3546 THE LONDON GAZETTE, 15 JUNE, 1954 Katrichenko, -Basil (known as Basil Katriczewski): Kowtun, Tatjana Sina; Poland; Domestic; Union of Soviet Socialist Republics; Student; Salvation Army Mothers' Hospital, 143, Lower 171, Morland Road, (East Croydon, Surrey. 29 Clapton Road, London, E. 5. 20 May. 1954. April, 1954. Kram, Wilhelm; Germany; Farm Worker; Katriczewski, Basil. See Katrichenko, Basil. Butterhills, Knaresborough, Yorkshire. 8 May. Katriczewska, Lidia; Union of Soviet Socialist 1954. -Republics; Language 'Teacher; 171, Morland Kraukle, Adolfs Jekabs Mikelis; Latvia; Master •Road, East Croydon, Surrey. 29 April, 1954. Mariner; 22, Delaval Road. Whitley Bay. Katz, llona Helene ; Hungary ; Finisher (Dresses); Northumberland. 20 April, 1954. 98, Chevening (Road, 'London, N.W.6. 29 March, Krauss, Friedrich Erich Oskar ; Germany; Plumber; 1954. 15. Norris Road, Reading, Berkshire. 29 March. Kaul, Engelbert Gabriel; Germany; Builder's 1954. Labourer; S, Council Houses, Toot Hill, near Krawczyk, Jan. Viktor; Poland; Semi-skilled Ongar, Essex. 10 May, 1954. (Labourer; 16, Hammond Road, Southall. Kaunert, Andreas. See Kaunert, Andrei. Middlesex. 12 April, 1954. Kaunert, Andrei (or Andreas, known as Andrew Krivanek. Frantisek Milos ; Czechoslovakia ; Clerk; Kaunert); Roumania ; Agricultural Labourer ; Oldfield House, Elm, near Wisbech, Cambridge- 12. Lawns Crescent, Little Downham, near Ely, shire. 29 April, 1954. Cambridgeshire. 22 April, 1954. Krupowicz, Konstanty ; Poland ; Tool Fitter ; 20, Kaunert, Andrew. See Kaunert, Andrei. Buxton, Gardens, London, W.3. 8 May, 1954. Kaye, Ludwik Augustyn (formerly Ludwik Augustyn Krykant, Tadeusz; Poland; Security Officer; 51, Krzakala); Poland ; Salesman ; 6, Wright's Road, Church Drive. London, N.W.9. 12 April, 1954. London, S.E.25. 20 April, 1954. Krypczyk, Foranciszek Robert; Poland; Builders' Kazmierczak, Maksymilian Boleslaw; Poland; Labourer; 77, Quantock Road, Bedmi-nster. (Motor Body Builder ; 5, Westwick Drive, Lincoln. Bristol 3. 29 April, 1954. 7 April, 1954. Krzakala, Ludwik Augustyn. See Kaye. Ludwik Kelesidis, Anastasios ; Greece ; Textile Labourer ; Augustyn. 15, Portland Road, Range Bank, Halifax, York- Krzysiak, Stefan; Poland; Coal Miner; 55, shire. 8 May, 1954. Waverley Avenue, Bedlington Station, Northum- Kennedy, Robert. See Drohomirecki, Wlodzimierz. berland. 12 April, 1954. Kent, Edmund. See Ksiezopolski, Edmund. Ksiezopolski, Edmund (known as Edmund Kent); Kepa, Stanislaw; of no nationality; Serving in Her Poland ; Coal Miner ; 15, Henshaw Avenue, Kirk Majesty's Forces. 12 April, 1954. Hallam, Derbyshire. 14th May, 1954. Kewan, Marion Hilda (formerly Marion Hilda Ku'biak, Piotr; Poland; Caretaker ; " Rose Lea." Ku'hn); Czechoslovakia ; Housewife ; 10, Heath Ickburgh Road, Mundford, near Thetford. Drive, London, N.W.3. 12 April, 1954. Norfolk. 12 April, 1954. Kewan, Paul George (formerly Paul George Kuhn); Kuczynski, Marian; Poland ; Engineer's Labourer; Czechoslovakia; Company Director (Food Mer- 27, Chassum Street, Heaton, Bradford, Yorkshire chants); 10, Heath Drive, London, N.W.3. 12 20 April, 1954. April, 1954. Kuhn, Marion Hilda. See Kewan, Marion Hilda, Kisiel, Wlodzimierz ; Poland ; Shop Assistant; 76, Kuhn, Paul George. See Kewan, Paul George. Angle Park Terrace, Edinburgh 11, Midlothian. Kupke, Otto Fritz Bernard; Germany; Carpenter 20 April, 1954. and Joiner; 57, Alston Street, Ladywood, Kiss, Jozsef. See Galvacs, Jozsef. Birmingham 16, Warwickshire. 8 May, 1954. Kitic, Dobrisav; Yugoslavia; Labourer; 1, Far Kutorga, Elisabeth. See Kutorgaite, Elisabeth. 'Highfield, Oakworth, near Keighley, Yorkshire. Kutorgaite, Elisabeth (known as Elisabeth 3 April, 1954. Kutorga); Lithuania; Typist; 77, Priory Road, Klama, Jozef; Poland; Weaver; 19, Beadon London, N.W.6. 7 April, 1954. Avenue, Waterloo, -Huddersfield, Yorkshire. 12 Kuznioki, Mikolaj; Poland; Hall Porter; Black April, 1954. Horse Hotel, Horsham, Sussex. 8 May, 1954. Klein, Cornells ; Netherlands ; Butcher ; 10, Bowden Rwapisz, Bronislaw; Poland; Coal Miner; Drive, 'Hornchurch, Essex. 29 April, 1954. 7, Oxford Street, Barasley, Yorkshire. 8 May, Klepanda, Kazimierz; Poland; Bricklayer and Mason; 13, Martins Lane, Barrington Street, 1954 Tiverton, Devon. 29 April, 1954. (Labuszewski, Paul. See Labuszewski, Pawel. Klos, Henryk Zygmunt; Poland; Agricultural Lalbuszewski, Pawel (known as Paul Labuszewski); Labourer; 19, Bank Street, Alyth, Perthshire. Poland; Coal Miner; 168, South Glencraig, 29 April, 1954. Lochgelly, Fife. 3 April, 1954. Knoll, Ernest; Poland; Chef; 28, Vicarage Road, Lack, Ernest Nicholas: Hodgkinson ; Of no St. Agnes, Corwall. 12 April, 1954. nationality; Serving Officer in Her Majesty's Kochanski, 'Henryk; Poland; Company Director Forces. 12 April, 1954. (Electro Plating); 26, Carmalt Gardens, London, Lacon, Margaret Julia ; United States of America; S.W.15. 3 April, 1954. Trainee Catering Manageress ; N.A.A.F.I. 709 R., Koenig, iFritz; Germany; Grocer; 2, Brownhill \Royal Citadel - Barracks, Plymouth, Devon. Crescent, Hudson 'Road, Leeds 9, Yorkshire. 29 8 May, 1954. April, 1954. Lahoysky, Michael; Citizen of the Union of Soviet Kolasiewicz, Mieczyslaw Jan; Poland; Free Stock Socialist Republics; Labourer; 21, All Saints' 'Record Clerk ; 129, Nottingham iRoad, Lough- Road, London, W.ll. 10 May, 1954. borough, Leicestershire. 12 April, 1954. Lai, Yee Ben; China; (Laundry Proprietor; 178, Kolbe, Otto Johann ; Germany; Drainage Worker ; London Road, Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire. Hogsthorpe House, Thames Street, Hogsthorpe, 8 May, 1954. near Skegness, Lincolnshire. -8 May, 1954. Lake, Alfred. See Lukomsky, Abraham. Lakstigala, Arnolds; (Latvia; Coal Miner; 94, Koleczko, Gerhard ; Poland ; Coal Miner ; 5, Ossian Bickershaw Lane, Abram. Lancashire. 7 April, Crescent, Methil, Fife. 29 April, 1954. 1954. Kolodziejczyk, (Edward Franciszek; Poland: Landau, Manfred; Poland; Certified Accountant; Labourer; The Villas, Twigwdrth, near 149, Dollis Hill Avenue. London, N.W.2. 7 April, Gloucester. 8 May, 1954. *' 1954. Komar, 'Leo. See Mojeyko, Leo. Landau, Saibine; Poland; Housewife; 149, Dollis KonatowskL, -Antoni; Poland'; Chef; 4, Faulkner Hill Avenue, London, N.W.2. 7 April, 1954. House, 'Ranelagh Estate, London, S.W.15. Langpwski, Benedykt; Poland; Mobile Crane 29 April. 1954. Driver; 13, Alexandra Road, (London, E.18. Koroschetz, Sieghart Franz; Yugoslavia; Baker; 10 May, 1954. 73, Worcester Road. Droitwich, Worcestershire. Larsen, Thoralf Lorang (known as Ralph Lawson); 7 May, 1954. Norway; Motor Engineer; 11, Bexley-Avenue, Koseda, Fabian Alfons (known as Faibian Alphonse Harehil-ls Road, Leeds 8, Yorkshire. 14 May, Koseda) ; Poland; Clerk ; 98c, Halifax Old Road, . 1954. Birkby, Huddersfield. Yorkshire. 10 May, 1954. (Larznitsky, Israel (known ' as Israel Lazinsky); Koseda, Fabian Alphonse. See Koseda. Fabian (Russia; Company Director (Footwear); Lorna Alfons. Doone, Fountayne Road, London, N.16. 29 April, Kowalenko, Iwan. See Nemzow, Iwan. 1954. Kowalzik, Eric Henry; Germany; Farm Worker; lLaslberg,-Johannes; Estonia; Ship's Engineer; 12, Rose Cottage, Figheldean. Wiltshire. 12 April, Westhall Gardens, Edinburgh 10, • Midlothian. 1954. 29 April, 1954..
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