FACULTY OF ARTS 1972 HANDBOOK J 80 CENTS FACULTY OF ARTS 1972 HANDBOOK EIGHTY CENTS THE UNIVERSITY OF NEW SOUTH WALES P.O. Box 1, Kensington, N.S.W., 2033 Phone: 663 0351 The University of New South Wales Library has catalogued this work as follows:— UNIVERSITY OF NEW SOUTH WALES— 378.94405 Faculty of Arts NEW Handbook. Annual. Kensington. University of New South Wales— Faculty of Arts—Periodicals TABLE OF CONTENTS CALENDAR OF DATES A6 STAFF A8 COURSES AVAILABLE FOR DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF ARTS A18 DESCRIPTIONS OF SUBJECTS List of Identifying Numbers A26 Chiemistr\ A27 Drama A29 Economic Histor\ A35 Economics A3 8 English A44 French A49 General and Human Biolog\- and Biological Sciences A57 Geographx . A59 Geoscience A67 German A70 History A76 History and Philosophy of Science A90 Industrial Relations A96 Mathematics A98 Statistics AI07 Philosophy A112 Physics A126 Political Science A129 Psychology A138 Russian A149 Sociology A152 Spanish and Latin American Studies A184 REQUIREMENTS FOR ADMISSION BL Matriculation Requirements B1 A3 A4 THE UNIVERSITY OF NEW SOUTH WALES ADMISSION AND ENROLMENT PROCEDURE B7 Admissions Procedure B7 Admissions Office B7 Enrolment Procedure B7 University Union Card BIO UNDERGRADUATE COURSE FEES B11 Payment of Fees B13 RULES RELATING TO STUDENTS B16 General Conduct B16 Attendance at Classes B16 Indebtedness to the University B17 Changes in Course Programmes B17 Restriction upon StLidcnts Re-enrolling B18 Re-admission after Exclusion B21 Parking B21 Application of Rules B21 STUDENT SERVICES Library Services B23 The University Union . B23 Student Counselling and Research Unit B24 Financial Assistance to Students B24 Co-operative Bookshop B24 UNDERGRADUAIE SCHOLARSHIPS B25 STUDENT ACHVHTES B27 FACULIY INFORMATION B32 The Degree of Bachelor of Arts B32 Psychology Subjects B33 Programmes for the Degree of Bachelor of Arts . B33 RULES GOVERNING THE AWARD OF THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF ARTS B35 ANNUAL EXAMINATIONS B45 Deferred Examinations B47 PROVISIONAL TIMETABLE B48 PREFACE This Handbook is primarily for undergraduate students in the Faculty of Arts and aims to provide in convenient form information concerning (i) the subject matter of the different courses offered, including text and reference books. iii) the requirements for admission. (iii) enrolment and re-enrolment, (iv) the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Arts and the various programmes available for fulfilling them. An endeavour has been made to provide answers to those problems which students are most likely to encounter, h is important that each student in the Faculty becomes well acquainted with the information presented here. If problems remain unanswered, enquiries may be referred to the Faculty office. Room LG 5. which is situated on the lower ground floor of the Morven Brown Building (Arts Maths), near the top of Basser Steps. It is possible that changes may be made affecting the information presented in this Handbook, especially concerning subjects offered and prescribed reading. Students are strongly advised to consult frequently the notice-boards of the different Schools as well as the official notice- boards of the University, to keep abreast of any changes as well as to keep informed of pertinent announcements from time to time. A5 CALENDAR OF DATES FOR 1972 Session 1: March 6 to May 13 May Recess: May 14 to May 21 May 22 to June 17 Midyear Recess: June 18 to July 23 Session 2: July 24 to August 12 August Recess: August 13 to August 27 August 28 to November 11 JANUARY Friday 21 Last day for acceptance of applications lo enrol by new students and students repeating first year Monday 31 Australia Day—Public Holiday FEBRUARY Tuesday I to Saturday 12 Deferred examinations Monday 21 Enrolment period begins for new students and students repeating first year Monday 28 Enrolment Week commences for students re- enrolling (second and later years) MARCH Monday 6 Session T commences Friday 17 Last day of enrolment for new students (late fee payable) Tliursday 30 I.ast day for later year enrolments (late fee pay- able) Friday 31 to Monday 3 April Easter APRIL Tuesday 25 Anzac Day—Public Holiday MAY Sunday 14 to Sunday 21 May Recess JUNE Monday 12 Queen's Birthday—Public Holiday Saturday 17 Session 1 ends Friday 30 I^ast day of acceptance of applications for re- admission after exclusion under rules govern- ing re-enrolment A6 r-ACUITA' OF ARTS A 7 JULY Monday 24 Session 2 conimenccs Thursday 27 Foundalion Da\ AUGUST Sunday 13 Id Sunday 27 Aususl Recess SKPTKMBER Friday 15 Fast day for acceptance of corrected eni-olmenl details forms OCTOBER Monday 2 F.ighl Hour Oa\ —Public Holiday Fridav 6 Fast day for acceptance of corrected enrolment details forms (late fee payable) NO>EMBER Saturday 11 Session 2 ends Tuesday 14 Fxaniinations begin 1973 Session I: March 5 to Ma\ 12 May Recess: 13 to May 20 May 21 to ,lime 16 Midyear Recess: .huie 17 to JuU 22 Session 2: Jtdy 23 to August 1 1 August Recess: August 12 to August 26 August 27 to November 10 JANUARY Tuesday 30 to Satiuday 10 Feb. Deferied examinations FEBRUARY Monday 19 Fnrolmenl Week commences for new sludenls and students repeating fust \ear Monday 26 Enrolment Week commences for students re- enrolling (second and later \ears) THE ACADEMIC YEAR The academic year is divided into two sessions, each containing 14 weeks for teaching. There is a recess of five weeks between the two sessions. In addition there are short recesses within the sessions—one week within Session 1 and two weeks within Session 2. The first session commences on the first Monday of March. FACULTY OF ARTS DK.^ A'—Professor F. K. Crowley CHAIRMAN^Vrofessov D. M. McCallum ADMINISTRATIVE ASSIST ANT—]. M. Birch, BA DipEd .S>i/. SCHOOL OF DRAMA PROFESSOR OF DRAMA AND HEAD OF Srnooi. C. R. B. Quentin, MA Oxon. SlNlOR I.ICTURFRS V. J. Emeljanow, MA N.Z., PhD Stan. P. E. Parsons, BA W. Aus!.. MA PhD Camh. •lean Wilhcini. AB Smith. MA W.V.U., PhD Minn. LECTURERS O. Fiala, BA MEd Dip Ed Syd., PhD Colorado, MACE J. D. Colder, BA MA Brisi. Mrs. Marie-Louise M, Thiersch, MA Add. TUTORS Angela C. Moore, MA Birm. A. Clark, MA Sxd. SCHOOL OF ECONOMICS PROFESSOR OF ECONOMICS AND HEAD OF SCHOOL J. W. Nevile, BA W. Anst.. MA PhD Caiif. PROFESSOR OF ECONOMIC HISTORY W. C. Rinimer. MA PhD CantiK. AM Ihu v., FRHislS PROFESSOR OF STATISTICS N. C. Kakwani, MA PhD Delhi RESEARCH PROFESSOR OF ECONOMICS M. C. Kemp, BCom MA Melh., PhD Johns II. ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT Josephine M. Edwards, BA A'.S.PF. Department of Economic History SENIOR LIXTURER S. Ambirajan, MA PhD And.. PhD Mane. LECTURERS D. L. Clark, BEc Svd. J. A, Perkins, BSc(Econ) Hull Tu roR M.J. Thompson, BEc Old. A8 FACUI/I'»' OF ARTS A9 Department of Kconomics AssoriATi; PROI I SSORS N. Runcie, BEc SxcL. PhD Loiul. D. J. Stalley, MEc Add.. MBA Col., AVA SENIOR LI CTURERS D. J. Blake. BS Ihirv., MA Mhsouri. PhD Ciilil. R. V. Horn, MEc S\il.. DrRei Pol Colo-jne G. D. McColl, MSc(Econ) Loud.. AASA (Senior) K. D. Rivelt. MA PhD Melh. LECTURERS P. Calvo, MSc(Econ) PhD Land. R. Fisher. MCom A.A.IF. L Gordijew. BEc S\d. VV. E. Hotchkiss, NlEc Svd. C. W. .lunor. HCom \.S.H\ SENIOR TUEORS Mrs. Rita Hardie. BEc .Vvi/. \. Iredale. BCom A.i.lF. H. B. Rao. BA And., NFA linn.. BSctEcon) l.ond. IL RORS D. R. Arrowsmith. BA Mclh. L. M. Dwyer, BCom N.S.IV. Mrs. Diane Enahoro. BCom A'..S'. W'.. DipFd Sxd. P. .1. Forward. BCom DipEd A.S.IF. A. M. Kearns. BCom A..S.I( . A. C. K. Lo, BA Mclh. Paula R. Nakutis. BA DipEd A.S.ir. TEAnilNG EEEEOW Mvrlle Isaac. BCom Department of Ixononietrics I^ECTURERS W. R. Hushes, MCom Aiick., DBA Ind'uina N. Podder. MA Cede. E. R. Sowcy. BEc Sxd.. BSc W.S'.H'.. MSc Loud. J. A. Zerby. MA Pcnn. Stale & VanderbUt TUTORS J, L. Knishl. BCom A'.S.IF'. R. D. Milbourne, BCom A..S-.fF. TEACIIINN EEEEOWS Mrs. Lucy Gosh. BSc A\ E. //. Roucrdani Mrs. Catherine A. Mason, BA N.S.W. Department of Industrial Relations SENIOR LECTURERS G. W. Ford, BA DipEd Syd., MA(Econ) Calif. F. Stevens, BEc Sxd., MA Stan. AK) THF-: UNIVHRSITY Ol- NEW SOUTH WALES SCHOOL OF ENGLISH PROFESSOR OF ENGLISH AND HEAD OF SCHOOL H. J. Oliver, MA Syd., PAHA ASSOCIATE PROFESSORS O. N. Burgess, MA DipEd Syd. R. G. Geering, MA DipEd Syd. H. P. Heseltine, BA W. Aust., MA PhD Louisiana State f.ECTURERS J. M. Allen, BA Rand and O.xon. A. J. Johnson, MA Add. Mrs. Denise D. H. Kalfas, BA Svd.. MA Oxon., DipChissArch Oro/;. R. W. Powell. BA PhD Brist. Janet C. Walker, BA Syd. R. S. Wallace, BA Syd. TUTORS Judith M. Colman. MA S'cie (N.S.W.) Mrs. Anne Godfrey-Smith, BSc Syd., BA A.N.U. Mrs. Pauline Watson, BA DipEd Syd. J. ('. Westcott. BA Monash TFACHING FELLOWS Gaie Beilby, BA N.S.W. Mrs. Kate Cadman. BA Binn. SCHOOL OF FRENCH PROFESSOR OF FRENCH AND HEAD OF SCHOOL Mrs. Judith O. Robinson, BA Syd.. MA Camb.. DU Paris LI C RURLRS A. B. Eyre, MA Wales Mrs. Véra Sauran, LicSciencesPolitiques Paris R. H. Steele, BA Syd., DipdePhon DipDuCREDIF Paris SENIOR TUTOR Josephine Stephens, BA DipEd Melb., LèsL Paris TUTORS Mrs. Sonia Marks. BA Syd., DipEd A'.S.W. Mrs. Inès Vromen, Lie d'anglais Stras. SCHOOL OF GEOGRAPHY PROFESSOR OF GEOGRAPHY AND HEAD OF SCHOOL J. A. Mabbutt, MA Co/;;/;. SF;NIOR LECTURER E. A. Fitzpatrick, BA Wa.i-//., MA Syd.
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