8 iIEW YORK HERALD, SA1rURDAY, JULY 29, 1865. Ciublkii W. of New York to Mrs. Cat tend Uie from her late in I utvlug in tow the U 8 lron-ciaa nmi.o,*, lur rtiiJudelptan, " Tdkukv. city, funeral, residence, Salem, bark fllcn illud Juetice Dod«e.* A, I can't "««> » wrtfc It HEALTH OF NEW YORK. B. K«v3h.K, of Cuun., on Siinday at one o'clock. 1 thin BaveUw; li>; brig If T lluvllan Baltimore, lid. hakims a'ternoon, ffllli.ArrU B steamer Boxex, Nbrfoik; *lM«en Cere cas£. i a!ipr U) inoH<<w Baltimore and Frederick pajters please copy. Wy.vvk..Ou Friday, July 88, al'ti-r a loug and painful NYoric; Jersey Blue, do; ship dondola. bark The petroleum w*». k**r«arl.The cm? is put olT Thin delay on wbu^h she bore with Ohr gtuui Cleiifungos; purpeeely. VanctMMirr and UMfouu<t«d Wuitb.Wiclih..At Jefferson City, Mo , Friday, illness, fortitude, Maiiy, W Hp-U, Philadelphia; brig* L M Merrill, do. Auumidul Is got u|> for the purpose. I ami afraid It is, but 1 make no July 21, by tho Uev. F. Miller, Li ut-uani Colonel Frank wife of John Wyuue, aged 41 years. Mllxal). thport. 11 Kpidewlei Prevailing.RumorsNo and relativ e 87.Arr barks , large " J. Whitk, of New York, to Ciknkua F. Wklls, daughter The friends of the family are invited to BALT1MORR. July Mystery (Br), C»ughi Justice .Dodge .l could not powMbiy "go on with It; to tub editor ok t11b ii khali). of the late Hon. H. W. Weils, of tbo former place. No attend tiio funeral, from her late resideuce, No. ftl2 C'auai f'aMern: Isabella C JOWl. Shuw, CardiU'; m-hr Envoy. Brsi* it ii>« ten to rend the teatimoey. Bom m. Cld liurk Exchange (Br), Churehil. burlestoi would take days cltt insetltiiks dvahtmcnt, cards. street, tiiin (Saturday) afternoon, at one o'clock. Nickels. Phtlurook. E. Ik. OF THE TESTIMONY. Mr Stewart.I do not muan to be disrespect! ul, hut I No I# <"it* haij. chatham ) Will v...Ou Thursday, July 27, of Ki brUs Cath trine boston; (Br), Ben 50NTINUATION ovtr till s^uakk, strkbt, J consumption, iza, Antwerp; Hairy Br), Knlgbl, Neuvita*; schrs (viverCloui do hope you will noi put tho case September nkw yi.hu, July 28, 1^66. ) wife of the late Charles H. Wiilje, aged 24 years, o t>o.ik, Sau Andrea i: E J I' llui-r, Palmer. New llaveu; art' the last n«oui to be disrespectful to. Died. Suiab I'o Judge, you Tb«fo se 'ms to bo a region that the months and 14 days. It Wet more, Hall, N Yi»rk; Winze, Moore, tgbkeei Mr that'» it Go on, Sletirt. very general imp Akcukr..On Friday, July 28, of Gkokok and fri«-n'l» of tho are le, NY. Shi brig Echo ( Br). linuU'8.Oh, ' consumption, The relatives family respectfully Antwerp. ou" sooner, and 1 of the is uot as season us usaul at sou or Julia aud the lau; John of this in 2ii.«?ld schr D L Dean. Ne AN AMUSING SCENE IN COURT. Justice Dodge.It really tauuot go health i:ity good this 8., Archer, city, invited to attend the funeral, on Sunday afternoon, at BANGOR, July" Wentwortb, raunol it. You cau lake the ease out of this court the '23d year of bin aure. from the York. .... help tins timo or the year, aud it h:w been ruinorod that half-pa->t fo'ir o'clock, Simpson M. E. church, selir Union, Nior* (uud passed i, U> some other writ of rtiiiarari. Tho friends and relatives of the and also the RATH. July 2S.Arr by cholera and fever were To family, llud-on City, N. J. rli .-r), * Mil schr Maryland, Foster, Washington. Mi Stewart.Oh, we don't want to do that, Jud^e. Kpotted quite prevalent. members of tiie Bedford street Methodist Epi<sc.<iial Wooix.At Huntington, L. I., on Thursday, July 27, EAST (SHEKNWIOH, July 2&-An- schr J (ioodspee, ABOUT .lustlri* Dodge.well, I can't bo here counteract the evil effects of ttie.se rumors, I have caused church, ure respectfully invited to atleud the funerul, Fama i wife of Win. W. Wood. Pnrt. NYork. ALL. "GOING C?.\." i>ad to hem hiti late No. 47 street. on A., 1'6-Arr »chr» Mattbrw C Mr Stewart.It i too keep my client* an examination to be made of the records of this from ro.sidenco, Mncdoug.il *"|>HI III ii« «. ammmm..» FALL KIVER, July under couiiuemetit and lo hold witnesses over till Sep afternoon, at two o'clock, without further uotie<\Sunilay (ieor^etown, !»' (uot previous!*); II W Dm-l.eflrlnnell,Mt/s . which it there Crockford ai ' u scauSi-. from appears that bo far from AmUKTl'S. --On Friday, at MotI Haven, V. linrilm-r, do. Sid 27tli. schrs John .'ones, :mber b department, July 2.S, Y., i: K Vlclcery, Babbitt, Philadelphia; Jodkpb fc I'oUs, liol Mr. IJ.uiK'.oti, Ndillcsiieks, sir, you have ehurled the being auy foundation for these rmnorae, tlio general S.vmih. A-Luwtrus, after a lingering lllnce*, in tlio 4J1 SHIPPING NEWS. l>lt*x, ElizabethporI. T 11 E F 1 N A L E with delay: but if you look lit the record in much la.-.l year of h s age. 16. I'M.Arr schri Wllurd Saul , prosii'ii:wii health of the city hotter than at this season and friends of tlie and members alkakac fob iiev ro«l-tui« da*. HOLMES'HOLE, July you will llnd that on one day wiiun we were ready to "go The relatives family, 4 *oom mm evo 10 1< bury, Nlekeraoa, Philadelphia for Bo-tou; Hellle i». IImI throe ho ir* a* a y ar, and that there are much few.nr casus of malignant of Lod No. II, and No. slk ki«k< S31 do tor ('lurk, Vienna, Md, lor Ball on we had to wait long for you, vir, Ltiu (iotty 'c, Morrisaula l,o<lgd, 4'.£S, sum ksti 7 is). uina morn 12 20 liorn, Lynn; Rrdin^ton, mattor of sir. Ai lout tho ease went and dangerous disease. 1 enclose herewith copies of 1. (). of 0. F. lire resjiect ully invited a tend tho Apple E Martin, Brown, Boston lor Philadelphia. Hid scl courtesy.to you, between Or. Reg strar and Ito Solomon Francis (Br). over, ami ilonii you conns to the court shortly correspondence Ramsay, from hi* late residence, 145tli street. Molt liaven,funeral,on Seal. a ol" Sew Yoi k, 1805. 27tli.Arr hchr. RobeccaO Whllldln, Philadelpb hecau.ic we dkl not wait, i order, and myself, which 1 think will have tendency Monday morning, it ten o'clock. JPort July <S, tie Ths<-*Kn wis again on yesterday at the JofTeron ijiiite angry longer. afterwards,Mow, of auv on for Boston; Caroline C Smith, Barrett, do lor Lynn; to we waited an hour and a half. to di»ibuso the mind the public, and allay Rcainaup..At Ilirtford, Conn., oa Saturday, July 22, * ou, Kitrnhum, Elizabr for Saleiu; Compromls Pottoe before Juslice An and a again day fcai* which be entertained in to CLEARED. tbport Court, Dodge. hour Market Mr Smith (amu/.rd).Is ft possible to believe this dory nec.ssary ntuy regard Sakaii M., second daughter of Ciiario; II. and Mary J. Bremen via I'lcrce, New York lor liyannls, to raise the Br brig Flyiu vr.u* tlio healthiness of the city. 21 0 months and 1 Steamship Hansa (Brern), Von Santen, Eagle, Milnk from In contact with sebr John C Baite liuli lout beyond the hour of adjournment, wailing of our ucghgoueeorotmt*ion? What was tho duto of Brainard, aged year*. day. Oclrle s «t Co. being respectfully, your obedient Buayton..On alter a short . Southampton.night of 1Mb in.it: A Tlrrell, Wiggins, aud James 8 Hhindle for the arrival of counsel for the dtTor.ee. This circiim this occurreneei1 Very servarft, Friday, July 28, illness, Steamship CaleCouia (Ur), Kerrler, [Glasgow.> for An can't \ou K. I. A. Oily Inspector. Jo;iv J son ofCharles and Bonora :i Leo, Boston Philadelphia. Sid schrs Shooting Star, Mr Hanks.1 give any dates In the matter. BOOLE, , Brayton, aged y<ap--. <1 I'o. Macdonalil 3 Salter, Montezuma, .Nellie D, Wm A Di|bos<|. Kosclusk' stance, wuL ether delays and procrastinations in 'Voing I and now city inspector's The relatives aud friends of tho fain are reap New Orleans.O II Kosdlck. Mr. Stewart.No, Mr, believe you there, pvi'ap.tuknt, | ly cf'ully Sti'.imxliip Ila7.", I'enulngtnn, <k \nn Leonard iBr). Wtllard S.iulsbury, Redtngton, K en" with the case, gavo rise to a very amusing colloquy you wen "go on" because, as yo say, you have no 19 city iiai.l £qiarh chatham strkkt, > invited to attend ihj funeral, this (Saturday) afternoon, Steamship Louisa Moore, Weeks, Newborn, NO.Murray tVtillldiii, Caroline E Smith, (Jen hcott, Compromise, Janit occurred N'kw at. two from tho residence of his 124 Nephew. 1 s Sliiiidler. and luclK'rou scent: during tho The liret papers. This before, und then yon could not york, July 25, 1X63. I o'clock, parents, Ship t/uderwrlter, Searj. St John, NB.Cliai Cirow. proceedings. "go on" for waul of papain, Tins is again the exc use ctri'f ravsay, M. P., Registrar of Records and \Ve<t Nineteenth street. Hark A Hinekeu. MOBILE, July IS.Arr barkH Fleetwing, Rtilaml, and Kal witness was Marv Helena Sir).
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