.. .rofessor of law· At. , Jr.. profes~ !If anth.ropology; Rlc~ / , chlef SOCial work ,. " . l' , 01 oman PsychOpathic HOI' • I .. Halo, director ~ Serving The State Unlversit~ of 10WtJ and tM ~e~ of 10tD4 Cftv Social Work. \ ~'~~~--------~------------------------~------------------------~:-------------------~~------~==~--------------~--~--------~~--------------------------------------~~--~--~- ~ ---~ , ~bwh'ecI...... In ' ~8l!.I- Five Cents a Cop)' AaIoclated Press LeaIed Wire aDd Wirepl!oto: UDited Prell 1at.erDatlcla1l IAMI4 WIn 10•• Citt. Iowa, Tuesday, JUDe 2, 1JIIt Berlin Used As Sub",ersion Center Uflvers lost more than 1,100 two points for moving violations. He ..is lor traffic \'iolations in this said no points are lost by per­ ~ea , dW'ing the Memorial Day sons issued memorandums (or * * * * * * ""'tend as the State Highway Pa· raulty equipment if the rault is cor· West Uses Itti ~ into its new "concen· rected and reported to the patrol Macmill,an--Will Not Fire trMed ' effort" program, Captain within 72 hours. ~d Simms said Monday. There were considerably fewer CounteraHack -~r a recent change in patrol violations toward the latter part Foreign Secretary Lloyd ....~e, Simms sa~d the entire o( the we~ke~d th~n there were 8ij!e Hlghway Patr~ of approxi· at the begm.mng, SImms said. He GENEVA 1II - Prime Minister Lloyd, 54, has ~ • frequent ..tilly 200 men goes on duty in attributed t.hls t~ the new proced~re Harold Macmillan cabled Selwyn target for the prHS and for all At Geneva i st.Iltle shift on three occasions and publiCIty gIven. the. state·wlde Lklyd Monday that he does not parties - ineludlng his own - ~lisc the week. The Cirst two crackdo~ on tr~fflc VIolators. cont.empIate Lloyd's removal from s1nceBritaln's Suez adventure with AIIO Refuses ~ shifts were frorn 2 p.m. to .S~akmg for hlm~1f and other his post as Britain's foreiln secre­ the French in 1956. ~t on Friday and Sunday district patrolmen, Sunms said the tary. H_, It w.. .,..,.... To Abandon lIAS fie ;iald. Regular split shifts were new program was "extremely ef­ M acmlllan sent his message in MKmJflM ..aurN L'-rd he w.. GENEVA III - The Western ~ aD Saturday. fective" and tha~ in one district the wake of a DeWSpaper report Mt a..hIftcI .... ,....... thet... powers accuJfld the Soviet Unica SUUestinC that Lloyd's days as pNre4 In the L..... 11--. Moaday 01 usinl East BerliD as a "!kmms said that dW'ing lhe three ~/) tickets w~re ISSUed for speed- center for lUbvenion. .• w8ekeod, the fii highway pa. wg Sunday mght: . forei/lll secretary are numbered. Tbc messalle was said tD empha- The counter.tt.adt followed a tr . plftcers in this area issued Improper p~ssmg and ,speeding The report. in the usually authorl· sbe that Macmlllan has fu1l COD- charlie by Soviet FcnliD Minister 1~ ' ~nses for speeding, 190 were the particular violations c~n. WINNERS of the AII·Unlverslty Bride. Tournam.nt. l,enaored ltv the Unl.., BNrd ~ cemmittw, tative London Times Indicated that fldence in Lloyd III forel/lll &eere' Andrei Gromyko that West Bertin __andums for other m ing centrated upo~ d~lng the two sm· er. (from left) G.ry Heddy, Al. Ced.r Repl., Connell Boyl •• G. Brooklyn, N.Y., R ....y Campbell. M. Macmillan ha4 tDld Lloyd the tary· sheltered western splH and ... ...... .l:t ov gle shUts, said Simms. W.. hllltton, .nd Ron.ld Sor.nson, C4, S.bul.. 8oyl. end Heddy' _r. an the .ett·west "'m elMl C.~ time 1& near for him tD step out of The London Times report earlier boteurI _ a c~arle tho Ruulans Y¥.'" Ibns and 220 l'JlemOran~um8 Under the new concentrated eC. the burdenaome office . had started a buzz of speculation orl(i.nally had used as one justifl. .... ' faulty . equlpmen~ on vehicles. fort program, districts receive their bell end Sor.nson an the nortfI.tovth ...m. 0ut11W ~. r.' ...... amon, diplomats . ~nd newsmen cation for their drive to let the ~ Violators. WIll lose an .av. Instructions from Highway Patrol The four rec.lv.d person.1 trophies .nd will .1 .. hen their nemel ....r.yed .., the permaMnt tfaat MacmHI..,', ""II", alike about the politIcal fate of the Americans BriUsh and French out erne of four pamts for speedmg, headquarters in Des Moines. trophy in the racreatl.., .re. of the Union. rNChed Lleylil. MMday .ttw- man who Is conducting Britain's 01 the city. ~!:f Simms, and an average of Simms said the instructions are ...... role as conclUator ~ween East The U.S. spokesman stressed, • based on records oC highway ac· The Cempu. winner. In the N.tion.1 Interc",,,lete Bridge Tournament _re .1.. ~ this In Loftdon Macmillan said ~ and west at the Geneva BI, Four however. that 10 spite 01 the lack ,. b II S cidents and traffic violations and week bV the brldg. committee_ T.rry Cempbell, C4, De. MaI_; Peter K.... ". C4, 1_. City) .,.".., was astounded that the reports conference. at procreu Secretary of State ., 00'· t a tar indicate concentration on specific KinNm.." A3, Ottvmw.: .nd Richard N._II, At. Ottvmwa, received cart1fl~ which"""'" ...".. should ever have appeared. The TIMH ,.,.n IwMI ulW Chrlati&n A. llerter was prepared F, violations. in designated areas at A lIpOkestnaft at 10 Downing St.., bite IIUMtion the IrftWl .... to stay in Geneva all all there •• the top twa SUI ...m ......,..41 In the ft.ti..,., tourn.""nt• lon, • ,« ~. ..... • designat¢ times. the Prime Minlster's official resi­ I.""". ent\,.. ,..Itton. was a reasonable ebance to ne,o­ Dupllcet. brlclge hands _,.. m.llad to the perticilHltillt tcheoIa Ity the Ntl.".. bridge committee. deoce, sald: It It'd authorized members of Uate. '''nIe Prime MInister leemad The han. wer, pI.y.d on ••ch c.mpus anct the result. ..... to .... com mitt.. for I'""'"' by • IIr14Ie the British delegation swim), to Hert... lUapects the Soviets I~ty ." the fwer ..... .MaY PI~y 5 Mi-ne-rs-Oie, • xpert. IMist that no chan, of BriUsh !NY w.1t """I the ....,..... "- .......... ~ crHW In 0-•. policy is contemplated. and that Mfere rNlld", .... Y _ ...1 ...... It. _ thovtM MCftNry ...... 110 ch.ance exlsts of Lloyd leaving The Big Four foreign ministers tfMIt they .... stand ...mIN' control of the Foreign Office be- wrestled with the Berlin pr~m tIen." [ore the next general elccllon, that for 2" houri behind clOlled doors. While the Cull text or Macmil­ no word has reached here oHicialJy 1bey falled to find tile sort of 25 Escape Christian Church Wjll Beg!n lan's mess. was not made · t~~~~~~'k . of Uoyd's impending transfer te common UlldentandJne that th.e . known it was DO secrel that its e# another Cabinet post. United States recards as a vital :Ii~' football team,~n:::l:e has been n~ine· F·.re , Cave - In general tone Willi one of astonish· Lloyd himself w understood to condition for a aummit eonfer· with the Vancouver, Bri· ment minRled with rc ignatlon at have read th4! TIm report with ence. ~• ';t1olinnbia, Lions of the CaM' mON RIVER. Mich. <uP!) - Addition Within 2 · Weeks . a recurrcnce of niping at Lloyd. a much astonishment and resent- U.s. Asst. Secretary or State ~ lritecpi-ovinclal Football Union, Fi~ iron miners were killed Mon· met as the 90.0&1 memben of the Andrew H. BerdIne told newsmen ·.ncr.m Probably sign a contract day when a cave-in broke open The Rcv. Albert C. Hofrichter, monies for the new building would Electricity - W.J. .Miller Electric BrlUsh delegation. ,1ater lhat Herter bas no deadline ........ :. U~~ team soon it was learned a sealed-orf section and allowed Jr .. minister of the First Christian be held rollowing Sunday's 10 ;31) Service of Iowa CIty for a bid of If Lley" .M hi, fe,t.w.arftenl for ending the Geneva talks, but :aki4Qr, " sulphur fumes to pour through the Church hero, said Monday that worship services. $4.301. Deadlocked w.... • ...... Ihed, AmarlCM, if the Soviet. want a ummlt meet· j~.-"ttdizig to V\lncouver ' Cooch tunnel where they were working. construction of the church's $115,­ Approval of low·bid contracts The Church's BuUdln, c.­ Fl'MCh, s.v .. t anet Germatl"'· Ing "then a certain minimum vaf,le Robinson, the Lions have Twenty·five other miners, work· 000 Student Centcr and Education for the Student Center was voiced strllCtion Committee was authof· ficl.'. -"'" ttu-ecI Ity what or arreemeDt will have to be ~'" received a signed contract ing In the same tunnel, ned to Building at 217 lbwa Avenue would unanimously by the congregation ized by the Clntl'cb BOard to the Times IwMI .. IIY .. ttMs re.dIed." after Sunday's service. Previously, han die other arreemeDC.s for S ~'-PIieIo yet, but it is expected safety or were rescued, seven of begin within the next two weeks. tllel Talks crucl.1 point In the 1.It·W.... ~ close to the French dele- bc!,WIU agree and wlU join the them requiring ' hospitalization. Thc Rev. Mr. Hofrichter also an· the awarding of low-bid contracts lighting fixtures, paintln" floor .....,tf.ti_. galion said Gromyko pressed the · ., Ian dub soon. perhaps this O~. victim '!f.as repo~ still in nounced-.that groundbreaking cere· had been approved by the Church covering, treads alH1 counter Wps, The dispatch, by the paper's Kremlin's demands for the evacu· :!· '. Robin80d said that he had Crlttcal conditJon. Board, but £loa! approval by the architectural fees. and. cooUngeht Resume Too ay poUlIcal correspondent, was atJoo at Western garrisons in Wekt ~ to Ogiu-io in Iowa City last Th. miners _re working .t entire congregation was nereot"ary. flJDd of $5,000. Total bllUdiq cotts .• couched in the sort or phrases Berlln and the transformation of .• .
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