![1934-12-23 [P A-7]](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
lished yesterday In the Federal Home need for funds to finance existing home FINE WOODWORK SHOP ber, wu graduated from the Harvard MORTGAGE FINANCE Loan Bank Review. mortgages and to finance the build- Law School, studied architecture In The article, written by H. T. Cel- ing of new homes." PRESENTED BOYS' CLUB New York City and had lived in Wash- SOCIETIES TO MEET and Wife Return FAILURE IS CHARGED larlus, secretary of the United States ington since his marriage, in 1893. Diplomat Building A Loan League, said the as- Mrs. Boit first came into contact sociations have an opportunity to take BAND TO GIVE CONCERT Mr*. John Boit Give» Equipment with the Northeast Boys' Club many over moat of the home of financing to in Northeast Group Mem- years ago, when it was known as Noel Federal Home Loan Bank Review the country. As a part of the program arranged House. WEEK member Institutions," It ory of Husband. Mrs. Myron T. Whitney, HERE "The 3.000 IS for by the Knights of Columbus the Says Local Agencies Fail added, "have a line of credit with former president of Noel House, know- orphans' Christmas party, the Holy One of the finest ind most modern the Federal Home Loan Bank System ing of the splendidly equipped shop to Meet Needs. of are now Comforter Boys' Band will give a woodworking shops in the city has Historical Bodies to Hold $250,000,000. They using built up by Mr. Bolt, called the atten- $87,000,000 of that sum. concert at the National Theater at been to the Northeast only presented Boys' tion of his .widow to the activity and Sessions Thursday, Fri- "While the balance of Immediately 10 a.m. next Thursday. Club, 1663 Kramer street northeast, interest shown by the boys of the By the Associated Press. crédit lies untouched—not Northeast available The 54 boys, under direction of by Mrs. John Bolt of 2130 R street. Boys' Club in carpentry and loan to mention the vastly greater potential work. After careful investigation she A statement that building Rev. Joseph H. will play The was as a memorial day and Saturday. credit which the system could supply Denges, shop presented felt her husband's shop could be associations have failed to meet legiti- put by the sales of bonds or debentures- Christmas carols, marches and sev- to the late Mr. Boit, who made wood- to no better purpose than supplying mate needs for financing home mort· many member Institutions are falling eral novelty numbers for the orphan working his hobby. an outlet for the energy of these A series of historical society meet- gages was made in an article pub- to meet their community's legitimate children. Mr. Bolt, who died here last Octo- youngsters. ing, which will bring representatives from all sections of the country, are to be held Thursday, Friday and Sat- 4*^2* urday at the Mayflower Hotel. The main organizations, which are to meet are the American Historical Association and the American Catho- lic Historical Association. Others are: The Mississippi Valley Historical As- sociation. Conference of State and Local Historical Societies, Agricul- tural History Society, American So- ciety of Church History, History of Science Society, Bibliographical So- ciety of America, Mediaeval Academy of America, Association of Research Libraries and the National Council for the Social Studies are to be held at the Mayflower Hotel on Thursday, (fk^rttnga Friday and Saturday of this week. Many of the meetings will be held Holiday specials and low regular-priced items for last-minute Jointly. Christmas your market list and at Anniversary Meeting. shopping.. Prepare today shop CROWING This will be the fiftieth anniversary A&P early tomorrow. meeting of the American Historical WITH AMERICA Association. With the exception of 1918. meetings have been held an- YEARS hence this will actually be nually, Robert W. Bingham. American Ambassador to the Court of St. A&P STORES 9?,, MONDAY the meeting of that body. ÏÏSÎL forty-ninth James, and his wife are shown here as they returned to the United States Five of the survive. original group was over chances 75 on the S. S. Empress of Britain. He optimistic the of are Clarence W. Bowen. Davie They reducing armaments and keeping peace in Europe. "I think that Europe J. Frank- R. Dewey, Ephraim Emerton, has not forgotten the horrible effects of the last war," he explained when lin Jameson and Henry E. Scott. They interviewed on board ship In New York. —Associated Press Photo. To insure the succès· of founders' dinner. will be given a Christmas William E. Dodd of the University your Dinner, cf Chicago, and now Ambassador to FRESH PILGRIM serve a Pilgrim Turkey. Germany, is president of this as- Record Case Offered sociation and will be present to deliver Heritage an address. Included among the numerous speakers will be Secretary of Agricul- As Christmas Gift for Nazis ture Henry A. Wallace, R. D. W. Con- nor, archivist of the United States; Benedetto Croce of Naples. Italy, and By the Associated Press. It will be obligatory for all Nazi party representatives of all of the leading BERLIN, December 22.—"A suitable members and state employes. schools and colleges In the United Christmas gift" that will help deter- The Health Register is to obtain States. full particulars of the holder's state mine what each Nazi is worth just sections: One from Delegates to Be Honored. of health in three to the state was prominetly displayed birth to the age of 6; the second from While meetings of all of the other Γή before late Christmas today. 6 to 18, and the third for 18 to 65. Turkeys are to shoppers organizations begin Thursday, This, it is officially explained, will the American Catholic Historical As- A fat leather-bound case "for fam- insure proper medical treatment at all sociation will open its session with a records, complete with pedigree ily times, because it reveals the complete ,b ,b to Most Rev. Amleto Gio- . 19c . reception and compartments for documents" it family history. Fresh Hams of 21c vanni Cicognani, apostolic delegate to Fancy WESTERN BEEF Leg Lamb. is, and department stores, echoing One novel feature of the record is ,b the United States, at 8:30 p.m. Wed- the Nazi emphasis on heritage, gave that birth is not indicated, as usual, Fresh Shoulders . 12c ,b nesday. Sliced Bacon 29c it wide display. by a star, and death by a small cross, Sunnyfield Rev. Michael Williams is president lb The case also will hold the official but by ancient Germanic rune signs cf the American Catholic Historical Pork Loin Roast 17c » Health Register of which, by order signifying the "upward" and "down- Association, which will begin its regu- Meat Brand—Bulk 19c of the public health office, millions ward" grade respectively, in human Sausage lar session at 10 a.m. Thursday, with Fancy have left the life. Pork . ïd 17c "g* 23c Rib Roastlb with His- of copies just printers. 21c ,b a joint meeting American Chops Smoked Shoulders . 12c torical Association and the American ,b dur- Fresh . 12c Society of Church History. ties. An international broadcast, Spareribs > Speakers will include Ε. B. Greene SCOUTS TO CELEBRATE ing which messages would be sent by Chuck Roast . J. Mass Ives groups in various countries. 15c of Columbia University. 25TH ANNIVERSARY scouting Fancy Freth of Danbury, Conn.; P. G. E. Miller of Is among proposals for celebrating the ·,b Harvard University and W. W. Sweet week. Smoked Hams 19c of At 2 I Various demonstrations of Scout Ham Slice·, lb. 29c cf the University Chicago. Nation-Wide Observance Will Be Roasting that there will be the final | activities are contemplated, in addition 3-Corner Roastlb p.m. day b Committee, to to the 19c meeting of the Executive Held, With International Broad, programs emphasize prin- Swift's 'sTZrHams 21c Chickens . *7 and at 3 p.m. there will be the general ciples (or which Boy Scouts stand. | cast as Feature. business meeting and election of ι M officers. Scouts the Nation Boy throughout Pigs Have Three Legs. Public Session Friday. will Join in celebrating the twenty- Candies Other fifth of scouting during Three pigs have been born at Tun- Christmas Grocery Specials At 10 a.m. Friday there will be a anniversary Scout week, February 8 to 14. bridge Wells. England, with only three · · wm public session at which the speakers LA* Dromedary ^ Tentative plans are under way for legs each, but live toes on each ■will be John R. Fitzpatrick, dean of *° celebrating the week in various locali- trotter. Coconut Bon Bons »· 17c ^ Asoarasus ι «*n 23c law at Columbus University; Matthew Dixie Mix J7c Page Andrews of Baltimore. Rev. John ~ F. La Forge of New York City, Asso- Liberty Creams ..«*>· 15c *- ·: ciate Justice Pierce Butler and Mi- .. cv chael Williams, who will deliver the Brilliant Mixed 2»»· 25c presidential address. The Saturday session will also be *· Chocolate Creams «·» 1 Oc public and begin at 10 a.m. Speakers Mixed Nuts L·: 19c •will be Henry Grattan Doyle, dean of the Graduate School. George Wash- Cherries *·»*· 25c ington University: Rev. Francis Bor- "SSÏÏ* eia Steck of the American University, Filled ib. 15c Rev. Robert J. White of Catholic Uni- 100% Candy versity and Herbert Ε Bolton of the "» University of California. Candy Slices ....«>· 1 Oc Walnuts pecans' 2 49c A & Ρ Pumpkin 3 ^2 5c Offer Ski Lessons. Peppermint Delights n>. 23c Austrian ski teachers have arrived Fresh «»<« 37c In London to give lessons to those in- Gum Drops. 2 19c Eggs tending to take up the sport in Aus- »> Selected «><*.
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