Trichopterological Literature 2011 2012

Trichopterological Literature 2011 2012

54 BRAUERIA (Lunz am See, Austria) 41:54-59 Rosa, Beatriz F.J.V.; da Silva, Marcos V.D.; de Oliveira, Vivian C.; Martins, Renato T.; Alves, Roberto da G. 2011 Trichopterological literature Macroinvertebrates associated with bryophyta in a first-order Atlantic Forest stream. - Zoologia 28:351-356. 2010 Rueda Martin, Paola A.; Sganga, Julieta V. 2011 Smicridea McLachlan (Trichoptera: Hydropsychidae) from Bjelke, Ulf; Sandström, Jonas; Eriksson, Lars; Gullefors, Bo; northwestern Argentina and Bolivia: new species, redescription, Lingdell, Pär-Erik; Lundberg, Stefan; Sahlén, Göran; Svensson, association and new records. - Journal of Natural History 45:2219- Björn 2010 2234. Sländor Neuroptera, Megaloptera, Rhaphidioptera [sic], Trichoptera, Plecoptera, Odonata & Ephemeroptera. - The 2010 Red List of Swedish Species:465-473. 2012 Chuluunbat, Suvdtsetseg; Chuluunbaatar, Gantigmaa; Morse, John Burington, Zachary L ; Morse, John C.; McArthur, J.Vaun 2012 C. 2010 Distribution and variation of Oecetis parva (Trichoptera: A redescription of Apatania mongólica Martynov, 1914 (Trichoptera: Leptoceridae). - Entomol. News 100-106. Apataniidae), based on materials from Southern Mongolia. - Mongolian Journal of Biological Sciences 8(1):3-8. Ciubuc, Constantin 2012 Trichopterele din Romania. Vol. 2, Clasa Insecta, Ordinul Karaouzas, loannis; Cotou, Efthimia; Albanis, Triantafyllos A.; Trichoptera, Subordinul Integripalpia. Bioindicatori ai apelor dulci. - Kamarianos, Athanasios 2010 Editura MiniEd. 415 pp. Bioassays and biochemical biomarkers for assessing olive mill and Citrus processing wastewater toxicity. - Environmental Toxicology Derka, Tomás; Zamora-Muñoz, Carmen 2012 DOI 10.1002/tox [Hydropsyche peristerica] Caddisflies (Insecta, Trichoptera) of the Pantepui biogeographical province. - Boln.Asoc.esp.Ent. 36:7-30. 2011 Flint, Olivers. 2012 Two new Oecetis of the reticulata group from Micronesia Chamorro, M.L.; Holzenthal, R.W. 2011 (Trichoptera: Leptoceridae). - Pan-Pacif.Entomol. 88:299-303. Phylogeny of Polycentropodidae Ulmer, 1903 (Trichoptera, Annulipalpia, Psychomyioidea) inferred from larval, pupal and adult Gavira,Oscar; Zamora-Muñoz,Carmen; Poquet.José Manuel; characters. - Invertebrate Systematics 25:219-253, Herrera-Grao,Tony; Garrido,Francisco Blanco; Bonada,Nuria 2012 Presencia de la familia Helicopsychidae (Trichoptera) en la mitad Gibon, François-Marie 2011 meridional de España peninsular. - Boln.Asoc.esp.Ent. 36:461-464. Présence du genre Wormaldia McLachlan, 1865 au Cameroun et description d'une nouvelle espèce (Trichoptera, Philopotamidae). - Graf, Wolfram 2012 (N.S.) 33:89-91. Rhyacophila fasciata Hagen, 1859 - eine Köcherfliege als Insekt des Jahres 2013. - Beiträge zur Entomofaunistik 13:133-141. Harrison, Aubrey B.; Morse, John C. 2011 The macroinvetrebrate fauna of the Mississippi River. - Trans, Harvey, Lauren E.; Geraci, Christy J.; Robinson, Jason L ; Morse, Amer.Entomol.Soc. 138:35-52. John C.; Kjer, Karl M.; Xin Zhou 2012 Diversity of mitochondrial and larval morphology characters in the Karaouzas, loannis; Skoulikidis, Nikolaos T.; Giannakou, Urania; genus Diplectrona (Trichoptera: Hydropsychidae) in the eastern Albanis, T riantafyllos A. 2011 United States. - Terrestrial Arthropod Reviews 5:191-211. Spatial and temporal effects of olive mill wastewaters to stream macroinvertebrates and aquatic ecosystems status. - Water Kiss, Ottó 2012 Research 45:6334-6346. [Hydropsyche peristerica] Rhyacophila extensa Martynov, 1928 from Nepal (Trichopera: Rhyacophilidae). - Acta Naturalia Pannonica 4:85-92. Nogueira, Denis S.; Cabette, Helena S.R. 2011 New records and notes on geographic distribution of Trichoptera Kiss, Ottó 2012 Kirby, 1813 (Insecta) from the state of Mato Grosso, Brazil. - Biota Globális klímaváltozás okozta elsivatagosodás lehetséges hatásai a Neotropica 11: -??- magyarországi vizes élo helyekre és rovarpopulációjukra, különös tekintettel a tegzesekre. - Acta Naturalia Pannonica 4:73-84. Nozaki, T. 2011 [Possible effects of desertification caused by global climate change The caddisfly fauna of Tsukanoiri-ike pond, Nagoya, central Japan. on the Hungarian aquatic habitats and their insect population with - Nature of irrigation pond 51:2-5. [Japanese] special respect to Trichoptera] Paciencia, Gabriel de Paula; Yokoyama, Elisa; Bispo, Pitagoras Ladányi, M.; Nowinszky, L ; Kiss, O.; Puskás, J.; Szentkirályi, F.; Conceiao; Crisci-Bispos, Vera Lucia; Takebe, Igor Vinicius 2011 Barczikay, G. 2012 Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera e Trichoptera em Corredeiras de Modelling the impact of tropospheric ozone content on light- and Riachos do Parque Estadual Intervales, Estado de Sao Paulo. - EntomoBrasilis 4:114-118. pheromone-trapped insects. - AppI.EcoI.Environm.Res. 10:471-491. Morse, John C,; Zhong, Hua; Yang, Lian-fang 2012 Robertson, Desiree R.; Holzenthal, Ralph W. 2011 New species of Plectrocnemia and Nyctiophylax (Trichoptera, Revision of the Neotropical caddisfly genus Itauara Muller, 1888 Polycentropodidae) from China. - ZooKeys 169:39-59. (Trichoptera, Glossosomatidae). - Zookeys 114:41-100. 55 Mürria, Cesc; Bonada, Nüria; Arnedo, Miquel A.; Zamora-Mufioz, Zhong, Hua; Yang, Lian-fang; Morse, John C. 2012 Carmen; Prat, Narcis; Vogler, Alfried P. 2012 The genus Plectrocnemia Stephens in China (Trichoptera, Phylogenetic and ecological structure of Mediterranean caddisfly Polycentropodidae). - Zootaxa 3489:1-24. communities at various spatio-temporal scales. - Journal of Biogeography 39:1621-1632. 2013 Oläh, J.; Flint, O.S.,Jr. 2012 Description of new species in the Leucotrichiini tribe (Trichoptera: Amusan, B.O.; Ogbogu, S.S. 2013 Hydroptilidae).-Ann.Hist.-Nat.Mus.Nat.Hung. 104:131-213. Observations on the abundance and distribution of adult caddisflies (Insecta: Trichoptera) in streams and rivers of lle-lfe, southwestern Oläh, J.; Johanson, K.A. 2012 Nigeria. International Journal of Tropical Insect Science. 33(3): New species and records of Neotropical Macronematinae and 163-169. Smicrideinae (Trichoptera: Hydropsychidae). - Ann.Hist.- Nat.Mus.Nat.Hung. 104:215-297. Arefina-Armitage, Tatiana I.; Armitage, Brian J. 2013 Interesting species of the genus Helicopsyche von Siebold Oläh, Jänos; Koväcs, Tibor 2012 (Trichoptera: Helicopsychidae) from Vietnam. - Insecta Mundi New records of Chaetopterygini species (Trichoptera: 302:1-10. Limnephilidae). - Folia Hist.Nat. Mus. Matraensis 36:81-88. Barcelos e Silva, Patrik; De Camargos, Lucas Marques; Pes, Ana Oläh, Jänos; Koväcs, Tibor 2012 Maria; Salles, Frederico Falcao. 2013 New species and records of autumnal Trichoptera from Albania. - Six new species of Cernotina Ross, 1938 (Trichoptera: Fol. Hist. Nat. Mus. Matraensis 36:89-104. Polycentropodidae) from Brazil. - Zootaxa. 3669:115-128. Oläh, Jänos 2012 Canhoto, Cristina Calapez; Raquel. Goncalves, Ana Lucia; Moreira- Taxonomic list of Trichoptera described and recorded from New Santos, Matilde 2013 Guinea region. - Fol.Hist.Nat.Mus.Matraensis 36:105-122. Effects of Eucalyptus leachates and oxygen on leaf-litter processing by fungi and stream invertebrates. Freshwater Science. 32(2): Oläh, Jänos; Koväcs, Tibor; Sivec, Ignac; Sziväk, lldiko; Urbanic, 411-424. Gorazd 2012 Seven new species in the Chaetopteryx rugulosa species group: Coppa, Gennaro 2013 applying the phylogenetic species concept and the sexual selection Inventaire diagnostic des Trichoptères de la Réserve naturelle theory (Trichoptera: Limnephilidae). - Fol.Hist.Nat.Mus.Matraensis nationale de la Vallée de Chaudefour (Puy-de-Dôme, France) 36:51-79. (Trichoptera). - Ephemera 13:97-128. Previsic, Ana; Cerjanec.Darko; Graf,Wolfram; Kucinic, Mladen 2012 Dinakaran, S.; Anbalagan, S.; Balachandran, C. 2013 Drusus chrysotus (Rambur, 1842) (Trichoptera: Limnephilidae: A new species of caddisfly (Trichoptera, Lepidostomatidae: Drusinae): a new caddisfly species in the Croatian fauna. - Lepidostoma) from Tamil Nadu, India. - Journal of Threatened Taxa Nat.Croat. 21:419425. 26; 5:3531-3535. Quinteiro, Fabio B.; Calor, Adolfo R. 2012 Dumas, Leandro Lourenco; Calor, Adolfo Ricardo; Nessimian, Jorge A new species of Oecetis McLachlan, 1877 (Trichoptera: Luiz 2013 Leptoceridae) from Southeast Brazil: validation of an unpublished The genus Alterosa Blahnik 2005 (Trichoptera, Philopotamidae, species. - Zootaxa 3442:53-57. Philopotaminae) in northeastern Brazil, including the description of three new species and an identification key for the genus. Semnicki, Petra; Previsic, Ana; Ivkovic, Marija; Cmrlec, Kristina; ZooKeys317 1-15. Mihaljevic, Zlatko 2012 Tufa barriers from a caddisfly's point of view: Streams or lake Dumas, Leandro Lourenco; Nessimian, Jorge Luiz 2013 outlets? - Internat.Rev.Hydrobiol. 97:465-484. New species of the caddisfly genus Alterosa Blahnik 2005 (Trichoptera: Philopotamidae: Philopotaminae) from Brazil. Sun, Chang-hai; Yang, Lian-fang 2012 Zootaxa 3609:26-48. Two new species of the genus Arctopsyche (Trichoptera, Hydropsychidae, Arctopsychinae) from China. - Acta Forcellini, Maxence; Statzner, Bernhard; Tachet, Henri 2013 Zootaxonomica Sinica 37:781-784. A revised description of the larva of Homilia leucophaea (Rambur 1842) (Trichoptera: Leptoceridae) and comparisons with the known Wolf, Beate; Angersbach, Rolf 2012 western European Athripsodes larvae. - Zootaxa 3682:191-199. Die Stein- und Köcherfliegenfauna des Geisbachs -1 9 6 8 und 2011. - Beiträge zur Naturkunde in Osthessen 49:41-50. Franca, Diego; Paprocki, Henrique; Calor, Adolfo R. 2013 The genus Macrostemum Kolenati 1859 (Trichoptera: Wolf, Beate; Angersbach, Rolf;

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