Realising standards – Proceedings of the 20th Anniversary Conference Collection F (Edited by C. Giles Miller) Preface _____________________________________________________________________C. Giles Miller 1 Foreword ___________________________________________________________________ Richard Lane 3 Articles orum SYNTHESYS Network Activity C––Assessing Standards of Collections in European Museums ___________________ Christopher Collins, Lorraine Cornish, _______________________________________________ Robert Huxley, and Simon J. Owens 5 Improving Curation Standards in Paleontology Collections through the Application of “McGinley Levels” ______________________ Tiffany S. Adrain, David. N. Lewis, _________________________________________________________________and Mary M. Horton 19 Standards for the U.S. Antarctic Meteorite Program Collection: Preserving Outer Space in Museum Space ____________ Linda C. Welzenbach, Timothy J. McCoy, _________________________________________ Kevin Righter, and Cecilia E. Satterwhite 33 Maintaining Standards in the Care of Petrology and Mineralogy Collections at the National Museum Wales _________________ Helen C. Kerbey and Jana M. Horák 42 Integrated Collection Management at the National Museum Wales _________________ _____________________________________________________ Peter Howlett and Jana Horák 58 A Standard Syllabus for Natural History Conservation Training in the United Kingdom ______________________________________ Caroline Buttler and Robert Child 64 Minimizing the Risks from the Ten Agents of Deterioration in Two New West Midlands Museum Resource Centres, UK ________________ Katherine J. Andrew 70 Climate Control in an Uncontrollable Building ______________________ Paolo Viscardi, _________________________________________Julia D. Sigwart, and Nigel T. Monaghan 85 Levels of IPM Control: Matching Conditions to Performance and Effort __________ _______________________________________________________Tom Strang and Rika Kigawa 96 A Contribution to Standards for Freezing as a Pest Control Method for Museums ____________________ Jan-Erik Bergh, Karl-Martin V. Jensen, Monika Åkerlund, ________________________________________________Lise S. Hansen, and Martin Andrén 117 Japanese Tissues: Uses in Repairing Natural Science Specimens ____ Simon Moore 126 The Effects of Tanning and Fixing Processes on the Properties of Taxidermy Skins _____ Amandine Péquignot, Charles S. Tumosa, and David W. von Endt 133 Arsenic in Taxidermy Collections: History, Detection, and Management __________ _______________ Fernando Marte, Amandine Péquignot, and David W. Von Endt 143 Tie It to the Tray! Safely Shipping Native American Artifacts _______________________ ______________________________________ Gretchen Anderson and Rebecca Newberry 151 Vol. 21 No. 1–2 Vol. Calling on GOD: The Gallery Object Database at the Royal Ontario Museum _______________________ Janet Waddington, William Pratt, and Jovanna Scorsone 162 Society for the Preservation Fall 2006 of Natural History Collections Volume 21 Numbers 1–2 Contents continued on inside back cover 2006-2007 Council Contents continued from outside back cover Society for the Preservation of Natural History Collections From the Ledger to the Web: Setting 21st Century Documentation Standards for the Tim White, President Barbara Brown, Treasurer Richard Rabeler, President-elect Judith Price, Secretary Collections of the North Carolina State Museum of Natural Sciences Iris Hardy, Past President Jean DeMouthe, Managing Editor _______________________________________Gabriela M. Hogue and Jonathan A. Raine 175 Members-at-Large Documentation Standards Review: Procedures for Database Upgrades_____________ Term ending 2007 Term ending 2008 Term ending 2009 _____________________________________________________________________ Shirley Harpham 192 E. Dietrich L. Ford L. Abraczinskas E. Benamy L. Elkin J.-M. Gagnon Tools, Techniques, and Code for Supporting Image Databases of Natural History Collections Materials ____________________ Paul J. Morris and James A. Macklin 203 Standing Committees Herbarium Networks in the United States: Towards Creating a Toolkit to Advance Archives: R. Fisher (chair), L. Hollenberg Bylaws: I. Hardy (chair) Specimen Data Capture ____________ Richard K. Rabeler and James A. Macklin 2 2 3 Conference: R. Rabeler (chair), J. Braun, G. Anderson, A. Pinzl Conservation: V. Book (co-chair), J. Southward (co-chair), G. Anderson, C. Ramotnik, M. Revelez, K. Sendall IInstructionsnstructions ttoo AAuthorsuthors Documentation: K. Goulette (co-chair), R. Monk (co-chair), L. Benson, C. Chandler, V. Gambill, R. Huxley, R. Johnson, R. Rabeler, S. Shelton, B. Szirtes, G. Watkins-Colwell, T. White, P. Work, J. Zak AArticlesrticles fforor CCollectionollection FForumorum aarere ssixix ttoo 3300 ppagesages ddouble-spacedouble-spaced ((approximatelyapproximately 77500500 wwordsords iincludingncluding aabstractbstract Education and Training: C. Butler (co-chair), Linda Hollenberg (co-chair), L. Abraczinskas. E. Benamy, L. aandnd lliteratureiterature ccited),ited), ppluslus fi guresgures aandnd tables.tables. TTheyhey mmayay includeinclude originaloriginal contributionscontributions ttoo thethe lliteratureiterature oorr ssignifiignifi ccantant Benson, D. Diveley, I. Hardy, B. Hussaini, B. Moore, J. Stephenson rrevieweview articlesarticles ddealingealing withwith tthehe ddevelopmentevelopment andand ppreservationreservation ofof naturalnatural hhistoryistory ccollections.ollections. CContributionsontributions mmayay Elections: K. Sendall (chair), G. Brown, G. Corner, J.-M. Gagnon, K. Shepherd iinclude,nclude, bbutut aarere nnotot rrestrictedestricted tto,o, rreportseports ooff rresearchesearch aandnd mmethodologiesethodologies fforor thethe ccollection,ollection, preparation,preparation, cconserva-onserva- Executive: T. White (chair), B. Brown, I. Hardy, L. Palmer, J. Price, R. Rabeler ttion,ion, sstorage,torage, aandnd ddocumentationocumentation ooff sspecimens,pecimens, aandnd ddiscussioniscussion ooff ssomeome pphilosophical,hilosophical, ttheoretical,heoretical, andand hhistoricalistorical Finance: L. Palmer (co-chair), R. Waller (co-chair), B. Brown, S. McLaren, S. Williams aaspectsspects ooff nnaturalatural hhistoryistory collectioncollection mmanagement.anagement. CCasease sstudiestudies tthathat sserveerve ttoo ddocumentocument oorr aaugmentugment a philosophy,philosophy, Membership: L. Palmer (chair), E. Benamy, E Dietrich, E. Elkin, K. Goulette, R. Huxley, J. MacKnight, A. Pinzl, mmethodology,ethodology, oorr rresearchesearch aactivityctivity wwillill bbee cconsidered,onsidered, bbutut ggeneraleneral ddescriptionsescriptions ooff a sspecifipecifi c collectioncollection oorr iinstitutionnstitution C. Ramotnik, P. Work aarere nnotot aaccepted.ccepted. Publications: J. DeMouthe (chair), A. Bentley, L. Klise, S. McLaren, A. Pinzl, C. Ramotnik, L. Schlenker, L. MManuscriptsanuscripts sshouldhould bbee ssubmittedubmitted ddigitallyigitally iinn MMicrosofticrosoft WWordord oorr WWordPerfect,ordPerfect, IIBMBM fformat.ormat. AAllll ppartsarts ooff tthehe Skibinski, T. White, J. Waddington, S.M. Woodward, P. Work mmanuscriptanuscript mmustust bbee ddoubleouble sspacedpaced ttoo lletteretter ((88 ½ × 1111 inch;inch; 221.61.6 × 227.97.9 ccm)m) oror A4A4 ppaperaper ssizeize wwithith atat lleasteast oonene inchinch Recognition and Grants: I. Hardy (chair) ((2.52.5 ccm)m) mmarginsargins oonn aallll ssides.ides. EEachach ppageage ooff tthehe mmanuscriptanuscript shouldshould bebe nnumbered.umbered. DDoo nnotot hhyphenateyphenate wwordsords aatt tthehe Webmaster: J. Macklin. Visit www.spnhc.org rright-handight-hand mmargin.argin. EEachach ttableable aandnd fi ggureure sshouldhould bbee oonn a sseparateeparate ppage.age. EEachach ttableable aandnd fi ggureure sshouldhould bebe iinn a ssepa-epa- rrateate fi llee uunlessnless ttheyhey aarere ..docdoc fi lles.es. TheThe ratioratio ooff ttablesables ppluslus fi gguresures ttoo ttextext ppagesages sshouldhould generallygenerally nnotot eexceedxceed 11:2.:2. Editorial Staff OOnn tthehe fi rrstst ppageage iindicatendicate oonlynly tthehe nname,ame, eemailmail aaddress,ddress, ttelephone,elephone, aandnd mmailingailing aaddressddress fforor tthehe aauthoruthor ttoo wwhomhom ccorrespondenceorrespondence aandnd pproofsroofs sshouldhould bbee aaddressed.ddressed. TThehe ssecondecond ppageage tthenhen iincludesncludes oonlynly tthehe ttitleitle ooff tthehe aarticle,rticle, nnamesames Jean DeMouthe, Managing Editor, Collection Forum, California Academy of Sciences, 875 Howard Street, San ooff tthehe aauthors,uthors, aaffiffi lliationsiations aandnd aaddressesddresses ooff aauthors,uthors, aandnd tthehe aabstract.bstract. BBeginegin tthehe ttextext oonn tthehe tthirdhird ppage.age. Francisco, CA 94103 TThehe ppreferredreferred llanguageanguage fforor manuscriptsmanuscripts iiss EEnglish,nglish, bbutut a ssummaryummary inin aanothernother llanguageanguage ccanan pprecederecede tthehe llit-it- Andy Bentley, Editor, SPNHC Newsletter, University of Kansas, Natural History Museum, Dyche Hall, 1345 eeraturerature ccited,ited, iiff aappropriate.ppropriate. MManuscriptsanuscripts wwrittenritten iinn ootherther llanguagesanguages mmayay bbee cconsideredonsidered aatt tthehe ddiscretioniscretion ooff tthehe Jayhawk Boulevard, Lawrence, KS, 66045-7561 MManaginganaging EEditorditor iiff tthehe llanguageanguage uusesses tthehe RRomanoman aalphabet,lphabet, aann EEnglishnglish ssummaryummary iiss pprovided,rovided, aandnd rreviewerseviewers aarere Lori Schlenker, Assistant Editor,
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