. Morethan Joli 7 OPPOttjjnjj In help wanted NII_E:s SERVING OUR READER SiNCE1951 J?AT -SpinAT s L%BRA b 0141Y - 73 ,'... __'f_ 1k , a è:». « :-j - .. \\ \. ' 4 .\;: ' . "4 ¿ .. ' .. k1 TheMaineEastHigh School Chorus,under thedfrection ofRit Barnett,rehearsesforitupcoming production ofDisneJs "Beauty andthe Beast," Feb.29through March8.¡'age.5 Ptoo by Day. SNsdsFov Ronuer Aiu HEARTYCOOKING The Hearty Boys new cookbook includes rl a, ¿ * recipes for retro dishes ALL. AT YOURI(NGERTJPS,PHONE OR FACERDQK and comfort foods. iE A PAT OF 7pst »7 t( OF See Food, VISIT YRPli.PliK)I. page 55 i '2008 i; s3U.t4 LCheck outOakton got9.LS ÑO> I r-it,1d fromeveryangle. j.srcJ 3rlEIld irH j.SIQ.Aii8Il E;# . 003*.'..LOl,øoo4:oO .L Many classes begin later this spring. Applyand register online www.oakton.edu Des Plaines Skokie 847.635.1629 I L1rs 14, 2008 A Pioneer Press Publication A Pioneer Press Publication Thr "3maiy14,lO08 I3 NEWS NEIGHBORS Read what local voters had to say . Oscar may live in Hollywood, but hes about the presidential primaries. from Chicago. Pa,. 6 Paie 53 ai £fd. WbW. Now, thousands ofChicagoland { I .-' , Managing Editor:NicoleWagner (847) 696-3248Senior Editor - News: Carol Goddard -- ,.4., Open Houses have one address: [email protected] ' I [email protected] I (847) 486-7372 MAKE ROOM FOR GREEN TANGERINES BAIRD&WARNER ornan bai rdwarner.com AROUND TOWN ThIS WEEK LEADI NG IkEAL ESTATE Classes offered critical COMPANIES ts...byERYearealestatecompai* ,y'tIuI WORt I) Courses offered by the Al- liance for Lifelong Learning at after Oakton Community College areS . ________ *As entered into the MISPII by participating members. available evenings and week- k- ends at various locations. blaze How th Thind College Without By TONY BERTUCA For full details on these or any other Chicagoland home for sale, just enter the ID number in the "Quick Lookup" box at bairdwarner.com Going Broke (FIN E19-02), otTer- SIatt Writer ing tips on how to save thousands i [email protected] of dollars on a college education, I S r' will meet '7 p.m. to 9 p.m. today A 69-year-old Niles woman ' (Thursday) at Niles West High t, was still inì critical condition School, 5701 Oakton St., Skokie. Monday evening after suffer- The fee is $29. e4)r ing smoke inhalation from a NIA for Seniors (PED COI-01) . fire that broke out in the bed- is designed to improve flexibility h ' sei _ u room of her condominium a Park Ridge $915,000 NUes $814,900 Morton Grove $689,000Park Ridge $679,000Glonviow $650,000 c' a,e,, . for those "aging with grace." day earlier. Enceptiortal English Tudot n Coirntry Club on BunkerldI nolel beck 8 storIe 3br/3bth w/pre. 2 Sty colori,aI 90% new COflStft,CI,OIl, 4 b,/4 5 btIi, Great opportunity to tve on Park L,ko,Ctistorn tteautilully raidIr! 35012.IBA wlqtty (nslisl Cus ,,. 62n160 Iot.3 bdtms Heated gar, ID#74717307 munt fai potenteil ipd,iten 0874407335 1400. sqlt, fIn basement 0874407370 desgited Heated gir 6 pool, 0874717330 tarn KIT/sep DR/FIIPLC 10883158007 Neummuscular Integrative Ac- Nibs Deputy Fire Chief Patrtca Huston 847.823-1855 Detne Statort 773-775-1855 Georcjo J. N,cos,a 773-775-1855 Shriee EI,Icts 847-823-1855 Sheila Doyle 847.724-1855 --p tion combines modern dance, Steve Borkowki said firemen martial arts and i.ncient healing were called at about 12:35 a.m. forms. The five-week course will on Sunday to the woman's meet 10 a.m. to 11 a.m. Mondays Keith Banaszak, 17, and Anthony Sanders, 15, of the band, "Green Tangerines" perform together at the building on the 9000 block of sinning flab. 18 at the PmirieVew Hungry-I Variety Show. See page 8 for more from the 45th Annual Mission Mardi Gras. - Brian West Heathwood Drive. Community Centei 6834 Demp-. O'Mahoney/Statf Photographer "She was found laying on ster St., Morton Grove. The fee is the floor in the middle of the $63, 5-p, living room," he said. "She was lbr a complete class schedule . i'v;. Des Plaines $569,000 Lincoinwood $499,000Skokie $499,000Lincolnwood $480,500Lincolnwood $479,900 taken out of her apartment Custom colonial 88M 38R 2. 1 0th oak k,t fain im Spacoas 3 Ixhit,I2.lballi split-level,ltg sub- Rawly offered 3813 Foreuvow loaded w/upyadcs. Remodeled 6 yin acjo. 8rttin/Abdrnin/31,thscaneen- Move irr condition 3 bdrrrr/2 balli bi-levaI. Every. visit wwwoakton.edu/all, or call and put in an ambulance and lip'deck iiuge lot ¿lit 2 car 0574407376 basement ori cUl-de-sac 0874407275 Jaca::,, granito, l4dwd (Ir. 0873107255 anal homo. Hdwd firs, 2C gar 0874407309 tlrirrtj new whir past 5 yrs 101174407 I 64 (847) 982-9888, press 3. licito Yungerrnan 773-775-1855 PIiylls Kouiouka 773.775-1855 Mike Wallet 847.491.1855 Paulino breath 773-775-1855 Karolirr.t Ijubic 773-775-1855 Recycling options expand as sent to Lutheran General." Borkowski said that the woman had suffered smoke village adds 'green' measuresinhalation but was not ;IL P1SNEJff By KIT KADLEC more "green." outdoor cleaning chores. burned. UPCOMING N WEEK Slall Wriler And as Assistant Village Vinezeano said he's also The woman was later i transported in critical condi- kkadloc@plonoerlocalcom Manager Steve Vinezeanomaking the push to encour- Special-needs targeted said, the village has to startage Nies businesses to con-tion to Loyola Hospital in On Fèb. 21 the Maine ¶Ibwn- Old gym shoes and lightsomewhere. sider changing their lightMaywood. Skokka $459,900Morton Grove $450,000Skokie $398,000Nibs $379,000Skoldo $329,900 A spokeswoman from Downtown skokei new conttructon 2 I,djtn/2 bath Ouahly 4801381e renovated Capo 'Cod. New Updated 3011 2134 on I level. Newer lit, wndws, Great loelNear forcu pieervuhjolf cotiir.e.31,r Dit#68, ideal atarter, ttruck Ranch, 2135, Hdwd Ils, ship District 207 Next Steps Corn- bulbs. "We're trying to do ourbulbs and other such meas- petithouso conejo, 2 prat blcy 11#744D7147 wndw. doors, cet KIT. hrdwd (lis, 0883158001 (inc. Ad School Oat 73.5 108/3107155 2ba ra ni/loath of Potential. Loyola said that the woman 101114717290 Ill wIFf', Dit, nr Sirups. 01173107099 mittee will sponsor a presenta- It's a strange combina-part," Vinezeano said, "Ofures. But he realizes their Mary Robbinn 773-775-1855 Sheila Doyle 647.724-1855 Thea Shaw 847-491.1855 Patricia Iluntoti 847-82311155 Delia Joyce 847.491.1855 tionGotling Ready: Planning for tion, but those items arethose municipalities that domotivation in doing so willwas still in critical condition Life After High School, for par- now sought for recycling intheir part (environmentally),likely be more about savingMonday evening. Borkowski said state and r enta of students with learning NUes. Specifically, the vil-they always try to start withmoney than saving re- disabilities, from 6:45 p.m. to 8:30 lage -is looking for compactwhat's available, likesources. local fire officials were inves- tigating the cause ofthe blaze, I 4. IVI i; -: p.m. at Maine East High School, fluorescent light (CFL) bulbsgrants." "The cost of power will i I which did not move past the g , 2601 W Dempster St, Rirk Ridge. and old athletic shoes, such The shoe- and buib-recy-go up, and although it's a Attendees should enter through as those used for tennis, bas-cling project won't cost thegreen thought to reducewoman's bedroom. the field house entrance and fol- ketball or running. village anything, as effortsconsumption, you'll find Park Ridgo $329,000 Skokio $329,000Glonviow $299,900 Skoklo $279,900Northbrook $279,000 low the signs to the Flimily Gen- Starting this week resi-will be funded by grants ap-that most people in the busi- Newly duc 2br 2ba n the Gallery 1400 SIl. Hal,Iridy Vcry fiCO 4jttck Ranch. 30R,ldwd lits, LR+DR 2-SIy TI-I w/2 Mastcr lIRe,2.1 0TH &Ga- Lincoln R,dcr corner unitOpen Il plan,heated oar. LalOest Utilifl rirosi desirable bld. 3139/2 lull BAI ten Several experts will be on dents have been able. toplied for by Nues. ness community will look at In uite.AI.o lot rent 13874717050 combo, Kit o/EA, 2Ctjar. 13873107211 rage 0873157261 Lndry n unitElev 6 leal. 101174717145 Frplc, view of caurtyrdl 101173157242 Nuha .Ayoab 847-823-1855 Delia Joyco 847.491-1855 Geor9,a ¡'muni 547.724-1855 Jill OMalloy 847823-1855 Natalio Karrtur 847.724.1855 hand to discuss options for spe- drop the CFL bulbs off at Other ideas include us-where the most money can Sights cial-needs studenta, including the Nues Senior Center, 999ing more-efficient bulbs in'be saved," he said. college, certificate progthms, the Civic Center Drive, or thethe exit signs in village Village Attorney Joe An- trades and employment. Repre- Nues Public Services build-buildings to save on energynunzio, who heads the En- vironmental Committee, Sods sentatives will discuss necessary ing, 6849 Touhy Ave., andand costs, adding diesel For enhanced coverage 01 skills, and will work with parents bring old gym shoes to a re-retrouits on old village truckssaid he hopes to ask village people and places in your to develop a plan that accommo- ceptacle at the Nilesmilyto cut back on pollution, andtrustees to add NUes into the community, check out 4,,r_ . Fitness Center, 987 Civicencouraging residents toGreener Compact soon. co dates each child's abilities andin- Pioneer Press' videos at terests. 1kw . more information Center Drive. purchase a $40 rain barrel The Greener Compact is www.pioneerIocaI.com.
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