pedway 2007 National in September Stadium 2018, and was however,built to plans bridge have across been the in the coach pipeline parking for overfacilities a decade underneath which no longer exist 15. GivenIt was the the busy final eventsremnant programme of the old atWembley the National Stadium Stadium which in was 2021 rebuilt there in is 2007 only ato small become window the iconicfor this complexNational programme Stadium of we work know to today be completed 16. he6,000 plans Tonnes have beenof pedway developed concrete over werem removed and recycled during the demolition process 17. TheThe worksOlympic are Steps being are funded due forby Quintaincompletion and in Brent early CouncilJune 2021, which means they will be ready for the UEFA Euro 2020 Championships 18. BrentQuintain Council received is using unanimous Community planning Infrastructure consent for Funding the removal which ofis a the development-related Pedway in September tax 2018, that however,must be usedplans to have provide been the in the infrastructure pipeline for thatover isa requireddecade to support development in the Borough 19. No days of construction have been lost to lockdown 20. BrentThe new Council steps is allow using for Community site wide Wi-FiInfrastructure to enable Funding wayfinding which apps is a to development-related operate and ensure taxthere that is more must be clarityused for to spectators, provide the to infrastructure achieve a faster that rate is required at which to crowds support can development depart Wembley in the BoroughStadium 48 Facts about the 48 Olympic Steps Public Realm Const ruction 21. The The area Olympic of new Steps public will realm be completed that the bysteps 10 June sit within 2021 is as big as the pitch inside Wembley Stadium 22. 10 Quintain, new lampposts the owner will and have developer light a beacon of Wembley on top, Park, which is candelivering change the colour Olympic and beSteps, programmed as part of in the a variety Londonof rhythmic Borough patterns of Brent toArea create Action light Plan shows 23.. Semi-translucent There are 48 steps pavement in total lights(4 flights will batheof 12) the Olympic Steps undercroft with natural light, uniting the two new tiers of public space 24. The The new project steps includes will provide 4 additional space for high-capacity an increase inlifts the to programme the Stadium of concourse,free, community each capable events hosted of holdingthroughout 3 wheelchairs the year 25. The The undercroft Summer Olympic will provide Games covered after whichspace Olympicfor events Way such was as namedopen-air was markets held in and 1948; busking the Steps have 26. The The removal 48 new alongof the Olympic pedway Way allows are for a varietya significant of species extension selected to the from recently the temperate transformed zones Olympic around Way so the itworld can meetand benefit Engineers from Way, specialist uniting root the containerseast and west providing of Wembley the environment Park with anfor inviting, them to distinctive thrive. A and site-wideaccessible tree publicplanting space strategy has been in place at Wembley Park since 2005. In 2017, it won the Trees a 27. Already The total home cost to of The the SSE steps, Arena, which Wembley, includes London's the demolition most iconic of the concert Pedway and and events the construction venue and Wembley of the Stadium, Wembley Park is building on its international reputation for music and sporting events and becoming a landmark destination with culture, entertainment and community at its heart 28. DixonWembley Jones Park were includes also the 4,500 architects new homes, behind shops, Somerset and places House’s to masterwork, as plan, well the as attractiveredesign of public the Royal spaces, andwith the projectparks and was gardens, given planning public squares permission and bywide Brent boulevards Council infor 2018 locals and visitors alike to enjoy 29. When Throughout completed, the project nearly Quintainhalf of Wembley has worked Park’s in collaboration85-acre site will with be Brent open Councilspace and the FA, owembley 30. TheThe Pedwaynew location was a will monolithic play a significant 1970’s concrete part for ramp many that of Wembleypredated Park’sthe 2007 future National events, Stadium including and providing was builtthe to backdropbridge across for Winterfest, the coach parking the neighbourhood’s facilities underneath immersive which winter no longer light trail exist. 31. The steps, which can host outdoor performances, will perfectly complement the area’s existing venues, such as the Troubadour Wembley Park Theatre or The SSE Arena, Wembley, as well as the National Stadium 32.ItWembley was the finalPark remnantis home to of London the old DesignerWembley Outlet Stadium (LDO), which which was includesreconstructed over 70 in shops 2007 toand become restaurants the iconicwith National premium Stadium brands we at knowdiscount today prices, Amazon Fresh, BOXPARK Wembley, Fuller’s White Horse Pub, Black Sheep Coee, Bread Ahead, Pasta Remoli, Twenty3c, Chop-Chop London and MoreYoga studio. The destination also plays host to Wembley Park Market, a boutique shopping experience that provides lifestyle, fashion, food, arts and crafts, health and wellness options to the area’s discerning residents Social Distancing 33. Site The hoarding Olympic andSteps increased will be completed wayfinding by signage 10 June has 2021 been designed to allow social distancing to continue to take place across Wembley Park 34. The 40m wide new steps will allow for Wembley Park visitors to easily practice social distancing 35. Olympic Quintain, Way the (known owner andby football developer fans of as Wembley ‘Wembley Park, Way’) is delivering has been the widened Olympic by Steps,50% as part of the holding 3 wheelchairs 48 Facts about the 48 Olympic Steps Accessibility and Health & Safety 36. The The Olympic Olympic Steps Steps will will provide be completed better accessby 10 June for the2021 needs of older and disabled people with the introduction of four new lifts from ground level to the Wembley Stadium concourse 37. Eachintain, lift the can owner take and three developer wheelchairs, of Wembley giving a Park,total iscapacity delivering of the12 wheelchairs Olympic Steps, at a astime part of the 3 38.. During There 2018, are 48Quintain steps inmet total and (4 consulted flights of with12) Level Playing Field, an organisation that promotes a positive, inclusive experience for disabled sports fans 39. A The final project design includes incorporating 4 additional Steps high-capacityand Lifts was chosenlifts to thein compliance Stadium concourse, with The Green each capableGuide of holding 3 40. The The steps Summer have Olympic been designed Games afterto meet which industry Olympic best Way practice was named and guidance was held alongside in 1948; the all relevantSteps have safety standards 41.
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