I GOVERNMENT OF WEST BENGAL Ollice of the Sub-Divisional Officer, Malda Sadar PO- Malda. PS- English Bazar, District- Malda (W.8.). PIN- 732101 Tele & FAX No: 035 l2-252733 llebsite u.v,w sdomaldasador.org E-nail icl; sdo.naldas adartQgmail.com Memo No. tU26-xlut Date l, loet2o2o To The District Informatics Officer NIC, Malda. Sub: Reouest oublish in the Dis trict web site for in ormotion l. The schedule of interview for the recruitment process of ASHA is mentioned below:- Name of Date of Name of the Reporting time Venue for Written Test the Post InteIYiew Block Bamangola 2E.09.2020 Habibpur 10.30 A.M. Gazole D.T.C. ASHA English Bazar ( Behind Gour Banga University). Kaliachak-l Malda. 29.09.2020 t0.30 A.M Kaliachak-ll Kaliachak-lll 2. A list of the eligible candidates is also enclosed here with for conveying the schedule of interview to the listed candidates by SMS stating that "schedule of ASHA interview has been published in the District website: www.malda.gov.in and candidate may down load her respective admit card for interview from the district website." 3. ln view ofthe above, you are requested to publish the same in the disrrict web site for information. Member Secretary ASHA Selectioh Committee & Sub-Divisional Officer Enclmure: As stated above Malda Sadar, Malda t Gooernmelt of West Bengal Olfrce ol the Sub-Dtvlstonal Olfr.cet Mald.a Sq'd.q", aaa ADMIT CARD IF,;r lnterview ofASHA Selectionl Roll NO: BG-01 Affix stamp size self aftested Candidate Name: ptrRNtMA MANDAL. DEBAStSH MANDAL Photo Address : GOPALNAGAR, JAGDALA, BAMANGOLA MALDA,732138 N.mG of ih€ Porl Dste oflnt.rvic* ReporliIg Timc venue for Intcrvicw District Training Centre ASHA 28.09.2020 10.30 A.M (Behind Cour Banga University), Malda Inslruclion fot Condidales: l. Duly selfattested photograph should be aliixed at the earmarked space rn such a \ray that some portion o[the signalurc should he on photograph and some ponion on the body ofthe Adrnit Card. 2. C.ndidsle must bring her own ONE PIIOTO bcsritrg ldentity proof viz EPIC/Ardhsr/PAN/Driving License/Photo bcrring Admit Csrd issued by Covt. recognizcd Borrd or liniyersity Gtc. for hcr sdmission to intarview hrll. Any olhcr docunent (excapt Photo berring ldenrity proofrnd lhis sdmir crrd) riill Iol bc rllo*ed in th€ interaicw venuc. 3 No Electronic glzettc i.e. Mobile ghone, Calculator, Pager etc. is allowed within the lntcrview Venue 4 The candrdature ofa candidare may be lerminated al any time if it is found dunng any stage thal the qualifications and other crileria fumished by her makes her ineligible for appointment to the posl applied, evor she has appeared at the interview and secured a position in th! merit list. Appropriate legal action will be lalien against candidste for submission ol incorrect informalion and documenl. 5 Candidates must bring this card at the inlgrview Centre and shall produce this card at lhe inl€rvrew hall as and tlhen demanded when demanded Admission \rithout this Admit Card will nor be allowed under ant circumstancc 6 Applicanl should bring all ongmal documenl for rerificarion scheduled soon afler the inlen'ieu 7 No TfuDA shall be permissible for this purpose 8 Any kind ofunfarmears adopl€d in the inler!'iew shall ma.lie her candidature liable lo cancellation SuEDivisionol level AS HA Selection Cornmittee Sqdor Sub- Division, Mqldo Candidates Name: PURNTMA MANDAL AFI'IX YOUR RECENT stamp srzE Name ofPost: ASHA PHOTOGRAPH SIMILAR Typ€ ofTcst: lnterview ASAFFIXEDONTIIE APPLICATlON FORI\I Roll No:BG-01 ,Signature of Condidate (To be sig|ed ol lherime of intervie*) ClotErnment ol West Bengal O.ffrce o.f the Srab-Dlvtston,al Otfrcer IlIo.lda so.d.ar, MqAd Affix stamp size ADMIT CARD self attested lFor Interview of ASHA Selectionl Photo Roll NO: GZLI Candidate Name : Nilima Mandal Sarkar, Biplab Sarkar(H) Address : Biniayapukur, Akalpur, Gazole Malda,732124 Nrme of the Post Drt€ of lnlerYicrr. Reporling Timc Venue for lntenie* District Training Centre ASHA 28.09.2020 10.30 A.M. (Behind Gour Banga University), Malda I nstuai oa for C andidaq : l. Duly self attested photograph should be afiixed at the eirmarkcd space in such a way that some portion ofthe signature should b€ on photograph and some portion on the body ofthe Admit Card. 2. Crndidrte must bring her o*n ONE PHOTO berring ldentity proof riz f,Pl(l/Ardhrr/PAN/Driving t-icensc/Photo be.ring Admit Cerd issued by Govt. recogrized Borrd or []niversity etc. for her sdmission lo interview hall. Any olher document (cxcept Photo bcsring ldentity proof rnd this sdmit c[rd) will not be ,llowed in lha interrielr venue. 3 No Electronic gazetle i.e. Mribile phone, Calculator, Pager eac. is allowed within the Interview Venu€ 4. The candidaturc of a cardidate may be terminat€d al any trme if it is found during any srage that the qualifications and other crilcria fumished by hcr makes her ineligible for appoinrmenr to the post applied, even she has appeared at the interview and secured a position in the merit list Appropriale legal action will be taken againsl candidare for submission ofinconecl information and document 5 Candidates rnust bring this card at the intcrvis-* Ccntre and shall produc€ this card at lhc inten'rew hall as and when demanded when demanded 6 Appl icant shou ld bring al I oriBinal docu ment for \ eri fi cation scheduled soon after the rn ten icw 7 No TA,/DA shall be permissible for $is purpose E Any [ind of un fair means adopted in the mtervie$ shal I malic hcr candidaturc I iablc.---.- to canccl lal ion Secretary Sub-Divisional level ASHA Selectiot Commiuee Sodor SUE Division, Molda Candidates Name: Nilima Mandal Sarkar AFIlX YOL]R RECEN'I stanp stzE Name of Post: ASHA , PHOTOCRAPH SIMILAR Type of Test : Intelaiew AS AFFIXEDON THE APPLICATION FORM Roll No: GZL-I Signaturc of Candidale (To be signed at ahe time of inknier') GotEnment o.f West Bengq,l Olfrce ol the Sub-Uttlslonal Otlcer I{aAa Sq.d.o,r, Mq.Aq. Affix stamp size ADMIT CARD se lf attested IFor lnl€rview ofASHA Selectionl Photo Roll NO: GZL-2 Candidate Name : Latika Mandal (Sarkar), Ramayan Sarkar Address : Hatinda, Taherpur, Gamle Malds.,732124 Neme of th€ Posi Df,te otlnt€rviEw Reporting Time Venue for Intervierv District Training Centre ASHA 24.09.2020 10.30 A.M. (Behind Gour Banga University), Malda I nst ru dion for Coa diduq : l. Duly self attested photograph should be allixed al the earmarked space in such a wa! lhal some ponion ofrhe signature should bc on photograph and some portion on the body ofthe Admil Card, 2. Crndidrle ltrust bring her own ONf, PHOTO besrirg ldentity proof viz EPIC/Ardhar/PAN/Driiing License/Photo hesring Admit Card issucd by Covt. r€cognized Borrd or ljniversity elc. for her edmission to interview ]isll. Any oth€r document (except Photo besring Identity proof ond this rdmit crrd) will not be sllowed in thc inlerview venue. 3. No Electronic gazette i.€. Mobile phone, Calculator, Pager etc. is allowed within the lnaerview Venue 4 The c-andidature of a candidate may b€ terminaled al any time if it is lbund during any srage tlat the qualifications and other cfltefla fumished by her mal(es her ineligible for appointmenl to the posl applied. e!en she has app(ared at the intenicw and secured a posirion in the meril list. Appropriate legat action will b€ talien against candidale for submissron ofrncorrect informatron and documenl 5 Candidates musl bring tlis card at the interview Cmtre and shall produce this card al rhc intcrview hall as and when dcmanded when demanded Admisslon wilhout this Admit Card will not be allowcd under anv circumstance 6. Applicanl should bri4g all ori8inal document for vcrification schcduled soon after the intcrview 7. No TA/DA shall be perrhrssible for this purpose 8 Any krnd ofunfak means adopted in the inlervi$r shall malie her candidature liablc to cancellalion v - Member Secraory Sub-Ditisionol level AS HA Selection Committee Sadqr Sub- Division, Maldo Candidates Name: Latika Mandfll (Sa;t{ar) A FT'] X YOUR RECENT stampsrzE Name of Post: ASHA PHOTOCR-APH SIMILAR Type ofTest : lnterview AS AFNXED O\ THE APPLICATIO)i FORM Roll No: GZL-2 Signature of Candidate (To be signed a lhe lime of idrcdiev) GotErnme t ol West Bengal otlTce ol the sub-Dtvlslonal Oticcr adq sodar, Md.Aa Affix stamp size . ADMIT CARD selfattested JFor Int€rview of ASHA Selectionl Photo Roll NO: @L3 Candidate Name : Lipika Rajbanshi(Mandal), Dipak Mandal Address : Hatinda, Taherpur, Gazole Malda,732124 Nemc of the Posl Dste of lntervierr Reporting Tim€ Ve[ue for Int€rview District Training Centre ASHA 28.09.2020 10.30 A.M. (Behind Gour Banga University), Malda I nst ructi oD fo r Can didd6 l. Duly selfettested photograph should be afExed at the earmarked space in such a way that somc porlion ofthe signarurc should be on pholo8raph and some podion on the body ofthe Admit Card. 2. Crndidra€ must bring her own ONf, PHOTO b€sring ldentity prool viz fPlc/-{rdhrr/PAN/Drivitrg Liccnsc/Photo berring Admit Crrd issued by Govt. rccognized Bosrd or ('nirersity ctc. for hcr rdmission lo inlcnicw hrll. Any other docum.nt (axcept Photo besring Id.ntity proof rnd this f,dnit csrd) will rot be illowed ill the intcrviert vcrue. 3 No Electronic gazette i.e. Mobile phone, Calculator, Pager etc. is allowed within the Interview Venue 4 The candidaEre of a candidate may b€ lerminated at a,y time if it is found during any stage lhat rhe qualrfications and other criteria fum$hed by her malrcs her ineligrble for appointrnent to th€ posl applied, even she has appeared al the intervrew and sccured a position in the merit list Appropriate lcgal action will be laken against candidate for submrssion ofincorrecl informalion and document 5 Candidates must bring lhis c-ard al lhe inlcrviett Centrc and shall produce this card at the interview hall as and when dcmandcd trhen demanded Admission wrthout lhis Admir Card $ill not hc allorled under an! circumslance 6 Applicanl should bnnB all onglnal docum€nt for verification scheduled soon aner the interview 7 No TA-/DA shall b€ permissible for this purpose.
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