Volume 13 Issue 23 News Desk - Tel: 076-236555June 10 - 19, 2006 Daily news at www.phuketgazette.net 25 Baht NOW IN YOUR PHUKET GAZETTE EVERY WEEK (Island copies only) IN THIS ISSUE LONG LIVE NEWS: Limos give ground to keep concession; Land Office chief moves to allay property bust fears. Pages 2 & 3 INSIDE STORY: On board the love boat MV Doulos. THE KING! Pages 4 & 5 AROUND THE REGION: Biorock on a roll off Koh Taen. Entire nation celebrates HM’s Diamond Jubilee Page 7 AROUND THE ISLAND: Driving licenses for computer geeks. ixty years ago, on problems, needs and hopes into Page 10 June 9, 1946, the serious consideration, and acts 19-year-old Prince upon them as much as he can. PEOPLE: The Moffats. The Bhumibol ascend- He believes in effective who? No, The Moffats. ed the throne af- communication between ad- Pages 12 & 13 ter the tragic death ministrators and the public. He LIFESTYLE: Footie fashion; Sof his brother, King Ananda. once said, in a speech delivered cocktails. Pages 14 & 15. This brought significant to the United States press dur- SPA MAGIC: SpaNakarn. changes to the young King. The ing his state visit to that coun- Page 18 first change was his education. try, that the press and the King ON THE MENU: An astound- HM King Bhumibol Adulyadej share the common responsibil- ing restaurant. Page 19 switched his field of study from ity, that of understanding the science to political science and public. BETWEEN THE LINES: The case law when he returned to Throughout his 60 years for corruption. Page 25 Lausanne, Switzerland. The on the throne, the King has not NATURE NOTES: The ‘truly other changes were in his per- lived a fairytale existence. unique’ mudskipper. sonal life. Rather, he has shown his Page 27 His life was no longer for people the benefits of a simple, BUSINESS & MONEY: Property himself, but for his people. In self-sustained life. tax boom; Money Talks. his Oath of Succession to the He turned the grounds of Pages 30 & 31 throne at his Coronation on May the Chitralada Palace into an 5, 1950, the young King said, experimental farm, breeding SPORT: ACYC Race Series; “We will reign with righteous- dairy cattle, growing fish and Kayak racing.Pages 32 & 33 ness for the benefit and happi- planting rice. PROPERTY: Home of the ness of the Thai people.” His These farming activities Week: Cape Panwa; Decor: activities since then have proved demonstrated integrated farm- Orchids; Construction: Dara- the truth of these words. ing techniques and showed how samuth School; Gardening: HM The King is the first they might be used by his people What a state. Pages 34-37 Thai king to have visited all the to better their living standards provinces of the kingdom, es- using available resources. PLUS pecially those in Isarn, which The products from his have the fewest natural re- royal farm are distributed to his QUEER N EWS 6; AROUND THE NA- sources. He has traveled by people either through agencies TION 8; TRAVEL 11; HAPPENINGS helicopter, jeep, train, boat or such as the Department of 16; PHUKET DIARY, TIME MA- even on foot, if necessary. He His virtue, coupled with di- During his “fact-finding” Fisheries or the Ministry of CHINE 17; MOTORING 20; TAKE A continued in this way until re- rect communication with his trips, he not only listens to local Agriculture, or through various BREAK 21 & 22; HOROSCOPES, DOVEN 23; EDITORIAL, LETTERS, cently. Now, however, his people through his innumerable officials, but also solicits first- marketing outlets. ISSUES & ANSWERS 24 & 25; health no longer permits him to visits, gives him valuable insight hand information from farmers, As an educator and intel- BOOKS, OUTSIDE IN 26; COMPUT- make such visits as he under- into his people’s lives and prob- agricultural workers, monks and lectual, the King often gives ERS 28; CLASSIFIEDS 38 – 47. took in his younger days. lems. village elders. He takes their Continued on Page 2 2 PHUKET GAZETTE NEWS June 10 - 16, 2006 Entire nation celebrates 60-year reign of HM King Rama IX The Great From Page 1 monastery in a poor village asked him for a new ubosot, HM The King indeed gains love and respect from people around him food for thought. These insights are the chapel of a Thai monastery. People expected that his people due to his humanistic ideals, his beautiful sometimes made public, becoming “food for thought” HM The King would provide a lot of money for a splen- spirit and his true love for his people. for Thai society at large. did building. But he must have observed the poverty around Only one thing would he ask of us in return, on Taking the Thai practice of placing a gold leaf in the monastery, so he gave only simple materials such as this very special occasion, and that is that we be dedi- front of a Buddha image – with the expectation that wood and corrugated iron sheets. cated to our duty and see our country as the very es- other people will see what has been done – HM The The lesson learned from this was that a monastery sence of ourselves. King once suggested that his people instead place the must be in harmony with the people who live around it. The wonders HM The King has contributed to gold leaf behind the image, out of public view. This com- Clerics should live in the same way as their followers. our country over the past 60 years were recognized municated the idea that good deeds should be done for Words are not enough to express the warmth and when, on May 26, the United Nations Secretary-Gen- their own sake and that we should not expect anyone to happiness Thai people have enjoyed under the 60-year eral Kofi Annan presented His Majesty with the UN see or know what we did. The reward is simple self- reign of HM King Bhumibol. On the 60th anniversary of Development Program’s first Human Development satisfaction. his accession to the throne, the entire nation along with Lifetime Achievement Award. HM The King’s philosophy of life is often com- Thais living overseas share the same feelings of love and LONG LIVE OUR BELOVED KING! bined with an appropriate action. Once, an abbot of a respect for our King as the nation did 60 years ago. – Pimpaporn Suwatthigul Limos give ground to keep concession By Janyaporn Morel be renewed under the following “If the limousine service is conditions: First, the PBC must to be expected to lower its prices PHUKET CITY: The Phuket accept price controls imposed by then the AAT must also agree to Limousine and Business Services the province; second, it must ac- lower the concession fee. How- Cooperative Ltd (PBC) is to have cept a meter-taxi desk at the air- ever, at the moment, the AAT is its concession to operate limou- port; third, it must agree to the waiting for instructions from its sines at the airport renewed but low-cost bus service for the air- head office in Bangkok,” K. Nivit members will have to agree to a port; and finally, it must improve explained. number of conditions. standards of service. “Today I assigned the AAT The news came after both “There can be no more in- and the Phuket Provincial Trans- Phumtham Vejyachai cuts a ribbon to officially open the new terminal. the PBC and the Airports Author- cidents of passengers being taken portation Office to draft a list of ity of Thailand (AAT) asked the on detours to shops or dropped the conditions PBC must agree New Krabi Airport terminal opens Provincial authorities to intercede off only halfway to their destina- to. We will then meet again to sign in negotiations. The current con- tions,” K. Nivit said. the agreement,” he concluded. KRABI: Phumtham Vejyachai, Deputy Transport Minister, officially cession agreement is due to ex- Niphon Piromrit, Secretary ASSURANCES opened a new four-floor domestic-passenger terminal at Krabi In- pire at the end of this month and of the PBC, told the Gazette, ternational Airport on May 18. the PBC had been concerned that “The PBC will have to sign the “We asked for provincial help Pisarn Jinacharn, Director of Krabi International Airport, said, the AAT would not extend it. agreement within the next couple because we heard that the AAT “At the moment Thai Airways International and low-cost carrier Thai The announcement was of days. They have said, however, might not renew our concession Air Asia operate daily flights between Bangkok and Krabi. I have made by Phuket Provincial Chief that before they sign they want because they wanted to hold an also heard that One-Two-Go, operated by Orient Thai Airlines, will Administrative Assistant (Palad) assurances about where the bus auction for transport services at start flying to Krabi, although this has yet to be confirmed. Nivit Aroonrat at a meeting held and meter-taxi stands will be lo- the airport. They also complained “We have also expanded the parking apron so that it is large on June 5. K. Nivit announced cated, and guarantees that the about our service. enough to hold three Boeing 747s. We and our contractor are now that the concession will be ex- number of taxis will not rise. “We were very concerned planning to build a new international terminal as well as a new run- tended, but only if the PBC ac- “I have assigned the AAT because, if the AAT didn’t renew way and taxiway.
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