Elimination of Two-Session Day in High School Up for Public Hearing; Parents, Taxpayers Urged to : : I;aih.yQurnewspaper reporter./ :'\ ; - V, : approved by the State Department of Education, would be- Benson group listen to the demands of the vanquished mem- most'feasible at this time; (7) the adoption of this plan must You, fcribw :me .weJli becauseTam your: second self. While come effective next September. At. a previous session, the con- bers to hold a public hearing in the high school auditorium. be effected. your jpt>s>: arid responsibilities keep you busy, I serve as your trolling panel on the board assured its minority-colleagues that The hearing will take place Monday night, June 24, 1946, at 8 Opponents of the majority's measure reveal that (1> while eyes; anoi,,ears.-'I see and hear for you the many things you a public hearing would be held on the proposed project. o'clock, in the high school auditorium. Testimony and argu- haveneither the time nor means to see and hear.for yourself. the double-session is not as good as the single-session it has Plan Is Costly ments will be presented by the board members. As the new been approved by outstanding educators; (2) Woodbridge High I see and hear—and impart to you information upon which Commissionex-s Andrew Aaroe, board president, Maurice P. you may form your own judgment. lam free to write as I - Dunigan, Dr. Seymour Deber and Joseph McAndrews-urged program, effects the entire township, all parents and taxpayers School has been turning out graduates who had no difficulty see arid hear. No one jogs my elbow When my soft, black pencil Commissioners William Benson, Leo Farley, Harold Van Ness, are invited to attend and to participate in the debate. gaining admission to any college; (3) reconversion to a single- writes what I have heard for you. No one silenGes my battered Edwin Casey and Leon. Plichta to consider the parents, ele- Arguments Presented session is not necessary at the present time; (4) continuance typewriter's keys as they clatter put the story I have witnessed mentary grade pupils, high school students and taxpayers be- Thus far, proponents of the single-session program have of the double-session can be maintained until it is possible to. lor you," ••-..; •' fore "railroading" through an "unproven" and "untried" pro- decreed that (1) the double-session has created a deficiency build a new high school or a junior high school; (5) plan No. 3, Because I am your reporter, 'JL would not be loyal to you if I gram that more than likely would boomerang at a terrific cost in the high school system; (2) this system has been in opera- as submitted by Mr. Werlock, would create untold inconven- failed to report my findings in the current Board of Education to the taxpayers—not to mention the great inconvenience that tion too long; (3) outstanding educators do not. favor the ience to parents and school children; (6) it would crush the eruption pertaining to the elimination of the double-session parents and school children would have to go through. double-session system; (4) reconversion to a single-session is morale of students who looked forward to getting into high program in the high school,: The pleas of the minority fell on deaf ears. A motion, by necessary; <5) the building of a new high school cannot be school; (7) it would eSfect social activities of high school stu- At Monday night's meeting of the school board, the ma- Mr. Benson, to adopt the plan was approved by a five to four considered for about five years; (6) plan No. 3, as submitted dents; (8) it would effect the progress of band, orchestra and jority group forced through, over the objections of the minor- vote. by Stephen K. Werlock, recently appointed supervisor of ele- choral work in the high school; (9) it would force youngsters ity, its new single-session high school program. The plan, when ; Only after the new single-session plan was adopted did the mentary education in Woodbridge Township, appears to be (Continued on Page 6) First With The News! For Value—Shop The Ads Keep Astride All The Activities The Largest And Best Shops And Of The Tovrn With Your Services In The Area Are Our Home-Town Paper Advertisers. Patronize Them!' VOL. VIII.—No. 33 FORDS, N. J., THURSDAY, JUNE 20, 1946 PRICE THREE CENTS 'Plan No. 3'Approved; But Public Still Vacations! School Is To Have Its Say At Hearing Monday NightHere, Kids, Are Your 5 WOODBRIDGE—Over the pro- proval or disapproval, the majority ers and the bulk of deficiency now School Holidays For tests of Andrew Aaroe, president of members stated. existing in our high school is due Solution the Board, Maurice P, Dunigan, At. a conference held June 10, to double session. It appears that 1946-1947 Dr. Seymour C. Deber and Joseph at which the public was barred and we won't have a decent chance to McAndrews, who declared the peo- the press was invited (and only a build a new high school within Report Urges . Modern ple were promised a public hearing representative of this newspaper the next five years and a continua- WOODBRIDGE — Although before any action was. taken, the attended), the meeting adjourned tion along present lines may con- Woodbridge public school child- Plant; Says School majority members of the Board of with the understanding that no tinue a lifetime. This is not an ren may not be certain which Alleged Murderer Nabbed Says He -Planned Education, led by William L. Ben- action, would be taken until the ideal situation. Of the three plans school they will attend next Still Is 'Satisfactory' September, they are sure of their son, adopted Stephen Werloek's public was given a chance to voice t submitted by Werlock, the No. 3 plan No. 3 to eliminate the double its wishes in the matter. I plan is most feasible and most vacations which were approved Suicide But Then WOODBRIDGE — Construction at Monday's turbulent session of of a hew high school as the: only session at the High School. Instead, at Monday's session, I logical. We must cut the present bi Mr. Benson introduced the subject i enrollment of" the high school to' the Board of Education. method of providing a modern ed- However, after much debate in School will be open on Sept- t His Nerve" ucational program was recom- which the older members of the by saying: 750 students. It's built to house board accused-the Co-Operative Introduces Subject that many, not many more. We ember 4, the Wednesday after mended in the complete written Labor Day and the following report submitted this week by the members of "railroading" the plan "I think that we should give (the majority members) have had Alleged Murderer Stales through, it was decided to hold a serious attention tonight to the meetings in Avenel and Colonia. dates will be official school holi- Commission on Secondary Educa- The people of Avenel are 6-1 in days. tion following the evaluation of public hearing Monday at 8 P. M., conversion of double session to He Was Not in Township in the auditorium of Woodbridge single session in the high school. favor of. the new plan while the October 12, Columbus Day; the High School recently. people of Colonia favor the plan November 5, Election Day; Nov- Discussing the school plan the High School. The Middlesex Atlantic States Since Last Thursday Commission on Secondary Schools 9-1. I, for one, think we can swing ember 11, Armistice Day; committee writes: The plan, as adopted, is to be plan No. 3 for a single session." Thanksgiving Recess, close "Because of the inadequacy of submitted immediately to the State report on our double sessions points WOODBRIDGE—At 1:30 Commissioner of Education for ap- out that it is a handicap to teach- /Continued ?n Page 6) Wednesday, November 27, 1 P. this morning, after more the present site to be adapted to M., return Monday, December 2. a modern educational program, Christmas recess, close Friday, than 11 hours of constant the committee strongly suggests December 20, return Monday, questioning, John Xaccaro, consideration be given to acquir- Hearing Monday January 6; Febraary 12, Lin- 37, 36 West 12th Street, Lin- ing an adequate newsite. Property Owners on Route coln's Birthday; February 22, den, who was nabbed in a "Serious consideration-should be Washington's Birthday comes on Newark lodging house yes- given to building a new modern On ABC Complaint a Saturday. plant oh an adequate new site Now Have 6 Month to Vacate Easter recess, closes April 3, 1 terday noon, confessed to which will provide an opportunity P. M., return Monday, April 14; the murder of Mrs. Cather- for the development of a mental, WOODBRIDGE—A hearing will ine Scuttieri, who was found planned have buildings so widely Decoration Day, May 30, School social and physical educational Extension of Time Is be held Monday night by the closes Friday, June 20. | shot to death last Thursday program for the boys and girls of separated so that owners there may Township committee on tht re- the community. Granted by Mi Her; not be required to vacate before on Blair Road, near the Car- quest of the State Department of teret line. "Taking into consideration the Plans Are Revised the end of the year with the pos- Alcoholic Beverage. Control on a number of pupils in comparison to sible exception of a few isolated Zaccaro, a thick-set, gray- cases that cannot be designated complaint made by the latter Complaint Against the size of the school, the number WOODBRIDGE—Property own- against the Club Alamo, Fords.
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