April 11, 2003 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S5387 S. RES. 121 symbolize his or her sacrifice for the cause of Whereas after leaving Charlestown on his Whereas the Senate has learned with sad- freedom; way to Lexington, Paul Revere alerted the ness of the death of columnist and editor Mi- Whereas the placement of a Gold Star on inhabitants of villages and towns along his chael Kelly; top of a Blue Star recognizes that those who route, stopping in Medford (formerly Mystic) Whereas Michael Kelly, a native of Wash- served together and came home, as well as at the home of Isaac Hall, the captain of the ington, D.C., greatly distinguished himself as their families, will always remember the sac- Medford Minutemen during the Revolu- a newspaper reporter, political columnist, rifice of those who died and honor their fami- tionary War, before continuing on through writer, and magazine editor; lies; Arlington (formerly Menotomy) and arriving Whereas Michael Kelly was embedded with Whereas the banners were displayed widely in Lexington around midnight; the Third Infantry Division of the United during the Second World War; Whereas William Dawes and a third rider, States Army in Iraq to record history from Whereas many of the banners displayed Dr. Samuel Prescott joined Paul Revere on the perspective of the soldiers on the field of during the First and Second World Wars his mission and they proceeded together on battle; were hand-made by the mothers of those horseback to Lincoln; Whereas Michael Kelly distinguished him- serving in the Armed Forces; Whereas while en route they encountered a self early in his career as a reporter for the Whereas the legacy of the banner contin- British patrol that arrested Paul Revere, but Cincinnati Post, Baltimore Sun, New York ued during the Korean, Vietnam, and Persian William Dawes and Samuel Prescott man- aged to escape and continued on to Concord Times, and the New Yorker; Gulf Wars and other periods of conflict, as where weapons and supplies were hidden; Whereas Michael Kelly served as editor of well as in times of peace; Whereas the midnight ride of Paul Revere the National Journal and New Republic; Whereas the Blue Star Service Banner is was brilliantly and forever commemorated Whereas Michael Kelly was most recently the official banner authorized by law to be by the great American poet Henry Wads- a columnist for the Washington Post and the displayed in honor of a family member serv- worth Longfellow in his 1861 poem ‘‘Paul Re- editor of the Atlantic Monthly, which under ing the United States, while the Gold Star vere’s Ride’’; his stewardship was awarded three National may be displayed in honor of a family mem- Whereas the actions taken by Paul Revere, Magazine Awards last year; ber who has made the ultimate sacrifice for William Dawes, and Samuel Prescott af- Whereas Michael Kelly’s political columns the Nation; forded the Minutemen time to assemble to represent a major contribution to American Whereas for over 85 years, families have proudly displayed the Blue Star Service Ban- confront the advancing British troops and political discourse; were heralded as one of the first great acts of Whereas Michael Kelly’s reporting during ner showing service men and women the honor and pride that is taken in their sac- patriotism of our Nation; the Persian Gulf War of 1991 was published as Whereas 38 Lexington Minutemen boldly a book entitled ‘‘Martyr’s Day’’; rifices for freedom; Whereas the banner may be displayed by stood before 600–800 British troops who had Whereas Michael Kelly was a devoted hus- gathered at Lexington Green; band to his wife, Madelyn, a proud father to members of the immediate family of a loved one serving in the Armed Forces, including Whereas Captain Parker of the Lexington his sons, Tom and Jack, and a dutiful son to Minutemen commanded his men, ‘‘Don’t fire his parents, Thomas and Marguerite Kelly; active duty service in a unit of the National Guard, Merchant Marine, or the Reserves; unless you are fired on; but if they want a and war, let it begin here.’’; Whereas the banner may be flown by fami- Whereas Michael Kelly’s wit, acumen, in- Whereas when the British continued onto lies with a service member stationed either tellect, patriotism, and passion will be for- Concord, a battle ensued at the Old North domestically or overseas; ever remembered by his friends, colleagues, Bridge, where Minutemen from every Mid- Whereas the display of the banner in the and the countless strangers whose lives he dlesex village and town routed the British front window of a home shows a family’s touched with his powerful writings: Now, and forced them into retreat back to Boston; pride in their loved one and is a reminder therefore, be it Whereas Ralph Waldo Emerson immor- that preserving America’s freedom demands Resolved, That the Senate— talized this moment in American history as great sacrifice; and (1) pays tribute to the outstanding career where ‘‘the embattled farmers stood and Whereas this reminder is especially timely and memorable writings of Michael Kelly; fired the shot heard ’round the world.’’; (2) expresses its deepest condolences to his during the current conflict with Iraq and the Whereas the United States has recognized family; and war on terrorism: Now, therefore, be it the historic significance of the Nation’s Resolved by the Senate (the House of Rep- (3) directs the Secretary of the Senate to original patriots with the creation in 1959 of resentatives concurring), That the Congress— direct an enrolled copy of this resolution to the Minute Man National Historical Park, (1) calls on all Americans to honor the men the family of Michael Kelly. located in Concord, Lincoln, and Lexington, and women of the United States Armed Massachusetts, to preserve and protect the f Forces and their families; numerous significant historic sites, struc- (2) honors the men and women of the SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLU- tures, properties, and landscapes associated United States Armed Forces and their fami- TION 36—EXPRESSING THE with the opening battles of the American SENSE OF THE CONGRESS RE- lies; Revolution, and to help visitors understand GARDING THE BLUE STAR SERV- (3) encourages these families to proudly and interpret the colonial struggle for their display the Blue Star Service Banner or, if rights and freedoms; and ICE BANNER AND THE GOLD their loved one has made the ultimate sac- STAR Whereas the heroic acts of April 19, 1775, rifice, the Gold Star; and are celebrated in Massachusetts and Maine Mr. DASCHLE (for himself, Mr. (4) calls on the media to recognize the im- every year as part of Patriot’s Day with a re- HAGEL, Mr. JOHNSON, Mr. FRIST, Mr. portance of the Blue Star Service Banner enactment of Paul Revere’s famous ride, bat- and its symbolism of the devotion and serv- KERRY, Mr. STEVENS, Mr. GRASSLEY, tle reenactments, educational programs, pa- ice of the men and women of the United rades, and civic activities, and remembered Mr. BOND, Mr. MCCAIN, Mr. REID, and States Armed Forces. Mr. ROCKEFELLER) submitted the fol- by Americans across the United States: Now, SEC. 2. The authority on which this resolu- therefore, be it lowing concurrent resolution; which tion rests is the authority of Congress to Resolved by the Senate (the House of Rep- was considered and agreed to: make all laws which shall be necessary and resentatives concurring), That Congress— S. CON. RES. 36 proper as provided in Article I, section 8 of (1) expresses support for the celebration of the United States Constitution. Whereas the Blue Star Service Banner was Patriot’s Day; patented and designed in 1917, during the f (2) recognizes the extraordinary dedication height of the First World War, by Army Cap- SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLU- to freedom demonstrated by the Nation’s first patriots during the earliest days of the tain Robert L. Queissner of the 5th Ohio In- TION 37—EXPRESSING SUPPORT fantry, who had two sons serving on the Battle for Independence in April 1775; and front lines; FOR THE CELEBRATION OF PA- (3) honors those first patriots who lost Whereas the banner quickly became the TRIOT’S DAY AND HONORING their lives in defense of liberty and freedom. symbol for a family member serving the Na- THE NATION’S FIRST PATRIOTS f tion and families began proudly displaying Mr. KENNEDY (for himself and Mr. these banners in their front windows during SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLU- KERRY) submitted the following con- TION 38—PROVIDING FOR A CON- the First World War; current resolution; which was consid- Whereas each Blue Star on the banner rep- DITIONAL ADJOURNMENT OR RE- resents a family member serving in the ered and agreed to: CESS OF THE SENATE AND A Armed Services and symbolizes hope and S. CON. RES. 37 CONDITIONAL ADJOURNMENT OF pride; Whereas on the evening of April 18, 1775, THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTA- Whereas beginning in 1918, the Blue Star Paul Revere was sent for by Dr. Joseph War- TIVES would signify the living, and a smaller Gold ren and instructed to ride to Lexington, Mas- Star would be placed on top of the Blue Star, sachusetts, to warn Samuel Adams and John Mr. FRIST submitted the following forming a blue border, if the family member Hancock that British troops were marching concurrent resolution; which was con- was killed or died while on active duty, to to arrest them; sidered and agreed to: VerDate Mar 15 2010 21:18 Jan 14, 2014 Jkt 081600 PO 00000 Frm 00093 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\2003SENATE\S11AP3.PT2 S11AP3 mmaher on DSKCGSP4G1 with SOCIALSECURITY S5388 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE April 11, 2003 S.
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