E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 115 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Vol. 163 WASHINGTON, FRIDAY, JANUARY 6, 2017 No. 4 House of Representatives The House met at noon and was come forward and lead the House in the the Vice President and the Secretary of called to order by the Speaker. Pledge of Allegiance. the Senate, the Members and officers f Mr. HOLDING led the Pledge of Alle- of the House rising to receive them. giance as follows: The Vice President took his seat as PRAYER I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the the Presiding Officer of the joint con- The Chaplain, the Reverend Patrick United States of America, and to the Repub- vention of the two Houses, the Speaker J. Conroy, offered the following prayer: lic for which it stands, one nation under God, of the House occupying the chair on his Loving God, we give You thanks for indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. left. Senators took seats to the right of giving us another day. f the rostrum as prescribed by law. We thank You again today for Your The joint session was called to order. divine inspiration, which led to the cre- APPOINTMENT OF TELLERS ON The VICE PRESIDENT. Mr. Speaker ation of the Republican democracy we THE PART OF THE HOUSE TO and Members of Congress, pursuant to enjoy today, mindful that our responsi- COUNT ELECTORAL VOTES the Constitution and laws of the bility is to faithfully carry forward The SPEAKER. Pursuant to Senate United States, the Senate and House of this legacy to all those Americans who Concurrent Resolution 2, 115th Con- Representatives are meeting in joint will follow us. gress, the Chair appoints as tellers on session to verify the certificates and By law, the Congress meets this day the part of the House to count the elec- count the votes of the electors of the in joint session to count the electoral toral votes: several States for President and Vice votes for President and Vice President The gentleman from Mississippi (Mr. President of the United States. of the United States. May all who at- HARPER) and After ascertainment has been had tend to these proceedings, and those re- The gentleman from Pennsylvania that the certificates are authentic and sponsible for the management of gov- (Mr. BRADY). correct in form, the tellers will count ernment, be mindful that something and make a list of the votes cast by the f greater than each and any of us gath- electors of the several States. ered, or affected by these events, is RECESS The tellers on the part of the two coming to pass. The SPEAKER. Pursuant to clause Houses will take their places at the Bless our great Nation and those en- 12(a) of rule I, the Chair declares the Clerk’s desk. trusted with its care throughout this House in recess until approximately The tellers, Senator BLUNT and Sen- ator KLOBUCHAR on the part of the Sen- first session of the 115th Congress, the 12:55 p.m. today. ate, and Mr. HARPER and Mr. BRADY of 226th session of the Supreme Court, Accordingly (at 12 o’clock and 2 min- Pennsylvania on the part of the House, and the imminent administration of utes p.m.), the House stood in recess. the 45th President. May all, by their took their places at the desk. f actions, remember that we are a Na- The VICE PRESIDENT. Without ob- tion which claims to put our trust in b 1300 jection, the tellers will dispense with reading formal portions of the certifi- You. AFTER RECESS And may all that is done be for Your cates. greater honor and glory. The recess having expired, the House There was no objection. Amen. was called to order by the Speaker at 1 The VICE PRESIDENT. After p.m. ascertaining that certificates are reg- f f ular in form and authentic, the tellers THE JOURNAL will announce the votes cast by the COUNTING ELECTORAL VOTES— The SPEAKER. The Chair has exam- electors for each State, beginning with JOINT SESSION OF THE HOUSE Alabama. ined the Journal of the last day’s pro- AND SENATE HELD PURSUANT ceedings and announces to the House Senator BLUNT. Mr. President, the TO THE PROVISIONS OF SENATE certificate of the electoral vote of the his approval thereof. CONCURRENT RESOLUTION 2 Pursuant to clause 1, rule I, the Jour- State of Alabama seems to be regular nal stands approved. At 1 p.m., the Sergeant at Arms, Paul in form and authentic, and it appears f D. Irving, announced the Vice Presi- therefrom that Donald J. Trump of the dent and the Senate of the United State of New York received 9 votes for PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE States. President and Michael R. Pence of the The SPEAKER. Will the gentleman The Senate entered the Hall of the State of Indiana received 9 votes for from North Carolina (Mr. HOLDING) House of Representatives, headed by Vice President. b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H185 . VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:31 Jan 07, 2017 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A06JA7.000 H06JAPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H186 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE January 6, 2017 Mr. MCGOVERN. Mr. President, I ob- vote of the State of Connecticut seems Georgia on the grounds that the elec- ject to the certificate from the State of to be regular in form and authentic, toral votes were not— Alabama on the grounds that the elec- and it appears therefrom that Hillary The VICE PRESIDENT. There is no toral votes were not, under all of the Clinton of the State of New York re- debate. There is no debate. known circumstances, regularly given ceived 7 votes for President and TIM Section 15 and 17 of title 3 of the and that the electors were not lawfully KAINE of the Commonwealth of Vir- United States Code requires that any certified, especially given the con- ginia received 7 votes for Vice Presi- objection be presented in writing, firmed and illegal activities engaged in dent. signed by both a Member of the House by the Government of Russia that were Mr. BRADY of Pennsylvania. Mr. of Representatives and a Senator. designed to interfere with our election President, the certificate of the elec- Is the objection in writing and not and the widespread violations of the toral vote of the State of Delaware only signed by the Member, but by a Voting Rights Act that unlawfully sup- seems to be regular in form and au- United States Senator? pressed thousands of votes in the State thentic, and it appears therefrom that Ms. JAYAPAL. Mr. President, even of Alabama. Hillary Clinton of the State of New as people waited hours in Georgia— Mr. VICE PRESIDENT. Sections 15 York received 3 votes for President and The VICE PRESIDENT. There is no and 17 of title 3 of the United States TIM KAINE of the Commonwealth of debate. There is no debate. Code require that any objection be pre- Virginia received 3 votes for Vice If there is not one signed by a Sen- sented in writing, signed by a Member President. ator, the objection cannot be enter- of the House of Representatives and a Senator BLUNT. Mr. President, the tained. Senator. certificate of the electoral vote of the Ms. JAYAPAL. Mr. President, the ob- Is the objection in writing and signed District of Columbia seems to be reg- jection is signed by a Member of the not only by a Member of the House of ular in form and authentic, and it ap- House, but not yet by a Member of the Representatives but also by a Senator? pears therefrom that Hillary Clinton of Senate. Mr. MCGOVERN. Mr. President, the the State of New York received 3 votes The VICE PRESIDENT. It is over. objection is in writing and is signed by for President and TIM KAINE of the Mr. BRADY of Pennsylvania. Mr. a Member of the House of Representa- Commonwealth of Virginia received 3 President, the certificate of the elec- tives but not yet by a Member of the votes for Vice President. toral vote of the State of Hawaii seems United States Senate. Mr. HARPER. Mr. President, the cer- to be regular in form and authentic, Mr. VICE PRESIDENT. In that case, tificate of the electoral vote of the and it appears therefrom that Hillary the objection cannot be entertained. State of Florida seems to be regular in Clinton of the State of New York re- Mr. HARPER. Mr. President, the cer- form and authentic, and it appears ceived 3 votes for President, and BER- tificate of the electoral vote of the therefrom that Donald J. Trump of the NIE SANDERS of the State of Vermont State of Alaska seems to be regular in State of New York received 29 votes for received 1 vote for President, and TIM form and authentic, and it appears President and Michael R. Pence of the KAINE of the Commonwealth of Vir- therefrom that Donald J. Trump of the State of Indiana received 29 votes for ginia received 3 votes for Vice Presi- State of New York received 3 votes for Vice President. dent, and ELIZABETH WARREN of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts re- President and Michael R.
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