University of San Diego Digital USD Baseball (Men) University of San Diego Athletics Media Guides Spring 2003 University of San Diego Baseball Media Guide 2003 University of San Diego Athletics Department Follow this and additional works at: https://digital.sandiego.edu/amg-baseball Digital USD Citation University of San Diego Athletics Department, "University of San Diego Baseball Media Guide 2003" (2003). Baseball (Men). 20. https://digital.sandiego.edu/amg-baseball/20 This Catalog is brought to you for free and open access by the University of San Diego Athletics Media Guides at Digital USD. It has been accepted for inclusion in Baseball (Men) by an authorized administrator of Digital USD. For more information, please contact [email protected]. SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA - AMERICA'S FINEST CITY San Diego is truly " Ameri ca's Fines t City." A modern metropoli s (second largest in Cali fo rn ia) and a popular year-round resort, San Diego spreads fro m the coast to the desert, including cliffs, mesas, hills, canyons and valleys. San Diego also surrounds one of California's greatest natural harbors which has been a dominant factor in determining the city's history, economy and development. Meteorologists claim San Diego as the country's only area with perfect climate. This ideal year-round environment posts an average daytime temperature of 70 degrees, with an annual rainfall average of less than 10 inches. Most days are sunny, with humidity generally low, even in the summer. The climate, attractive setting and recreational facilities make San Diego "America's Finest City." .1 According to Sports Illustrated, "For sheer numbers of participants, diver­ sity of pursuits of involvement, San Diego must rank as the sports fitness capital of the U.S. " Sports are a major feature of the San Diego lifestyle. One can sail, swim, surf, scuba dive, snorkel, wind-surf on 70 miles of public beach or golf at any of the over 80 golf courses throughout the county. Balboa Park, a 1, 158-acre recreation and cultural center, offers 25 tennis courts, two gymnasiums, two municipal golf courses, and one of the nation's finest zoos. Mission Bay Park is a 4,600-acre playground for jogging, fishing, bicycling, tennis, golf, jet skiing and kite flying. As well as part1c1patrng in recreational activities, San Diego supports their professional teams - the NFL Chargers and the National League Padres play at Qualcomm Stadium. During college football bowl week, San Diego annually hosts the Holiday Bowl. Upcoming in 2003, Qual­ comm Stadium is slated to host the Super Bowl, and just recently the 1998 World Series between the San Diego Padres and the New York Yankees was held in America's Finest City. W hatever sporting activi ty there is, it's here in San Diego - the Sports Capital of the U .S.A. ,, <::-- ·- Un!versitr . '-'.-·· 2003 University of San Diego Baseball 1 Inside ... uso Baseball Facts: America's Finest City JFC 2002 Record: 39-23 Contents/Facts l WCC Record: 20- 12 (WCC Champions) Media Outlets 3 Home: 17-11 2003 Toreros 4-5 Away: 22-1 2 USO Coaching Scaff 6-8 2003 Torero Roster 10-11 2002 NCAA's: Mesa Regionals (1-2) Torero Bios 8-18 Head Coach: Ri ch Hill (5 'h season) 2002 Statistics 23 USD Record: 136-98-2 (.576) 2002 Year in Review 24 -25 Career Record: 469-318-2 (. 594) W es t Coast Conference 26-27 Schedule and Opponents 28 Assistant Coaches: O pponents and Sponsors 29 Sea n Kenny, S' h Year Torero Record Book 30-36 Mike Kramer, l" Yea r USD Support Services 37 -39 Volunteer Assistant: Discover USD IBC Craig da Luz , l " Year Colors: Columbia blue, navy , white Nickname: Toreros Conference: West Coast Home Field: Cunningham Stadium Junior slugger Lucas Wennersten Capacity: 1,200 Surface: Natural Grass Field Dimensions: LF- 309, CF- 395, RF- 329 USO Athletic Lettermen Returning/Lost: 18/7 Starters Returning/Lost: 5/4 Administration Baseball SID: Nick Mirkovich President Email: [email protected] Alice B. Hayes NCAA Faculty Rep. Mitch Malac howski Website: USDTOREROS.COM Athletic Director Baseball Phone: (619) 260-5953 Tom Iannacone Baseball Fax: (619) 260-77 50 Associate Athletic Director Dan Yourg Press Box Phone: (6 19) 260-8829 Associate Athletic Director/SWA SID Office Phone: (619) 260-4745 Jo-Ann N ester SID Fax: (619) 260-2990 Assoc. AD of Athletic Development Brian Fogarty WCC Office: (650) 873 -8622 Asst AD/Promotions & Marketing TBA Director of Athletic Facilities John Marcin Asst. Director of Athletic Facilities Andy Fee Assoc. AD/Media Relations Ted Gosen Assistant SID/Baseball Contact N ick Mirkovich Strength & Conditioning Coach Dean Aresco Asst. Strength & Conditioning Jimmy Giones Assoc. AD/Compliance M ike Matoso Academic Support Coordinator Shanty Fink Director of Intramurals/Recreation Gary Becker Athletic Ticket Manager Tony Vall e Head Athletic Trainer Carolyn Greer, M.A. , A.T. , C. Assistant AthleticTrainer/Baseball Pau l Si g nore II i Acknowledgements Student Trainers/Baseball 2003 San Diego Baseball Media Guide Photos: Brock Scott of Scott Photo; and Stan Li u Patrick Maloney, Produced by the USD Media Relations Office Printing : Kings Pri nting Corporation Travis Owens, Man Forest Assistant Trainers Design, Ed it & Layout: N ick Mirkovich Suzi Higgin s, Penny Goldberg west coast conference he West Coast Conference T is dedicated to providing opportuni ties for student­ athletes to achieve their fullest potential . both on the playing field and in the classroom. The eight wee member institutions span the western coast of the United States. from the pine forests of Eastern Washington. to the Columbia River Basin. to the dynamic San Francisco Bay Area and the • sunny beaches of Southern California . The league is characterized by the stability of its membership­ only two conferences have been together longer- and its unique emphasis on combining excellence ,n athletics with excellence ,n academics A nationally recognized and competitive force in intercollegiate athletics. the wee sponsors 13 sports: men's and women's basketball, soccer. tennis. cross country, and golf: baseball; and women's volleyball and rowing. The wee has produced 34 NCAA individual or team champions and numerous Academic All­ Americans. Many outstanding Wee student-athletes have also gone on to excel in professional sports The long and rich history of the wee demonstrates that success ,n intercollegiate athletics can be built on the foundation of values. character and academics. www.wccsports.com West Coast Conference - 1200 Bayhill Dr , Suite 302 - San Bruno. CA 94066 - 650 873.8622 phone - 650.873 7846 fax 2003 University of San Diego Baseball 3 Media Outlets NEWSPAPERS USO Ahledc Media BelaUons: SAN DIEGO UNION-TRIBUNE Jess Kea rn ey, Doug Wil liams , Media Relations Office Phone: .. ........... (619) 260-4745 Chuck Sca rr (Sporrs Ed itors) Media Relations Fax: .......... ....... ... ......... (619) 260-2990 Ki rk Kenney (College Baseball) Home Arena ....... .. .. ... ............. .... ... Jenny C raig Pavilion Ken ney Phone: (6 l 9) 290-2 195 Press Box Phone: ................. .. ... .... .... ..... (6 19) 260-8829 sports(glunionrri b.com USD Torero Hotline: ........ .. .......... ......... (619) 260-2323 PO Box 191 San Di ego, CA 921 I 2 Ted Gosen Home Phone: ....... ..... ........... (858) 486-3284 (619)293- 1343 Ted Gosen E-mail: ...................... [email protected] Fax: 260-5078 Nick Mi rkovich Cell Phone: ........... .. ...... 6 19) 995-01 17 NOR TH COUNTY TIMES ail: ········.······· [email protected] Nick Mirkovich E-m Steve Schofield , Gary Hyvone n Website ...... ............. ...................... www.usdtoreros.com (Sports Editors) Mailing Address ................... ... U niversity of San D iego David Hammel (USO Beat) USO Media Relations spon s@ ncrimes.com 5998 A lcala Park 207 East Pen nsylvania Ave. San Diego, CA 92 11 0 Escondido, CA 92025 (800) 200-160 1 Fax: (760) 740-5045 LOS ANGELES TIMES USD Head Coach R ich Hill West Coast Conference Bill Dwyre, Sporrs Ed itor spon s(Q"lar i mes.com ----Please visit sandiegobaseball.com for Media Relations: T imes Mirror Square extended coverage of college baseba ll in Los Angeles, CA 90053 the San Diego area. West Coast Confe rence Offi ce: (213) 23 7-7 145 Brad W alker ........................ Communicati ons Director Fax: (213) 237-7876 (858) 573 -6500 email ................ bwalker@westcoast. org Fax: 573 -6600 ASSOCIATE D PRESS W IR E: Jae Wilson ..... ...... Communications Assistant San Diego: SD - K US! 51-9 email ... ............... j [email protected] (6 19) 23 1-3587 Paul Rudy, Sports Director William Ki ss ... ..... .... Communicati ons Assistant Fax: 291-2098 Sreve Q uis, Sports emai I ......... .... ........ wkiss@westcoast. org Los Angeles: 4575 View ridge (2 I 3) 626- 1200 Office Phone . ...... ......... .. 6 50) 873-8622 LA San Diego, CA 92 123 LA Fax: (2 I 3) 346-0200 (858) 505-503315 71-6397 Office Fax .. ......... ....... .. 650) 8 73-7846 Fax:576-93 17 Website ............... ..... .. .. ... .......... www.wccsports.com TELEVISION FOX6 Mail ing A ddress .... West Coast Confe rence CBS- KFM B 8 Jeff Wyngaert, Sports Producer Bayhill Dr. Suite 302 Kyle Kraska, John Howard Katy Temple, Sporrs Bruno, CA 94066 7677 Engineer Road 8253 Ronson Road San Di ego, CA 92 1 I I San Diego, CA 921 I I (858) 495-7589 (858) 650-5489 Fax: 495-8645 Fax: 279-006 1 ABC - KGTV 10 USO Baseball Live on the lnterent! Jeff Cawley, Sports Director RADIO Games aired on www.usdtoreros.com Julie Browman , Anchor MIGHTY I 090 AM Browman Phon e: (6 19) 237-6372 3655 Noble Drive PO Box 85347 Suite #47 0 1-31 FRI TEXAS 2:00 PM San Diego, CA 92 I 86 San Diego, CA 92122 1:00 PM 2-1 SAT TEXAS (6 19)23 7-63 14 (858)453-8359 2-2 SUN TEXAS 1:00PM Fax. 527-0369 (858) 453-8734 2-7 SA T (DH) Texas Tech 12:00 PM Texas Tech N BC - KNS D 7-39 KCBQ.
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