The Daily Register VOL. 97 NO.33 SHREWSBURY, N. J. MONDAY, AUGUST 5, 1974 TEN CENTS Gateway popular-but not with its neighbors By BRIAN J. KELLY But Raymond K. Annaconc, "a data gathering period." eliminated. who runs the Sea Bright Statistically, there are un- Sea Bright Police Chief SANDY HOOK - Increased Pharmacy on Ocean Ave., questionably more people John K Carmody acknowl- patronage of the Gateway Na- isn't sure Gateway is the root flocking to the new national edges increased traffic, but tional Recreation Area here of the evil: recreation area. Figures for thinks his men have moved hat caused more traffic to 'Always had problem' the month of July, 1973 - things along well so far. The flood the boroughs of High- "We've always had the when the park was a state op- key problem area for him is land! and Sea Bright, but offi- problem. The state and the erated facility — showed the North Beach section of cials and residents there don't borough have never done a 152,000 visitors. This year, the town, where the road has seem to agree on whether the damn thing about it. It would park officials report that the just two lanes with many extra cart have worsened an seem a little ludicrous to July figure will be more than houses along the road. The existing traffic problem. blame it all on Gateway." 400,000. chief reports residents have Leonard D. Longo, Sea Mr. Annacone added that Traffic doubled serious problems driving out Bright restaurateur and for- he had even heard comments Capt. Howard Brey, acting' of their driveways during mer president of the local to the effect that the situation chief of the Highlands Police peak traffic periods. businessmen's association, had improved this year. Department, believes he can The other problem on the calls the park "the worst But park officials don't "safely say that traffic has strip is the fact that emer- thing that ever happened to seem to need any convincing doubled from last year to gency vehicles can't negotiate this area." that a problem exists. Dale B. this." the narrow, crowded road. To Mr. Longo and others, Engquist, the National Park Most of this increase must Capt. Brey also sees emer- the opening of Gateway was Service's area manager for runnel itself down Rt. 38 and gencies as the biggest prob- the final straw on an already Gateway, calls traffic his then across the Highlands lem area. "If there is a fire acute traffic crisis. "top priority." Bridge before entering the or first aid call on the high- "Since Gateway started go- The government agency has park. Additional traffic from way (Rt. 36), we might not be ing, business has dropped off contracted the New York City the south and west of Mon- able to handle it," he says. in the entire town," says Mr. Planning Commission to mouth County comes up He adds that even on rou- Longo, adding: "As a tourist study both long- and short- Ocean Ave. in Sea Bright. tine calls, it is taking police town, this place is practically term solutions to the entire But, because the national "a hell of a lot longer to get finished. I'd be surprised if (New Jersey and New York) there." EASY PARKING - With the elimination of en- no parking problems at Sandy Hook, the Increased facility doesn't charge admis- trance fees, the federal government has turned the we had 20 per cent of the Gateway transportation diffi- sion, the long lines of cars Stories abound of traffic traffic has added to the congestion of Highlands tourist trade that we had be- culties. A spokesman at the backed up to Atlantic High- Sandy Hook Gateway National Recreation Area (background) and Sea Bright. formerly caused by toll stops into a popular facility. And while there seem to be fore." commission calls this summer at the gatehouse have been See Gateway, page 2 Senate's Nixon stand vague WASHINGTON (AP) - The Sen. Walter F. Mondale, 1) Maine, Jesse Helms, R-N.C, the President stands a good place in public, and on radio Senate Rules Committee is Minn., in prepared testimony, and William L. Scott, R-Va. chance of getting them now." and television, including the hearing specific proposals for urged the committee to set The best current estimates Missing from the 29 is Sen. final debate between senators overhauling its impeachment rules to insure the Senate can are that as many as 60 sena- John C. Stennis, I) Miss. a that would be in closed ses- trial rules against what some subpoena the tapes and docu- tors — seven short of two- conservative so highly re- sion under current rules. see as an uncertain backdrop ments of 64 White House con- thirds — are likely to vote for garded that his vote is of.Senate support for Presi- versations being supplied spe- Nixon's removal. On the other deemed essential for Nixon's In discussing the need to dent Nixon. cial prosecutor Leon Jaworski side, a Nixon backer last survival. subpoena the White House The committee is going into under last month's 8-0 Su- week counted 29 senators like- Two who generally show up tapes, which were denied the closed session to hear from preme Court ruling. ly to stand by the President- in the undecided category are House Judiciary Committee, nine senators today in the Other scheduled witnesses rive short of the 34 he would the Senate's top Republicans, Mondale said "we need those first of two such sessions to today included Sens. Sam J. need — with several other Sens. Hugh Scott of Pennsyl- tapes in order to be fair to take testimony before draft- Ervin Jr., D-N.C, Frank E.sflfpossible votes among about a vania and Robert P. Grilfin the President and in order to ing recommendations to be Moss,, D-Utah, Lee Metcalf, dozen question marks. of Michigan. be fair to the American used if the House impeaches D-Mont., Daniel K Inouye, But, he observed, "If this In his testimony, Mondale people as we consider wheth- Nixon. D-Hawaii, Robert T. Stafford, thing starts falling apart, you urged that all proceedings in er to remove a president from Meanwhile, there were esti- K VI , William Hathaway, D- can't count on that 29, though any impeachment trial take office." mates within the Senate that there are neither 67 sure Sen- •ate votes for conviction, nor1 34 needed for acquittal. Experienced head-counters For workers in CrabieVs believe that if Nixon escapes conviction it will be on a vote WENT FOR BIKE RIDE - Mr. and Mrs. John Burns are reunited with where his foes mustered a their son John, 14, after he had been missing for almost a week. Young John clear majority but fell short was the subfect of a county-wide search after disappearing last Monday. of the required two thirds. business as usual He was found at 2 a.m. yesterday by Clinton police In Hunterdon County, On the House side, where some 70 miles away from home. John Is a newspaper boy. debate on impeachment may By JIM MeCORMICK speculate, and I would just as that the patronage situation is begin Aug. 19, Republican well like not to know so that nothing like that of previous Leader John Rhodes of Ari- RUMSON - It might be when someone asks me \ can ' administrations. zona canceled a morning gloomy, but it's business as truthfully answer that I don't "We do^not cjeate special news conference at which he usual in the office of indictefi know," Mrs. Campbell said. patronage jobs," she said. had planned to reveal how he Secretary of State J. Edward "I have no further com- "The department acts more Boy missing a week would vote. An aide said ment on the indictment," she as a source of talent index. Crabiel, according to Mrs. Rhodes had become ill, and Anne D. Campbell, his admin- said. We make cabinet officers aw- the conference was put off istrative and appointments Mrs. Campbell said Mr. are of job applicants and until later in the week. secretary. Crabiel, unlike some of his keep in contact with county Also, Chairman Peter W. Mrs. Campbell, who lives successors, has been an ac- chairmen," Mrs. Campbell was taking bike ride said. Rodino Jr., D-N.J., of the here and is vice chairman of tive secretary. She said he MOUNT LAUREL (AP) - through the state, Bums said. When police found him, the House Judiciary Committee, the N.J. state Democratic worked on several pieces of She said the job resumes Gov. Byrne's legislation, in- John Burns Jr., the Burling- "We're not going to pupish youth was still wearing the T- has sent each House member committee last night hoped are processed by many cluding the aborted tax pro- ton County youth who was the him," he said. "I think his shirt, shorts, white socks and a schedule that lists the times that people do not confuse in- people in Mr. Crabiel's office, posal, and that he worked on subject of an intensive, four- punishment was getting mos- tennis shoes he left home in. when they will be able to hear dictment with guilt. including the secretary, F. post card registration. day search apparently "just quito bites," he said. "I also A police spokesman said the each of the 19 presidential "I would like people to Joseph Carragher, the assis- decided to take a ride and the think he was little bit scared.
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