Friends of the ABC (NSW) Inc. quarterly newsletter March 2005 V ol 15, N o.1 incorporating background briefing national magazine STACKING THE ABC BOARD Cartoon courtesy Phil Sommerville FABC President, Gary Cook The Federal government’s deci- Brunton, a former senior fellow with the ABC board is to toe the same sion to appoint Janet Albrechtsen to the Institute of Public Affairs, a right ideological line as the government. the board of the ABC underscores its wing think tank that has been a The Liberal/National Coalition is the contempt for the national broadcast- fierce critic of the ABC. Ms only major political group in Australia er. Both major political parties have Albrechtsen is of the same ilk. Her that refuses to adopt as policy an been guilty of making political allegations of left-wing bias against independent method of ABC board appointments over many years, but the ABC have been augmented by a appointments. The true test is that . the Howard government has taken it spectacular public spat with Media to another level – it has the arro- Watch. Continued on Page 4 gance to appoint self-confessed opponents of the ABC. The Friends of the ABC believe all of them to be completely inappropri- Inside: The outrageous appointment of ate appointments. the conservative News Limited Christmas on the Dot….....................2 columnist is the latest in a growing Instead of moving towards a more The President’s Report…..................3 list. First there was Liberal Party independent and transparent pro- Radio National Funding Crisis...........5 powerbroker and Packer acolyte cess of board appointments such as ABC Shines in Tsunami ...................7 Michael Kroger, who pushed claims the Nolan Rules in the UK, intro- ABC Launches New Digital Channel.12 of bias against the ABC while on the duced by a Conservative govern- Board. All were comprehensively ment there, it seems that the only The Future of Public Broadcasting 13 rejected. He was replaced by Dr Ron prerequisite for being appointed to Around the Branches .................14-15 Page 1 CHRISTMAS ON THE DOT Mal Hewitt, Jim Grainda and Annie Nielsen from Parramatta Branch The NSW Friends annual shindig at Ultimo last December was bigger and better than ever. About 200 Friends were joined by a number of popular ABC presenters. Media Watch EP Peter McEvoy amd members of his team turned up to receive the Friends’ annual Excellence in Broadcasting Award. The award is given to the person or program we believe most in keeping with the aims and aspirations of the Friends of the ABC. Previous winners include Caroline Jones. Media Watch’s Alison McClymont, Peter McEvoy, and Trish Drum with the Friends’ Excellence in Broadcasting award. The pictures tell the story! Peter Brandscheid, Lisa and Allan Thomas from Hunter Kerry O’Brien got an enthusiastic welcome from Max Plumb Ming d’Iapico-Bien, Jessica Harwood, Janet Harwood FABC NSW President Gary Cook and Sunday Nights presenter, John Cleary Page 2 THE PRESIDENT’ S REPORT RN Funding Crisis It was a plea- mi), the ABC has excelled. The quali- sure to again ty of ABC correspondents is of the Despite Mr. Baldings assurances meet many mem- highest calibre and their reports from we are hearing regular and disturb- bers at our Annual disaster zones have been graphic, ing reports of vacancies not being Christmas Party informative and sensitive. filled, a lack of producers available, on 3 December programs being cut or adversely last at ABC When the monitoring results of affected and, while local radio is Headquarters. Our annual award for the ABC’s coverage of the 2004 achieving excellent survey results, "Excellence in Broadcasting" was Federal Election were released, it left Radio National is languishing at presented to the Media Watch pro- ABC critics no opportunity to level about 2% of the market. An emer- gram. Presenter David Marr has accusations of bias against the ABC. gency review of resources is being returned to his former role at the The monitoring process is assessed undertaken to find a solution, but, Sydney Morning Herald and a new for fairness and balance internally by with the report not due until the end presenter Liz Jackson of Four the Election Coverage Review of May, there are three more months Corners will host the program in Committee and externally by left in this financial year for Radio 2005. Rehame and Newspoll. National to struggle through. Fair and Balanced This year will see a significant It is a fact that, due to the nature shift in the political landscape. The Rehame found that, over the of its content, Radio National Howard Government, apart from requires a greater number of staff being returned in October, is set to campaign period, the ABC’s election coverage provided 44.6% share of than other less specialised ABC gain control of the Senate in July. No radio networks. Its programs involve doubt, the electorate voted accord- voice to the Coalition and 43.5% share of voice to the ALP. In a significant amount of research and ingly and many people would say they are generally of original material. "that is democracy in action". On the Rehame’s words, "These results other hand, the checks and balances demonstrate an even balance in the ABC’s media coverage for the dura- When the Government conducts that the Senate has provided for its review of the ABC’s management many years due to the balance of tion of the 2004 Federal Election campaign". Newspoll found that of its budget, the plight of Radio power not being controlled by the National needs to be highlighted. If Government of the day, could be "among those who have an opinion, community perceptions remain heav- there is a genuine commitment to the said to be more democratic. What Arts in this country, Radio National does this mean for the Friends of the ily weighted towards the ABC being unbiased in its reporting of news and should be clearly acknowledged as ABC? It means that we have to be the principal electronic communica- even more vigilant. current affairs and not biased in favour or against particular federal tion medium for the Arts in Australia. political parties". Future Campaigns The Friends will be holding a It is worth noting that, for the National Conference in Sydney over Relaxation of the cross-media the weekend of 16-17 April. Some ownership laws is certainly on the 2004 campaign, no written com- plaints were received from the cam- important issues are looming, in par- Government’s agenda. This would ticular:- work in favour of Packer and paign headquarters of any party. Murdoch and ensure a less indepen- ● The decision by ABC Director of The government’s intention to dent media. The importance and conduct a review of the ABC’s man- independence of the ABC is under- Enterprises, Robyn Watts, to with- draw the ban on the licensing and agement of its budget scored even more. ● supply of archival material to third Further appointments to the parties is welcomed. At the time that ABC Board Other potential issues which we ● A review by the government of will not only be keeping a watching the ban was imposed, we voiced our displeasure at what we saw as an the complaints procedure (forming brief over, but preparing to campaign part of the ABA replacement body on are :- opportunity for political figures to censor historical footage. After all, the which is expected to be in place by 1 ● Gradual commercialisation ABC’s Editorial Policies state that July 2005) ● (perhaps the SBS model) "ABC program material is a valuable, The ABC’s Triennial Funding ● Reducing the ABC to being a historical, cultural and commercial submission for 2006 (due to be sub- specialised broadcaster and not a asset". mitted by September 2005) comprehensive one by altering the ● Commercialisation by stealth ● ABC Charter ABC Managing Director Russell Digital radio and television ● ● Further cuts in the ABC budget Balding denied that there was a bud- Cross-media ownership get crisis at Radio National when Once again, when a major crisis quizzed before a Senate Estimates Gary Cook, President has occurred (the Boxing Day tsuna- Committee in late February. Page 3 STACKING THE ABC Ms Albrechtsen, who writes for The Australian authored by Neil The Australian, has been a fierce Brown, a former communications BOARD and unrelenting critic of the ABC. minister in the Fraser government. Continued from Page 1 I think it is fair to describe Ms Albrechtsen as an ideological the only non-executive Board member zealot, which, in itself, does not with a background in broadcasting is disqualify her from the ABC board. the staff elected director, Ramona Our problem is with the political Koval. Ms Koval described the latest balance on the ABC board, and appointment as "inappropriate.” with the appointment process. On her appointment, Ms In selecting commentators to Albrechtsen, in criticising Ramona appear on its programs, the ABC Neil Brown Koval for her comments, stated that is, quite properly, required to pro- "it’s not the place for a director to be vide a balance of opinion. But in Some members will recall that the talking about that in public" ….. selecting members of the ABC first cuts to the ABC budget so "discussions will take place at board board, the government appoints incensed devoted ABC listeners and level, which is where they ought to Ms Albrechtsen and other ‘usual viewers that they became mobilised take place". suspects’ time after time. and formed Friends of the ABC in 1976. Brown was a member of the When you get so many Directors government that was responsible.
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