r -LADYSMIT'H ~ ~ BLACK MAMBAZp ~ We feel that we now have many friends around the world. We are happy that people listen and ask us to sing, and we would like to explain more about Ladysmith Black Mambazo, the music. we sing, and tell you aJ.Jout us and about our people. Many people around the world would Uke explanations to many things. As we explain these things you will know us better and we hope this helps you enjoy our songs even though you do not speak Zulu. People ask us about our group's name, LADYSMITH BLACK MAMBAZO. But first, we tell them, came lscathlmlya, which Is the music. we sing. Scathlmlya came from the coal mines In Natal. Scathlmlya refers to a kind of dance, a walking on ones toes. Silently, Ughtly. Singing has always been part of the Zulu culture. Groups of men would compete against one another, at the camps of the mine workers, singing their songs and dancing to their harmonies for emphasis. It Is the music of men missing their homes and their women • It Is sometimes referred to as "cothoza mfana" or "Ngomabusukl" - songs sung at night, after the bosses have gone away. Songs of praise and work, women and African myths. Loves lost and desired. Songs from the hearts of these men. The name "Black Mambazo" Is a name that we had been using at home. Ladysmith, where we come from, Is a place of music. and musicians are cafled "oxen". In a white man's farm, the oxen are cafled a "span", like a span of oxen for ploughing the fields. And we are singers and singers are cafled oxen. And a span of oxen could be red, black or white or coloured. But the black span was very strong. This Is why we call the span "Black Mambazo". And to say "Mambazo" we are deplc.tlng an axe, "lmbazo". When we visited home one Christmas In 1964 people were shocked at our singing at the competitions, because we "axed" the compe­ tition. We were chopping down the other groups we came across as though we were the axe and they the tree. And so Joseph would say he had an axe. A black one. Black Mambazo. The township of Ladysmith has come to be associated with the sound of scathlmlya. And this Is because of Black Mambazo. LADYSMITH BLACK MAMBAZO. ~ . .caiiillt. ~ . ...... !~l·.·:.:.:-_•'w"~!~..:#SB..iF"'..2f,:t~~-~!rr"J.3::_. __ ._ __ --· ~ ··;~~'--'1'/ ~· ~ -. - -- . - . - . ~~:::.. --.._ r.-_....-::.::;r.-....:~~::.:.L:;~~~~-: ..:..=.~~-..-=~~- .. ~;,.;~,- ..:..·;: -= .. ~~~:!::: .. THE SONGS OF BLACK MAMBAZO WHAT DO THEY MEAN? Those who do not know Zulu always ask us to explain ow songs. With some help from our English speaking friends we give you the meaning of our songs. (Time does not always allow us to sing all of the songs we list for you here. We will tell you the names of the songs as we perform them to help you find yow way••• ) 1. WONKAMEHLO. He wlll arrive like lightning which comes from the East to the West and all eyes will see Him. Those who DENY him will see him, those who LOVE him wUI see him and those who STAB him wlll see him too. For owselves, WE have to find the answer. 2. NOMATHEMBA. Nomathemba Is the name of a girl; a very special and Important lady, Uke yow lover. NOMATHFMBA decided to visit the city. She had reasons. She decided to live In the city, and never wrote to, or saw, her lover again. He went to Dwban to look for her,and then to Mnabithi (Ladysmith). On his way back he saw her sitting under a willow tree, looking lonely like an orphan. He says to her,"Come back Nomathemba. Why did we quarrel? You and I wiii be together 'til death do us part." 3.1NGWE. ("The Leopard"). Can you show me where the North Is? It Is up between the East and the West••• from where they call us in the South. The South Is down between the West and East. How do we know where Is the North and where is the South? This Is like the spots on 'the leopard' .Is the leopards' coat white with black spots, or black with white spots?? But this we know. WE know that the earth Is ow home and we are never homeless. And when Mambazo arrive, all people get EXCITED!! 4. KING OF KINGS. We are asking for peace In the world. The sun rises and sets forever. Reveal yowself, Almighty, because we are directing our prayers to you forever. We are asking for peace In the rest ofthe country. We ask you for peace In the World. 5. JESUS IS MY LEADER. This one you wlll understand. - -· -------.. .--.-!7""~---.-::.r· _:.__:_~~ --~~~------- '---- ;:;::.. ~- __', ____ .. _:_•_.:_ :~-:;-__:--...-_ .. -~-"' ' __...,...,._.. -:1-'o.~ ..----.-- .. ------,.,........ _ _... ......_... .... ,.. .......... --~ .... - - ~,.- ............ --- .... _,. ""-·- .. _,~- ~.;_-.::.,~ 'A-~~"".i&~~'t-l'.llo_,...:l.~~:;.loo4Uii'IJD"'.,[",,.,~·...--...~~ ,..., ~ ~ '118' • LADYSMITH BLACK MAMBAZO (L To K) Jockey Shabalala (Bass), Headman Shabalala (Bass ~ Baritone), Abednigo Mazibuko (Bass), Joseph Shabalala (Lead Vocals~ Composer), lnos Ph ungula (Tenor~ Bass), Jabulane Mwelase (Bass), Ben Shabalala (Bass), Russell Mthembu (Bass ~ Baritone), Albert Mazibuko (Tenor), Jeffery Mdletshe (Bass~ Alto). •- :i.. _J._~ ..- -- -~:..·~- -~'~J_:::t.:_R~2' "v.i.:-'_g_;~_:___::~..::___:_r .:~ ::_:4 __ : :.. ~ __ :!_ -.:-_._~-:._ ·_7' ~~__:_.-:· j. ........._ ........ _.._ .... ______,_,____ u.-.' ..,..~-""'~ ~ - ~ ,.., . ,... .. MANY PEOPLE ARE SURPRISED TO LEARN THAT LADYSMITH BLACK MAMBAZO HAVEMORE THAN 25 RECORDS TO THEIR CREDIT. WE HAVE LISTED THEM ALL HERE fOR YOU AND NOTED WHICH ALBUMS ARE READILY AVAILABLE. If YOU WOULD LIKE MORE IN­ fORMATION REGARDING THESE LP'S· PLEASE CON­ TACT OUR OffiCE AND WE CAN SUPPLY YOU WITH MORE INFORMATION. LADYSMITH BLACK MAMBAZO DISCOGRAPHY 1. AMABUTHU (GAllO RI.CORDS, S.A.) 2. IMBONGI (GAllO lliCOltDS, S.A.) 3. UMAMA LO (GAllO RI.CORDS, S.A.) 4. ISJTIMILA (GALLO lliCORDS, S.A.) ·.·. s;' UKUKHANYA KWELANGA (GAllO RI.CORDS, S.A.) 6. AMAQ.HA.WI (GAlLO RI.CORDS, S.A.) 7. PHE.ZULU EMFAINI (GAllO RI.CORDS, S.A.) 8. USHAKA (GALLO RECORDS, S.A.) 9. INDLELA YASEZULWINI (GAllO RI.CORDS, S.A.) 10. EZINKULU (GAllO RECORDS, S.A.) t 1. lNTOKOZO (GAllO RI.CORDS, S.A.) •... 12. NGONQOTHA Mf.ANA (GAllO RECORDS, S.A.) 13. ULWANDLE OLUNGCWELE (SHANACHIE RECORDS,U.S.) ...... 14. PHANSI EMGODINI (GAllO RECORDS, S.A.) 15. UMTIIOMBO W AMANZI (GALLO lliCORDS, S.A.) 16. IBHAYIBHELILIYINDLELA (GAllO RECORDS, S.A.) 17. INKAZIMULO (GALLO RECORDS, S.A.) 18. lNALA (SHANACHIE RECORDS, U.S.)***** 19. EZULWINI SIYAKHONA (GALLO RECORDS, S.A.) 20. ZIBUYINHLANZANE (GAllO RECORDS, S.A.) 21. UKUSINDISWA (GAllO RECORDS, S.A.) 22. WOZANI (GAllO RECORDS, S.A.) 23. SlDTSHA SITIIOTHOBALA • (GAllO RECORDS, S.A~) 24. INDUKU ZETHU (SHANACHIE RECORDS,U.S.)*****- 25. THANDANANI (GAllO RECORDS, S.A.) 26. SHAKA ZULU (WARNER BROS.)****** . (* ••• • * - AVAILABLE IN USA AND EUROPE) IF YOU WOULD LIKE MORE INfORMATION REGARDING THE PURCHASE Of LADYSMITH BLACK MAMBAZO RECORDS, TAPES AND CD'S ONCLUDING AfRICAN RELEASES!) PLEASE WRITE TO: BLACK MAMBAZO RECORDS C/0 ••• NIGHT AFTER NIGHT ••• LTD 1619 BROADWAY, #510 NEW YORK, N.Y. 10019 ··:·.: .. ·: .. .::·;· IF YOU MISSED THE OPPORTUNITY TO PURCHASEA LADYSMITH BLACK MAMBAZO I-SHIRT OR SWEAT SHIRT PLEASE, WRITE TO US INDICATING THE STYLE YOU WOULD LIKE WITH THE NUMBER OF SHIRTS. AND THE SIZES YOU REQUIRE • .. INCLOSE A CHECK OR MONEY ORDER FOR THE TOTAL AMOUNT, INCLUDING $2:25 FOR SHIPPING AND HANDLING, MADE OUT TO: LADYSMITH BLACK MAMBAZO NEW YORK RESIDENTS SHOULD ADDAPPROPRIAIE LOCAL SALIS TAX • .·. ·:·:--:: ... <··>. ·:. GREY SWIAT SHIRT- "SHAKA ZULU TOUR" (SIZES: M, L, AND XL) •···•···•···········~~ .... $30 EACH GREY "SHAKA: ZULU" I-SHIRT W /ZULU lESSON (SIZES: M, L, AND XL) •••••••••••••••••••••••••• $15 EACH WHITE LADYSMITH BLACK MAMBAZO I-SHIRT (FRO!"-THE GRACELAND T()UR) (SIZES: s; M, L, .AND XL) •• :~~ .... ~ ••••••• •~·~· $15 EACH ADDRESS YOUR ORDER TO: BLACK MAMBAZO STORE ., · C/0 ••• NIGHT AFTER NIGHT ••• LID 1619 BROADWAY #510 NEW YORK, N.Y. 10019 .. .; .;=·:: ::{:~:i !:;:::;.: :·:·:·. .·· 6. HOW LONG SHOULD I WAlT FOR YOU. And this one too, is easily understood by lovers all over the world. 7. KHULUMELANI. This song is about "gossip". Why do you scan­ dalize? Why do you speak evil about other people's name? We are wa.rnfng you. Behold now, they a.re ma.kfng fun of you. They sa.y "Here comes the chief gossip, what news could he be bringing today?" The black bulls will come a.nd chase you, a.nd you wlll run. You ha.d better apologize. So now, who were you talking to???? 8. YIBO LABAFANA (ANIBOSIBHI.KA). "Here are the guys". You should watch us closely, we are the BLACK MAMBAZO. Watch us. We are the Black Ma.mba.zo. Some ca.II us the Durban choir. Others ca.II us Aba.qulusi. Don't throw us in with the bulls, beware of us. The Ma.mba.zo's are fierce. And people sa.y there is usually a. problem with secret lovers of which the elders do not approve, a.nd the mothers complain. We have arrived, a.nd everyone will notice. They wfll sa.y "These are the guys from Mnabithi (Ladysmith) who make us homesick,who bring nostalgia.. They are the ones. YIBO LABAFABA. 9. HI.LLO MY BABY lO. RAIN BI.AUTIFUL RAIN ll. HOMI.LI.SS. l2. YINHLI. LI.NTOMBI. ("Beautiful Girl"). This lady Is beautiful. She ha.s beautiful teeth. Her beauty makes the witchdoctor Jealous a.nd quarrel with me. Give up Witch doctor! You a.Iwa.ys do things a.nd succeed. This time you won't get her.
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