Details of establishment registered with CPCSEA NAME OF THE ANIMAL DATE OF REGISTRATION RENEWAL Sl No. ESTABLISHMENT STATE HOUSE REGISTRAT NUMBER STATUS WITH ADDRESS FACILITY ION Eurofins Advinus Limited, Plot No.21&22, Phase II, 2/PO/RcBi/SL/99/ 27.02.2018 to 1 Peenya Industrial Karnataka Small / Large 09.03.1999 CPCSEA 26.02.2023 Area, P.B.No. 5813, Bangalore - 560 058, Karnataka Aurigene Pharmaceutical Services Limited, 3/PO/RcBi-S/RcBi- Discovery Research 14.03.2017 to 2 Telangana Small / Large 11.03.1999 L/99/CPCSEA Bollaram Road, 13.03.2022 Miyapur Hyderabad - 500 049, Telangana INTOX, Institute for Toxicological Studies 6/PO/RcBi/S/99/C 375, Uravade, 31.07.2017 to 3 Maharashtra Small 09.03.1999 PCSEA Pirangut-Uravade 30.07.2022 Road Tal.Mulshi, District-Pune-412 108, Maharashtra National Centre for Cell Sciences (An Autonomous 7/GO/ReBi/S/99/C Institution of the 10.03.2017 to 4 Maharashtra Small 09.03.1999 PCSEA Department of 09.03.2022 Biotechnology, Government of India NCCS Complex, Institute of Nuclear Medicine & Allied Sciences (INMAS) Govt of India, 8/GO/RBi/S/99/CP Ministry of 13.04.2017 to 5 Delhi Small 09.03.1999 CSEA Defence, Defence 12.04.2022 Research & Development Organisation, Institute of Nuclear Medicine & Allied Institute of Genomics & Integrative Biology 9/GO/RBiBt/S/99/ Centre for 11.04.2017 to 6 Delhi Small 09.03.1999 CPCSEA Biochemical 10.04.2022 Technology Council for Scientific & All India Institute of Medical Sciences 10/GO/ReBiBt/S/99 08.09.2017 to 7 (AIIMS), Ansari Delhi Small 09.03.1999 /CPCSEA 07.09.2022 Nagar New Delhi-110 029 Shreya Life Sciences Pvt. 11/PO/RcBi/S/1999 Limited 16.06.2017 to 8 Maharashtra Small 10.03.1999 /CPCSEA Pharmaceutical 15.06.2022 Division,B-9/2, MIDC, Waluj, National Institute of Mental Health and Neuro Sciences 12/GO/ReBi/S/99/ (Deemed 14.08.2017 to 9 Karnataka Small 10.03.1999 CPCSEA University), 13.08.2022 P.B.No.2900 Bangalore-560 029, Karnataka Wockhardt Research Centre D- 13/PO/RcBi/SL/99/ 4, MIDC, 20.03.2017 to 10 Maharashtra Small / Large 10.03.1999 CPCSEA Chikalthana, 19.03.2022 Aurangabad - 431 210, Maharashtra Indian Institute of Toxicology 32- A/1, 301,401, Usha- Shree”, 90/124C, Erandwane, 15/PO/RcBi/S/99/ 29.05.2017 to 11 Gangote Steet, Maharashtra Small 10.03.1999 CPCSEA Pune – 411 004, 28.05.2022 Maharashtra Old Address (KIM, 2057, Sadashiv Peth Vijaynagar Colony Pune-411 030, Central Military Veterinary Laboratory, 17/GO/RBi/S/99/C 13.04.2017 to 12 Sardhana Road Uttar Pradesh Small 10.03.1999 PCSEA 12.04.2022 Prayogshala, Meerut Cantt-250 001, Uttar Pradesh International Centre for Genetic 18/PO/ReBi/S/99/ Engineering & 28.03.2017 to 13 Delhi Small 10.03.1999 CPCSEA Biotechnology 27.03.2022 P.B.No.10504, Aruna Asaf Ali School of Life Sciences 19/GO/ReBi/S/99/ 20.03.2017 to 14 Jawaharlal Nehru Delhi Small 10.03.1999 CPCSEA 19.03.2022 University New Delhi-110 067 Centre for Cellular and Molecular 20/GO/RBiBt/S/99 30.03.2017 to 15 Biology,Uppal Telangana Small 10.03.1999 /CPCSEA 29.03.2022 Road, Hyderabad- 500 007, Telangana Indian Immunologicals 21/PO/RcBi-S/Rc- Limited, Road 11.04.2017 to 16 Telangana Small / Large 10.03.1999 L/99/CPCSEA No.44, Jubilee 10.04.2022 Hills,Hyderabad- 500 033, Telangana K.M. Kundnani College of 25/PO/ReBi/S/99/ Pharmacy, Jote Joy 07.02.2017 to 17 Maharashtra Small 11.03.1999 CPCSEA Building, Rambhau 06.02.2022 Salgaonkar Marg, Cuffe Parade, The Himalaya 26/PO/RcBi-S/Rc- Drug Company, 28.03.2017 to 18 Karnataka Small / Large 11.03.1999 L/99/CPCSEA Makali, Bangalore- 27.03.2022 562 123, Karnataka Defence Institute of Physiology & Allied Sciences 27/GO/RBi/S/99/C 28.04.2017 to 19 Ministry of Delhi Small 11.03.1999 PCSEA 27.04.2022 Defence, Lucknow Road, Timarpur, New Delhi - 110 054 Defence Food Research 28/GO/Re/S/99/CP Laboratory, 04.04.2019 to 20 Karnataka Small 11.03.1999 CSEA Siddartha Nagar, 03.04.2024 Mysore-570 011, Karnataka Piramal Enterprises Ltd, (Piramal Health Care Ltd.) (Piramal Life 29/PO/BRc/S/99/C Sciences Limited) 11.03.2011 to 21 Maharashtra Small 11.03.1999 PCSEA No.1, Nirlon 10.03.2014 Complex, Off: Western Express Highway, Near NSE Complex, Goregaon (East), Vittal Malaya Scientific Research Foundation, 94/3 30/PO/Rc/S/99/CP & 94/5, 23rd Cross, 11.03.2014 to 22 Karnataka Small 11.03.1999 CSEA 29th Main, BTM II 10.03.2019 Stage, Bangalore – 560 076, Old Address International Institute of Biotechnology and Toxicology 31/PO/RcBi-S/RcBi- 11.05.2017 to 23 (IIBAT), Tamil Nadu Small / Large 11.03.1999 L/1999/CPCSEA 10.05.2022 Kancheepuram District, Padappai- 601 301, Tamil Nadu Panacea Biotec Limited, R & D pending since 24 32/99/CPCSEA Vaccine and Delhi 11.03.1999 2008 Biological, A-224, Okhla Industrial National Institute of Malaria Research, (Indian Council of Medical Research), 33/GO/ReBi/S/99/ 25.04.2017 to 25 (Ministry of Health Delhi Small 11.03.1999 CPCSEA & Family Welfare, 24.04.2022 Govt. of India), No.2, Nanak Enclave (Radio Colony), Delhi-110 009 Central Drug Research Institute, (Council of Scientific and 34/GO/Re-SL/Bi- Industrial 13.04.2017 to 26 Uttar Pradesh Small / Large 11.03.1999 S/99/CPCSEA Research), Post Box 12.04.2022 No.173, Chattar Manzil Palace, Lucknow - 226 001, Uttar Pradesh Jai Research Foundation, Post 35/PO/RcBi/SL/99/ 11.04.2017 to 27 Box No.30, Gujarat Small / Large 11.03.1999 CPCSEA 10.04.2022 G.I.D.C., Vapi - 396 195, Gujarat Biological E.Limited, 18/1 & 36/PO/RcBi-S/RC- 28.04.2017 to 28 3, Azamabad, Telangana Small / Large 11.03.1999 L/99/CPCSEA 27.04.2022 Hyderabad - 500 020, Telangana Ministry of Defence, Defence R 37/GO/Rbi/S/99/C & D Establishment, Madhya 23.03.2018 to 29 Small 11.03.1999 PCSEA Jhansi Road, Pradesh 22.03.2023 Gwalior-474 002, Madhya Pradesh National Institute of Immunology, 38/GO/ReBi/SL/99 20.03.2017 to 30 Aruna Asaf Ali Delhi Small / Large 11.03.1999 /CPCSEA 19.03.2022 Marg, New Delhi- 110 067 C.U.Shah College of Pharmacy, S.N.D.T. Women's 39/PO/Re/S/99/CP 14.08.2020 to 31 University, Sir Maharashtra Small 11.03.1999 CSEA 13.08.2025 Vithaldas Vidya Vihar, Santacruz (West), Mumbai- APT400 049, Testing and Research Pvt. Ltd., (Formerly National 40/PO/ReBi/S/99/ Toxicology Centre), 07.06.2019 to 32 Maharashtra Small 11.03.1999 CPCSEA S.No. 36/1/1, MN. 06.06.2024 199, Vadgaon Khurd, Pune - 411 041, Maharashtra Serum Institute of India Pvt. Ltd, (Poonawalla 41/PO/RcBi/S/99/ Biotechnology Park 10.03.2017 to 33 Maharashtra Small 11.03.1999 CPCSEA SEZ), Manjari 09.03.2022 Budruk, Tal. Haveli. Dist. Pune - 412 307, Indian Animal Suppliers, 417/8, 42/PO/Bt/S/99/CP 25.04.2017 to 34 Pandariba Uttar Pradesh Small 11.03.1999 CSEA 24.04.2022 Charbagh, Lucknow - 226 019, National Institute of Virology, (ICMR)-Min.of Health & Family 43/GO/ReBi/SL/99 Welfare, Govt. of 10.03.2017 to 35 Maharashtra Small / Large 11.03.1999 /CPCSEA India), 20-A, 09.03.2022 Dr.Ambedkar Road, Post. Box No.11, Pune-411 001, Maharashtra Punjab University, 45/GO/ReBiBt/S/99 Punjab University, 24.10.2017 to 36 Punjab Small 11.03.1999 /CPCSEA Chandigarh - 160 23.10.2022 014, Punjab Post Graduate Institute of Medical Education and 47/GO/Re-SL/Bi- Research(PGIMER) 21.02.2018 to 37 Punjab Small / Large 11.03.1999 S/99/CPCSEA Department of 20.02.2023 Experimental Medicine & Biotechnology, Indian Institute of Science, 48/GO/ReRcBi- Department of 01.05.2017 to 38 Karnataka Small / Large 11.03.1999 S/Re-L/99/CPCSEA Central Animal 30.04.2022 Facility, Bangalore - 560 012, Karnataka Central Food Technological 49/GO/ReBi/S/99/ 23.03.2017 to 39 Research Institute, Karnataka Small 11.03.1999 CPCSEA 22.03.2022 Mysore - 570 020, Karnataka Dey's Medical Stores 50/PO/ReBi/S/99/ 15.12.2016 to 40 (Manufacturing), West Bengal Small 11.03.1999 CPCSEA 14.12.2021 Limited-Factory, Bondel Road, SmtKolkata Sarojini - 700 019, Ramulamma 51/PO/Re/S/99/CP 29.06.2018 to 41 College of Telangana Small 11.03.1999 CSEA 28.06.2023 Pharmacy, Sheshadrinagar, Panacea Biotec Limited, Lalru, Ambala- 53/PO/RcBi/S/99/ Chandigarh 12.05.2017 to 42 Punjab Small 11.03.1999 CPCSEA National Highway, 11.05.2022 Village: Samalheri, Dist. S.A.S. Nagar, Punjab - 140 501 Indian Institute of Toxicology Research, 54/GO/ReRcBiBt/S 28.03.2017 to 43 (Industrial Uttar Pradesh Small 11.03.1999 /99/CPCSEA 27.03.2022 Toxicology Research Centre), Mahatmi Gandhi Institute of Microbial Technology, (A 55/GO/ReRcBiBt/S constituent 13.04.2017 to 44 Punjab Small 11.03.1999 /99/CPCSEA Establishment of 12.04.2022 CSIR), Sector 39-A, Chandigarh-160 036, Punjab Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Department of 56/GO/ReBi/S/99/ 14.03.2017 to 45 Biological Sciences, Maharashtra Small 11.03.1999 CPCSEA 13.03.2022 Homi Bhabha Road, Colaba, Mumbai - 400 005, Maharashtra Sanjay Gandhi Postgraduate Institute of Medical 57/GO/Re/SL/Bi/S Sciences, Centre for 28.04.2017 to 46 Uttar Pradesh Small / Large 11.03.1999 /99/CPCSEA Endocrine Sciences, 27.04.2022 Raebareli Road, Lucknow-226 014, Uttar Pradesh Natural Remedies Private Limited, Plot No.5B, 19th 59/PO/ReBi/S/99/ 23.07.2019 to 47 K.M.Stone, Karnataka Small 11.03.1999 CPCSEA 22.07.2024 Veerasandra Industrial Area, Hosur Road, Ayurveda Research Centre, 2nd Floor, Mortuary Building, Above CCBL, Seth G.S.Medical 60/PO/ReBi/S/99/ 11.05.2017 to 48 College & Hospital, Maharashtra Small 11.03.1999 CPCSEA 10.05.2022 King Edward VII Memorial Hospital, Parel, Mumbai - 400 012, Maharashtra Adichunchanagiri Biotechnology and Cancer Research Institute, 11.03.2011 to 49 62/99/CPCSEA Karnataka 11.03.1999 Balagangadharanat 10.03.2014 ha Nagara - 571 448, Nagamangala Taluk, Mandya Dabur Research Foundation, 22, 64/PO/RcBi/S/99/
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