CASE REPORT Osteopathic Manipulative Treatment and Psychosocial Management of Dysmenorrhea Starr Matsushita, OMS IV; Bonnie Wong, DO; Raghu Kanumalla, OMS IV, MS; Leonard Goldstein, DDS, PhD From the A.T. Still University Dysmenorrhea, or painful menstruation, is a common cause of acute pelvic School of Osteopathic pain that affects approximately two-thirds of women who are postmenarchal Medicine in Mesa, Arizona. in the United States. Dysmenorrhea pain is frequently severe enough to Financial Disclosure: None reported. disrupt daily activities and often accompanied by other symptoms, such as diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, headache, and dizziness. Primary dysmenorrhea Support: None reported. is likely due to an excess of prostaglandins and is traditionally treated with Address correspondence to fl Bonnie Wong, DO, A.T. Still nonsteroidal anti-in ammatory drugs and hormonal therapy. Secondary dys- University School of menorrhea can have multiple origins and requires targeted therapy. Currently, Osteopathic Medicine, musculoskeletal dysfunction and psychosocial factors are not listed as 5850 E Still Cir, Mesa, AZ 85206-3618. causes of secondary dysmenorrhea. The authors present a case in which the Email: [email protected] cause of secondary dysmenorrhea was thought to be related to both muscu- loskeletal dysfunction and emotional stress. Osteopathic manipulative treat- Submitted April 13, 2019; ment and lifestyle changes helped resolve secondary dysmenorrhea. fi nal revision received J Am Osteopath Assoc. 2020;120(7):479-482 August 12, 2019; doi:10.7556/jaoa.2020.076 accepted September 17, 2019. Keywords: dysmenorrhea, osteopathic medicine, somatic dysfunction ysmenorrhea, or painful menstruation, is a common cause of acute pelvic pain. It affects approximately two-thirds of women who are postmenarchal in the D United States and should be differentiated from chronic pelvic pain, which is noncyclic and lasts for 6 months or more.1,2 Pain from dysmenorrhea is frequently severe enough to disrupt daily activities and is often accompanied by other symptoms, such as diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, headache, and dizziness.1,2 Dysmenorrhea is classi- fied as primary or secondary, with neither affected by childbearing.1 Primary dysmenorrhea is likely due to excess prostaglandins, particularly prostaglandin 1 F2-α, which leads to painful uterine contractions. Onset is typically during the late teens to early 20s, and incidence declines with age.1 Secondary dysmenorrhea is more common with aging, has a clinically identifiable cause, and requires targeted management.1,3 Currently, musculoskeletal and viscerosomatic contributions are not commonly listed as causes of secondary dysmenorrhea, but gynecologic (eg, endometriosis, ovarian cysts) and nongynecologic (eg, tumors, inflammation, adhesions, psychogenic disorders, irritable bowel syndrome, and irritable bowel disease) causes are listed.1 A relationship among visceral function and the musculoskeletal and autonomic nervous systems (ANS) has been suggested.4 Therefore, somatic dysfunction (SD) related to the ANS, specifically the lower thoracic and upper lumbar segments, hypogastric plexus, and the sacral plexi, can contrib- ute to dysmenorrhea symptoms. By extension, managing these SDs might improve dys- menorrhea symptoms as evidenced by randomized controlled trials showing the efficacy The Journal of the American Osteopathic Association July 2020 | Vol 120 | No. 7 479 CASE REPORT of manual therapy.5-7 Furthermore, psychological and and worsened to grade 3 in December. She then social issues should be considered with other secondary improved to grade 2 in January and was finally back to causes because of the connection of mind and body.1,8-11 her predysmenorrhea baseline by March 2018 with THere we present a case of adult-onset, nongyneco- nondebilitating, mild colicky pain that did not interfere logic secondary dysmenorrhea that resolved using a with her daily activities. holistic approach with both osteopathic manipulative The patient reported no significant physical trauma treatment (OMT) and management of psychosocial except for an adductor strain before symptom onset. The factors. We propose that these 2 elements should only abnormal historical information reported was stress be included as part of the treatment of patients with from first-year medical school coursework and living secondary dysmenorrhea. with a roommate during the 4 months prior to presentation. As a self-described introvert, she noted that her living situation added a lot of psychological stress to her life. Report of Case The review of systems was notable for a 12-pound A 32-year-old female medical student presented to our weight loss from July 2017 to February 2018 that was osteopathic medicine center in October 2017 with back accompanied by decreased appetite and inconsistent and hip pain. At the time of her presentation, the pain eating habits. She also reported headaches, lumbar back was so severe that she considered missing classes. pain, changes in mood (eg, “feeling short with people”), Three weeks later, at her second visit, she disclosed the mild breast tenderness, nausea, diffuse abdominal pain, onset of dysmenorrhea during the previous week. constipation, and diarrhea during these dysmenorrheic Although her back and hip pain resolved after 2 visits periods. She denied menorrhagia, oligomenorrhea, inter- and OMT sessions, the patient was seen during the next menstrual bleeding, mittelschmerz, bloating, vomiting, 5 months for continued dysmenorrhea described as “hor- dysuria, urinary retention, vaginal discharge or irritation, rible pain and crampingness” that lasted several hours and dyschezia. She was advised to follow up with a per day for up to 1 week in the perimenopausal period. primary care physician for further evaluation of symptoms. The patient’s gynecologic history before dysmenorrhea was normal, with menarche at age 12 years, 28-day cycles, Clinical Findings 4 to 5 days of regular flow, and nondebilitating, mild The patient had normal cardiopulmonary, neurologic, and colicky pain that did not interfere with her daily activities. abdominal examination results. The osteopathic structural She had never been sexually active. She had normal pelvic examination results showed considerable asymmetries of examination and Papanicolaou test results in September the occipitoatlantal joint, thoracic spine, lumbar spine, 2017. She regularly tracked her periods with a smartphone sacrum, and innominate bones throughout treatment. application and noted that the only significant change to A right-side superior shear of her ilium and a left-on-left her periods was the severity of pain experienced. Of note, sacral torsion during dysmenorrhea were consistently her older sister had severe grade 3 dysmenorrhea for most found. The patient had a decreased cranial rhythmic of her adult life, which was resolved with hysterectomy impulse early in the course of treatment, accompanied after unsuccessful treatment with hormonal therapy. With by hypertonicity in the suboccipital muscles. the exception of her sister’s dysmenorrhea, her medical and family histories were noncontributory. Therapeutic Intervention According to the verbal, multidimensional scoring The patient received 6 OMT sessions that took place system for the assessment of dysmenorrhea,12 she over 5 months (Figure). The patient was treated with reported being grade 0 or 1 before October 2017. She techniques that were tailored to each specificSD, progressed to grade 2 during October and November including myofascial release, strain-counterstrain, soft 480 The Journal of the American Osteopathic Association July 2020 | Vol 120 | No. 7 CASE REPORT Start of medical school and abnormal living situtation July 2017 Initial evaluation; OMT No.1 (10/10/17); Oct 2017 OMT No.2 (10/31/17) Nov 2017 OMT No.3 (11/14/17) Dec 2017 OMT No.4 (12/13/17) Jan 2018 OMT No.5 (02/04/18); Feb 2018 final evaluation; and OMT No.6 (02/28/17) Resolution of dysmenorrhea to baseline symptoms of nondebilitating, mild colicky pain that did not interfere with daily activities Figure. Timeline of events for patient with secondary dysmenorrhea. Abbreviation: OMT, osteopathic manipulative treatment. tissue, muscle energy, suboccipital release, abdominal lifestyle changes, the patient had normal menstrual plexus release, and joint articulation. Throughout treat- periods without dysmenorrhea. By February 2018, she ment, we discussed outside stressors and counseled the had only mild cramps that lasted for 10 to 20 minutes patient on the importance of adequate caloric intake and at a time, headache, fatigue, and some moodiness that aerobic exercise. As a result, she implemented mindful- decreased on the second day. In the following month, ness meditation and yoga on a weekly basis. Her irregu- her moodiness resolved, her other symptoms were lar eating was an effect of stress and improved when back to baseline, and her verbal multidimensional she implemented the other lifestyle changes. score12 was back to her baseline of grade 1. The The patient’s pain improved, and there was a patient confirmed that her dysmenorrhea symptoms decrease in the severity of SD throughout the 6 OMT remained at baseline in a 1-year follow-up interview. sessions. Her back and hip pain resolved within the first 2 OMT sessions, but her dysmenorrhea persisted. Her last 2 OMT sessions focused on relieving pelvic Discussion and sacral restrictions using balanced ligamentous and Given the timing of onset and relative ease of resolution, balanced
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