Tudeh News International Bulletin of the Tudeh Party of Iran– June 2011 - No. 272 International Dept. Address: BM Box 1686 London WC1N 3XX Fax: (Berlin: 324-1627) (London: 208 -392 2653) e-mail:[email protected] - URL: http://www.tudehpartyiran.org and magnificent popular movement that Two years after the election coup came to the scene to protest against this anti- The Econo-Political national and violent coup not only wrecked the plots and plans of the perpetrators of the Bankruptcy of the coup to “calm down the situation” and Supreme-Leader-Installed “political stabilization” of the regime, but also proved that despite a four-year Government repression by the Ahmadinejad government, (Abridged from "Nameh Mardom", Central Organ of the anti-despotism and powerful social the Tudeh Party of Iran, No. 870, 6th June, 11) movement is still alive in the society. une 12th of 2011 marks the second The bloody and harsh suppression of the anniversary of the election coup popular protests against the infringement of J perpetrated by the Supreme [Religious] the votes of millions of citizens, which led Leader and the security and Guard forces to killing and injuring a large number of against the will of millions of Iranians who cast people and the arrest of thousands of their votes in the hopes of changing the anti- freedom campaigners, although could people and reactionary government of impede the widespread protests and street Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. During the past two demonstrations against the regime, but could years, tons of witness documents and data have not subdue the freedom movement and drive been released and made public about the extent it into isolation as the regime leader would of the election rigging orchestrated by the have imagined. The continuation of the Supreme Leader in collaboration with the struggle by the masses, and the eruption of security forces and Guard Corps and the extensive popular protests, for instance Council of Guardians of Constitution the during the funeral of Nasser Hejazi, the reaction that clearly reveal the Goebbels- popular football player, and the funeral of inspired lies of Ahmadinejad, the propaganda Mr. Sahabi [a leader of Freedom Movement apparatus of the regime and the outspoken and of Iran], and later massive protests against shame-faced supporters of the regime. the hideous crime of the regime that led to The election coup of the Supreme Leader not the death of Haleh Sahabi [in her father’s only was a demonstration of violent trampling funeral], all proved that the popular of the votes of millions of citizens, but also movement is still alive and learning from its burst any illusion about the realization of the experiences will employ various shapes and principle of Republic in the theocratic regime forms of struggle against the reaction. of Iran. The goal of the Supreme Leader and The two-year report card of the Supreme- the ruling reaction, that was fearful of yet Leader-appointed government is the one of a another May 23rd [when reformist Khatami was discredited and bankrupt institution, both in first elected in 1997] in Iran, was to crush the ethically and econo-politically, which today popular movement and establish a paramilitary is confronted with broad and growing regime in order to stabilize its political power criticism of its past allies. Pursuing anti- and to secure its long-term rule. The powerful people and devastating economic policies to Tudeh News, International Bulletin of the Tudeh Party of Iran June 2011 - No. 272 Page 1 of 6 protect the interests of the parasitic and economic statistics released in the recent bureaucratic capitalism, exacerbation of two years clearly indicate the outcome of the poverty and destitution, growing social government policies and the shocking reality malaise, and ever deepening of the gap of the current situation in Iran. Devastating between the poor and the rich, along with the growth of unemployment is one of the increasing political crisis which is growing consequences of the “economic deeper due to the attempts of Ahmadinejad and liberalization” which has created difficult his backers in the leadership of security forces conditions for millions of Iranians, and and Guard Corps to concentrate the econo- particularly the youth. In the latest 2010 political power in their own hands, are all Human Development Report by the United indications of the immense failure of the Nations Development Program, the theocratic regime of Iran in stabilizing the unemployment rate in Iran is reported at political grip, and are all a reproduction of the 33%. According to this report, the rate that serious and chronic crises that the regime has the youth entered the job market in the been dealing with in the recent decades. recent years did not match the rate of created There is no doubt that the global situation, and job opportunities. Among the total number particularly the popular movements that swept of the employed, about 43% have informal the carpet from under the despotic regimes in or temporary jobs. As reported in last Egypt and Tunisia, and recently in Yemen, and December by the [reformist] Kalemeh site, shook the pillars of the reactionary regime of “the official rate of absolute and partial Bahrain and other states in the region, would unemployment in the country is 30.1%.” certainly have an impact on the political With the economic liberalization and the developments in Iran. elimination of subsidies, the rate of To gain a better understanding of the situation unemployment increased, and that is why in Iran, let’s have a look at the socio-economic the coup government is not willing to state of the society and the increase of pressure publish the official rate... on the lives of millions of Iranian families. At Among other important economic indices the start of his term, Mahmud Ahmadinejad which could be considered clear criteria to was planning and hoping to attract the support measure the success of the policies of the of a vast majority of the disadvantaged current administration, are the economic population for his government by voicing development rate, the inflation rate, and the populist (demagogic) slogans about the fair and amount of cash liquidity. According to the just distribution of the nation’s wealth and Central Bank of Iran and other official addressing the destitution of the people. statistic sources, while the inflation rate has However, over the time, when the orientation exceeded 18%, the economic rate in Iran has of Ahmadinejad’s government in line with the plummeted and at the same time, the volume interests and demands of the grand capital of of cash liquidity has increased. The increase the country was exposed, and amid the in liquidity in the past two years has been aggressive implementation of neo-liberal more than 23%, and with the elimination of economic policies such as “economic the subsidies, this volume will sharply liberalization”, “targeted subsidies”, and hasty increase, leaving a major part of the cash in privatization of the industry, the working class the hands of non-productive capitalism of and the working people of Iran soon realized Iran, and particularly the grand mercantile the true nature of Ahmadinejad’s capitalism.... administration as a government against the The increasing exacerbation of the economic interests of the underprivileged of the society situation, the clash between the and launched, here and there, the struggle Ahmadinejad administration and his against these policies in various scenes. The security-Guard backers for the share of the Tudeh News, International Bulletin of the Tudeh Party of Iran June 2011 - No. 272 Page 2 of 6 wealth and political power, and also the particular the working class, and taking upcoming parliamentary “elections” and after advantage of the increasing divisions among that the presidential “elections” in which by the factions of the regime. As a result of the law Ahmadinejad cannot candidate, has stirred escalation of the economic crisis and the new challenges and tensions among the various increased pressure on the shoulders of factions of the regime. millions of working people, the people will The recent altercation between the Supreme lose their patience more than ever, and our Leader and its appointed government sparked nation will move towards a social explosion. by the action of Ahmadinejad to dismiss the We must fully prepare ourselves for the Intelligence Minister, and consequent to that, future battle against the anti-people regime intensified clashes between the Majlis of Iran● (Parliament) and the government and Statement of the Tudeh Party of Iran eventually Ahmadinejad apologizing to the Supreme Leader, not only did not mitigate the On the death of Hoda Saber: current political crisis, but also weakened the Another Tragedy Perpetrated position of Ahmadinejad’s government and made it even more difficult for the regime to go by the Mercenaries of the on with the status quo. Dictatorship th June 12 of this year arrives at a time when the ccording to the latest published popular movement once again gets ready for a reports, Hoda Saber, journalist and new battle with the Supreme Leader regime, one of the religious activists who and the encompassing econo-political crisis is Awent on hunger strike along with shaking the pillars of the installed government, Amir Khosrow Dalirsaani- one of the and in general the discredited theocratic other freedom fighters and political regime. The deep divide among the traditional prisoners in Iran- to protest against the death forces of the regime who were once the “pillars of Haleh Sahabi, died earlier today of of the legitimacy”, including a large part of the cardiac arrest. The death of Hoda Saber is clergy chiefs who denied to openly and clearly yet another tragedy perpetrated by the recognize the government that was installed judicial-security apparatus of the theocratic through the Supreme Leader coup; the shaky regime in Iran.
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