Columbia College Chicago Digital Commons @ Columbia College Chicago Columbia Chronicle College Publications 5-8-1989 Columbia Chronicle (05/08/1989) Columbia College Chicago Follow this and additional works at: http://digitalcommons.colum.edu/cadc_chronicle Part of the Journalism Studies Commons This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License. Recommended Citation Columbia College Chicago, "Columbia Chronicle (05/8/1989)" (May 8, 1989). Columbia Chronicle, College Publications, College Archives & Special Collections, Columbia College Chicago. http://digitalcommons.colum.edu/cadc_chronicle/272 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the College Publications at Digital Commons @ Columbia College Chicago. It has been accepted for inclusion in Columbia Chronicle by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ Columbia College Chicago. Controversial litera brings mixed reactions By Anne MarIe OblaJa pamphlet and a lcucr from Dean of Student Services Hennann SIUdeoIl bave mixed reactions. Conaway regarding AIDS ranJing from angcc to bemuse­ Awareness week. mcn~ regardlngaclnl encloscd In "I thought it was obnoxious. It a mailing of educalIona1l1181erial could bave been done more lact­ on AIDS. which some said bad fuUy," Erkes said. adding !hat the explicillanguage. can! carercd to a small audience The can!lisIcd safe. wbal may that may practice the kinds of be unsafe and dangerous sexual sexual practices described on !he practices that would put those can!. who participate In such acts at a "I thought it was very explicit." higbcrrisk of comracting AIDS. Mite Nugent. a senior. said. Dean of Student Services Hcc· ErkesandNugentagrccd.lbecan! of Student Servlcee HermiM Conaway (.1 Steven Br.lCh. I phyaJcIan .t CoIumbu. mann Conaway said. "The reac­ o..n appeared to be geared specifically podium) Introdu ... penon.to (left rlgh.) BOIly. • M.. onlo Hoopltolo. Dr. a.._ M..... V . dl,oo'or don was mixed. Some students o. 0' towards gay men. per.on wtth AIDS, Uncia Boyd, coordinator of .upport progrllm d.velopment at the Naltlon.1 InIUtu' , of objected to the language but we men.... for the AIDS, prevention ..mce ~ Cook Health, Jim, I 1*'0" with AlOS, and John HIImmell, showed it to expeltS In the field" Del B.. lett, a spokesman for County Holpltll, department o' R. trovlrofogy, Dr. AIDS proJect dlrector of the ACLU. who said it couIdn't be explained Reimer Corp .• Ibe company that· In Ibe process of updating iL an example. Such practices are would be r.ad by people of any other way. made Ibe cards. said. "Ifit's offen­ Barrett would not comment on now unsafe. he added. various educational levels and Senior Liaa Erkes said she sive. I'm sorry. If it saves lives. who aulborized Ibe wOrding in !he "It's an across Ibe border can!," various minorities. he said. didn't think Ibe material mailed to fine." He said Ibe lnIonnation can!. Barrett said. The information her was real at f~ compiled for the card was "Some of the infonnation is Erkes bad a ocgalivc reaction-to . gathere<Hrom-at Icaot-e"half· a­ _1IIated;' .a_aido. eitiag-thc·· r>="'P=-=="':!fI!I'J!'" the small can! accompanying a dozen places and his company is section on what may be unsafe as GSL defaulters risk driver's licenses By Matthew Kissane The bill unanimously passed Senator Patrick Welch (0 - the Senate Higher Education Peru). the bill's sponsor. has SPRINGFIELD. JL.-A bill cur­ Committee May 1. fielded opponenlS' chatges !hat renUy on the floor of !he Illinois The proposal amends a current confiscating licenses will prevent Senate would allow Ibe Sccmary act negating licenses of more !han students from getting jobs to of State to deny drivcc's licenses 30 professions to defaulting Sill­ repay'lbe loans. to former students in default on dents until the ISSC detcnnlncs The bill would also deny their Illinois Slate Scholarship they establish a satisfactory defaulters registration plates. record. stickers or other state-issued vchicle requirements. This bill would affcct Jhe IDlccgovemmen­ tal Agreemen~ which presently allows lllinois residenlS to enjoy Illinois privileges outside the Slate. such as driving in olber states. Other bills scheduled for Senate bearing on May 5. but John MIII ..ny Modo tho 1Ir •• Columblo cIop_' 10 .n postponed due to a Senate dead­ _.fro m • mojor corponUon. EulmonlKod... o,,",ocS tho pholO lock.lnclude one !hat requin:s in­ ......_ . tho ochol.,ohIp. centive graDlS to minority male educa1ion studenlS if they teach Photo Department two years in Illinois public schools after graduation. Tbe bill. sponsored by Dcmocnuic Chicago Sons. Ear­ awarded $25,000 lean Collins. Emil Iones Ir.• By Stephanie Wood important aspects of this scholar­ Richard H. Newhouse and Mar­ ship is that it is the fust scholar­ The Photography Department garet Smiih, states the ratios of ship endowment Columbia has was granted a S25.<XXl scholar­ received from a major COf"'""lf'8- teachers 10 students in clememary ship endowment from the Profes­ tion. and secondary schools as: sional Photography division of minorities 15-33 and black or "I hope more corporations fol­ the Eastman Kodak Company in Hispanic males 3-17. low suit and sponsor scholarships April. just like this one ," he said. The bill also states !here is "a Iohn Mulvany. Cbairman of the The schol=hip will be based disproportionate number of stu­ Photography and Art Department on faculty rCCOOlJ1lendations. The dents from female-beaded said, "Columbia was chosen in households and the lack of deadline for !he fust scholarship recognition f~ our educational award is May 1. ApplicanlS must enough positive minority male Ieadcnhip in' p/trulgrapby." be photography majors. The rokmaklsf~~lSisama;x Kodak bas also sponsored an criteria for !he scholarship will be oooccm." additionaJ S2.<XXl so thai an award grade point average. photo The grant would oCrer 50 per­ can be initiated beginning ibis course CCDl payment of IUitioo and room fall. The scholarship will be wtrt. and a portfolio review of ODd board. awarded to one each year. !he chosen students. Con1inued on page 7 _t Mulvany said one of !he most Con1ifLI&d on page 3 a e 2 Columbia Chronicle ay , Calendar Burns attributes success to internships By Mary Stockover Friday, May 12 Wednesday, May 10 The key to opportunity is inter­ Visiting Artist Rafail Ferrer The T. V. Arts Society members nShips, aggressiveness and "a will be at Hokin Hall at 4:30 p.m. will have a trip 10 Post Effects, 10 willingness to work hard, real For more information call 663- a.m. hard," according to WLS Channel 1600, ext 380. Hokin Student Center presents 7 weekend anchor Diann Bums. "A Day in the Life of Ms. Zola", Burns. speaking to Nick a perfonnance piece by Donna Shuman's Front Page Lecture Zagielslci al 12 p.m. class April 26, said she credits her own success to this panicular Wednesday, May 10 recipe. Hokin Sludent Center presents "It is very important to start ap­ "A Day in the Life of Ms. Zola" , Wednesday, May 17 plying for internships right now, a performance piece by Donna at papers, TV stations and radio. Zagielski al 12 p.m. The Student Organization Council (SOC) is hosting a stu­ stations," Burns told a packed Ska Legend, the Untouchables dent foru m in the Ferguson classroom. "Don't be real picky, and the Blind Venetians will beat theatre, Michigan building, 1st whoever takes you take [them]. the Avalon Nightclub at the floor, 10 a. m. to 12 p.m. All stu­ You may never get the oppor­ comer of Belmonland Sheffield. dents are encouraged to attend tunity again. Once you get your For discount lickets call248-3345 and express their opinoins. foot in the door you get real ex­ and leave name, address and zip The T.V. Arts Society will perience." code. Tickets $5 al door. For more sponsor, Win, -Loose or Draw, Burns. who originally wanted "A lot of people are Juat caught up with being on TV In the bualn... infonnation call 472-3020. hosted by Lamarr Scolt, 15th to become an actress, was attend- and they put themaelves above what their Job I. and the viewer can reed floor, Michigan building. ing Cleveland State University through that:' .ald Channel 7 anchor Dla.!'n Burna. studying acting when a teacher ized that there was something [I to teU you what to do and then gci suggested she take an internship was miSSing] when the TV people home. Show some assertiveness. to earn extra money. showed up on the scene. That Don'lgetcaught up in the factthat "I was an actress and I needed really excited me," she said.. you're going to be working for Career Opportunities money--which most actresses do- Burns also noticed that as pnnt free. Work long hours. Go there -and a professor of mine said there reporter covering a story, people when you don't have to; she ad- SOUND ENGINEERING INTERN: Must be Junior or Senior was an internship at a local were reluctant to talk to her be- vised. with 3.0 GPA plus departmenl approval to work at SPARROW newspaper and that I should take cause they were wary of being B urns suggested choosing a SOUND DESIGN STUDIOS, 3501 N. Southport, ChICago, II. 60657. il--that it was good money. So I identified. "Bul when TV favorite reporter and then asking Send cover letter and resume ':equesting interview. (Credit may be took it It was $200 a week. I cameras carne, they'd run up and thatreporterifyou'coulda'ccom- deferred until summer.) Auention: Bradley Parker Sparrow, CEO. couldn't believe it," Bums said. say, 'I'm so-and-so.' pany him or her on breaking PUBLIC RELATIONS/PROMOTIONS INTERN: To work From there,Burns wenttowork "It looked so glamorous and it stories.
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