Leihmaterial Verlagsvertretungen Im Deutschsprachigen Raum Auswahl Aus Den Katalogen - Stand: Dezember 2009

Leihmaterial Verlagsvertretungen Im Deutschsprachigen Raum Auswahl Aus Den Katalogen - Stand: Dezember 2009

Leihmaterial Verlagsvertretungen im deutschsprachigen Raum Auswahl aus den Katalogen - Stand: Dezember 2009 - Komponist / Titel Instrumentation Dauer / Verlag Aaltoila, Heikki 1 Akselin ja Elinan häävalssiF 7' Fennica Wedding Waltz Adam, Adolph Charles 2 O Holy Night O 2 fl, ob, 2 cl, bn, 2 hn, hp, str 6' OUP Cantique de Noel Der Toreador (Schickele/Rumpel)C Chappell Buffo-Oper in 2 Akten Addison, John Inventions O OUP f Serenade for WindO Quintet and Harp fl, ob, cl, bn, hn, hp 18' OUP t Wellington Suite O timp, 2 perc, str [2 solo horns, solo piano] 16' OUP Aho, Kalevi a Chamber SymphonyF No. 3 alto saxophone and 20 strings 30' Fennica 2 Concerto for ClarinetF and Orchestra 2222/3221.barhn/01/1/str 30' Fennica 2 Concerto for FluteF and Orchestra 2222/32.barhn.21/02/1/str - soloist: flute (also alto flute) 31' Fennica 2 Concerto for SaxophoneF Quartet and Orchestra 28' Fennica Kellot 3 Hyönteiselämää F 3.2.heckelphone.3.asax.3-4.3.3.barhn.1-timp.perc(3)- 165' Fennica Insect Life (after Karel and Josef Capek) 2harp-strings-tape S The Key F Soloist: baritone Fennica Dramatic Monologue for Baritone and Chamber Orchestra fl/ca/bcl/bn/2hn/barhn/pianino/1perc/vn/va/vc/db Quintett F Fennica 3 The Rejoicing of theF Deep Water 3.3.3.asax.3- 10' Fennica Den Djupa Vattens Fest S Salaisuuksien KirjaF Soloists, mixed choir and orchestra: Fennica The book of secrets - Opera in One Act and Four Scenes 32.heck.33/4331/4perc/hp.pf(cel)/str 2 Symphony No. 9 F 2(II=picc).1.corA.1.bcl.asax.2(II=dbn)-2.2.1.barhn.1-timp. 32' Fennica Sinfonia Concertante No. 2 perc(2)-hpd(=cel)-strings Piccolo should have a low Db key if possible. Cor Anglais should have a low Eb key. 3 Symphony No.10 F 3.3.3.asax.3-4.3(I=soptrbn).4.barhn.1-timp.perc(2)-harp- Fennica strings S Symphony No.11 F Soloists: 6 solo percussion players 34' Fennica 22.heck.22/322.barhrn.1/str S Symphony No.12 F Soloists: soprano and tenor 52' Fennica (Luosto) 2+2picc.3+ca.3+bcl.3+cbn/4221/timp.perc/str, chamber orchestra: 11.asax.11/1000/str(33221) and 10 musicians (2hn, 2tpt, 2tbn, 4perc) I Šamaanit / The Shamans II Kaamos ja keskikesä / Midwinter and Midsummer III Laulu tunturissa / Song of the Fjeld IV Myrsky tunturissa / Storm on the Fjeld - 1 - Komponist / Titel Instrumentation Dauer / Verlag Aho, Kalevi (Forts.) 3 Symphony No.13 F 33.heck.3.asax.3/4331/timp.3perc/hp/pf.cel/str 42' Fennica Symph. Characterizations / Sinfonisia Luonnekuvia 1 Symphony No.14 F, Pk, Streicher 29' Fennica Syvien Vesien JuhlaF Fennica Three Tangos F 11' Fennica (1. version) Amner, John t O Ye Little Flock O tr viol/vln I, tr viol/vln Ia, ten viol/vln II [in lieu of vla I], 6' OUP ten viol I/vla I, ten viol II/vla II, ten viol III/vla III, bass viol/ cello Ansell, John 2 Plymouth Hoe C 2,1,2,1 - 2,2,3,0 - Pke., 2Schl. - Streicher 7' Chappell Arch, Gwyn D The Runaway ZooO Desc. and Tr. recorders, perc, violins and cello/guitar. 15' OUP Also piano and voices [These are parts for 3 optional instrumental interludes] Arne, Thomas Augustine Come Away DeathC 'Twelfth Night' Chappell 2 Concerto No.1 in OC Major 2 ob, bn, 2 hn(opt), 2 tpt(opt), timp(opt), str [solo kbd] 14' OUP 2 Concerto No.2 in OG Major 2 ob, str [solo kbd] 10' OUP 2 Concerto No.3 in OA Major 2 ob, str [solo kbd] 18' OUP 2 Concerto No.4 in OBb Major 2 ob, str [solo kbd] 12' OUP v Concerto No.5 in OG minor violin 1/ob 1, violin 2/ob 2, viola, basso [solo kbd] 6' OUP 2 Concerto No.6 in OBb Major 2 ob, str [solo kbd] 13' OUP 2 The Guardian OutwittedO [Overture] 2 ob (or 2 fl), 2 bn, 2 hn, str 10' OUP Nine ShakespeareC Songs Chappell Rule Britannia O 2 - (original version) 2 ob, bn, 2 tpt, timp, cont, str 6' OUP 3 - (arr. Sargent in Ab) 3 fl, 3 ob, 3 cl, 3 bn, 4 hn, 4 tpt, 3 tbn, tba, timp, perc, str 5' OUP [with optional organ in chorus part] 3 - (arr. Sargent in Bb) 3 fl, 3 ob, 3 cl, 3 bn, 4 hn, 4 tpt, 3 tbn, tba, timp, perc, str 5' OUP P - (arr. Wood) Picc.,1,1,2,2 - 4,2,3,1 - Orgel, Pke., Schl. - Streicher 3' Chappell 2 Symphony no.1 inO C 2 ob, bn, 2 hn, cont, str 9' OUP 2 Symphony no.2 inO F 2 ob, bn, 2 hn, cont, str 9' OUP 2 Symphony no.3 inO Eb 2 ob, 2 bn, 4 hn(2 in F + 2 in Eb), timp, cont, str 8' OUP 2 Symphony no.4 inO C Minor 2 fl, 2 ob, bn, 4 hn (2 in F, 1 in C + 1 in Eb), cont, str 11' OUP Arnold, Denis 3 Ten Venetian MotetsO 3. Merulo: Adoramus - 8 parts; 30' OUP 5. Bassano: Dic Nobis - 8. parts; 6. Bassano: Hodie - 9 parts; 7. Gabrieli: Ave regina - 9 parts; 8. Gabrieli: Hodie - 9 parts; 10. Gabrieli: Exultet - 20 parts. Orchestrations for string and/or brass instruments Arnold, Samuel s School and CrossbonesO str and pno (either together or separately) 70' OUP - 2 - Komponist / Titel Instrumentation Dauer / Verlag Astle, Phillip Pilgrimage O OUP Auber, Daniel O Fra Diavolo O Only Libretti on hire - English translation only OUP Bach, Carl Philipp Emanuel T Heilig Ist Gott O Two orchestras, each with 2 ob, bn, 3 tpt, timp, organ cont 6' OUP + str Keyboard ConcertoO No. 38 8' OUP Keyboard ConcertoO No. 39 8' OUP 2 Sonatina no. 5 H452O 2 fl, 2 hn, hpschd, str 15' OUP Bach, Johann Christian b Little Fugue in G SMinor (Lee Norris) brass quintet, timp, perc, harp, strings 4' Subito for Brass Quintet and Orchestra 1 Unsers Herzens FreudeO 13 parts doubling voices 8' OUP Bach, Johann Sebastian s And there were shepherdsO str and cont 6' OUP 2 Christmas OratorioO 2 fl, 2 ob [or oboe d’amore], 2 ca [or cl]. 3 tpt, timp, cont, str 6' OUP f Jesu, meine FreudeO [BWV 227] for 5 voices/5 instruments and chorus/chorus and organ. 6' OUP Motet plus extra basso continuo(see also separate vs for organ part) c Lobet den Herrn O continuo and optional instruments 8' OUP Praise ye the Lord 2 O Jesu Christ, meinsO Lebens Licht 2 liuti(in Bb or C)(*), 2 ob(opt), ca(opt), bn(opt), cont (org 6' OUP or hpschd), str 2 Präludium c-Moll B 2,2,3,2 - 4,3,3,1 - Pke. - Streicher 7' Belwin Orchestrierung: N.A.Goldberg f Prelude III/PreludeO IV fl, cl, marimba, violin, viola, cello 6' OUP o Sanctus in D O ob, continuo, str 3' OUP s Schmücke Dich O strings only [solo cello] 6' OUP (arr. cello/strings) 4 Toccata & FugueO in D Minor 4 fl (4th+Picc), 3 ob, ca, 3 cl, bcl, 3 bn, cbn, 6 hn, 4 tpt, 10' OUP arr.: Paul Klenovsky (= Henry Wood) 4 tbn, tba, timp, cel, glock, perc, organ, 2 hp, str 2 Zion hears/watchmenO 2 ob, ca, bn, str, cont ;OR str and cont only 6' OUP Bailey, Maurice 2 Alice in WonderlandO 2 fl, cl, hn (or cl 2), bn/cello, pno, opt perc and opt string 16' OUP quartet [Vocal score on sale] P The Elves and theO Shoemaker Performing material for this work is on sale only. Please 35' OUP apply to the Hire Library for performance permission. P Goldilocks and theO Three Bears Performing material for this work is on sale only. Please 30' OUP apply to the Hire Library for performance permission. Banfield, Raffaello de 3 Le Combat B 3,3,2,2 - 4,3,3,1 - Hfe., Pke., Schl. - Streicher 22' Belwin (Das Duell) 1948/49 - Ballett Barnard, John 2 God Has Come InO 2 fl, str 6' OUP Barry, Gerald 2 `______’ [1987 revision]O 2 cl(both+bcl), viola, cello, pno, marimba 12' OUP - 3 - Komponist / Titel Instrumentation Dauer / Verlag Barry, Gerald (Forts.) v `0/’ (Symbol) O violin, viola, cello and piano 25' OUP s 1998 O strings 20' OUP String Quartet v Affections [MusicO by Handel] violin, viola, cello and piano 30' OUP 2 Die bitteren TränenO der Petra von Kant 2 fl (I+picc, II+picc/alto), 2 ob (II+ca), 3 cl (I/II in Bflat/Eflat, 90' OUP (R.W. Fassbinder) III+bcl), 3 bn (III+cbn), 4 hn, 2 tpt in C (I+tpt in D), 3 tbn, The Bitter Tears of Petra Von Kant (d/e) 1 tba, timp, perc (2 players: marimba, vibra, side dr), pno, str 2 Bob O 2 cl(2nd+bcl), violin, cello, piano, marimba 10' OUP 2 Chevaux-de-frise O 2 fl(both+picc), ob, ca, 2 cl, 2 bn, 4 hn, 2 tpt, 3 tbn, tba, 19' OUP glock, pno, str;Promotional Study Score available on sale 2 Children Aged 10-17O 2 fl, 2 ob, 2 cl, 2 bn, 2 tpt, tbn, bass drum, 2 hp 7' OUP (2nd hp opt), str 3 Conquest of IrelandO 3 fl(2nd+picc, 3+picc/alto), 2 ob, ca, 2 cl, bcl, 3 bn 21' OUP (3rd+cbn), 4 hn, 3 tpt, 3 tbn, tba, 3 perc, pno, str f Dead March O fl (+ picc and alto), ob (+ ca), cl, bcl, bsn (+ cbsn), 2 hn, 15' OUP tpt, tbn, pno, 2 perc players (chimes/tubular bells, susp cymbals, s drum, large b drum), 2 vlns, vla, cello, dbass 2 Diner O 2 fl(both+picc), ob, ca, 2 cl, 2 bn, 4 hn, 2 tpt, 3 tbn, tba, 3' OUP b drum, pno, str 3 The Eternal RecurrenceO 3 fl+picc, ob, ca, cl, bcl, bn, cbn, 4 hn, 2 tpt, 3 tbn, tba, 20' OUP (Die Ewige Wiederkehr) perc, str 2 Flamboys O 2 fl (both+picc/alto fl), 2 ob (2nd+ca), 2 cl, bcl, 2 bn, cbn, 9' OUP 4 hn, 2 tpt, 3 tbn, tba, marimba, pno, str f From The IntelligenceO Park fl (+ picc), ob, cl, bn, hn, tpt, tbn, marimba (+ glock), pno, 10' OUP Formerly 'Of Queens’ Gardens' violin, viola, double bass f God Save The QueenO fl doubling picc, ob, cl, bass cl, bsn doubling contra bsn, 10' OUP 2 hn, tpt, bass tbn, 2 perc, 2 vln, vla, cello, bass f Hard D O fl(+picc/alto), hn, 3 sax, 3 tpt, 3 tbn, pno, double bass 14' OUP f The Intelligence ParkO fl(+picc&afl), 2 ob(both+ca), cl(+2bcl & Eb cl), bn(+cbn) 105' OUP hn, 2 tpt(1st+picc Bb tpt), tbn(+btbn), kbd player (pno/cel), 2 violins, viola, cello, double bass, tape s La Jalousie TaciturneO strings only 10' OUP V La Plus Forte O Voice – 3 flutes (I&II+piccolo, III+alto flute).3 oboes 25' OUP (III+cor anglais).3 clarinets (III+bass clarinet).

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