Financial Report 31.12.2013 Balance sheet 31.12.2013 Appendix 2 COSTS GA Budget Outcome Compared Outcome ASSETS Cost Centre 19.08.2013 19.08.2012 /Ann.budget Current assets 01.01.2013 19.08.2013 10 Central activities 15000 10758,72 8374,85 4241 Cash 0,00 0,00 11 Office 643000 404676,49 320396,78 238324 Credit Suisse 559200-11 465926,46 259380,89 12 CB 50500 37239,38 33810,47 13261 13 ExCo 10000 6993,40 2881,87 3007 Receivables 14 GA/AM 9500 0,00 0,00 9500 Claims 2010 122901,09 120901,09 15 External meetings 22300 8700,37 17194,36 13600 Claims 2011 87955,07 70625,26 16 IOC 50 Road Map 4000 2442,87 15642,25 1557 Claims 2012 303103,52 130370,65 17 Parafloorball 9000 2498,18 0,00 6502 Claims 2013 0,00 114821,00 18 Equality Function 7500 0,00 0,00 7500 Deferr expenses and accr income 0,00 0,00 19 Athletes Commission 10000 0,00 0,00 10000 Receivables from rel.parties 7089,36 16844,90 20 WFC 192000 20282,12 28130,24 171718 Total assets 986975,50 712943,79 21 U19 WFC 28500 24621,64 22994,78 3878 22 EFC 40500 0,00 225,35 40500 LIABILITIES AND EQUITY 23 Champions Cup 80000 6262,67 624,06 73737 25 WUC 0 0,00 1099,43 0 Current liabilities 29 Anti-Doping 27000 8107,11 14183,30 18893 Accr expenses and deferr income -373200,00 -232000,00 40 RACC 27000 0,00 14490,94 27000 Other current liabilities -3356,98 -4556,98 50 RC 34000 16535,71 17506,21 17464 Transfers to reserves -280487,97 -540,00 60 Development 48000 20840,10 22362,70 27160 Development reserves 0,00 0,00 70 Material* 110000 8607,67 8337,10 101392 Development Board reserves 2011 -14832,48 -14832,48 80 Marketing 33000 260,03 11866,52 32740 Development board reserves 2012 -36025,50 -36025,50 81 TV 13000 50,04 36,54 12950 Development board reserves 2013 0,00 0,00 82 Internet TV 6000 0,00 0,00 6000 83 Information 53000 26909,33 2293,84 26091 Equity 89 MC 6700 135,14 3240,96 6565 Retained earnings -279072,57 -279072,57 91 AC 1000 0,00 0,00 1000 Profit 19.08.2013 -145916,26 92 DC 1000 40,03 0,00 960 TOTAL CHF 1481500 605961,00 545692,55 875539,00 Total liabilities & equity -986975,50 -712943,79 INCOME GA Budget 19.08.2013 19.08.2012 * Outcome of the material appr. system: 3011 Transfers 105000 20550,00 19350,00 -84450 Income 0,00 3012 Participation fees 238000 210500,00 204500,00 -27500 Costs 0,00 3013 Organizers fee 134000 45500,00 17500,00 -88500 3015 Part.fees - non-competition 0 0,00 2561,24 0 Profit 0,00 3019 Temporary play 5000 1150,00 2450,00 -3850 3210 Membership fees 152000 165000,00 127000,00 13000 80% 0,00 3219 Fines 5000 0,00 2500,00 -5000 20% 0 3250 Sponsors & advertisements 198000 40240,03 36997,21 -157760 3260 TV 72000 0,00 11112,30 -72000 3261 Internet TV 8000 0,00 0,00 -8000 3300 Office support 189400 167586,50 127440,90 -21814 3310 Development support 53100 6296,00 17954,15 -46804 3510 Sales 10000 35,00 105,00 -9965 3860 Material approval income 300000 90066,75 96872,30 -209933 3861 Material exemptions 3000 0,00 0,00 -3000 3899 Other incomes 9000 4899,76 0,00 -4100 8020 Interest 0 0,00 0,00 0 8080 Exchange rate gains 0 53,22 38,35 53 TOTAL CHF 1481500 751877,26 666381,45 -729622,74 RESULT CHF 0 145916,26 120688,90 -1605161,74 Financial Report 31.12.2013 Appendix 3 COSTS GA Budget Outcome To come Est.outcome Compared Est.Outcome Comments estimated outcome versus budget Cost Centre 19.08.2013 -31.12.2013 31.12.2013 31.12.2012 /Ann.budget 10 Central activities 15000 10758,72 5500,00 16258,72 46563,11 -1259 11 Office 643000 404676,49 255000,00 659676,49 638503,88 -16676 Mostly due to more expensive SEK and EUR than expected 12 CB 50500 37239,38 8500,00 45739,38 56035,76 4761 13 ExCo 10000 6993,40 5000,00 11993,40 9737,69 -1993 14 GA/AM 9500 0,00 5000,00 5000,00 6838,43 4500 15 External meetings 22300 8700,37 16500,00 25200,37 26908,85 -2900 IF Forum, WADA, SEA Games etc 16 IOC 50 Road Map 4000 2442,87 1000,00 3442,87 15642,25 557 17 Parafloorball 9000 2498,18 1000,00 3498,18 0,00 5502 18 Equality Function 7500 0,00 1000,00 1000,00 0,00 6500 19 Athletes Commission 10000 0,00 1000,00 1000,00 0,00 9000 20 WFC 192000 20282,12 74000,00 94282,12 320861,11 97718 Less than budgeted due to LOC handling of IFF travels etc 21 U19 WFC 28500 24621,64 0,00 24621,64 30735,17 3878 22 EFC 40500 0,00 33500,00 33500,00 32615,79 7000 Less than budgeted due to no EFC Qualification 23 Champions Cup 80000 6262,67 71000,00 77262,67 67069,02 2737 25 WUC 0 0,00 0,00 0,00 4099,43 0 29 Anti-Doping 27000 8107,11 21500,00 29607,11 20128,59 -2607 40 RACC 27000 0,00 2000,00 2000,00 26235,29 25000 Less than budgeted due to no RACC meeting held 2013 50 RC 34000 16535,71 5000,00 21535,71 28031,75 12464 60 Development 48000 20840,10 8000,00 28840,10 28588,11 19160 70 Material 110000 8607,67 116000,00 124607,67 140607,13 -14608 More testing costs due to the composite blade and MR 80 Marketing 33000 260,03 5000,00 5260,03 12149,62 27740 The real cost will be higher based on barter - this is the net cost 81 TV (included in CC and WFC) 13000 50,04 0,00 50,04 59,16 12950 82 Internet TV (included in EFC) 6000 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 6000 83 Information 53000 26909,33 17000,00 43909,33 15920,97 9091 Most of the cost is related to web and mob. app 89 MC 6700 135,14 3000,00 3135,14 3254,65 3565 91 AC 1000 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 1000 92 DC 1000 40,03 0,00 40,03 0,00 960 TOTAL CHF 1481500 605961,00 655500,00 1261461,00 1530585,76 220039 INCOME GA Budget 19.08.2013 31.12.2012 3011 Transfers 105000 20550,00 65000,00 85550,00 78450,00 -19450 Will be better than last year but not reach the original expectations 3012 Participation fees 238000 210500,00 15500,00 226000,00 223000,00 -12000 Less than budgeted due to no EFC Qualification 3013 Organizers fee 134000 45500,00 30000,00 75500,00 232500,00 -58500 Less than budgeted due to LOC handling of IFF travels etc 3015 Part.fees - non-competition 0 0,00 0,00 0,00 2691,19 0 3019 Temporary play 5000 1150,00 350,00 1500,00 2450,00 -3500 Number of temp.transfers much lower than expected 3210 Membership fees 152000 165000,00 0,00 165000,00 127000,00 13000 Better due to the raised membership fee 3219 Fines 5000 0,00 1950,00 1950,00 10600,00 -3050 3250 Sponsors & advertisements 198000 40240,03 60000,00 100240,03 175768,43 -97760 The real income will be higher based on barter - this is the net income 3260 TV 72000 0,00 72000,00 72000,00 88491,48 0 3261 Internet TV 8000 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 -8000 3300 Office support 189400 167586,50 0,00 167586,50 166530,70 -21814 3310 Development support 53100 6296,00 22700,00 28996,00 23350,30 -24104 Support from IOC and ARISF 3510 Sales 10000 35,00 35,00 8065,00 -9965 No IFF material (rinks, goal cages, flooring) sold this year 3860 Material approval income 300000 90066,75 190000,00 280066,75 291613,50 -19933 Partly due to valuta effects 3861 Material exemptions 3000 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 -3000 3899 Other incomes 9000 4899,76 2000,00 6899,76 0,00 -2100 8020 Interest 0 0,00 100,00 100,00 130,91 100 8080 Exchange rate gains 0 53,22 0,00 53,22 108,49 53 TOTAL CHF 1481500 751877,26 459600,00 1211477,26 1430750,00 -270023 RESULT CHF 0 145916,26 -195900,00 -49983,74 -99835,76 49984 CLAIMS PER NATION, CLUB, OTHER 31.12.2013 Updated per 19.08.2013 Appendix 4 2010 2011 2012 2013 TOTAL NATIONS Income U19 EFC WFC & MF MF Fines Other/WF Total U19 WFC WFC EFC MF Orgfee Other/ Total MF U19 2014 WFC U19 2012 Other/ WFC etc Total 2012 MF U19 2015 WFC EFC /CC U19 WFC WFC 2013 Total 2013 2010 2010 2009- U19 earlier earlier C-10 2010 2012 2012 2013 2011 U19 & 2011 2014 & 2013 U19 & Dec 2012 2015 2013 2013 Qualified, 2010 earlier WFCQ inc refs WFCQ refs,org refs, org 2011 2012 Argentina 500 500 0 0 0 500 0 0 500 1500 1500 1500 1500 4000 Armenia 1500 1500 0 0 0 1500 0 0 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 4500 Australia 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1000 0 1000 0 0 0 0 1000 Austria 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Belarus 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1500 1500 1500 Belgium 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Brazil 1500 1500 0 0 0 1500 0 0 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 6000 Canada 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1500 3000 2000 1212 0 7712 0 1200 4500 5700 13412 Czech Rep.
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